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Large scale quantitative phosphoproteomics depends upon multidimensional strategies for peptide fractionation, phosphopeptide enrichment, and mass spectrometric analysis. Previously, most robust comprehensive large-scale phosphoproteomics strategies have relied on milligram amounts of protein. We have set up a multi-dimensional phosphoproteomics strategy combining a number of well-established enrichment and fraction methods: An initial TiO(2) phosphopeptide pre-enrichment step is followed by post-fractionation using sequential elution from IMAC (SIMAC) to separate multi- and mono-phosphorylated peptides, and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) of the mono-phosphorylated peptides (collectively abbreviated "TiSH"). The advantages of the strategy include a high specificity and sample preparation workload reduction due to the TiO(2) pre-enrichment step, as well as low adsorptive losses. We demonstrate the capability of this strategy by quantitative investigation of early interferon-γ signaling in low quantities of insulinoma cells. We identified ~6600 unique phosphopeptides from 300μg of peptides/condition (22 unique phosphopeptides/μg) in a duplex dimethyl labeling experiment, with an enrichment specificity>94%. When doing network analysis of putative phosphorylation changes it could be noted that the identified protein interaction network centered upon proteins known to be affected by the interferon-γ pathway, thereby supporting the utility of this global phosphoproteomics strategy. This strategy thus shows great potential for interrogating signaling networks from low amounts of sample with high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

Comprehensive enrichment and fractionation is essential to obtain a broad coverage of the phosphoproteome. This inevitably leads to sample loss, and thus, phosphoproteomics studies are usually only performed on highly abundant samples. Here, we present a comprehensive phosphoproteomics strategy applied to 400 μg of protein from EGF-stimulated HeLa cells. The proteins are separated into membrane and cytoplasmic fractions using sodium carbonate combined with ultracentrifugation. The phosphopeptides were separated into monophosphorylated and multiphosphorylated pools using sequential elution from IMAC (SIMAC) followed by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography of the mono- and nonphosphorylated peptides and subsequent titanium dioxide chromatography of the HILIC fractions. This strategy facilitated the identification of >4700 unique phosphopeptides, while 636 phosphosites were changing following short-term EGF stimulation, many of which were not previously known to be involved in EGFR signaling. We further compared three different data processing programs and found large differences in their peptide identification rates due to different implementations of recalibration and filtering. Manually validating a subset of low-scoring peptides exclusively identified using the MaxQuant software revealed a large percentage of false positive identifications. This indicates that, despite having highly accurate precursor mass determination, peptides with low fragment ion scores should not automatically be reported in phosphoproteomics studies.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel model system in Drosophila melanogaster to study chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity in adult flies. Neurological deficits were measured using a manual geotactic climbing assay. The manual assay is commonly used; however, it is laborious, time-consuming, subject to human error and limited to observing one sample at a time. We have designed and built a new automated fly-counting apparatus that uses a “video capture-particle counting technology” to automatically measure 10 samples at a time, with 20 flies per sample. Climbing behavior was assessed manually, as in our previous studies, and with the automated apparatus within the same experiment yielding statistically similar results. Both climbing endpoints as well as the climbing rate can be measured in the apparatus, giving the assay more versatility than the manual assay. Automation of our climbing assay reduces variability, increases productivity and enables high throughput drug screens for neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The developmental profiles of ultraspiracle protein (USP) in the tissues of Drosophila melanogaster were investigated using a USP specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) as a probe. Western blot analysis revealed four USP mAb reactive bands (p46, p48, p54 and p56), each with tissue- and stage-specific expression patterns. The p54 and p56 were expressed in nearly all larval and prepupal tissues tested with fluctuations in abundance. However, the p46 and p48 were detected exclusively in the midgut of prepupae and shown to be the proteolytic products of p54 and p56. A lambda protein phosphatase assay demonstrated that the p56 is the phosphorylated form of p54. The expression and phosphorylation of the p54 USP is regulated by 20E. Protein kinase consensus recognition sequence analysis revealed 10 putative phosphorylation sites in Drosophila USP, with seven sites for protein kinase C (PKC) and three sites for casein kinase II (CKII). The fact that seven out of 10 putative phosphorylation sites reside in the ligand- and DNA-binding domains suggests that phosphorylation may play important role in regulating USP function. Identification of the in vivo USP phosphorylation sites and signal transduction pathways that regulate the specific USP phosphorylation is currently underway.  相似文献   

ZAM is an env-containing member of the gypsy family of retrotransposons that represents a possible retrovirus of invertebrates. In this paper, we traced ZAM mobilization to get information about a potential path a retroelement may take to reach the germ line of its host. In situ hybridization on whole-mount tissues and immunocytochemistry analyses with antibodies raised against ZAM Gag and Env proteins have shown that all components necessary to assemble ZAM viral particles, i.e., ZAM full-length RNAs and Gag and Env polypeptides, are coexpressed in a small set of follicle cells surrounding the oocyte. By electron microscopy, we have shown that ZAM viral particles are indeed detected in this somatic lineage of cells, which they leave and enter the closely apposed oocyte. Our data provide evidence that the vesicular traffic and yolk granules in the process of vitellogenesis play an important role in ZAM transfer to the oocyte. Our data support the possibility that vitellogenin transfer to the oocyte may help a retroelement pass to the germ line with no need of its envelope product.  相似文献   

We and others recently demonstrated that Drosophila melanogaster embryos arrest development and embryonic cells cease dividing when they are deprived of O2. To further characterize the behavior of these embryos in response to O2 deprivation and to define the O2-sensitive checkpoints in the cell cycle, embryos undergoing nuclear cycles 3-13 were subjected to O2 deprivation and examined by confocal microscopy under control, hypoxic, and reoxygenation conditions. In vivo, real-time analysis of embryos carrying green fluorescent protein-kinesin demonstrated that cells arrest at two major points of the cell cycle, either at the interphase (before DNA duplication) or at metaphase, depending on the cell cycle phase at which O2 deprivation was induced. Immunoblot analysis of embryos whose cell divisions are synchronized by inducible String (cdc25 homolog) demonstrated that cyclin B was degraded during low O2 conditions in interphase-arrested embryos but not in those arrested in metaphase. Embryos resumed cell cycle activity within ~20 min of reoxygenation, with very little apparent change in cell cycle kinetics. We conclude that there are specific points during the embryonic cell cycle that are sensitive to the O2 level in D. melanogaster. Given the fact that O2 deprivation also influences the growth and development of other species, we suggest that similar hypoxia-sensitive cell cycle checkpoints may also exist in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(8):1187-1192
Two methods for the purification of vitellogenin from Drosophila melanogaster are described. The first method is a bulk purification starting with approximately 500 g of adult flies reared in population cages. Dimethylformamide and ammonium sulfate fractionations are the bases of this method, and the final yields of purified vitellogenin are on the order of 30 mg. The second method starts with approximately 25 g of adults. Vitellogenin is first enriched by ammonium sulfate fractionation, and then purified by affinity chromatography using rabbit anti-yolk protein (anti-vitellin). Final yields are on the order of 150–200 μg of highly purified vitellogenin. Finally, we show that this purified vitellogenin may be phosphorylated in vitro with the catalytic subunit of protein kinase.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin- and pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation were used to identify and localize G protein substrates in Drosophila melanogaster and in Manduca sexta. Cholera toxin catalyzes ADP-ribosylation of 37 kDa and 50 kDa polypeptides, but these polypeptides are also substrates for an ADP-ribosyltransferase (EC activity endogenous to the Drosophila extracts. Pertussis toxin modifies 37 kDa and 39 kDa polypeptides in Drosophila homogenates. The pattern of proteolysis of the 39 kDa pertussis toxin substrate is similar to that of mammalian Go and is influenced by guanyl nucleotide binding. The 39 kDa Go-like Drosophila and Manduca pertussis toxin substrates are found primarily in neural tissues. These studies provide further evidence that G proteins are present in Drosophila and that this organism can therefore be used to investigate the physiological roles of these enzymes using advanced genetic manipulations.  相似文献   

Worthington J  Cutillas PR  Timms JF 《Proteomics》2011,11(23):4583-4587
Protein regulation by reversible phosphorylation is fundamental in nature, and large-scale phosphoproteomic analyses are becoming routine in proteomics laboratories. These analyses utilise phosphopeptide separation and enrichment techniques linked to LC-MS/MS. Herein, we report that IMAC and TiO(2) also enrich for non-phosphorylated modified peptides such as acetylated, deamidated and carbamylated peptides. Urea and digestion conditions commonly used in phosphoproteomic workflows are the likely sources of the induced modifications (deamidation and carbamylation) and can easily modify phosphopeptides. Including these variable modifications in database searches increased the total number of identified phosphopeptides by 15%. We also show that strong cation exchange fractionation provides poor resolution of phosphopeptides and actually enriches these alternatively modified peptides. By switching to reverse-phase chromatography, we show a significant improvement in the number of identified phosphopeptides. We recommend that the users of phosphopeptide enrichment strategies avoid using urea as a denaturant and that careful consideration is given to chromatographic conditions and the types of variable modifications used in database searches. Thus, the capacity of IMAC and TiO(2) to enrich phosphopeptides bearing modifications other than phosphorylation is a previously unappreciated property of these chromatographies with practical implications for the field of phosphoproteomics.  相似文献   

Synapsins are synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoproteins that play a major role in the fine regulation of neurotransmitter release. In Drosophila, synapsins are required for complex behavior including learning and memory. Synapsin isoforms were immunoprecipitated from homogenates of wild-type Drosophila heads using monoclonal antibody 3C11. Synapsin null mutants (Syn(97)) served as negative controls. The eluted proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized by silver staining. Gel pieces picked from five bands specific for wild type were analyzed by nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS following multienzyme digestion (trypsin, chymotrypsin, AspN, subtilisin, pepsin, and proteinase K). The protein was unambiguously identified with high sequence coverage (90.83%). A number of sequence conflicts were observed and the N-terminal amino acid was identified as methionine rather than leucine expected from the cDNA sequence. Several peptides from the larger isoform demonstrated that the in-frame UAG stop codon at position 582 which separates two large open reading frames is read through by tRNAs for lysine. Seven novel phosphorylation sites in Drosophila synapsin were identified at Thr-86, Ser-87, Ser-464, Thr-466, Ser-538, Ser-961, and Tyr-982 and verified by phosphatase treatment. No phosphorylation was observed at the conserved PKA/CaM kinase-I/IV site (RRFS, edited to RGFS) in domain A or a potential PKA site near domain E.  相似文献   



In eukaryotic cells, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) uses the products of both nuclear and mitochondrial genes to generate cellular ATP. Interspecies comparative analysis of these genes, which appear to be under strong functional constraints, may shed light on the evolutionary mechanisms that act on a set of genes correlated by function and subcellular localization of their products.


We have identified and annotated the Drosophila melanogaster, D. pseudoobscura and Anopheles gambiae orthologs of 78 nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation by a comparative analysis of their genomic sequences and organization. We have also identified 47 genes in these three dipteran species each of which shares significant sequence homology with one of the above-mentioned OXPHOS orthologs, and which are likely to have originated by duplication during evolution. Gene structure and intron length are essentially conserved in the three species, although gain or loss of introns is common in A. gambiae. In most tissues of D. melanogaster and A. gambiae the expression level of the duplicate gene is much lower than that of the original gene, and in D. melanogaster at least, its expression is almost always strongly testis-biased, in contrast to the soma-biased expression of the parent gene.


Quickly achieving an expression pattern different from the parent genes may be required for new OXPHOS gene duplicates to be maintained in the genome. This may be a general evolutionary mechanism for originating phenotypic changes that could lead to species differentiation.  相似文献   

In insects changes in lipid metabolism may underlie a trade-off between cold resistance and starvation resistance. To test this we examined correlated responses in independent sets of Drosophila melanogaster lines selected for increased cold resistance and increased starvation resistance. The starvation lines showed correlated patterns found in other D. melanogaster populations selected for this trait, including higher lipid levels and increased resistance to desiccation, although the selected lines did not show a longer development time as found in some other studies. Consistent with the trade-off hypothesis, selected lines with increased starvation resistance showed decreased resistance to a cold stress as measured by mortality, whereas selected lines with increased cold resistance showed a decrease in starvation resistance. To counter the possibility of inadvertent selection accounting for these patterns, selected and control lines from both selection regimes were crossed to form mass bred populations, which were left for four generations prior to establishing isofemale lines. By scoring starvation and cold resistance in these lines derived from both sets of selection regimes, we confirmed the negative association between resistance to these stresses in females but not in males. Potential implications of this trade-off for surviving cold conditions when food resources are limiting are discussed.  相似文献   

A type of slow-recovery from high temperature CO2 exposure is a wild-type characteristic of Drosophila simulans. Species hybrids of wild-type D. melanogaster and D. simulans have intermediate recovery times. The response to nitrogen exposure at both high and low temperatures is the same for the two species suggesting that the observed CO2 response is more than just anoxia. Since there is no female bias in hybrids, and since injections of D. simulans extract into D. melanogaster produced no increase in CO2 sensitivity in the recipients, we conclude that the prolonged recovery time results from genomic differences between D. simulans and D. melanogaster, and is not due to a sigma-like infectious agent.  相似文献   

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