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Soil isolates of Pseudomonas stutzeri have been shown previously to acquire genes by natural transformation. In this study a marine isolate, Pseudomonas stutzeri strain ZoBell, formerly Pseudomonas perfectomarina, was also shown to transform naturally. Transformation was detected by the Juni plate method and frequencies of transformation were determined by filter transformation procedures. Maximum frequencies of transformation were detected for three independent antibiotic resistance loci. Transformation frequencies were on the order of 4×10-5 transformants per recipient, a frequency over 100 times that of spontancous antibiotic resistance. Transfer of antibiotic resistance was inhibited by DNase I digestion. Marine isolates achieved maximum competence 14 h after transfer of exponential cultures to filters on solid media, although lower levels of competence were detected immediately following filter immobilization. Like soil isolates, P. stutzeri strain ZoBell is capable of cell contact transformation, but unlike soil isolates where transformation frequencies are greater for cell contact transformation as compared to transformation with purified DNA, the maximum frequency of transformation achieved by cell contact in the marine strain was approximately 10-fold less than transformation frequencies with purified DNA. These studies establish the first marine model for the study of natural transformation.This paper is dedicated to John L. Ingraham, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology at the University of California, Davis. Professor Ingraham was the first person to recognize natural transformation in Pseudomonas stutzeri and has continued to contribute to our understanding of the process over the past eight years. This understanding of the genetics of P. stutzeri is only one of the many areas of microbiology to which Professor Ingraham has contributed in his exceptional career  相似文献   

Both the soil isolate,Pseudomonas stutzeri JM300, and the marine isolate,Pseudomonas stutzeri strain ZoBell, have been shown previously to be naturally transformable. This study reports the detection of genetic exchange by natural transformation between these two isolates. Transformation frequency was determined by filter transformation procedures. Three independent antibiotic resistance loci were used as chromosomal markers to monitor this exchange event: resistance to rifampicin, streptomycin, and nalidixic acid. The maximum frequencies of transformation were on the order of 3.1 to 3.8×10-6 transformants per recipient; frequencies over an order of magnitude greater than those for spontaneous antibiotic resistance, although they are lower than those observed for soil: soil or marine: marine strain crosses. This exchange was inhibited by DNase I. Transformation was observed between soil and marine strains, both by filter transformation using purified DNA solutions and when transforming DNA was added in the form of viable donor cells. The results from this study support the close genetic relationship betweenP. stutzeri JM300 andP. stutzeri strain ZoBell. These results also further validate the utility ofP. stutzeri as a benchmark organism for modeling gene transfer by natural transformation in both soil and marine habitats.  相似文献   

The natural transformation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BD413 (trp E27) was characterized with respect to features that might be important for a possible gene transfer by extracellular DNA in natural environments. Transformation of competent cells with chromosomal DNA (marker trp +) occurred in aqueous solutions of single divalent cations. Uptake of DNA into the DNase I-resistant state but not the binding of DNA to cells was strongly stimulated by divalent cations. An increase of transformation of nearly 3 orders of magnitude was obtained as a response to the presence of 0.25 mM Ca2+. With CaCl2 solutions the transformation frequencies approached the highest values obtained under standard broth conditions, followed by MnCl2 and MgCl2. It is concluded that transformation requires divalent cations. DNA competition experiments showed that A. calcoaceticus does not discriminate between homologous and heterologous DNA. Furthermore, circular plasmid DNA competed with chromosomal DNA fragments and vice versa. The equally efficient transformation with plasmid pKT210 isolated from A. calcoaceticus or Escherichia coli indicated absence of DNA restriction in transformation. High efficiency plasmid transformation was obtained in samples of non-sterile natural groundwater and in non-sterile extracts of fresh and air-dried soil. Heat-treatment (10 min, 80°C) of the non-sterile liquid samples increased transformation only in the dried soil extract, probably by inactivation of DNases. The results presented suggest that competent cells of A. calcoaceticus can take up free high molecular weight DNA including plasmids of any source in natural environments such as soil, sediment or groundwater.  相似文献   

Summary The development of an efficient and homologous transformation system for Aspergillus oryzae is described. This is based on nitrate reductase (niaD) of the nitrate assimilation pathway. The niaD system offers a number of inherent advantages over many other systems and may be of general use for nitrate-utilising filamentous fungi. Transformation frequencies of up to 800 transformants per microgram DNA are observed with A. oryzae. The preponderance of integration events take place at the resident niaD locus either by gene conversion (41%), single integration (23%) or multiple tandem integration (36%). Heterologous expression of the A. oryzae niaD gene in the filamentous fungi A. nidulans, A. niger and Penicillum chrysogenum is observed. That heterologous putative niaD hybridisation signals are seen with other fungal DNAs affords the oppotunity to isolate the corresponding niaD from various fungi in order to develop homolgous transformation. Co-transformation with the introduction of the non-selected markers pyrG, tub-2, and uidA has been achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract Transfer of plasmid RP4p from introduced Pseudomonas fluorescens to a co-introduced recipient strain or to members of the indigenous bacterial population was studied in four different soils of varying texture planted with wheat. Donor and recipient strains showed good survival in the four soils throughout the experiment. The numbers of transconjugants found in donor and recipient experiments in two soils, Ede loamy sand and Löss silt loam were significantly higher in the rhizosphere than in corresponding bulk soil. In the remaining two soils, Montrond and Flevo silt loam, transconjugant numbers were not significantly higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil.
The combined utilization of a specific bacteriophage eliminate the donor strain and the pat sequence as a specific marker to detect RP4p was found to be very efficient in detecting indigenous transconjugants under various environmental conditions. The numbers of indigenous transconjugants were consistently higher in rhizosphere than bull soil. A significant rhizosphere effect on transconjugant numbers of transconjugants were recovered from Flevo and Montrond silt loam; these soils possess characteristics such as clay or organic matter contents which may be favorable to conjugation.  相似文献   

Female Apcmin/+ mice carrying the BALB/c variant of Prkdc or heterozygous knockout for Xrcc2, were sham- or 2 Gy X-irradiated as adults to compare the effect of mild impairments of double–strand break (DSB) repair pathways, non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) respectively on spontaneous and radiation–induced mammary and intestinal tumorigenesis. Mice with impaired NHEJ showed no difference in incidence of spontaneous mammary tumours, compared with matched controls, (2.46 fold, P = 0.121) and significantly less following irradiation (radiation–induced excess; 0.35 fold, P = 0.008). In contrast mice with impaired HR presented with significantly less spontaneous mammary tumours than matched controls (0.33 fold, P = 0.027) and significantly more following irradiation (radiation-induced excess; 3.3 fold, P = 0.016). Spontaneous and radiation-induced intestinal adenoma multiplicity in the same groups were significantly greater than matched controls for mice with impaired NHEJ (sham; 1.29 fold, P < 0.001, radiation–induced excess; 2.55 fold, P < 0.001) and mice with impaired HR showed no significant differences (sham; 0.92 fold, P = 0.166, radiation-induced excess; 1.16, P = 0.274). Genetic insertion events were common in spontaneous tumours from NHEJ impaired mice compared with matched controls. γH2AX foci analysis suggests a significantly faster rate of DSB repair (MANOVA P < 0.001) in intestinal than mammary tissue; apoptosis was also higher in irradiated intestine.To conclude, results suggest that pathway of choice for repair of spontaneous and radiation-induced DSBs is influenced by tissue type. NHEJ appears to play a greater role in DSB repair in intestinal tissue since impairment by functional change of Prkdc significantly increases the rate of mis-repair in intestinal but not mammary tissue. HR appears to play a greater role in DSB repair in adult mammary tissue since impaired HR results in significant changes in mammary but not in the intestinal tumorigenesis. This indicates that early DNA damage response and repair is important for cancer susceptibility and plays a role in determining tissue specificity of cancer risk.  相似文献   

With fewer than 8000 genes and a minimalist cellular organization, the green picoalga Ostreococcus tauri is one of the simplest photosynthetic eukaryotes. Ostreococcus tauri contains many plant‐specific genes but exhibits a very low gene redundancy. The haploid genome is extremely dense with few repeated sequences and rare transposons. Thanks to the implementation of genetic transformation and vectors for inducible overexpression/knockdown this picoeukaryotic alga has emerged in recent years as a model organism for functional genomics analyses and systems biology. Here we report the development of an efficient gene targeting technique which we use to knock out the nitrate reductase and ferritin genes and to knock in a luciferase reporter in frame to the ferritin native protein. Furthermore, we show that the frequency of insertion by homologous recombination is greatly enhanced when the transgene is designed to replace an existing genomic insertion. We propose that a natural mechanism based on homologous recombination may operate to remove inserted DNA sequences from the genome.  相似文献   

A new species of strictly anaerobic chytridiomycete was isolated from dried faeces of the Saharian ass that had been stored for up to 150 days. Because of its monocentric thallus and uniflagellate zoospores it belongs to the genus Piromyces. It exhibits a high affinity for P. mae and P. dumbonica but differs from them in its morphological and ultrastructural characteristics. Its flagellar apparatus is similar to that of all previously reported fungi.  相似文献   

Here we show that horizontal transfer of DNA, extracted from transgenic sugar beets, to bacteria, based on homologous recombination, can occur in soil. Restoration of a 317-bp-deleted nptII gene in Acinetobacter sp. strain BD413(pFG4) cells incubated in sterile soil microcosms was detected after addition of nutrients and transgenic plant DNA encoding a functional nptII gene conferring bacterial kanamycin resistance. Selective effects of the addition of kanamycin on the population dynamics of Acinetobacter sp. cells in soil were found, and high concentrations of kanamycin reduced the CFU of Acinetobacter sp. cells from 10(9) CFU/g of soil to below detection. In contrast to a chromosomal nptII-encoded kanamycin resistance, the pFG4-generated resistance was found to be unstable over a 31-day incubation period in vitro.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to assess if corn (Zea mays L.) can enhance phenanthrene degradation in two soils inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. UG14Lr. Corn increased the number of UG14Lr cells in both soils, especially in the acidic soiL Phenanthrene was degraded to a greater extent in UG14Lr-inoculated or corn-planted soils than uninoculated and unplanted soils. The spiked phenanthrene was completely removed within 70 days in all the treatments in slightly alkaline soil. However, in acidic soil, complete phenanthrene removal was found only in the corn-planted treatments. The shoot and root lengths of corn grown in UG14Lr-inoculated soils were not different from those in non-inoculated soil between the treatments. The results showed that in unplanted soil, low pH adversely affected the survival and phenanthrene degradation ability of UG14Lr. Planting of corn significantly enhanced the survival of UG14Lr cells in both the bulk and rhizospheric soil, and this in turn significantly improved phenanthrene degradation in acidic soil. Re-inoculation of UG14Lr in the acidic soil increased the number of UG14Lr cells and enhanced phenanthrene degradation in unplanted soil. However, in corn-planted acidic soils, re-inoculation of UG14Lr did not further enhance the already active phenanthrene degradation occurring in both the bulk or rhizospheric soils.  相似文献   

A novel bacterium, strain SZ28, identified as Acinetobacter sp., showed anaerobic denitrification ability using Mn(II) as the electron donor. Nitrate-nitrogen concentration decreased from nearly 16.52–mg L?1 to 4.4–mg L?1, without accumulation of nitrite as an intermediate, with a maximum of 0.063–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1, reaching a peak of 0.085–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1 in sodium acetate. The nitrate removal rate reached 0.067–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1, 0.059–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1, and 0.078 mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1 using Mn(II), S(II), and Fe(II) as electron donors, respectively. The optimum pH was 6.0, with a removal rate of 0.063–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1  相似文献   

Solutions from the washing of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soil with a variety of commercial nonionic or anionic surfactants were incubated with Pseudomonas sp. LB400 in an attempt to remediate the soil and destroy the PCBs. Nonionic surfactants washed more PCBs from the soil (up to 89%) but inhibited their biodegradation. Anionic surfactants washed less PCBs from the soil but were more effective in biodegradation tests, removing up to 67% of total PCBs.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to apply a group specific PCR system followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis to evaluate the effect of oil contamination and the biostimulation process on the diversity of Pseudomonas populations in soil ecosystems. METHODS AND RESULTS: Direct DNA extraction from biostimulated- and oil-contaminated soil samples was performed. Primers specific for the genus Pseudomonas spp. were used to amplify 16S rRNA genes and then a semi-nested PCR reaction was applied to obtain smaller fragments for comparing the PCR products by DGGE. Whether in bulk, oil-contaminated or biostimulated soils, the DGGE profiles revealed little change in Pseudomonas community throughout the 270 days of experiment. The presence of a few additional bands observed only in treated samples indicated that a bacterial shift occurred with the addition of nutrients and with oil contamination. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The combination of semi-nested PCR and DGGE was found to be a rapid and sensitive technique to study the diversity within the genus Pseudomonas and may be suitable for further studies concerning the role of this bacterial group in large-scale oil-contaminated areas.  相似文献   

The survival of two different pentachlorophenol (PCP)-degrading bacteria were studied in natural soil. The PCP-degraders Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus and Flavobacterium sp., both able to mineralize PCP into CO2 and chloride in axenic culture, were tested for the capacity to survive and degrade PCP in natural soil. These bacteria were immobilized on polyurethane (PUR) foam and introduced into natural peaty soil to give about 109 cells g-1 of soil (dry weight). R. chlorophenolicus induced PCP-degrading activity in soil remained detectable for 200 days whether or not a carbon source was added (distillery waste or wood chips). Electron microscopic investigation performed almost a year after inoculation, revealed the presence of R. chlorophenolicus-like cells in the PUR foam particles. PCP-degrading activity of Flavobacterium sp. declined within 60 days of burial in the soil without enhancing the PCP removal. R. chlorophenolicus degraded PCP in soil at a mean rate of 3.7 mg of PCP day-1 kg-1 of soil, which corresponds to ca. 5×10-3 pg of PCP degraded per inoculated R. chlorophenolicus cell day-1. The solvent extractable organic chlorine contents of the soil decreased stoichiometrically (>95%) with that of PCP indicating that PCP was essentially mineralized.Abbreviations ATCC American type culture collection - DSM Deutsche Sammlung für Mikroorganismen - DW distillery waste - EM electron microscopy - EOX extractable organic halogen - GC/ECD gas chromatograph/electron capture detector - GC/MS gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer - PCP pentachlorophenol - WC wood chips - d.wt. dry weight - w.wt. wet weight - d.s. dry soil - d.H2O distilled water - PCA polychlorinated aromatics  相似文献   

The population dynamics, genotypic diversity and activity of naturally-occurring 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG)-producing Pseudomonas spp. was investigated for four plant species (wheat, sugar beet, potato, lily) grown in two different soils. All four plant species tested, except lily and in some cases wheat, supported relatively high rhizosphere populations (5 x 10(4) to 1 x 10(6) CFU/g root) of indigenous DAPG-producing Pseudomonas spp. during successive cultivation in both a take-all suppressive and a take-all conducive soil. Although lily supported on average the highest population densities of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp., it was the least supportive of DAPG-producing Pseudomonas spp. of all four plant species. The genotypic diversity of 492 DAPG-producing Pseudomonas isolates, assessed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of the phlD gene, revealed a total of 7 genotypes. Some of the genotypes were found only in the rhizosphere of a specific plant, whereas the predominant genotypes were found at significantly higher frequencies in the rhizosphere of three plant species (wheat, sugar beet and potato). Statistical analysis of the phlD(+) genotype frequencies showed that the diversity of the phlD(+) isolates from lily was significantly lower than the diversity of phlD(+) isolates found on wheat, sugar beet or potato. Additionally, soil type had a significant effect on both the phlD(+) population density and the phlD(+) genotype frequencies, with the take-all suppressive soil being the most supportive. HPLC analysis further showed that the plant species had a significant effect on DAPG-production by the indigenous phlD(+) population: the wheat and potato rhizospheres supported significantly higher amounts of DAPG produced per cell basis than the rhizospheres of sugar beet and lily. Collectively, the results of this study showed that the host plant species has a significant influence on the dynamics, composition and activity of specific indigenous antagonistic Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   

硫对土壤重金属形态转化及植物有效性的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

The effects of malachite green (MG) on the bacterial community in Antarctic soil were assessed. Culture-independent community analysis using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing showed that, in the presence of MG, the relative abundance of Pseudomonas dramatically increased from 2.2 % to 36.6 % (16.6-fold), and Pseudomonas became the predominant genus. The reduction in bacterial biodiversity was demonstrated by diversity indices and rarefaction curves. MG-degrading Pseudomonas sp. MGO was isolated from Antarctic soil. MG tolerance and decolorization activity were confirmed by growth, spectrophotometric, high-performance liquid chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography analyses in high MG concentrations. Our data showed that the decolorization process occurred via biodegradation, while biosorption also occurred after some time during the fed-batch decolorization process. Significant inductions in laccase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide–2,6 dichlorophenol indophenol reductase, and MG reductase activities suggested their involvement in the decolorization process. We also showed that the high tolerance of strain MGO to toxic MG might be mediated by upregulation of oxidative stress defense systems such as superoxide dismutase and protease. Collectively, these results demonstrated the response of the Antarctic soil bacterial community to MG and provided insight into the molecular mechanism of MG-tolerant Pseudomonas strains isolated from Antarctic soil.  相似文献   

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