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Parasitism proteins in nematode-plant interactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The current battery of candidate parasitism proteins secreted by nematodes to modify plant tissues for parasitism includes cell-wall-modifying enzymes of potential prokaryotic origin, multiple regulators of host cell cycle and metabolism, proteins that can localize to the plant cell nucleus, potential suppressors of host defense, mimics of plant molecules, and a relatively large cadre of predicted novel nematode parasitism proteins. Phenotypic effects of expressing nematode parasitism proteins in transformed plant tissues, protein-protein interaction assays, and RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) analyses are currently providing exciting evidence of the biological role of candidate nematode secreted parasitism proteins and identifying potential novel means of developing transgenic resistance to nematodes in crops.  相似文献   

Parasitism on Ordovician Chitinozoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Borings are common in chitinozoans. They are cylindrical or conical, widening towards the outer surface of the vesicle wall. It is suggested that the cylindrical borings were probably caused by bacteria. Actinomycota and lower Fungi including at least Chytridiomycota, and the conical borings mainly by chytridia. Two types of spore-like bodies, operculate and non-operculate, have been found in situ on two chitinozoan species. The spore-like bodies are of about the same size as the supposed boring organisms in chitinozoans but are never found in association with the borings. They are interpreted as cysts of ectoparasitic nannoorganisms that resemble ciliates and amoebae, and their possible use for determining the biochemical composition of the chitinozoans is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Parasitism as one of the modes of life is a general biological phenomenon and is characteristic of all viruses, many taxa of bacteria, fungi, protists, metaphytes, and metazoans. Zooparasitology is focused on studies of parasitic animals, particularly, on their taxonomy, anatomy, life cycles, host-parasite relations, biocoenotic connections, and evolution. Ecological parasitology is a part of ecology as a discipline studying the relation of living organisms with each other and their surroundings. The present paper contains a critical analysis of the problems, main postulates, and terminology of the modern ecological parasitology.  相似文献   

Studies in the Physiology of Obligate Parasitism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

by Graeme C. Kearn, Chapman & Hall, 1998. pound115.00 (xii +544 pages) ISBN 0 412 80460 3.  相似文献   

Parasitism as one of the life modes is a general biological phenomenon and is a characteristic of all viruses, many taxa of bacteria, fungi, protists, metaphytes, and metazoans. Zooparasitology is focused on studies of parasitic animals, particularly, on their taxonomy, anatomy, life cycles, host-parasite relations, biocoenotic connections, and evolution. Ecological parasitology is a component of ecology, as the scientific study of the relation of living organisms with each other and their surroundings. In the present paper, critical analysis of the problems, main postulates, and terminology of the modern ecological parasitology is given.  相似文献   

A review of evidence for parasitism on graptoloid graptolites is presented. The phenomenon is rare, having been recorded in only a few biserial forms and straight monograptids. Most periderm outgrowths secreted as a response to parasitism are small and blister-like, but in two new specimens remarkable tubular outgrowths occur. These would have had a detrimental, but clearly not fatal, influence on the functioning of these graptolites, particularly with regard to the hydrodynamics and buoyancy of the rhabdosome and the energy expended in secreting additional periderm.  相似文献   

巢寄生现象一直是鸟类学专家探讨的热点问题,对于协同进化的问题又有许多不同理论。从宿主的2种对待寄生卵的行为出发,对于巢寄生协同进化的各种理论做了简单的归纳。其中宿主的拒卵行为被认为是一种适应性的表现,这导致和寄生鸟的进化竞争。而对宿主接受卵的行为却有2种不同的观点,即进化滞后说和进化平衡说,这2种学说从不同的方面都能解释宿主接受卵的行为。关于巢寄生的协同进化问题还需要进一步的研究和更多的实例证明.  相似文献   

Nematode-insect associations have evolved many times in the phylum Nematoda, but these lineages involve plant parasitism only in the Secernentean orders Aphelenchida and Tylenchida. In the Aphelenchida (Aphelenchoidoidea), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Pine wood nematode), B. cocophilus (Red ring or Coconut palm nematode) (Parasitaphelenchidae), and the many potential host-specific species of Schistonchus (fig nematodes) (Aphelenchoididae) nematode-insect interactions probably evolved independently from dauer-forming, mycophagous ancestors that were phoretically transmitted to breeding sites of their insect hosts in plants. Mycophagy probably gave rise to facultative or obligate plant-parasitism because of opportunities due to insect host switches or peculiarities in host behavior. In the Tylenchida, there is one significant radiation of insect-associated plant parasites involving Fergusobia nematodes (Fergusobiinae: Neotylenchidae) and Fergusonina (Fergusoninidae) flies as mutualists that gall myrtaceous plant buds or leaves. These dicyclic nematodes have different phases that are parasitic in either the insect or the plant hosts. The evolutionary origin of this association is unclear.  相似文献   

Parasitism in captive and reintroduced red wolves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fecal examinations revealed that at least 10 of 21 (48%) captive red wolves (Canis rufus) and eight of 12 (67%) free-ranging red wolves were infected with intestinal parasites. No captive wolves and only one of seven reintroduced wolves had dirofilariasis. Ticks were collected from 10 of 21 (48%) captive wolves and nine of 12 (75%) free-ranging animals. Ivermectin administered at a dosage of 50 micrograms/kg of estimated body weight every 30 to 60 days apparently prevented or ameliorated parasitism in red wolves.  相似文献   

Parasites play a key role in regulating wildlife population dynamics, but their impact on the host appears to be context-dependent. Evidence indicates that a synergistic interaction between stress, host condition and parasites is implicated in this phenomenon, but more studies are needed to better understand this context-dependency. With the goal to assess the net effect of two types of chronic stress on various host-parasite interactions, we conducted an experiment in capybaras to evaluate the impact of food restriction and physical restraint on the infection intensity of specific gastrointestinal nematodes and coccidia, and how these stressors affected the growth, body condition, and some immuno-physiological parameters. Our hypothesis was that both forms of stress would result in an alteration in the host-parasite interactions, with deteriorated condition and reduced immunological investment leading to high parasite burdens and vice versa. Stressed capybaras had significantly higher coccidia infection intensities; but among individuals that were smaller, those stressed consistently showed lower helminth burdens than controls. Both stress treatments had a marked negative impact on growth and body condition, but concomitantly they had a significant positive effect on some components of the immune system. Our results suggest, on the one hand, that during prolonged periods of stress capybaras preventatively invest in some components of their immunity, such as innate humoural defenses and cells that combat helminths, which could be considered a stress-dependent prophylaxis. On the other hand, stress was found to cause greater infection intensities of protozoans but lower burdens of nematodes, indicating that the relationship between stress, physiological trade-offs and infection depends on the type of parasite in question. Moreover, both findings might be related in a causal way, as one of the immunological parameters enhanced in stressed capybaras is associated with the immune response to control helminths.  相似文献   

A larval population of the white-fringed beetle, Graphognathus peregrinus (Buchanan), in a Louisiana grassland field was reduced 38% by Neoaplectana dutkyi Jackson (''DD-136'' nematode) applied at 430,000 nematodes per m². In Mississippi an artificial population was reduced 50% by the nematode applied at 538,000 per m².  相似文献   

Parasitism in a declining population of snowshoe hares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prevalence and intensity of six endoparasites were determined in 346 snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) obtained at Rochester, Alberta, during December-April 1981-1982, the second winter of a cyclic population decline. The data were analyzed for (1) differences among host sex and age classes, and among months and sample sources, and (2) evidence that parasitism was of demographic significance to the hare population. Prevalence and intensity of Obeliscoides cuniculi were consistently highest among adult hares, but rose most sharply from February to March among juveniles. In contrast, prevalence and intensity of Nematodirus triangularis were highest among juveniles; prevalence reached 90-100% by January, whereas intensity continued to rise through April. Prevalence and intensity of both Trichuris leporis and Protostrongylus boughtoni were highest also among juvenile hares; neither parameter exhibited a definite trend over time. Prevalences of Taenia pisiformis (cysticerci) and Eimeria spp. were unrelated to sex, age or month; but Taenia intensity was highest among juveniles, and Eimeria intensity tended to decrease from December to April. Intensities of Nematodirus, Protostrongylus and Eimeria were higher in male hares than in females. Prevalence and intensity were correlated directly in Obeliscoides, Nematodirus, Trichuris and Eimeria. Hares that died during trapping and handling, or from natural predation, had greater intensities of Obeliscoides than did animals killed on purpose. There was no indication, however, that risk of death was increased by the other parasitic infections. Age-related immune responses to parasitism (except Obeliscoides) were evidenced by reduced or stabilized prevalence and/or intensity among older hares. A multiple-regression model predicted depressed body weight with increasing intensities of Nematodirus, Trichuris or Protostrongylus. Other body-condition and reproductive indices were unassociated with parasite intensities. Within the hare population, Obeliscoides, Trichuris, Protostrongylus and Taenia had overdispersed distributions (typical of many endoparasites) that did not differ from a negative binomial. The frequency with which each possible combination of helminth species occurred within individual hares was consistent with the assumption that such infections occurred independently. There was no compelling reason to believe parasitism was a significant factor in the overwinter decline of this population of snowshoe hares.  相似文献   

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