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We analysed linear measurements on various parts of the body and the configuration of 11 landmarks on the wing in a large sample of Ephedrus persicae that had emerged from 13 aphid host species, to assess whether static allometry (a measure of the scaling relationship between traits in a population of individuals at the same ontogenetic stage) accounts for variation in body shape. The analysed specimens came from several localities in Europe, Asia Minor, Japan and South America, and cover a large portion of the distribution area of E. persicae. We found that allometry accounts for variation in body shape among different biotypes within the E. persicae group. The allometric slopes for head size (HD), petiolus width (PETW), mesoscutum width (MSC), and ovipositor sheath length (OVPL) diverged significantly among biotypes, indicating biotype-specific allometries. The analysis of allometric variation in wing shape showed that the pattern and direction of allometric changes also differed among individuals that had emerged from different hosts. Our results (observed divergences in the directions of allometric slopes of particular morphometric traits and wing shape) suggest that allometric relations within E. persicae are not conserved, so that allometry itself changes, evolving differently in aphid parasitoids that emerge from different hosts.  相似文献   

The evolution of aggression: can selection generate variability?   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Three models--the war of attrition, the size game and the badges of dominance game--are described, in which natural selection can maintain genetic variability for aggression. The models differ in whether or not the traits that settle contests are costly in contexts other than fighting, and also in whether signals are used. It is concluded that contests will be settled by non-costly traits only if the value of the contested resource is small relative to the cost of fighting, and that 'honest' signalling of aggressiveness is stable only if individuals giving signals that are inconsistent with their behaviour suffer costs. The literature on 'badges of dominance' in birds is reviewed. New data on great tits, greenfinches and corn buntings show that there is plumage variability within age and sex that sometimes serves to settle contests, and that, in the first two species but not the third, the badges are uncorrelated with size, and settle contests only over trivial resources.  相似文献   

Neuronal variability: noise or part of the signal?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sensory, motor and cortical neurons fire impulses or spikes at a regular, but slowly declining, rate in response to a constant current stimulus. Yet, the intervals between spikes often vary randomly during behaviour. Is this variation an unavoidable effect of generating spikes by sensory or synaptic processes ('neural noise') or is it an important part of the 'signal' that is transmitted to other neurons? Here, we mainly discuss this question in relation to sensory and motor processes, as the signals are best identified in such systems, although we also touch on central processes.  相似文献   

This review is based on 58 climate-fisheries models published over the last 28 years that describe the impacts of fishery pressure and environmental variability on populations and ecosystems and include basic principles of population dynamics. It points out that the incorporation of environmental factors in fishery models has already been done and is of great importance for future models used in the assessment of marine resources. The work is guided by the questions to what extent have these models a) enhanced our understanding of the interrelationships between the environment, the fishery and the state of the exploited resources and b) helped to improve the prediction of population dynamics and the assessment of marine resources. For each of the six most commonly used model categories a case study is critically analyzed. The problems of “breaking relationships” between environmental factors and the biological response used in models, the trade-off between model complexity (realism) and simplicity (data availability) and the potential of multivariate climate indices for forecasting ecosystem states and for use as proxies for combined models are discussed, as are novel non-linear and spatially explicit modeling approaches. Approaches differ in terms of model complexity, use of linear or non-linear equations, number of parameters, forecast time horizon and type of resource modelled. A majority of the models were constructed for fish and invertebrate stocks of the northeast Pacific and the epicontinental seas of the Atlantic, reflecting the advancement of fisheries science in these regions. New, in parts highly complex models and sophisticated approaches were identified. The reviewed studies demonstrate that the performance of fished stocks can better be described if environmental or climatic variability is incorporated into the fisheries models. We conclude that due to the already available knowledge, the greatly enhanced computer power, new methods and recent findings of large-scale climatic/oceanographic cycles, fisheries modeling should progress greatly in the coming years.  相似文献   

We examine the variability of riverine fish assemblages in terms of assemblage stability (i.e. variability of numbers of individuals within species over time and variability of assemblage total density), assemblage persistence, and assemblage species richness using data from a 9-yr survey of 27 sites within 18 coastal streams of North-western France. To do so, we test a hypothesized directional model for the expected relationships between environmental variability, assemblage variability, assemblage persistence, and assemblage species richness: 1) environmental variability within a given system is likely to generate variable local population size within this system, thus increasing local assemblages variability; 2) environmental variability should increase extinction rates (or, under constant colonization rates, decrease persistence), because the more population sizes vary within an assemblage, the more likely they are to become zero in some period of time; 3) assemblage variability should reduce assemblage species richness by increasing extinction rates within populations composing these assemblages. Results are compatible with our starting hypotheses and show that assemblage variability increased with environmental variability (i.e. discharge variability), that assemblage persistence decreased with environmental variability, and that species richness decreased with assemblage variability after environmental factors were controlled for. Thus, disturbance regimes, in our case, can alter the stability properties of assemblages and extrinsic determinants of assemblage variability may be an important determinant of assemblage species richness. These results have important conservation and management implications, due to the strong impact of river regulation on flow regimes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between 13C of ecosystem components, soluble plant carbohydrates and the isotopic signature of ecosystem respired CO2 (13CR) during seasonal changes in soil and atmospheric moisture in a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest in the central Apennine mountains, Italy. Decrease in soil moisture and increase in air vapour pressure deficit during summer correlated with substantial increase in 13C of leaf and phloem sap soluble sugars. Increases in 13C of ecosystem respired CO2 were linearly related to increases in phloem sugar 13C (r2=0.99, P0.001) and leaf sugar 13C (r2=0.981, P0.01), indicating that a major proportion of ecosystem respired CO2 was derived from recent assimilates. The slopes of the best-fit lines differed significantly (P0.05), however, and were about 0.86 (SE=0.04) for phloem sugars and about 1.63 (SE=0.16) for leaf sugars. Hence, changes in isotopic signature in phloem sugars were transferred to ecosystem respiration in the beech forest, while leaf sugars, with relatively small seasonal changes in 13C, must have a slower turnover rate or a significant storage component. No significant variation in 13C was observed in bulk dry matter of various plant and ecosystem components (including leaves, bark, wood, litter and soil organics). The apparent coupling between the 13C of soluble sugars and ecosystem respiration was associated with large apparent isotopic disequilibria. Values of 13CR were consistently more depleted by about 4 relative to phloem sugars, and by about 2 compared to leaf sugars. Since no combination of the measured pools could produce the observed 13CR signal over the entire season, a significant isotopic discrimination against 13C might be associated with short-term ecosystem respiration. However, these differences might also be explained by substantial contributions of other not measured carbon pools (e.g., lipids) to ecosystem respiration or contributions linked to differences in footprint area between Keeling plots and carbohydrate sampling. Linking the seasonal and inter-annual variations in carbon isotope composition of carbohydrates and respiratory CO2 should be applicable in carbon cycle models and help the understanding of inter-annual variation in biospheric sink strength.  相似文献   

Stream food web function is often assessed using carbon stable isotope assessments of the relative contribution of autochthonous and allochthonous sources of organic matter to consumer diets. As a result, variability in source signatures can strongly influence the assessment of carbon flows. To examine the implications of temporal source variability on food web interpretations, benthic algal δ13C signatures were measured over 8 weeks in five streams in subtropical Queensland, Australia. All food webs were largely driven by benthic algal carbon; however, substantial week-to-week variation in benthic algal δ13C signatures modified the calculated contributions of algae to consumer diets, with differences in autochthonous contributions of up to 11% between weeks. In addition, variable algal signatures led to many occasions in which the δ13C signatures of some consumers was beyond the range of available sources, meaning the mixing model analyses did not have a valid solution. Together, these findings suggest that temporal variability in algal δ13C signatures can strongly influence the interpretation of carbon flows in stream food webs. Future food web studies should assess the temporal variability of sources prior to sampling consumers, in order to characterise end member signatures and their relevance to consumers at the time of collection.  相似文献   

Leaves from several desert and woodland species, including gymnosperms and angiosperms with both C3 and C4 physiology, were analyzed to detect trends in '13Cleaf with elevation and slope aspect along two transects in southeastern Utah and south-central New Mexico, USA. The main difference between the two transects is the steeper elevational gradient for mean annual and summer precipitation in the southern transect. For any given species, we found that isotopic differences between individual plants growing at the same site commonly equal differences measured for plants along the entire altitudinal gradient. In C3 plants, '13Cleaf values become slightly enriched at the lowest elevations, the opposite of trends identified in more humid regions. Apparently, increasing water-use efficiency with drought stress offsets the influence of other biotic and abiotic factors that operate to decrease isotopic discrimination with elevation. For some species shared by the two transects (e.g., Pinus edulis and Cercocarpus montanus), '13Cleaf values are dramatically depleted at sites that receive more than 550 mm mean annual precipitation, roughly the boundary (pedalfer-pedocal) at which soils commonly fill to field capacity in summer and carbonates are leached. We hypothesize that, in summer-wet areas, this may represent the boundary at which drought stress overtakes other factors in determining the sign of '13Cleaf with elevation. The opposition of isotopic trends with elevation in arid versus humid regions cautions against standard correction for elevation in comparative studies of '13Cleaf.  相似文献   

This study investigates faunal remains from the site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, analyzing how hominins may have utilized vertebrates and exploring paleoenvironments during the Early and Middle Pleistocene. Based on analyses of a range of vertebrates, results show that the species distribution of terrestrial vertebrates (microvertebrates and mammals) at the site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov shows relative stasis above the Matuyama-Brunhes Boundary (MBB) (0.78 Ma). However, consistency in faunal remains at the site reflecting stasis does not seem to reflect accurately the paleoenvironment. Marked changes are demonstrable in the lake-margin sedimentary background, archaeological remains, and agents of accumulation and damage, as well as in the density of medium-large mammals. This study emphasizes the significance of studying assemblages as a whole rather than the species representation on its own.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in whether established ecogeographical patterns, such as Bergmann's rule, explain changes in animal morphology related to climate change. Bergmann's rule has often been used to predict that body size will decrease as the climate warms, but the predictions about how body size will change are critically dependent on the mechanistic explanation behind the rule. To investigate change in avian body size in western North America, we used two long‐term banding data sets from central California, USA; the data spanned 40 years (1971–2010) at one site and 27 years (1983–2009) at the other. We found that wing length of birds captured at both sites has been steadily increasing at a rate of 0.024–0.084% per year. Although changes in body mass were not always significant, when they were, the trend was positive and the magnitudes of significant trends were similar to those for wing length (0.040–0.112% per year). There was no clear difference between the rates of change of long‐distance vs. short‐distance migrants or between birds that bred locally compared to those that bred to the north of the sites. Previous studies from other regions of the world have documented decreases in avian body size and have used Bergmann's rule and increases in mean temperature to explain these shifts. Because our results do not support this pattern, we propose that rather than responding to increasing mean temperatures, avian body size in central California may be influenced by changing climatic variability or changes in primary productivity. More information on regional variation in the rates of avian body size change will be needed to test these hypotheses.  相似文献   

The phenotypic variability of a complex of metric traits (the length of fore and hind wings and diameters of wing pattern spots) in populations of trans-Eurasian Erebia ligea species in different landscape–zonal and climatic conditions of the Ural region has been analyzed. It is demonstrated that protandry, bicyclicity, and imago emergence, mainly in odd years, are inherent for the E. ligea in the Ural territory. The geographical variability of sizes is characterized by a cline consisting in a gradual increase in imago sizes in the direction from north to south. The chrono–geographical approach allowed us to establish the scale of observed differences: differences of a complex of analyzed traits caused by chronographic variability are the largest, followed by those caused by sexual, geographical, and—only at the very end—seasonal variability (that is, the time of imago emergence during generation flight).  相似文献   

Recent benthic foraminifera (> 125 μm) were investigated from multicorer samples on a latitudinal transect of 20 stations between 1°N and 32°S along the upper slope off West Africa. Samples were selected from a narrow water depth interval, between 1200 and 1500 m, so that changes in water masses are minimized, but changes in surface productivity are important and the only significant environmental variable. Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were counted from the surface sediment down to a maximum of 12 cm. Dead foraminifera were investigated in the top 5 cm of the sediment only. Five live and five dead benthic foraminiferal assemblages were identified using Q-mode principal component analysis, matching distinct primary productivity provinces, characterized by different systems of seasonal and permanent upwelling. Differences in seasonality, quantity, and quality of food supply are the main controlling parameters on species composition and distribution of the benthic foraminiferal faunas.To test the sensitivity of foraminiferal studies based on the uppermost centimeter of sediment only, a comparative Q-mode principal component analysis was conducted on live and dead foraminiferal data from the top 1 cm of sediment. It has been demonstrated that, on the upper slope off West Africa, most of the environmental signals as recorded by species composition and distribution of the “total” live and dead assemblages, i.e., including live and dead foraminifera from the surface sediment down to 12 cm and 5 cm, respectively, can be extracted from the assemblages in the top centimeter of sediment only. On the contrary, subsurface abundance maxima of live foraminifera and dissolution of empty tests strongly bias quantitative approaches based on the calculation of standing stocks and foraminiferal numbers in the topmost centimeter.  相似文献   

Research strategy in the auditory system has tended to parallel that in the visual system, where neurons have been shown to respond selectively to specific stimulus parameters. Auditory neurons have been shown to be sensitive to changes in acoustic parameters, but only rarely have neurons been reported that respond exclusively to only one biologically significant sound. Even at higher levels of the auditory system very few cells have been found that could be described as "vocalization detectors." In addition, variability in responses to artificial sounds have been reported for auditory cortical neurons similar to the response variability that has been reported in the visual system. Recent evidence indicates that the responses of auditory cortical neurons to species-specific vocalizations can also be labile, varying in both strength and selectivity. This is especially true of the secondary auditory cortex. This variability, coupled with the lack of extreme specificity in the secondary auditory cortex, suggests that secondary cortical neurons are not well suited for the role of "vocalization detectors."  相似文献   

In studies of morphology, methods for comparing amounts of variability are often important. Three different ways of utilizing determinants of covariance matrices for testing for surplus variability in a hypothesis sample compared to a reference sample are presented: an F-test based on standardized generalized variances, a parametric bootstrap based on draws on Wishart matrices, and a nonparametric bootstrap. The F-test based on standardized generalized variances and the Wishart-based bootstrap are applicable when multivariate normality can be assumed. These methods can be applied with only summary data available. However, the nonparametric bootstrap can be applied with multivariate nonnormally distributed data as well as multivariate normally distributed data, and small sample sizes. Therefore, this method is preferable when raw data are available. Three craniometric samples are used to present the methods. A Hungarian Zalavár sample and an Austrian Berg sample are compared to a Norwegian Oslo sample, the latter employed as reference sample. In agreement with a previous study, it is shown that the Zalavár sample does not represent surplus variability, whereas the Berg sample does represent such a surplus variability.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the genetic variability in eight apple cultivars: Delikates, Cortland, James Grieve, Lired, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, and Idared from the collection of Fruit Growing Research Station in Rajkowo of the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin. The cultivar Delikates was obtained from the crossing of two cultivars: Cortland, and James Grieve, whereas cultivar Lired is a James Grieve’s sport. The second one cultivar—Jonagold was obtained from the crossing of Jonathan and Golden Delicious. The cultivar Idared is a hybrid obtained from the crossing of Jonathan and Wagener. Out of 40 primers, 17 were chosen for the final study. Those amplified a total of 183 loci (872 amplicons) out of which 34 (18.5%) were monomorphic, 128 (69.5%) were polymorphic and 22 (12%) cultivar-specific. Specific ISSR products were detected for each apple cultivar. A dendrogram was constructed using the UPGMA method which revealed two distinct clusters: I—Delikates, Cortland, James Grieve and Lired, II—Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Jonagold and Idared. Genetic similarity between Delikates, Cortland and James Grieve was 68.6, 70.8%, respectively and between cultivar Jonagold, Jonathan and Golden Delicous was 79.8, 85.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Emmerson L  Southwell C 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):951-965
The driving factors of survival, a key demographic process, have been particularly challenging to study, especially for winter migratory species such as the Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). While winter environmental conditions clearly influence Antarctic seabird survival, it has been unclear to which environmental features they are most likely to respond. Here, we examine the influence of environmental fluctuations, broad climatic conditions and the success of the breeding season prior to winter on annual survival of an Adélie penguin population using mark–recapture models based on penguin tag and resight data over a 16-year period. This analysis required an extension to the basic Cormack–Jolly–Seber model by incorporating age structure in recapture and survival sub-models. By including model covariates, we show that survival of older penguins is primarily related to the amount and concentration of ice present in their winter foraging grounds. In contrast, fledgling and yearling survival depended on other factors in addition to the physical marine environment and outcomes of the previous breeding season, but we were unable to determine what these were. The relationship between sea-ice and survival differed with penguin age: extensive ice during the return journey to breeding colonies was detrimental to survival for the younger penguins, whereas either too little or too much ice (between 15 and 80% cover) in the winter foraging grounds was detrimental for adults. Our results demonstrate that predictions of Adélie penguin survival can be improved by taking into account penguin age, prior breeding conditions and environmental features.  相似文献   

Earth's rapidly changing climate creates a growing need to understand how demographic processes in natural populations are affected by climate variability, particularly among organisms threatened by extinction. Long‐term, large‐scale, and cross‐taxon studies of vital rate variation in relation to climate variability can be particularly valuable because they can reveal environmental drivers that affect multiple species over extensive regions. Few such data exist for animals with slow life histories, particularly in the tropics, where climate variation over large‐scale space is asynchronous. As our closest relatives, nonhuman primates are especially valuable as a resource to understand the roles of climate variability and climate change in human evolutionary history. Here, we provide the first comprehensive investigation of vital rate variation in relation to climate variability among wild primates. We ask whether primates are sensitive to global changes that are universal (e.g., higher temperature, large‐scale climate oscillations) or whether they are more sensitive to global change effects that are local (e.g., more rain in some places), which would complicate predictions of how primates in general will respond to climate change. To address these questions, we use a database of long‐term life‐history data for natural populations of seven primate species that have been studied for 29–52 years to investigate associations between vital rate variation, local climate variability, and global climate oscillations. Associations between vital rates and climate variability varied among species and depended on the time windows considered, highlighting the importance of temporal scale in detection of such effects. We found strong climate signals in the fertility rates of three species. However, survival, which has a greater impact on population growth, was little affected by climate variability. Thus, we found evidence for demographic buffering of life histories, but also evidence of mechanisms by which climate change could affect the fates of wild primates.  相似文献   

G. Evelyn Hutchinson proposed that external control by climate limits the fundamental productivity and the possible diversity of ecological communities. These climatic drivers are currently changing as a result of human activity, which may herald a shift in the influence of climate on global ecosystems. Long-term records reveal a reduction in ice cover on northern lakes over the last several centuries. Hence, we explore whether inter-annual climatic variability, represented by ice cover, influences the productivity and diversity of zooplankton communities in long-term datasets for five lakes in Northern Wisconsin. We used a multilevel modeling approach to test three predictions: (1) density will increase, (2) diversity will increase, and (3) community composition will be altered. We found an inverse relationship between ice-off date and annual zooplankton density. Daphnia density, for example, was inversely related to ice-off date, with 10-fold variability across the gradient of ice-off dates in Northern Wisconsin. In contrast, we did not observe a consistent shift in diversity or community structure. Thus, from ice cover records of northern lakes we found support for Hutchinson’s idea that external climatic forces may regulate aquatic productivity; however, the response was numeric and we did not find evidence that lakes moved closer to maximum diversity on an inter-annual scale.  相似文献   

Precipitation quantity has been shown to influence grassland aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) positively whereas experimental increases in of temporal variability in water availability commonly exhibit a negative relationship with ANPP. We evaluated long term ANPP datasets from the Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program (1984–1999) to determine if similar relationships could be identified based on patterns of natural variability (magnitude and timing) in precipitation. ANPP data were analyzed from annually burned sites in native mesic grassland and productivity was partitioned into graminoid (principally C4 grasses) and forb (C3 herbaceous) components. Although growing season precipitation amount was the best single predictor of total and grass ANPP (r 2=0.62), several measures of precipitation variability were also significantly and positively correlated with productivity, independent of precipitation amount. These included soil moisture variability, expressed as CV, for June (r 2=0.45) and the mean change in soil moisture between weekly sampling periods in June and August (%wv) (r 2=0.27 and 0.32). In contrast, no significant relationships were found between forb productivity and any of the precipitation variables (p>0.05). A multiple regression model combining precipitation amount and both measures of soil moisture variability substantially increased the fit with productivity (r 2=0.82). These results were not entirely consistent with those of short-term manipulative experiments in the same grassland, however, because soil moisture variability was often positively, not negatively related to ANPP. Differences in results between long and short term experiments may be due to low variability in the historic precipitation record compared to that imposed experimentally as experimental levels of variability exceeded the natural variability of this dataset by a factor of two. Thus, forecasts of ecosystem responses to climate change (i.e. increased climatic variability), based on data constrained by natural and recent historical rainfall patterns may be inadequate for assessing climate change scenarios if precipitation variability in the future is expected to exceed current levels.  相似文献   

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