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Light diffraction patterns produced by single skeletal muscle fibers and small fiber bundles of Rana pipiens semitendinosus have been examined at rest and during tetanic contraction. The muscle diffraction patterns were recorded with a vidicon camera interfaced to a minicomputer. Digitized video output was analyzed on-line to determine mean sarcomere length, line intensity, and the distribution of sarcomere lengths. The occurrence of first-order line intensity and peak amplitude maxima at approximately 3.0 mum is interpreted in terms of simple scattering theory. Measurements made along the length of a singel fiber reveal small variations in calculated mean sarcomere length (SD about 1.2%) and its percent dispersion (2.1% +/- 0.8%). Dispersion in small multifiber preparations increases approximately linearly with fiber number (about 0.2% per fiber) to a maximum of 8-10% in large bundles. Dispersion measurements based upon diffraction line analysis are comparable to SDs calculated from length distribution histograms obtained by light micrography of the fiber. First-order line intensity decreases by about 40% during tetanus; larger multifibered bundles exhibit substantial increases in sarcomere dispersion during contraction, but single fibers show no appreciable dispersion change. These results suggest the occurrence of asynchronous static or dynamic axial disordering of thick filaments, with a persistence in long range order of sarcomere spacing during contraction in single fibers.  相似文献   

When relaxed striated muscle cells are stretched, a resting tension is produced which is thought to arise from stretching long, elastic filaments composed of titin (also called connectin). Here, I show that single skinned rabbit soleus muscle fibers produce resting tension that is several-fold lower than that found in rabbit psoas fibers. At sarcomere lengths where the slope of the resting tension-sarcomere length relation is low, electron microscopy of skinned fibers indicates that thick filaments move from the center to the side of the sarcomere during prolonged activation. As sarcomeres are stretched and the resting tension sarcomere length relation becomes steeper, this movement is decreased. The sarcomere length range over which thick filament movement decreases is higher in soleus than in psoas fibers, paralleling the different lengths at which the slope of the resting tension-sarcomere length relations increase. These results indicate that the large differences in resting tension between single psoas and soleus fibers are due to different tensions exerted by the elastic elements linking the end of each thick filament to the nearest Z-disc, i.e., the titin filaments. Quantitative gel electrophoresis of proteins from single muscle fibers excludes the possibility that resting tension is less in soleus than in psoas fibers simply because they have fewer titin filaments. A small difference in the electrophoretic mobility of titin between psoas and soleus fibers suggests the alternate possibility that mammalian muscle cells use at least two titin isoforms with differing elastic properties to produce variations in resting tension.  相似文献   

Rat obturator nerve 16S acetylcholinesterase (16S AChE) was separated by sucrose gradient velocity sedimentation and compared to the 16S form of AChE similarly derived from endplate regions of anterior gracilis muscles. The 16S AChE from both tissues could only be extracted in high ionic strength buffer; as it aggregated under low ionic strength conditions. Treatment of nerve and muscle 16S AChE with purified collagenase, in the presence of calcium, caused an identical shift in the enzyme's sedimentation coefficient to 17.5S. Other properties which were also equivalent for 16S AChE from both tissue sources included: an excess substrate inhibition above 2×10–3 M acetylcholine andK m of 1.6×10–4 M, relative sensitivity to the specific inhibitors BW284C51 (I50 of 5×10–8 M) and Iso-OMPA (I50 of 5×10–4 M), and a half maximal thermal inactivation at 62.5°C. These and additional results indicate that the 16S forms of AChE in both tissues are analogous molecules, which have a highly asymmetric conformation probably containing a collagen-like domain. The present findings are also consistent with the view that motor neurons provide at least a fraction of the 16S AChE present at the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

In vivo electroporation is increasingly being used to deliver small molecules as well as DNA to tissues. The aim of this study was to quantitatively investigate in vivo electroporation of skeletal muscle, and to determine the threshold for permeabilization. We designed a quantitative method to study in vivo electroporation, by measuring uptake of (51)Cr-EDTA. As electrode configuration influences electric field (E-field) distribution, we developed a method to calculate this. Electroporation of mouse muscle tissue was investigated using either external plate electrodes or internal needle electrodes placed 4 mm apart, and eight pulses of 99 micros duration at a frequency of 1 Hz. The applied voltage to electrode distance ratio was varied from 0 to 2.0 kV/cm. We found that: (1) the threshold for permeabilization of skeletal muscle tissue using short duration pulses was at an applied voltage to electrode distance ratio of 0.53 kV/cm (+/-0.03 kV/cm), corresponding to an E-field of 0.45 kV/cm; (2) there were two phases in the uptake of (51)Cr-EDTA, the first indicating increasing permeabilization and the second indicating beginning irreversible membrane damage; and (3) the calculated E-field distribution was more homogeneous for plate than for needle electrodes, which was reflected in the experimental results.  相似文献   

Phosphocreatine (PCr) and intracellular pH changes were monitored by 31P-NMR spectroscopy in isolated, arterially perfused cat biceps and soleus muscles, while the pH of the CO2-bicarbonate buffered perfusate was decreased from 7.1-7.4 to 6.4-6.7 by increasing the CO2 in the equilibrating gas from 5 to up to 70%. In biceps (fast twitch) muscles, intracellular pH decreased from 7.0 to 6.6 (30% CO2, 30 degrees C), peak tetanic force decreased by 8%, but the rise and relaxation times of tetanic were not significantly changed. In soleus muscles, intracellular pH decreased from 7.0 to 6.6 (30% CO2, 30 degrees C), peak tetanic force was unchanged, but the rise and relaxation times of tetani were increased by 27 and 112%, respectively. In both muscles greater decreases in tetanic force were observed during repetitive or ischemic stimulation, which resulted in intracellular pH similar to that produced by hypercapnia. Contrary to previous reports, there was no significant decrease in PCr level in either muscle type with decreased intracellular pH. In the soleus at 30 degrees C there was a significant increase in PCr level with decreased pH.  相似文献   

We investigated the recruitment behaviour of low threshold motor units in flexor digitorum superficialis by altering two biomechanical constraints: the load against which the muscle worked and the initial muscle length. The load was increased using isotonic (low load), loaded dynamic (intermediate load) and isometric (high load) contractions in two studies. The initial muscle position reflected resting muscle length in series A, and a longer length with digit III fully extended in series B. Intramuscular EMG was recorded from 48 single motor units in 10 experiments on five healthy subjects, 21 units in series A and 27 in series B, while subjects performed ramp up, hold and ramp down contractions. Increasing the load on the muscle decreased the force, displacement and firing rate of single motor units at recruitment at shorter muscle lengths (P<0.001, dependent t-test). At longer muscle lengths this recruitment pattern was observed between loaded dynamic and isotonic contractions, but not between isometric and loaded dynamic contractions. Thus, the recruitment properties of single motor units in human flexor digitorum superficialis are sensitive to changes in both imposed external loads and the initial length of the muscle.  相似文献   

Four muscle fibre types are described in the biceps and extensor digitorum communis muscles of the newt forelimb. The histological criteria forming the basis for the distinctions include differential staining with p-phenylenediamine and succinate dehydrogenase histochemistry and electron microscopy. In addition, three distinctive motor unit types are described for the biceps muscle. These are fast units, slow units and intermediate units. The structure of muscle fibre and the physiological characteristics of muscle fibres belonging to each motor unit, have been correlated by using iontophoretic passage of Lucifer yellow into muscle fibres belonging to physiologically characterized motor units and their subsequent histological identification by the succinate dehydrogenase reaction. The three motor unit types correspond to slow muscle fibres, intermediate muscle fibres and two classes of fast muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Comparative one-dimensional peptide maps were prepared by the electrophoresis of digests derived from treatment of desmins with Ca2+-activated muscle protease, trypsin, Staphylococcusaureus V8 protease, and cyanogen bromide. Desmins from adult mammalian skeletal and smooth muscles were very similar. Avian smooth muscle desmin, although homologous with respect to many peptides, was different from the mammalian smooth and skeletal desmins. The amino acid compositions of the three desmins were quite similar.  相似文献   

A motor model that consists of two Maxwell elements with a force generator and one Voigt element is proposed in this paper. The motor model can achieve a hyperbolic force-velocity relation when we alter weight functions applied to the Maxwell elements and the force generator. Rate coefficients are introduced to determine the weight function and to improve the motor performance and the time course of the motor force. The weight functions are used as a controller of the motor. We assume that the mechanical impulse applied to the motor affects the rate coefficients and found that the amount of the mechanical impulse is related to the amount of force depression following motor shortening and to the amount of force enhancement following motor stretching. The time courses of the motor force following shortening and stretching quantitatively resemble those in other muscle experiments. The maximum energy efficiency of the motor that we obtained was 50% with an ATP hydrolysis type and 25% with an AC-DC motor type.  相似文献   

Repetitive activation of a skeletal muscle results in potentiation of the twitch contractile response. Incompletely fused tetanic contractions similar to those evoked by voluntary activation may also be potentiated by prior activity. We aimed to investigate the role of stimulation frequency on the enhancement of unfused isometric contractions in rat medial gastrocnemius muscles in situ. Muscles set at optimal length were stimulated via the sciatic nerve with 50-micros duration supramaximal pulses. Trials consisted of 8 s of repetitive trains [5 pulses (quintuplets) 2 times per second or 2 pulses (doublets) 5 times per second] at 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 Hz. These stimulation frequencies represent a range over which voluntary activation would be expected to occur. When the frequency of stimulation was 20, 50, or 70 Hz, the peak active force (highest tension during a contraction - rest tension) of doublet contractions increased from 2.2 +/- 0.2, 4.1 +/- 0.4, and 4.3 +/- 0.5 to 3.1 +/- 0.3, 5.6 +/- 0.4, and 6.1 +/- 0.7 N, respectively. Corresponding measurements for quintuplet contractions increased from 2.2 +/- 0.2, 6.1 +/- 0.5, and 8.7 +/- 0.7 to 3.2 +/- 0.3, 7.3 +/- 0.6, and 9.0 +/- 0.7 N, respectively. Initial peak active force values were 27 +/- 1 and 61.5 +/- 5% of the maximal (tetanic) force for doublet and quintuplet contractions, respectively, at 80 Hz. With doublets, peak active force increased at all stimulation frequencies. With quintuplets, peak active force increased significantly for frequencies up to 60 Hz. Twitch enhancement at the end of the 8 s of repetitive stimulation was the same regardless of the pattern of stimulation during the 8 s, and twitch peak active force returned to prestimulation values by 5 min. These experiments confirm that activity-dependent potentiation is evident during repeated, incompletely fused tetanic contractions over a broad range of frequencies. This observation suggests that, during voluntary motor unit recruitment, derecruitment or decreased firing frequency would be necessary to achieve a fixed (submaximal) target force during repeated isometric contractions over this time period.  相似文献   

In striated muscle, force generation and phosphate (P(i)) release are closely related. Alterations in the [P(i)] bathing skinned fibers have been used to probe key transitions of the mechanochemical coupling. Accuracy in this kind of studies is reduced, however, by diffusional barriers. A new perfusion technique is used to study the effect of [P(i)] in single or very thin bundles (1-3 microM in diameter; 5 degrees C) of rabbit psoas myofibrils. With this technique, it is possible to rapidly jump [P(i)] during contraction and observe the transient and steady-state effects on force of both an increase and a decrease in [P(i)]. Steady-state isometric force decreases linearly with an increase in log[P(i)] in the range 500 microM to 10 mM (slope -0.4/decade). Between 5 and 200 microM P(i), the slope of the relation is smaller ( approximately -0.07/decade). The rate constant of force development (k(TR)) increases with an increase in [P(i)] over the same concentration range. After rapid jumps in [P(i)], the kinetics of both the force decrease with an increase in [P(i)] (k(Pi(+))) and the force increase with a decrease in [P(i)] (k(Pi(-))) were measured. As observed in skinned fibers with caged P(i), k(Pi(+)) is about three to four times higher than k(TR), strongly dependent on final [P(i)], and scarcely modulated by the activation level. Unexpectedly, the kinetics of force increase after jumps from high to low [P(i)] is slower: k(Pi(-)) is indistinguishable from k(TR) measured at the same [P(i)] and has the same calcium sensitivity.  相似文献   

Associations were quantified between the control force and fatigue-induced force decline in 22 single fast-twitch-fatigable motor units of 5 deeply anesthetized adult cats. The units were subjected to intermittent stimulation at 1 train/s for 360 s. Two stimulation patterns were delivered in a pseudo-random manner. The first was a 500-ms train with constant interpulse intervals. The second pattern had the same number of stimuli, mean stimulus rate, and stimulus duration, but the stimulus pulses were rearranged to increase the force produced by the units in the control (prefatigue) state. The associations among the control peak tetanic force of these units, 3 indices of fatigue, and total cumulative force during fatiguing contractions were dependent, in part, on the stimulation pattern used to produce fatigue. The associations were also dependent, albeit to a lesser extent, on the force measure (peak vs. integrated) and the fatigue index used to quantify fatigue. It is proposed that during high-force fatiguing contractions, neural mechanisms are potentially available to delay and reduce the fatigue of fast-twitch-fatigable units for brief, but functionally relevant, periods. In contrast, the fatigue of slow-twitch fatigue-resistant units seems more likely to be controlled largely, if not exclusively, by metabolic processes within their muscle cells.  相似文献   

Although skeletal muscle sympathetic nerve activity plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone and glucose metabolism, relatively little is known about regional norepinephrine (NE) kinetics in the skeletal muscle. With use of the dialysis technique, we implanted dialysis probes in the adductor muscle of anesthetized rabbits and examined whether dialysate NE and its metabolites were influenced by local administration of pharmacological agents through the dialysis probes. Dialysate dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) were measured as two major metabolites of NE. The skeletal muscle dialysate NE, DHPG and MHPG were 11.7+/-1.2, 38.1+/-3.2, and 266.1+/-28.7 pg/ml, respectively. Basal dialysate NE levels were suppressed by tetrodotoxin (Na(+) channel blocker, 10 microM) (5.1+/-0.6 pg/ml), and augmented by desipramine (NE uptake blocker, 100 microM) (25.8+/-3.2 pg/ml). Basal dialysate DHPG levels were suppressed by pargyline (monoamine oxidase blocker, 1mM) (24.3+/-4.6 pg/ml) and augmented by reserpine (vesicle NE transport blocker, 10 microM) (75.8+/-2.7 pg/ml). Basal dialysate MHPG levels were not affected by pargyline, reserpine, or desipramine. Addition of tyramine (sympathomimetic amine, 600 microM), KCl (100 mM), and ouabain (Na(+)-K(+) ATPase blocker, 100 microM) caused brisk increases in dialysate NE levels (200.9+/-14.2, 90.6+/-25.7, 285.3+/-46.8 pg/ml, respectively). Furthermore, increases in basal dialysate NE levels were correlated with locally administered desipramine (10, 100 microM). Thus, dialysate NE and its metabolite were affected by local administration of pharmacological agents that modified sympathetic nerve endings function in the skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle microdialysis with local administration of a pharmacological agent provides information about NE release, uptake, vesicle uptake and degradation at skeletal muscle sympathetic nerve endings.  相似文献   

The actions of the nitric oxide (NO) donors 1-hydroxy-2-oxo-3-(N-methyl-3-aminopropyl)-3 methyl-1-triazine (NOC-7), S-nitrosoacetylcysteine (CySNO) and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) on the purified calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor) of rabbit skeletal muscle were determined by single channel current recordings. In addition, the activation of the NO donor modulated calcium release channel by the sulfhydryl oxidizing organic mercurial compound 4-(chloromercuri)phenylsulfonic acid (4-CMPS) was investigated. NOC-7 (0.1 and 0.3 mM) and CySNO (0.4 and 0.8 mM) increased the open probability (P(o)) of the calcium release channel at activating calcium concentrations (20-100 microM Ca(2+)) by 60-100%, with no effect on the current amplitude; this activation was abolished by the specific sulfhydryl reducing agent DTT. High concentrations of CySNO (1.6-2 mM) decreased P(o). Activation by GSNO (1 mM) was observed in two thirds of the experiments, but 2 mM and 4 mM GSNO markedly reduced P(o) at activating Ca(2+) (20-100 microM). In contrast to 4-CMPS, NOC-7 or GSNO had no effect at subactivating free Ca(2+) (0.6 microM). 4-CMPS further increased the open probability of NOC-7- or CySNO-stimulated channels and reversed transiently the reduced open probability of CySNO or GSNO inhibited channels at activating free Ca(2+). High concentrations of GSNO did not prevent channel activation of 4-CMPS at subactivating free Ca(2+). The NOC-7-, CySNO- or GSNO-modified channels were completely blocked by ruthenium red. It is suggested that nitrosylation/oxidation of sulfhydryls by NO donors and oxidation of sulfhydryls by 4-CMPS affect different cysteine residues essential in the gating of the calcium release channel.  相似文献   

Increasing the intramuscular stores of total creatine [TCr = creatine (Cr) + creatine phosphate (CrP)] can result in improved muscle performance during certain types of exercise in humans. Initial uptake of Cr is accompanied by an increase in cellular water to maintain osmotic balance, resulting in a decrease in myoplasmic ionic strength. Mechanically skinned single fibers from rat soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were used to examine the direct effects on the contractile apparatus of increasing [Cr], increasing [Cr] plus decreasing ionic strength, and increasing [Cr] and [CrP] with no change in ionic strength. Increasing [Cr] from 19 to 32 mM, accompanied by appropriate increases in water to maintain osmolality, had appreciable beneficial effects on contractile apparatus performance. Compared with control conditions, both SOL and EDL fibers showed increases in Ca2+ sensitivity (+0.061 ± 0.004 and +0.049 ± 0.009 pCa units, respectively) and maximum Ca2+-activated force (to 104 ± 1 and 105 ± 1%, respectively). In contrast, increasing [Cr] alone had a small inhibitory effect. When both [Cr] and [CrP] were increased, there was virtually no change in Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus, and maximum Ca2+-activated force was 106 ± 1% compared with control conditions in both SOL and EDL fibers. These results suggest that the initial improvement in performance observed with Cr supplementation is likely due in large part to direct effects of the accompanying decrease in myoplasmic ionic strength on the properties of the contractile apparatus. ergogenic aid; muscle contraction; fatigue  相似文献   

1. The presence of extravascular carbonic anhydrase activity in skeletal muscle, and its absence from cardiac muscle, were demonstrated in the rat. 2. The activity in skeletal muscle is approximately correlated with the proportion of dark fibres present in the middle fibre bundles.  相似文献   

Sarcomere length and first-order diffraction line width were measured by laser diffraction during elongation of activated frog tibialis anterior muscle fiber bundles (i.e., eccentric contraction) at nominal fiber strains of 10, 25, or 35% (n = 18) for 10 successive contractions. Tetanic tension, measured just before each eccentric contraction, differed significantly among strain groups and changed dramatically during the 10-contraction treatment (P < 0.01). Average maximum tetanic tension for the three groups measured before any treatment was 203.7 +/- 6.8 kN/m2, but after the 10-eccentric contraction sequence decreased to 180.3 +/- 3.8, 125.1 +/- 7.8, and 78.3 +/- 5.1 kN/m2 for the 10, 25, and 35% strain groups, respectively (P < 0.0001). Addition of 10 mM caffeine to the bathing medium decreased the loss of tetanic tension in the 10% strain group but had only a minimal effect on either the 25 or 35% strain groups. Diffraction pattern line width, a measure of sarcomere length heterogeneity, increased significantly with muscle activation and then continued to increase with successive stretches of the activated muscle. Line width increase after each stretch was significantly correlated with the lower yield tension of the successive contractile record. These data demonstrate a direct association and, perhaps, a causal relationship between sarcomere strain and fiber bundle injury. They also demonstrate that muscle injury is accompanied by a progressive increase in sarcomere length heterogeneity, yielding lower yield tension as injury progresses.  相似文献   

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