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The process of spermiation in the ratfish Hydrolagus colliei is described and compared with that in mammals and amphibians. Spermiation in this species involves prior fluid space expansion both within the apical parts of the Sertoli cytoplasm and in the spaces between Sertoli cells and spermatids. The apical ends of Sertoli cells fragment, including the parts immediately around the spermatid acrosomes. Intercellular material between the spermatid tips and the Sertoli cells dissolves. Concurrently an opening from the seminiferous follicle into the efferent ductule is made by means of changes in cell shape and separation of Sertoli cells and efferent ductule cells that adhere to each other up to the time of sperm release.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy, histology, ultrastructure and ATPase activity of the intramural rectal gland of the chondrichthyean Hydrolagus colliei, are described. The cells of the rectal gland of Hydrolagus demonstrate the same well developed lateral and basal cisternae, elongate mitochondria and luminal border as those of their elasmobranch counterparts. ATPase activity within the rectal gland of Hydrolagus is as intense as that in a number of elasmobranchs examined in the course of the study. Despite its primitive intramural location the rectal gland of Hydrolagus respresents a homolog of the more specialized and better known elasmobranch gland and appears as well suited for cation excretion.  相似文献   

In the pituitary of Tilapia mossambica, eight cell types were identified on the basis of their staining reactions. the RPD consists of erythrosinophils and PbH positive cells. PbH cells border the NH and give amphipilic reaction to tri- and tetrachrome dyes and Halmi's stain. Erythrosinophils are also stained with acid fuchsin and orange G. The PPD is made up of acidophils and cyanophils. The acidophils are stained with orange G, acid fuchsin and erythrosin. These cells form a palisade zone between the neurohypophysis and the cyanophils. The cyanophils are AB, AF, ATh, PAS and aniline blue positive. They include both thyrotrophs and gonadotrophs and cannot be differentiated. The gonadotrophs may be those which are degranulated and vacuolated in the breeding season. The PI is formed of PAS- and PbH positive cells which lack any definite pattern of arrangement. Apart from the chromophils, scattered chromophobes were seen throughout the adenohypophysis. Occasionally, cells resembling the cyanophils of PPD were noticed in the RPD and PI also.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa in Hydrolagus colliei is described. Basic similarities of structure to the sperm of the related elasmobranch fish are noted. The most significant features of sperm structure in Hydrolagus that differ from those of elasmobranch fish occur in the tail. The axoneme is eccentrically located and forms a double helix with a single longitudinal column. A second longitudinal column is reduced to a short remnant at the base of the tail. Microtubules within the axoneme are also helically disposed, a feature that is consistent with the rotating motion of the sperm. Abundant glycogen reserves are stored along the length of the tail.  相似文献   

The pancreatic islets of the holocephalan fishes contain, in addition to A-, B- and D-cells, X-cells, which are immunoreactive towards antisera directed against the N-terminal region of glucagon but not towards antisera directed against the C-terminal region. A 36-amino-acid-residue peptide was isolated from the pancreas of a holocephalan fish, the Pacific ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei), that shows homology (69%) to mammalian glucagon in its N-terminal region and is reactive towards an N-terminally directed antiserum. Reactivity towards C-terminally directed antisera is prevented by the presence of a 7-residue C-terminal extension to the glucagon sequence that shows limited homology to the C-terminal region of glucagon-37 (oxyntomodulin). It is proposed that this peptide represents a major storage product of the islet X-cell.  相似文献   

Follicle cell processes (FCP) are actin-based, tube-like structures that connect the developing oocyte to the follicle cells throughout oogenesis. They were first described in Selachians (sharks) where their suggested roles were facilitating the transport of metabolites to the developing oocyte and providing structural support to the large egg cells of sharks, an early stage in the evolution of viviparity. Subsequent studies found that FCP are absent in Rajiformes (skates), suggesting that FCP may have been novel structures specific to the sharks. Here, FCP in Hydrolagus colliei, a Chimaeriform, were described. The FCP of H. colliei differ morphologically from those previously described in sharks, but as they also contain actin, they presumably play similar roles provisioning the developing oocyte and providing structural support. The presence of FCP in the order Chimaeriformes suggests that their origin predates the split of the elasmobranchs and the holocephalans.  相似文献   

1. Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) intestines were boiled in water to inactivate proteases and then treated with cold 4% trifluoroacetic acid to extract bombesin-like peptides. 2. The extract was fractionated in several steps using reverse-phase and ion exchange HPLC, and bombesin-like immunoreactive peptides were detected by radioimmunoassay using an antiserum specific for the bioactive C-terminal region of bombesin. 3. A highly purified bombesin-like peptide-containing fraction stimulated amylase release in a dose-responsive fashion from rat pancreatic acini; the dose-response curve was parallel to a bombesin standard, and the ratfish peptide stimulated the same maximal rate of amylase secretion as the bombesin standard. 4. A potent, highly selective bombesin receptor antagonist completely abolished the stimulation of amylase release caused by the ratfish peptide, demonstrating the specificity of the response. 5. Estimates of the bombesin-like peptide concentration of this fraction by radioimmunoassay and by bioassay were nearly identical, indicating that ratfish bombesin is very similar biologically and antigenically to frog skin bombesin.  相似文献   

A new species of chimaeroid, Harriotta lehmani, is described. It differs from Recent species of Harriotta in the shape of the paired rostral cartilages and second dorsal fin. This is the first record of a chimaeroid from the Cretaceous fish-beds of Lebanon, as well as being the first fossil representative of the genus Harriotta.  相似文献   

Results presented here provide evidence of an exception to the generalization that all chondrichthyan populations are especially vulnerable to exploitation to the extent that they remain at low abundance for a protracted or indefinite duration even after exploitation rates are reduced. Delta log-normal generalized linear models (GLM) and cluster analysis of fishery-independent catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) data from 1977 to 2006 indicated the presence of at least two distinct stocks of spotted ratfish Hydrolagus colliei off the U.S. West Coast. CPUE of the continental slope and northern continental shelf and upper slope populations did not vary between 1977 and 1995 and increased from 1995 to 2006. On the basis of the timing of these changes, it is likely that both fishing and climate influenced these trends. Sex and size-specific differences in bathymetric distribution, along with the identification of nursery sites, indicate that fishery by-catch could have a significant effect on population growth. These aggregative behaviours, combined with low fecundity, indicate that H. colliei may be vulnerable to irreversible population depletion by fisheries mortality. Temporal abundance trends indicated, however, that their population size has increased significantly within the last decade, a demonstration of population stability. A literature review indicated that there is also evidence for population stability in other chondrichthyans. The paradigm that all chondrichthyan populations fail to rebuild in response to exploitation, therefore, may not be as broadly applicable as previously thought. Thus, it is not necessarily sufficient to make generalizations regarding the vulnerability of chondrichthyans across higher taxonomic scales.  相似文献   

On December 10, 2000, five tiger rockfish, Sebastes nigrocinctus, and 10 ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei, were transported from Vancouver, Canada, to Lisbon, Portugal, for 51 and 44 hours, respectively. The transport vessels consisted of large circular tanks (1.0‐m diameter × 0.6 m high) and filtration was added to the rockfish tank only. Filtration consisted of a combination of cartridge and activated carbon, powered by a 12‐V bilge pump placed on the middle of the transport vessel. Water quality parameters (ammonia, temperature, and oxygen saturation) were tested during the transport, and an ammonia detoxifier was added to some of the transport vessels when ammonia concentration reached 0.25 mg/L. Sodium bicarbonate was also added for pH buffering. All animals survived the trip and the subsequent 4 weeks. The water quality monitoring and treatment regimen therefore seemed appropriate for this type of long‐term transportation. Zoo Biol 20:435–441, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Time patterns of intravenously administered [14C]urea in primitive fishes showed generalized but not quantitatively equivalent tissue distribution within defined concentration limits which were species specific (Rasmussen & Rasmussen, 1978). Comparative patterns are presented here for other 14C-labelled organics, such as thiourea, demonstrating temporal and quantitative differences in tissue distribution.
  • 2.2. Demonstrable species differences between [14C]TMA and [14C]urea distribution are seen between H. colliei and A. transmontanus.
  • 3.3. The tissue distribution of [14C]urea of H. colliei maintained in sea water with 0.1 M urea plus minor amounts of [14C]urea is presented; especially to be noted is the rapid distribution to the ocular fluid.
  • 4.4. Finally, the effects of elevated concentrations of selected organics including urea, TMAO, guanidine-HCl on serum and CSF levels of peroxidase, lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), on some kinetic parameters of LDH, and on LDH isozyme ratios are reported. Especially enhanced by extra urea is the fastest electrophoretically migrating LDH band in ratfish CSF and serum.

Sertoli cells in the ratfish entirely surround a clone of spermatids to form a spermatocyst. As spermiogenesis proceeds within the cyst cavity, the acrosome areas become apposed to the Sertoli cell plasma membrane lining the spermatocyst. The spermatids elongate and are gathered into an increasingly compact bundle oriented with acrosomal tips directed toward the Sertoli cell base. As all acrosome areas move closer together, Sertoli cell microfilaments oriented parallel to the long spermatid axis appear and increase in concentration. Actin and myosin were demonstrated in the microfilament area with fluorescent antibodies and NBD-Phallacidin. Simultaneously, endocytosis of Sertoli cell membrane between spermatid attachment sites removes the intervening membrane and allows the latter sites to approach each other. Sertoli cell endocytosis is spatially and temporally related to a unique projection at the basal rim of each acrosome. During midspermiogenesis, structured intercellular material appears between the Sertoli cell and the acrosomal region of each spermatid. Its periodicity is closely related to periodic arrangement of Sertoli cell actin and material within the spermatids. These attachment sites move together upon endocytosis, gathering a clone of spermatids into a closely packed bundle.  相似文献   

1. Brain extract from the spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei, contains gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-like peptides in both sexes. 2. The dominant form occurs with a concentration of 0.5-1.7 ng/g frozen brain tissue in males, and 1.3-2.5 ng/g in females. 3. A similar pattern of GnRH immunoreactivity and chromatographic behaviour are found in both sexes. 4. A semipurified extract of this peptide could not be distinguished chromatographically from either chicken II or salmon II forms of the peptide. 5. The ratfish represents the most primitive organism that contains a form of GnRH that coelutes with chicken II and salmon II GnRH.  相似文献   

In the pituitary of A. testudineus the rostral pars distalis (RPD), proximal pars distalis (PPD) and pars intermedia (PI) are arranged in a rostro-caudal axis. The rostral neurohypophysis (NH) extends dorsal to the pars distalis, while the caudal part vertically penetrates into the PI and ramifies in its component. The RPD mainly consists of erythrosinophils and PgH-positive cells which are comparable to the lactotropes and corticotropes mentioned in the literature. In the nonbreeding season, acidophils are the predominant cells of the PPD and are largely confined to its dorsal aspect. The two types of cyanophils present in the PPD could not be differentiated with the various techniques used in this study. However, those cyanophils which increase in number and are active during the spawning season may be the gonadotropes, while those which are cytologically inactive may be the thyrotropes. The pars intermedia consists of PAS+ and PhH+ cells. Trichrome and tetrachrome staining techniques revealed the presence of acidophils, cyanophils and amphiphils in the PI.  相似文献   

The metabolic organization of a holocephalan, the spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei), was assessed using measurements of key enzymes of several metabolic pathways in four tissues and plasma concentrations of free amino acids (FAA) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) to ascertain if the Holocephali differ metabolically from the Elasmobranchii since these groups diverged ca. 400 Mya. Activities of carnitine palmitoyl transferase indicate that fatty acid oxidation occurs in liver and kidney but not in heart or white muscle. This result mirrors the well-established absence of lipid oxidation in elasmobranch muscle, and more recent studies showing that elasmobranch kidney possesses a capacity for lipid oxidation. High activities in oxidative tissues of enzymes of ketone body metabolism, including D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, indicate that, like elasmobranchs, ketone bodies are of central importance in spotted ratfish. Like many carnivorous fishes, enzyme activities demonstrate that amino acids are metabolically important, although the concentration of plasma FAA was relatively low. NEFA concentrations are lower than in teleosts, but higher than in most elasmobranchs and similar to that in some "primitive" ray-finned fishes. NEFA composition is comparable to other marine temperate fishes, including high levels of n-6 and especially n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The metabolic organization of the spotted ratfish is similar to that of elasmobranchs: a reduced capacity for lipid oxidation in muscle, lower plasma NEFA levels, and an emphasis on ketone bodies as oxidative fuel. This metabolic strategy was likely present in the common chondrichthyan ancestor, and may be similar to the ancestral metabolic state of fishes.  相似文献   

Separated plasma and whole blood non-bicarbonate buffering capacities, together with plasma and gill carbonic anhydrase activities and endogenous plasma carbonic anhydrase inhibitor activity were investigated in three species of fish: the brown bullhead (Ameirus nebulosus), a teleost; the longnose skate (Raja rhina), an elasmobranch; and the spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei), a chimaeran. The objective was to test the hypothesis that species possessing gill membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase and/or plasma carbonic anhydrase activity would also exhibit high plasma nonbicarbonate buffering capacity relative to whole blood non-bicarbonate buffering capacity and would lack an endogenous plasma carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Separated plasma non-bicarbonate buffering capacity constituted > or = 40% of whole-blood buffering in all three species. In addition, all species lacked an endogenous plasma carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Separated plasma from skate and ratfish contained carbonic anhydrase activity, whereas bullhead plasma did not. Examination of the subcellular distribution and characteristics of branchial carbonic anhydrase activity revealed that the majority of branchial carbonic anhydrase activity originated from the cytoplasmic fraction in all species, with only 3-5% being associated with a microsomal fraction. The microsomal carbonic anhydrase activity of bullhead and ratfish was significantly reduced by washing, indicating the presence of carbonic anhydrase activity that was not integrally associated with the membrane pellet, microsomal carbonic anhydrase activity in skate was unaffected by washing. In addition, microsomal carbonic anhydrase activity from skate and ratfish but not bullhead gills was released to a significant extent from its membrane association by treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The results obtained for skate are consistent with published data for dogfish, suggesting that the possession of branchial membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase activity may be a generalised elasmobranch characteristic. Ratfish, which also belong to the class Chondrichthyes, exhibited a similar pattern. Unlike skate and ratfish, bullhead exhibited high plasma non-bicarbonate buffering capacity and lacked an endogenous carbonic anhydrase inhibitor in the absence of plasma and gill membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase activities.  相似文献   

S Haider 《Endokrinologie》1975,65(3):300-307
The pituitary of Heteropneustes fossilis is divisible into rostral (RPD) and proximal (PPD) pars distalis, and pars intermedia (PI). Neurohypophysis extensively ramifies in the PI. The RPD is formed of acidophilic prolactin cells and lead hematoxylin (H. Pb) positive ACTH cells. The latter is arranged around the neurohypophysial extensions. The PPD is comprised of thyrotrophs (TSH) and gonadotrophs which are stainable with PAS, AF, and aniline blue. Acidophilic somatotrophs (STH) and chromophobes are scattered throughout the PPD. In the pars intermedia PAS positive and H. Pb positive cells are present. The latter is believed to secrete MSH whereas the function of the former is yet to be confirmed. In the partly and completely thyroidectomised H. fossilis the TSH cells exhibited marked hypertrophy. They are located in the middle of the PPD flanked by the gonadotrophs on either side. Hypertrophy of the ACTH cells were also evident. But the other cell types did not show any marked changes as compared to the controls.  相似文献   

The present study has examined the role of the colon in regulating ammonia and urea nitrogen balance in two species of chondrichthyans, the ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei (a holocephalan) and the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias (an elasmobranch). Stripped colonic tissue from both the dogfish and ratfish was mounted in an Ussing chamber and in both species bi-directional urea flux was found to be negligible. Urea uptake by the mucosa and serosa of the isolated colonic epithelium through accumulation of 14C-urea was determined to be 2.8 and 6.2 fold greater in the mucosa of the dogfish compared to the serosa of the dogfish and the mucosa of the ratfish respectively. Furthermore, there was no difference between serosal and mucosal accumulation of 14C-urea in the ratfish. Through the addition of 2 mM NH4Cl to the mucosal side of each preparation the potential for ammonia flux was also examined. This was again found to be negligible in both species suggesting that the colon is an extremely tight epithelium to the movement of both urea and ammonia. Plasma, chyme and bile fluid samples were also taken from the agastric ratfish and were compared with solute concentrations of equivalent body fluids in the dogfish. Finally molecular analysis revealed expression of 3 isoforms of the urea transport protein (UT) and an ammonia transport protein (Rhbg) in the gill, intestine, kidney and colon of the ratfish. Partial nucleotide sequences of the UT-1, 2 and 3 isoforms in the ratfish had 95, 95 and 92% identity to the equivalent UT isoforms recently identified in another holocephalan, the elephantfish, Callorhinchus milii. Finally, the nucleotide sequence of the Rhbg identified in the ratfish had 73% identity to the Rhbg protein recently identified in the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea.  相似文献   

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