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A theory for assessing the statistical significance of structure alignment is developed using a random or Gaussian chain model. In this model, we consider the statistical distribution of the root mean square distance (rmsd) of the alignment between two random chains of equal length and common center of mass (referred to as Case 1). We demonstrate that the rmsd2 is distributed as a sum of independent Gamma variables. Analytic results on the mean and variance of the rmsd2 are presented. Since rmsd is strongly dependent on the length, we define the dimensionless quantity, reduced rmsd, as the rmsd divided by the radius of gyration. We find that the reduced rmsd can be accurately approximated by an extreme value distribution (EVD) that is independent of chain length and of bond length. The parameters of the EVD can be calculated from the mean and the variance of the rmsd2. We also consider the case of two chains with a common center of mass that are then rotated to minimize the rmsd (Case 2). In this case, the distribution of reduced rmsd can again be accurately approximated by an EVD, which is independent of the chain length and expected bond length. This distribution is used to calculate the p-value for a given reduced rmsd. Performing an analogous comparison for proteins, we find that approximately M(nu) and nu = 0.28 and 0.32 for Case 1 and Case 2, respectively, where M is the chain length. This result for Case 2 exactly matches with previous scaling results and suggests that rmsd/M(nu)is an appropriate metric for protein structure alignment and will be independent of chain length. We also find that the new score roughly follows the EVD.  相似文献   

Beginning with the concept of near-optimal sequence alignments, we can assign a probability that each element in one sequence is paired in an alignment with each element in another sequence. This involves a sum over the set of all possible pairwise alignments. The method employs a designed hidden Markov model (HMM) and the rigorous forward and forward-backward algorithms of Rabiner. The approach can use any standard sequence-element-to-element probabilistic similarity measures and affine gap penalty functions. This allows the positional alignment statistical significance to be obtained as a function of such variables. A measure of the probabilistic relationship between any single sequence and a set of sequences can be directly obtained. In addition, the employed HMM with the Viterbi algorithm provides a simple link to the standard dynamic programming optimal alignment algorithms.  相似文献   



Top-down mass spectrometry plays an important role in intact protein identification and characterization. Top-down mass spectra are more complex than bottom-up mass spectra because they often contain many isotopomer envelopes from highly charged ions, which may overlap with one another. As a result, spectral deconvolution, which converts a complex top-down mass spectrum into a monoisotopic mass list, is a key step in top-down spectral interpretation.


In this paper, we propose a new scoring function, L-score, for evaluating isotopomer envelopes. By combining L-score with MS-Deconv, a new software tool, MS-Deconv+, was developed for top-down spectral deconvolution. Experimental results showed that MS-Deconv+ outperformed existing software tools in top-down spectral deconvolution.


L-score shows high discriminative ability in identification of isotopomer envelopes. Using L-score, MS-Deconv+ reports many correct monoisotopic masses missed by other software tools, which are valuable for proteoform identification and characterization.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1140) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A quantitative form of the principle of minimal frustration is used to obtain from a database analysis statistical mechanical energy functions and gap parameters for aligning sequences to three-dimensional structures. The analysis that partially takes into account correlations in the energy landscape improves upon the previous approximations of Goldstein et al. (1994, 1995) (Goldstein R, Luthey-Schulten Z, Wolynes P, 1994, Proceedings of the 27th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society Press. pp 306-315; Goldstein R, Luthey-Schulten Z, Wolynes P, 1995, In: Elber R, ed. New developments in theoretical studies of proteins. Singapore: World Scientific). The energy function allows for ordering of alignments based on the compatibility of a sequence to be in a given structure (i.e., lowest energy) and therefore removes the necessity of using percent identity or similarity as scoring parameters. The alignments produced by the energy function on distant homologues with low percent identity (less than 21%) are generally better than those generated with evolutionary information. The lowest energy alignment generated with the energy function for sequences containing prosite signatures but unknown structures is a structure containing the same prosite signature, providing a check on the robustness of the algorithm. Finally, the energy function can make use of known experimental evidence as constraints within the alignment algorithm to aid in finding the correct structural alignment.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multiple structure alignments are becoming important tools in many aspects of structural bioinformatics. The current explosion in the number of available protein structures demands multiple structural alignment algorithms with an adequate balance of accuracy and speed, for large scale applications in structural genomics, protein structure prediction and protein classification. RESULTS: A new multiple structural alignment program, MAMMOTH-mult, is described. It is demonstrated that the alignments obtained with the new method are an improvement over previous manual or automatic alignments available in several widely used databases at all structural levels. Detailed analysis of the structural alignments for a few representative cases indicates that MAMMOTH-mult delivers biologically meaningful trees and conservation at the sequence and structural levels of functional motifs in the alignments. An important improvement over previous methods is the reduction in computational cost. Typical alignments take only a median time of 5 CPU seconds in a single R12000 processor. MAMMOTH-mult is particularly useful for large scale applications. AVAILABILITY: http://ub.cbm.uam.es/mammoth/mult.  相似文献   

We report the largest and most comprehensive comparison of protein structural alignment methods. Specifically, we evaluate six publicly available structure alignment programs: SSAP, STRUCTAL, DALI, LSQMAN, CE and SSM by aligning all 8,581,970 protein structure pairs in a test set of 2930 protein domains specially selected from CATH v.2.4 to ensure sequence diversity. We consider an alignment good if it matches many residues, and the two substructures are geometrically similar. Even with this definition, evaluating structural alignment methods is not straightforward. At first, we compared the rates of true and false positives using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves with the CATH classification taken as a gold standard. This proved unsatisfactory in that the quality of the alignments is not taken into account: sometimes a method that finds less good alignments scores better than a method that finds better alignments. We correct this intrinsic limitation by using four different geometric match measures (SI, MI, SAS, and GSAS) to evaluate the quality of each structural alignment. With this improved analysis we show that there is a wide variation in the performance of different methods; the main reason for this is that it can be difficult to find a good structural alignment between two proteins even when such an alignment exists. We find that STRUCTAL and SSM perform best, followed by LSQMAN and CE. Our focus on the intrinsic quality of each alignment allows us to propose a new method, called "Best-of-All" that combines the best results of all methods. Many commonly used methods miss 10-50% of the good Best-of-All alignments. By putting existing structural alignments into proper perspective, our study allows better comparison of protein structures. By highlighting limitations of existing methods, it will spur the further development of better structural alignment methods. This will have significant biological implications now that structural comparison has come to play a central role in the analysis of experimental work on protein structure, protein function and protein evolution.  相似文献   

A model for statistical significance of local similarities in structure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Structural biology can provide three-dimensional structures for proteins of unknown function. When sequence or structure comparisons fail to suggest a function, insights can come from discovery of functionally important local structural patterns. Existing methods to detect such patterns lack rigorous statistics needed for widespread application. Here, we derive a formula to calculate statistical significance of the root-mean-square deviation between atoms in such patterns. When combined with a database search method, our statistics permit true functional or structural patterns in different folds to be discerned from noise. The approach is highly complementary to fold comparison for providing functional clues for new structures, and is key for the detection of recurrences of any new pattern.  相似文献   



In the last decade, a significant improvement in detecting remote similarity between protein sequences has been made by utilizing alignment profiles in place of amino-acid strings. Unfortunately, no analytical theory is available for estimating the significance of a gapped alignment of two profiles. Many experiments suggest that the distribution of local profile-profile alignment scores is of the Gumbel form. However, estimating distribution parameters by random simulations turns out to be computationally very expensive.  相似文献   

Sequence database searches require accurate estimation of the statistical significance of scores. Optimal local sequence alignment scores follow Gumbel distributions, but determining an important parameter of the distribution (λ) requires time-consuming computational simulation. Moreover, optimal alignment scores are less powerful than probabilistic scores that integrate over alignment uncertainty (“Forward” scores), but the expected distribution of Forward scores remains unknown. Here, I conjecture that both expected score distributions have simple, predictable forms when full probabilistic modeling methods are used. For a probabilistic model of local sequence alignment, optimal alignment bit scores (“Viterbi” scores) are Gumbel-distributed with constant λ=log 2, and the high scoring tail of Forward scores is exponential with the same constant λ. Simulation studies support these conjectures over a wide range of profile/sequence comparisons, using 9,318 profile-hidden Markov models from the Pfam database. This enables efficient and accurate determination of expectation values (E-values) for both Viterbi and Forward scores for probabilistic local alignments.  相似文献   

Protein-RNA interactions play important roles in many biological processes. Given the high cost and technique difficulties in experimental methods, computationally predicting the binding complexes from individual protein and RNA structures is pressingly needed, in which a reliable scoring function is one of the critical components. Here, we have developed a knowledge-based scoring function, referred to as ITScore-PR, for protein-RNA binding mode prediction by using a statistical mechanics-based iterative method. The pairwise distance-dependent atomic interaction potentials of ITScore-PR were derived from experimentally determined protein–RNA complex structures. For validation, we have compared ITScore-PR with 10 other scoring methods on four diverse test sets. For bound docking, ITScore-PR achieved a success rate of up to 86% if the top prediction was considered and up to 94% if the top 10 predictions were considered, respectively. For truly unbound docking, the respective success rates of ITScore-PR were up to 24 and 46%. ITScore-PR can be used stand-alone or easily implemented in other docking programs for protein–RNA recognition.  相似文献   

We present a knowledge‐based function to score protein decoys based on their similarity to native structure. A set of features is constructed to describe the structure and sequence of the entire protein chain. Furthermore, a qualitative relationship is established between the calculated features and the underlying electromagnetic interaction that dominates this scale. The features we use are associated with residue–residue distances, residue–solvent distances, pairwise knowledge‐based potentials and a four‐body potential. In addition, we introduce a new target to be predicted, the fitness score, which measures the similarity of a model to the native structure. This new approach enables us to obtain information both from decoys and from native structures. It is also devoid of previous problems associated with knowledge‐based potentials. These features were obtained for a large set of native and decoy structures and a back‐propagating neural network was trained to predict the fitness score. Overall this new scoring potential proved to be superior to the knowledge‐based scoring functions used as its inputs. In particular, in the latest CASP (CASP10) experiment our method was ranked third for all targets, and second for freely modeled hard targets among about 200 groups for top model prediction. Ours was the only method ranked in the top three for all targets and for hard targets. This shows that initial results from the novel approach are able to capture details that were missed by a broad spectrum of protein structure prediction approaches. Source codes and executable from this work are freely available at http://mathmed.org /#Software and http://mamiris.com/ . Proteins 2014; 82:752–759. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A parameterized algorithm for protein structure alignment.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a parameterized polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for aligning two protein structures, in the case where one protein structure is represented by a contact map graph and the other by a contact map graph or a distance matrix. If the sequential order of alignment is not required, the time complexity is polynomial in the protein size and exponential with respect to two parameters D(u)/D(l) and D(c)/D(l), which usually can be treated as constants. In particular, D(u) is the distance threshold determining if two residues are in contact or not, D(c) is the maximally allowed distance between two matched residues after two proteins are superimposed, and D(l) is the minimum inter-residue distance in a typical protein. This result clearly demonstrates that the computational hardness of the contact map based protein structure alignment problem is related not to protein size but to several parameters modeling the problem. The result is achieved by decomposing the protein structure using tree decomposition and discretizing the rigid-body transformation space. Preliminary experimental results indicate that on a Linux PC, it takes from ten minutes to one hour to align two proteins with approximately 100 residues.  相似文献   

A comparison of scoring functions for protein sequence profile alignment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: In recent years, several methods have been proposed for aligning two protein sequence profiles, with reported improvements in alignment accuracy and homolog discrimination versus sequence-sequence methods (e.g. BLAST) and profile-sequence methods (e.g. PSI-BLAST). Profile-profile alignment is also the iterated step in progressive multiple sequence alignment algorithms such as CLUSTALW. However, little is known about the relative performance of different profile-profile scoring functions. In this work, we evaluate the alignment accuracy of 23 different profile-profile scoring functions by comparing alignments of 488 pairs of sequences with identity < or =30% against structural alignments. We optimize parameters for all scoring functions on the same training set and use profiles of alignments from both PSI-BLAST and SAM-T99. Structural alignments are constructed from a consensus between the FSSP database and CE structural aligner. We compare the results with sequence-sequence and sequence-profile methods, including BLAST and PSI-BLAST. RESULTS: We find that profile-profile alignment gives an average improvement over our test set of typically 2-3% over profile-sequence alignment and approximately 40% over sequence-sequence alignment. No statistically significant difference is seen in the relative performance of most of the scoring functions tested. Significantly better results are obtained with profiles constructed from SAM-T99 alignments than from PSI-BLAST alignments. AVAILABILITY: Source code, reference alignments and more detailed results are freely available at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/profilealignment/  相似文献   

Rocha J  Alberich R 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20889
BACKGROUND: When a researcher uses a program to align two proteins and gets a score, one of her main concerns is how often the program gives a similar score to pairs that are or are not in the same fold. This issue was analysed in detail recently for the program TM-align with its associated TM-score. It was shown that because the TM-score is length independent, it allows a P-value and a hit probability to be defined depending only on the score. Also, it was found that the TM-scores of gapless alignments closely follow an Extreme Value Distribution (EVD). The program ProtDeform for structural protein alignment was developed recently and is characterised by the ability to propose different transformations of different protein regions. Our goal is to analyse its associated score to allow a researcher to have objective reasons to prefer one aligner over another, and carry out a better interpretation of the output. RESULTS: The study on the ProtDeform score reveals that it is length independent in a wider score range than TM-scores and that PD-scores of gapless (random) alignments also approximately follow an EVD. On the CASP8 predictions, PD-scores and TM-scores, with respect to native structures, are highly correlated (0.95), and show that around a fifth of the predictions have a quality as low as 99.5% of the random scores. Using the Gold Standard benchmark, ProtDeform has lower probabilities of error than TM-align both at a similar speed. The analysis is extended to homology discrimination showing that, again, ProtDeform offers higher hit probabilities than TM-align. Finally, we suggest using three different P-values according to the three different contexts: Gapless alignments, optimised alignments for fold discrimination and that for superfamily discrimination. In conclusion, PD-scores are at the very least as valuable for prediction scoring as TM-scores, and on the protein classification problem, even more reliable.  相似文献   

The database reported here is derived using the Combinatorial Extension (CE) algorithm which compares pairs of protein polypeptide chains and provides a list of structurally similar proteins along with their structure alignments. Using CE, structure-structure alignments can provide insights into biological function. When a protein of known function is shown to be structurally similar to a protein of unknown function, a relationship might be inferred; a relationship not necessarily detectable from sequence comparison alone. Establishing structure-structure relationships in this way is of great importance as we enter an era of structural genomics where there is a likelihood of an increasing number of structures with unknown functions being determined. Thus the CE database is an example of a useful tool in the annotation of protein structures of unknown function. Comparisons can be performed on the complete PDB or on a structurally representative subset of proteins. The source protein(s) can be from the PDB (updated monthly) or uploaded by the user. CE provides sequence alignments resulting from structural alignments and Cartesian coordinates for the aligned structures, which may be analyzed using the supplied Compare3D Java applet, or downloaded for further local analysis. Searches can be run from the CE web site, http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce.html, or the database and software downloaded from the site for local use.  相似文献   

Integrated liquid-chromatography mass-spectrometry (LC-MS) is becoming a widely used approach for quantifying the protein composition of complex samples. The output of the LC-MS system measures the intensity of a peptide with a specific mass-charge ratio and retention time. In the last few years, this technology has been used to compare complex biological samples across multiple conditions. One challenge for comparative proteomic profiling with LC-MS is to match corresponding peptide features from different experiments. In this paper, we propose a new method--Peptide Element Alignment (PETAL) that uses raw spectrum data and detected peak to simultaneously align features from multiple LC-MS experiments. PETAL creates spectrum elements, each of which represents the mass spectrum of a single peptide in a single scan. Peptides detected in different LC-MS data are aligned if they can be represented by the same elements. By considering each peptide separately, PETAL enjoys greater flexibility than time warping methods. While most existing methods process multiple data sets by sequentially aligning each data set to an arbitrarily chosen template data set, PETAL treats all experiments symmetrically and can analyze all experiments simultaneously. We illustrate the performance of PETAL on example data sets.  相似文献   

A new statistical test for linkage heterogeneity.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A new, statistical test for linkage heterogeneity is described. It is a likelihood-ratio test based on a beta distribution for the prior distribution of the recombination fraction among families (or individuals). The null distribution for this statistic (called the B-test) is derived under a broad range of circumstances. Two other heterogeneity test statistics--the admixture test or A-test first described by Smith and Morton's test (here referred to as the K-test)--are also examined. The probability distribution for the K-test statistic is very sensitive to family size, whereas the other two statistics are not. All three statistics are somewhat sensitive to the magnitude of the recombination fraction theta. Critical values for each of the test statistics are given. A conservative approximation for both the A-test and B-test is given by a chi 2 distribution when P/2 instead of P is used for the observed significance level. In terms of power, the B-test performs best among the three tests over a broad range of alternate heterogeneity hypotheses--except for the specific case of admixture with loose linkage, in which the A-test performs best. Overall, the difference in power among the three tests is not large. An application to some recently published data on the fragile-X syndrome and X-chromosome markers is given.  相似文献   



A profile-comparison method with position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) is among the most accurate alignment methods. Currently, cosine similarity and correlation coefficients are used as scoring functions of dynamic programming to calculate similarity between PSSMs. However, it is unclear whether these functions are optimal for profile alignment methods. By definition, these functions cannot capture nonlinear relationships between profiles. Therefore, we attempted to discover a novel scoring function, which was more suitable for the profile-comparison method than existing functions, using neural networks.


Although neural networks required derivative-of-cost functions, the problem being addressed in this study lacked them. Therefore, we implemented a novel derivative-free neural network by combining a conventional neural network with an evolutionary strategy optimization method used as a solver. Using this novel neural network system, we optimized the scoring function to align remote sequence pairs. Our results showed that the pairwise-profile aligner using the novel scoring function significantly improved both alignment sensitivity and precision relative to aligners using existing functions.


We developed and implemented a novel derivative-free neural network and aligner (Nepal) for optimizing sequence alignments. Nepal improved alignment quality by adapting to remote sequence alignments and increasing the expressiveness of similarity scores. Additionally, this novel scoring function can be realized using a simple matrix operation and easily incorporated into other aligners. Moreover our scoring function could potentially improve the performance of homology detection and/or multiple-sequence alignment of remote homologous sequences. The goal of the study was to provide a novel scoring function for profile alignment method and develop a novel learning system capable of addressing derivative-free problems. Our system is capable of optimizing the performance of other sophisticated methods and solving problems without derivative-of-cost functions, which do not always exist in practical problems. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of this optimization method for derivative-free problems.

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