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A nearly complete radula with seven elements per row preserved inside of an isolated, bivalved, calcitic lower jaw (= aptychus) of the Late Jurassic ammonite Aspidoceras is described from the Fossillagerstätte Painten (Bavaria, southern Germany). It is the largest known ammonite radula and the first record for the Perisphinctoidea. The multicuspidate tooth elements (ctenodont type of radula) present short cusps. Owing to significant morphological differences between known aptychophoran ammonoid radulae, their possible function is discussed, partly in comparison with modern cephalopod and gastropod radulae. Analogies between the evolution of the pharyngeal jaws of cichlid fishes and the ammonoid buccal apparatus raise the possibility that the evolution of a multicuspidate radula allowed for a functional decoupling of the aptychophoran ammonoid jaw. The radula, therefore, represents a key innovation which allowed for the evolution of the calcified lower jaws in Jurassic and Cretaceous aptychophoran ammonites. Possible triggers for this morphological change during the early Toarcian are discussed. Finally, we hypothesize potential adaptations of ammonoids to different feeding niches based on radular tooth morphologies.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study assessed, for forensic purposes, the feasibility of genotypically matching oral streptococci recovered from recent human bite marks with those from the teeth of the biter. METHODS AND RESULTS: Streptococci were isolated from the incisors of eight volunteers. Arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) distinguished 106 streptococcal genotypes among the participants, each harbouring at least eight distinct strains. In a crime simulation, a sample from an experimental bite mark was analysed by an experimenter unaware of its origin. The bacteria were unambiguously matched to the biter by comparing the amplicon profiles with those from the eight participants. In contrast, bacteria from an additional bite mark (not generated by one of the original participants) could not be matched to any of the eight participants. Between 20 and 78% of catalogued bacterial genotypes were recovered 12 months later from each participant. Throughout the study period, none of the bacterial genotypes were shared between participants. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococci isolated from recent bite marks can be catalogued by AP-PCR and matched to the teeth responsible for the bite. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study provides 'proof of concept' that genotypic analysis of streptococci from bite marks may provide valuable forensic evidence in situations where the perpetrator's DNA cannot be recovered.  相似文献   

The A-mode sutural ontogeny in prolecanitid ammonoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The generally accepted theory of a U-mode sutural ontogeny of prolecanitid ammonoids and their descendants is refuted. The basic suture formula of the order Prolecanitida is E A L U I (not E L U2 U1 I), resembling that of derived members of the suborder Tornoceratina (their phylogenetic ancestors), and of the suborder Goniatitina. During phylogeny of the prolecanitids, secondary umbilical lobes are introduced and lead to multilobate forms. In early ceratites, the original L lobe disappeared, and an increase in sutural elements took place by the introduction of supplementary U lobes. Consequently, sutural nomenclature of Permian ceratites and Mesozoic ammonoids has to be modified.  相似文献   

This work examined three different phenotypes of the yellow‐eel stage of the European eel Anguilla anguilla, broad‐heads, narrow‐heads and eels with an intermediate head shape. The aim was to see whether broad‐headed A. anguilla, which generally consume harder, larger prey, such as crustaceans and fish, exerted greater bite force than the narrow‐headed variant, which mainly consume soft, small prey such as chironomid larvae. It was found that in 99 yellow A. anguilla, in vivo bite force of broad‐heads are higher compared with narrow‐heads and intermediates.  相似文献   

The five greatest sublethal injuries were selected from a collection of more than 12,000 predominantly Mesozoic injured or otherwise pathological ammonoids. The loss of shell mass from these survived injuries was calculated and compared with comparable tolerances in the recent Nautilus . These ammonoids tolerated a shell loss up to four times greater than in Nautilus . The maximum tolerated shell loss indicates an unexpected buoyancy compensation mechanism. The buoyancy of the selected specimens was calculated. The results show that the buoyancy of all the observed ammonoid shells was positive. In order to maintain neutral buoyancy after injury, these ammonoids had to fill the phragmocone with a volume of mass. Nautilus compensated a maximum mass loss requiring a liquid refill of 3% of the cameral capacity, the ammonoids compensated a maximum of observed mass loss requiring a liquid refill of more than 10% of cameral capacity. The ratio of chamber volume/siphuncular surface area in the ammonoid Lithacoceras is 0.043, indicating that the relative area of the siphuncular epithelium in Lithacoceras is significantly higher when compared with a ratio of 0.12-0.14 in the adult Nautilus . The phragmocone in ammonoids offered the ability of a much more active buoyancy regulation than in Nautilus .  相似文献   

报道犬咬伤继发孢子丝菌病1例。患儿,女,5岁。左侧小腿外侧出现数个花生米大小囊肿性暗红色结节1个月余。患儿于2个月前左侧小腿外侧不慎被犬咬伤,当时未予特殊处理,伤口一直未完全愈合。根据患儿病史、症状体征、病理结果、真菌培养及分子鉴定结果明确诊断为孢子丝菌病。口服伊曲康唑胶囊3个月,皮疹较前明显变平缩小,现已停药,仍在随访中。  相似文献   

李超  黄陈 《现代生物医学进展》2015,15(34):6779-6782
腹壁疝是普外科最常见的疾病之一,主要包括腹股沟疝、切口疝、造口旁疝等,手术是其唯一的治愈方法。腹腔镜腹壁疝修 补术是在无张力疝修补术的基础上发展起来的一种微创技术,主要包括腹腔镜下腹壁疝修补术(LIHR),如经腹腔镜腹膜前补片修 补术(TAPP)和完全腹膜外补片修补术(TEP),腹腔镜下切口疝修补术及腹腔镜下造口旁疝修补术。其术后常见并发症与传统疝修 补术相同,但发生率显著低于传统的开腹疝修补术。与传统疝修补术相比,腹腔镜腹壁疝修补术具有术后疼痛轻、并发症少、疤痕 小、复发率低等优势,因此临床应用前景广阔。本文主要就腹腔镜下腹壁疝修补术的治疗现状与进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

傅彤  师超凡  王永杰  高太平 《昆虫知识》2012,49(4):1066-1071
拟态是一种生物模拟另一种生物或环境中的其它物体从而使自身获得好处的现象,是昆虫在进化过程中特化出的一种极为重要和有效的防御策略。脉翅目昆虫是一类完全变态性昆虫,在其超过2.7亿年的演化历史中,出现了形态多样的翅斑。美翼蛉属Bellinympha Wang,Ren,Liu,Shih&Engel,2010是脉翅目溪蛉科丽翼蛉亚科的一个绝灭属,发现于中国内蒙古道虎沟地区中侏罗世九龙山组地层。该属的发现代表了迄今报道的最古老的叶状拟态现象,也是唯一报道的昆虫模拟裸子植物或蕨类植物叶片。本文简要概述了脉翅目昆虫研究概况,总结了中生代脉翅目翅斑的多样性,对美翼蛉属进行了描述,并对其叶状拟态及其生物学意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   


An endocochliate embryo model for the Mesozoic Ammonitida is proposed based on scanning electron microscopy of the ammonitella (= embryonic shell) stage of well‐preserved Japanese Cretaceous specimens belonging to nine species of five superfamilies. As in other specimens described previously, the ammonitella wall succeeding from the initial chamber ("protoconch") in the species examined consists of the inner prismatic, middle subprismatic and outer prismatic layers, with minute tubercles resting on the outer. Developmental patterns of these structures and their comparison with primary shell formation in modern Nautilus and Spirula suggest that the outer thin prismatic layer with microtubercles was secreted by the exterior epithelium after the completion of the main ammonitella wall by the interior shell gland. Thus, the early ammonite embryo might have had an endocochliate structural plan as in coleoids, and at the time of hatching the overlying mantle epithelium had shifted anteriorly to become an ectocochliate condition.  相似文献   

Bite force was quantified for 13 species of North American rodents using a piezo-resistive sensor. Most of the species measured (11) formed a tight relationship between body mass and bite force (log 10(bite force)=0.43(log 10(body mass))+0.416; R 2>0.98). This high correlation exists despite the ecological (omnivores, grazers and more carnivorous) and taxonomic (Cricetidae, Heteromyidae, Sciuridae and Zapodidae) diversity of species. Two additional species, Geomys bursarius (Geomyidae) and a Sciurus niger (Sciuridae), bit much harder for their size. We found a simple index of strength based on two measurements of the incisor at the level of the alveolus ( Zi =((anterior-posterior length)2× (medial-lateral width))/6) that is highly predictive of bite force in these rodents (R2>0.96). Zi may be useful for prediction of bite force (log10 (Bite Force)=0.566log10 ( Zi )+1.432) when direct measurements are not available.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究小鼠中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)多巴胺能神经元接受的全脑输入性上游投射及其输出性下游投射,解析其全脑上下游神经环路连接。方法:用立体定位仪将辅助病毒AAV-EF1a-DIO-GT和AAV-EF1a-DIO-G的混合液(1:1)注射到DAT-cre转基因小鼠的VTA脑区,2周后将重组狂犬病毒(RV)EnVA-RV-mCherry微注射到VTA脑区,1周后RV病毒完成逆向跨突触感染并充分表达荧光蛋白,全脑冰冻切片,用全自动扫描荧光显微镜全脑拍片。用立体定位仪将顺行示踪病毒AAV-EF1a-DIO-GFP微注射到DAT-cre转基因小鼠的VTA脑区,2周后待病毒及荧光蛋白充分表达后,全脑冰冻切片,VTA区脑片用TH抗体行免疫荧光染色,全自动扫描荧光显微镜全脑拍片。结果:狂犬病毒逆向跨单级突触示踪结果显示,全脑许多脑区核团神经元表达RV病毒携带的红色荧光蛋白,主要包括前脑皮层、纹状体、伏隔核、下丘脑视前区、外侧下丘脑、下丘脑室旁核、杏仁核、腹侧被盖区、黑质、中缝背核、臂旁核、缰核。顺行示踪病毒结果显示,表达绿色荧光蛋白的纤维投射主要集中在内侧前额叶皮层、纹状体、伏隔核、背外侧隔核、杏仁核、外侧下丘脑几个脑区。结论:VTA多巴胺能神经元的上游输入性投射广泛的分布于全脑,包括前脑皮层、基底神经节区、下丘脑区、边缘系统、中脑的许多核团都向其发出纤维投射。VTA多巴胺神经元的下游输出性投射主要集中在基底神经节的伏隔核和纹状体,内侧前额叶皮层及下丘脑也有一定投射。  相似文献   

Recent evidence has suggested that compounds affecting GABAergic transmission may provide useful pharmacological tools for the treatment of cocaine addiction. Using a rat model of self-administration, the present study examined the effects of GABA agonists and antagonists injected directly into the ventral tegmental area (VTA) on cocaine intake in rats trained to self-administer cocaine (0, 125, 250 and 500 μg/infusion) under an FR5 schedule of reinforcement. Separate groups of rats received bilateral intra-VTA injections of the GABA-A antagonist picrotoxin (34 ng/side, n = 7; 68 ng/side, n = 8), GABA-A agonist muscimol (14 ng/side, n = 8), GABA-B agonist baclofen (56 ng/side, n = 7; 100 ng/side, n = 6), picrotoxin (68 ng/side) co-injected with the GABA-B antagonist 2-hydroxysaclofen (100 ng/side, n = 7; 2 μg/side, n = 8) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF, n = 6) to assess the effects of the various compounds on the cocaine self-administration dose-response curve. Both picrotoxin and baclofen reduced responding maintained by cocaine, whereas muscimol had no effect on responding. In contrast, neither picrotoxin (n = 6) nor baclofen (n = 8) affected responding maintained by food. Interestingly, 2-hydroxysaclofen effectively blocked the suppression of responding produced by picrotoxin, suggesting that both picrotoxin and baclofen exert their effects via activation of GABA-B receptors. Additionally, these effects appear to be specific to cocaine reinforcement, supporting current investigation of baclofen as a treatment for cocaine addiction.  相似文献   

Abstract Among vertebrates, there is often a tight correlation between variation in cranial morphology and diet. Yet, the relationships between morphological characteristics and feeding performance are usually only inferred from biomechanical models. Here, we empirically test whether differences in body dimensions are correlated with bite performance and trophic ecology for a large number of turtle species. A comparative phylogenetic analysis indicates that turtles with carnivorous and durophagous diets are capable of biting harder than species with other diets. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that an evolutionary increase in bite performance has allowed certain turtles to consume harder or larger prey. Changes in carapace length tend to be associated with proportional changes in linear head dimensions (no shape change). However, maximum bite force tends to change in proportion to length cubed, rather than length squared, implying that changes in body size are associated with changes in the design of the jaw apparatus. After the effect of body size is accounted for in the analysis, only changes in head height are significantly correlated with changes in bite force. Additionally, our data suggest that the ability to bite hard might trade off with the ability to feed on fast agile prey. Rather than being the direct result of conflicting biomechanical or physiological demands for force and speed, this trade‐off may be mediated through the constraints imposed by the need to retract the head into the shell for defensive purposes.  相似文献   

中国中生代昆虫化石研究新进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
任东 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):234-240
回顾了1990年以来中国中生代昆虫化石研究的新进展,简述了我国学者在古昆虫分类学、昆虫内部形态学、昆虫系统学、古生态学、昆虫生物地层学、昆虫区系的历史演变、生物古地理学、昆虫与植物的关系等8个方面取得的突出贡献,并给出了我国发现的世界最低层位昆虫科级类群表。  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the maximum bite force ( MBF ) can be improved by the replacement of complete dentures for elderly people. Design: Nine edentulous volunteers, mean age 74.2 (± 5.5) years and average denture experience 19.4 ± 19.5 years (1 to 50 years) had replacement dentures made. After a rehearsal session, MBF was recorded with the old dentures, and with the new dentures immediately at insertion, at 3, 8 days, 2–3 weeks, 1, 2, 3 and 6–10 months post insertion ( p‐i. ). MBF was recorded with the central bearing point method using a full‐bridge strain gauge load cell. Data were analysed off‐line using the mean of two peak readings per patient per session. Results: The results indicate that MBF tended to be impaired when replacement dentures were first fitted (n.s.). However, this trend reversed during the first month p‐i. for patients with a “moderate” lower ridge resorption of Atwood grade 3 or 4 (n = 5). Patients with more severe lower ridge resorption Atwood grade 5 or 6 (n = 4) showed a significantly lower MBF over the entire observation period (p0.05) and took longer to regain bite strength. Only patients with moderate bone resorption exceeded their pre‐insertion level of MBF within the observation period of 6–10 months p‐i. Conclusion: The present pilot study suggests that, at least for elderly patients with severe bone resorption, delayed improvement of MBF should be expected with replacement complete dentures.  相似文献   

血小板计数在五步蛇咬伤中的临床意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
乐冬友  徐自强  王志英 《蛇志》2010,22(2):110-111
目的探讨血小板计数在五步蛇咬伤临床治疗中的指导意义。方法对2006年3月至2009年12月我院收治的77例五步蛇咬伤病人在运用抗蛇毒血清治疗时对病人的血小板计数进行动态监测。蛄果患者入院时的血小板计数越低,抗蛇毒血清用量越大,呈负相关。结论在五步蛇咬伤治疗中,血小板计数可指导抗蛇毒血清的应用剂量。在应用抗蛇毒血清后血小板计数仍较低者.常提示抗蛇毒血清的用量不足,需追加剂量。  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study determined if repeated cocaine injections alter the effect of cocaine on extracellular glutamate in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). All rats were treated with daily cocaine (15 mg/kg i.p. × 2 days, 30 mg/kg i.p. × 5 days) or saline for 7 days. At 21 days after discontinuing the daily injections, a dialysis probe was placed into the VTA and the extracellular levels of glutamate were estimated. A systemic injection of cocaine (15 mg/kg i.p.) elevated extracellular glutamate in the VTA of rats pretreated with daily cocaine but not in the daily saline-pretreated subjects. No significant change in glutamate was produced by a saline injection in either pretreatment group. In a group of rats pretreated with daily cocaine, the D1 antagonist SCH-23390 (30 µ M ) was infused through the dialysis probe prior to the acute injections of saline and cocaine. SCH-23390 prevented the increase in extracellular glutamate associated with the acute administration of cocaine. Behavioral data were collected simultaneously with the measures of extracellular glutamate. The behavioral stimulant effect of cocaine was greater in cocaine-pretreated than saline-pretreated subjects, and the behavioral augmentation in cocaine-pretreated rats was partly blocked by SCH-23390. These data support the hypotheses that repeated cocaine administration produces an increase in the capacity of D1 receptor stimulation to release glutamate in the VTA and that this mechanism partly mediates behavioral sensitization produced in rats treated with daily cocaine injections.  相似文献   

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