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Amputation of legs in nymphs of ticks, obtained from the first laboratory generation, resulted in regeneration of the legs after moulting to adults. Haller's sensory organ on the upper surface of each foreleg tarsus was significantly modified following regeneration. Haller's organ in non-amputated legs of the experimental ticks remained unchanged, being comparable to controls.Pored olfactory sensilla in the anterior pit, in a capsule and on a distal knoll usually increased in number, as well as grooved, thin and conical sensilla. Bordering gustatory and double-walled postcapsular sensilla either decreased or increased in number. All additional sensilla were consistent in their location. Form of the anterior pit and capsule's aperture also deeply changed after the regeneration. The authors distinguish this changes as atavistic.No correlation between changes in different parts of the organ were found.A phenomenon of induction was discovered in our study: if a distal part of tick's gnathosoma was amputated together with the left foreleg, Haller's organ in the right, untreated leg possessed the same changes after moulting as the regenerated organ in the previously amputated left foreleg.  相似文献   

Hind legs with crossed receptor-apodemes of the femoral chordotonal organ when making a step during walking often do not release the ground after reaching the extreme posterior position. After putting a clamp on the trochanter (stimulation of the campaniform sensilla) the leg is no longer protracted during walking. However, during searching-movements the same leg is moved very far forwards. The anatomical situation of the campaniform sensilla on the trochanter and the sensory innervation of the trochanter is described. After removal of the hair-rows and continuously stimulating the hair-plate at the thorax-coxa-joint the extreme anterior and posterior positions of the leg in walking are displaced in the posterior direction. Front and middle legs operated in this way sometimes do not release the ground at the end of retraction. In searching-movements the same leg is moved in a normal way. If only one side of a decerebrated animal goes over a step, then on the other side a compensatory effect is observed. The main source of this compensatory information appears to be the BF1-hair-plates. If the animal has to drag a weight the extreme anterior and posterior positions of the middle and hind legs are displaced in the anterior direction. Crossing the receptor-apodeme of the femoral chordotonal organ, when it causes the leg to remain in the protraction phase, displaces the extreme posterior position of the ipsilateral leg in front of the operated one in the posterior direction. Influences of different sources on the extreme posterior position can superimpose. A model is presented which combines both a central programme and peripheral sensory influence. The word programme used here means that it does not only determine the motor output but also determines the reactions to particular afferences. The fact that the reaction to a stimulus depends on the internal state of the CNS is also represented by the model.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary Crustaceans, insects and to a lesser degree arachnids have been employed in regeneration studies. Amputation and ligation of the legs was used to determine occurring in a Black Widow spider complied with the developmental gradient model of regeneration. The occurrence of autotomy in this species was also documented. Amputation indicated the most proximal point from which regeneration of the leg could occur was the femoral mid-point. Amputation proximal to that area did not result in leg regeneration. Autotomy following amputation was not observed. Ligation of the legs resulted in autotomy when applied at and proximal to the mid-point of the tibia, increasing in frequency as more proximal segments were ligated. Autotomy always occurred at the trochanter-coxa joint. Autotomized legs did not regenerate. The regeneration observed complied with the developmental gradient model.  相似文献   

Chemical stimulation of contact chemoreceptors located on the legs of locusts evokes withdrawal movements of the leg. The likelihood of withdrawal depends on the site of stimulation, in addition to the identity and concentration of the chemical stimulus. A significantly higher percentage of locusts exhibit leg avoidance movements in response to stimulation of distal parts of the leg with any given chemical stimulus compared to proximal sites. Moreover, the percentage of locusts exhibiting avoidance movements is correlated with the density and sensitivity of chemoreceptors on different sites of an individual leg. The effectiveness of chemical stimulation also differs between the fore and hind legs, with NaCl evoking a higher probability of leg withdrawal movements on the foreleg. Moreover, sucrose was less effective than NaCl at evoking withdrawal movements of the foreleg, particularly at low concentrations. The gradients in behavioural responses can be partially attributed to differences in the responsiveness and density of the contact chemoreceptors. These results may reflect the different specialization of individual legs, with the forelegs particularly involved in food selection.  相似文献   

Locomotion of stick insects climbing over gaps of more than twice their step length has proved to be a useful paradigm to investigate how locomotor behaviour is adapted to external conditions. In this study, swing amplitudes and extreme positions of single steps from gap-crossing sequences have been analysed and compared to corresponding parameters of undisturbed walking. We show that adaptations of the basic mechanisms concern movements of single legs as well as the coordination between the legs. Slowing down of stance velocity, searching movements of legs in protraction and the generation of short steps are crucial prerequisites in the gap-crossing task. The rules of leg coordination described for stick insect walking seem to be modified, and load on the supporting legs is assumed to have a major effect on coordination especially in slow walking. Stepping into the gap with a front leg and antennal contact with the far edge of the gap provide information, as both events influence the following leg movements, whereas antennal non-contact seems not to contain information. Integration of these results into the model of the walking controller can improve our understanding of insect locomotion in highly irregular environments.Abbreviations AEP anterior extreme position - fAEP fictive anterior extreme position - PEP posterior extreme position - TOT treading-on-tarsus  相似文献   

Mechanisms dependent upon leg position coordinate the alternate stepping of adjacent ipsilateral and contralateral legs in the stick insect. In this insect, swing duration and step amplitude are independent of walking speed. A simple geometrical model of the leg controller is used here to test different mechanisms for compatibility with these two invariant features. Leg position is the state variable of a relaxation oscillator and position thresholds determine the transitions between swing and stance. The coordination mechanisms alter these thresholds. The position-dependent mechanisms considered differ either in the form or the speed-dependence of the function relating the shift in the posterior threshold of the receiving leg to the position of the sending leg. The results identify parameter combinations leading to alternate stepping with symmetric or asymmetric phase distributions, to shifts in the posterior extreme position as a function of speed, to double stepping or to in-phase stepping. An optimal position-dependent excitatory mechanism is described. Finally the consequences of adding either inhibitory influences or time-dependent excitatory influences are analyzed.  相似文献   

We investigated insects Carausius morosus walking whilst hanging upside down along a narrow 3 mm horizontal beam. At the end of the beam, the animal takes a 180° turn. This is a difficult situation because substrate area is small and moves relative to the body during the turn. We investigated how leg movements are organised during this turn. A non-contact of either front leg appears to indicate the end of the beam. However, a turn can only begin if the hind legs stand in an appropriate position relative to each other; the outer hind leg must not be placed posterior to the inner hind leg. When starting the turn, both front legs are lifted and usually held in a relatively stable position and then the inner middle leg performs a swing-and-search movement: The leg begins a swing, which is continued by a searching movement to the side and to the rear, and eventually grasps the beam. At the same time the body is turned usually being supported by the outer middle leg and both hind legs. Then front legs followed by the outer middle leg reach the beam. A scheme describing the turns based on a few simple behavioural elements is proposed.  相似文献   

Three modes of self cleaning occur in insects: nibbling by the maxillae, scraping one structure by another in one direction only, and rubbing back and forth while the respective parts are in continuous contact. This paper describes a comprehensive and comparative account of this behaviour in bees, with special reference to the cleaning of or by the forelegs. Bees, like all Hymenoptera, clean various parts of the head, including the mouthparts and the antennae, with the forelegs. Lower Hymenoptera scrape each antenna with either foreleg; in the species of Aculeata that possess the antenna cleaner (strigil) on the foreleg, only the ipsilateral leg is used. The thoracic dorsum of most bees, as in many sphecoid wasps, is scraped in a forward direction by the middle leg; Triepeolus spp., however, use the hind leg, and the Anthophorinae the foreleg. Some beetles and lacewings clean their forelegs in the mouthparts by nibbling and scraping. Most higher Hymenoptera as a rule scrape the foreleg between the ipsilateral maxilla and the labium; bees, however, clamp the foreleg between the flexed ipsilateral middle leg and then scrape it. An evolution of this behaviour is postulated via several intermediate forms derived from original stepping movements. Halictidae and Andrenidae clamp the foreleg for scraping underneath the middle tibia, whereas all other bees nearly always clamp it underneath the middle basitarsus. Very similar movements are used in various species for transferring pollen, oil, or nest materials from the foreleg to the middle leg. It is argued that the original way of pollen carrying in bees must have been by filling the crop through direct eating or by scraping pollen off the foreleg between the ipsilateral maxilla and the labium. The latter movement is widespread among bees and is homologous to the normal foreleg cleaning in the mouthparts of most other Hymenoptera. The efficiency of this behaviour is enhanced in many lower bees by a comb on the galea, which is the homologue of a similar structure widespread among aculeate wasps. In higher bees, Apidae and Anthophoridae, the galeal comb is replaced by an equifunctional stipes comb. Many bees have neither of these types of maxillary combs.  相似文献   

The gravity receptor system of crickets Gryllus bimaculatus is composed of antennal, cercal and leg subsystems. The cercal gravity receptors are the club-shaped sensilla. Each of these subsystems elicits compensatory head movements during passive roll.The extent of compensatory head movements depends on the strength of the gravitational stimulus applied to the leg subsystem. Amputation of 2 legs never causes a decrease in reflex amplitude. Unilateral amputation of 1 to 3 legs always induces a roll movement of the head to the intact body side. Therefore, the leg gravity receptor system exerts a modulatory and tonic effect on the neck muscles.The gravity receptors of 1 cercus or 1 antenna only elicit compensatory head movements. They exert no tonic effect on the neck muscles.The results are discussed with respect to (i) the proposed connectivity of the cercus-neck muscle pathway, (ii) mutual inhibitory interactions between the sensory pathways originating in the leg gravity receptors, and (iii) the influence of non-gravitationally induced excitation on the occurrence of compensatory head movements during passive roll of the crickets.  相似文献   

1. Experiments with rock lobsters walking on a treadmill were undertaken to obtain information upon the system controlling the movement of the legs. Results show that the position of the leg is an important parameter affecting the cyclic movement of the walking leg. Stepping can be interrupted when the geometrical conditions for terminating either a return stroke or a power stroke are not fullfilled. 2. The mean value of anterior and posterior extreme positions (AEP and PEP respectively) of the walking legs do not depend on the walking speed (Fig. 1). 3. When one leg is isolated from the other walking legs by placing it on a platform the AEPs and PEPs of the other legs show a broader distribution compared to controls (Figs. 2 and 3). 4. Force measurements (Fig. 4) are in agreement with the hypothesis that the movement of the leg is controlled by a position servomechanism. 5. When one leg stands on a stationary force transducer this leg develops forces which oscillate with the step rhythm of the other legs (Fig. 5). 6. A posteriorly directed influence is found, by which the return stroke of a leg can be started when the anterior leg performs a backward directed movement. 7. Results are compared with those obtained from stick insects. The systems controlling the movement of the individual leg are similar in both, lobster and stick insect but the influences between the legs seem to be considerably different.  相似文献   

Summary In stick insects, the swing of each rear leg is aimed at the ipsilateral middle leg. The control of this targeted movement was investigated by applying external force to aid or oppose protraction of one rear leg as stick insects walked on a treadwheel.In the first condition studied, the target middle leg was stationary during the protraction of the rear leg (Figs. 1a, 2). The opposing forces tested were 14 and 32 times greater than the peak force exerted during unobstructed protraction. Nevertheless, the rear leg continued to step to a constant position behind the middle leg (Fig. 3).In the second condition, the target middle leg also walked on the wheel. As the force opposing protraction increased, the endpoint of rear leg protraction shifted caudally, the speed of protraction decreased, and the total protraction duration increased (Fig. 5; Table 1). The middle leg's position at the end of rear leg protraction shifted caudally but its posterior extreme position remained virtually unchanged. When the onset of the external force was abrupt, compensation often occurred within 20 ms (Fig. 6a).External forces aiding protraction increased protraction speed only slightly (Table 2). When the force was suddenly removed, the leg continued moving forward but with reduced velocity (Fig. 6b).It is concluded that position information is used only to determine the swing endpoint and that velocity is controlled during the movement. The results are compared with movements to a target by vertebrates and with models of motor control in general.Abbreviations AEP anterior extreme position - PEP posterior extreme position  相似文献   

Intersegmental coordination during locomotion in legged animals arises from mechanical couplings and the exchange of neuronal information between legs. Here, the information flow from a single leg sense organ of the stick insect Cuniculina impigra onto motoneurons and interneurons of other legs was investigated. The femoral chordotonal organ (fCO) of the right middle leg, which measures posture and movement of the femur-tibia joint, was stimulated, and the responses of the tibial motoneuron pools of the other legs were recorded. In resting animals, fCO signals did not affect motoneuronal activity in neighboring legs. When the locomotor system was activated and antagonistic motoneurons were bursting in alternation, fCO stimuli facilitated transitions from flexor to extensor activity and vice versa in the contralateral leg. Following pharmacological treatment with picrotoxin, a blocker of GABA-ergic inhibition, the tibial motoneurons of all legs showed specific responses to signals from the middle leg fCO. For the contralateral middle leg we show that fCO signals encoding velocity and position of the tibia were processed by those identified local premotor nonspiking interneurons known to contribute to posture and movement control during standing and voluntary leg movements. Interneurons received both excitatory and inhibitory inputs, so that the response of some interneurons supported the motoneuronal output, while others opposed it. Our results demonstrate that sensory information from the fCO specifically affects the motoneuronal activity of other legs and that the layer of premotor nonspiking interneurons is a site of interaction between local proprioceptive sensory signals and proprioceptive signals from other legs.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanisms underlying support of body load in posture and walking in serially homologous legs of cockroaches. Activities of the trochanteral extensor muscle in the front or middle legs were recorded neurographically while animals were videotaped. Body load was increased via magnets attached to the thorax and varied through a coil below the substrate. In posture, tonic firing of the slow trochanteral extensor motoneuron (Ds) in each leg was strongly modulated by changing body load. Rapid load increases produced decreases in body height and sharp increments in extensor firing. The peak of extensor activity more closely approximated the maximum velocity of body displacement than the body position. In walking, extensor bursts in front and middle legs were initiated during swing and continued into the stance phase. Moderate tonic increases in body load elicited similar, specific, phase dependent changes in both legs: extensor firing was not altered in swing but was higher after foot placement in stance. These motor adjustments to load are not anticipatory but apparently depend upon sensory feedback. These data are consistent with previous findings in the hind legs and support the idea that body load is countered by common motor mechanisms in serially homologous legs.  相似文献   

We studied the common kinematic features of the coxa and trochanter in cursorial and raptorial legs, which are the short size of the podomers, predominantly monoaxial joints, and the approximate orthogonality of adjacent joint axes. The chain coxa-trochanter with its short elements and serial orthogonality of joint axes resembles the gimbals which combine versatility and tolerance to external perturbations. The geometry of legs was studied in 23 insect species of 12 orders. Insects with monoaxial joints were selected. The joint between the trochanter and the femur (TFJ) is defined either by two vestigial condyles or by a straight anterior hinge. Direction of the joint axes in the two basal podomers was assessed by 3D measurements or by goniometry in two planes. Length of the coxa is <15% (mostly <8%) of the total length of the cursorial leg, that of the trochanter <10%. Angles between the proximal and distal joint axes in the middle coxa range from 124 to 84 degrees (mean 97+/-14 degrees ), in the trochanter (in all legs studied) from 125 to 72 degrees (mean 90+/-13 degrees ). Vectors of the distal axis in the coxa are concentrated about the normal to the plane defined by the proximal axis and the midpoint between the distal condyles. These vectors in the trochanter lie at various angles to the normal; angles are correlated with the direction of the TFJ relative to the femur. Range of reduction about the TFJ is over 60 degrees in the foreleg of Ranatra linearis, Mantispa lobata and the hind leg in Carabus coriaceus (confirming observations of previous authors), 40-60 degrees in the foreleg of Vespa crabro and in the middle one in Ammophila campestris, 10-30 degrees in other studied specimens. The special role of the trochanter in autotomy and in active propulsion in some insect groups is discussed. The majority of insects possess small trochanters and slightly movable TFJs with the joint axis laying in the femur-tibia plane. We pose the hypothesis that the TFJ damps external forces, the vectors of which lie off the femur-tibia plane, the reductor muscle acting as a spring. Thus the TFJ contributes to dynamic stability of legged locomotion.  相似文献   

Summary The stepping patterns of intact, amputated and leg restrained first instar stick insects were examined by analysing video tape records of their free walking behaviour. Amputation produced changes in the relative timing of protraction movements both along and across the body axis. Restraint of individual front or rear legs produced walking behaviour similar to that of the amputee animal but restraint of middle legs caused a breakdown in the coordination of front and rear legs. The changes in behaviour produced by leg autotomy and restraint were used to test certain assumptions of a model for generating the step pattern of these insects and to investigate how the tonic influence of proprioceptive input might be incorporated into the model.I would like to thank Professor P.N.R. Usherwood and Drs. M.D. Burns and W.J.P. Barnes for their comments and ideas on this work. A special acknowledgement goes to Dr. F. Delcomyn whose Fortran step analysis programs assisted greatly in the data reduction. I wish to thank S.R.C. for a returning scientist award and the support and equipment provided by grant B/SR/9774 to Professor Usherwood. A preliminary survey of some of the amputees was carried out at the Biology Department, Case Western Reserve University and I would like to acknowledge the support provided by a P.H.S. grant NB-06054 to Professor R.K. Josephson.  相似文献   

To identify the sensory organs that are sensitive to water stimuli in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, cuticular structures on the legs and the number of sensory neurons innervating them were studied. Some small hair sensilla on the legs were innervated by 2-5 sensory neurons. All such sensilla had a tiny pore at the tip of their hairs. The diameter of the pore was approximately 0.2 mum. These findings suggest that these are chemosensitive hairs (LCS: leg chemosensillum). Of the three pairs of legs, the anterior legs (forelegs) possessed the largest number of LCSs. Of the five leg segments (i.e., coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus), the tarsus possessed the largest number of LCSs on each leg. Electrophysiological investigation by tip recording revealed that some of the LCSs contained water-receptor cells. Because the basitarsus possessed a larger number of LCSs than the other tarsomeres, the distribution of water-receptor-containing LCSs in the basitarsus of a foreleg was investigated morphologically and electrophysiologically. LCSs that contained water-receptor cells were mainly distributed on the ventral surface of the basitarsus. There were two types of water receptor that showed different response patterns to a stimulus, that is, phasic- and tonic-type water receptors. From the distribution of LCSs on the legs, the roles of these different types of water receptors in behavioral selection, that is, the initiation of swimming and the inhibition of flying, will be discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨肾综合征出血热病毒(HFRSV)在恙螨体内的分布和定位,采用原位分子杂交技术检测恙螨体内HFRSVRNA。结果发现:原位分子杂交技术的检出阳性率较IFAT高;HFRSV阳性信号颗粒呈弥散分布,多见于恙螨幼虫和若虫的腹部组织细胞内,该部位是恙螨的卵巢细胞、中肠及支囊上皮细胞。前体组织细胞内少见;个别幼虫和若虫的前足和中足细胞内亦可见到HFRSVRNA阳性信号。在原位分子杂交中,若虫组织细胞内的HFRSVRNA阳性信号较幼虫密集而且量多,表明HFRSV在恙螨体内可传递并有增殖现象  相似文献   

The coupling mechanisms which coordinate the movement of ipsilateral walking legs in the crayfish have been described in earlier investigations. Concerning the coupling between contralateral legs it was only known that these influences are weaker than those acting between ipsilateral legs. The nature of these coupling mechanisms between contralateral legs of the crayfish are investigated here by running left and right legs on separate walking belts at different speeds. The results show that coordination is performed by a phase-dependent shift of the anterior extreme position of the influenced leg. This backward shift leads to a shortening of both the return stroke and the following power stroke. As the coupling influence is only weak, several steps might be necessary to retain normal coordination after a disturbance. This corresponds to v. Holst's relative coordination. The influences act in both directions, from left to right and vice versa. However, one side may be more or less dominant. A gradient was found in the way that anterior leg pairs show less strong coordination than posterior legs. In some cases the coupling between diagonally neighbouring legs was found to be stronger than between contralateral legs of the same segment. The interpretation of this result is still open.  相似文献   

When the stick insect walks, the middle and rear legs step to positions immediately behind the tarsus of the adjacent rostral leg. Previous reports have described this movement to a target as a relationship between the tarsus positions of the two legs in a Cartesian coordinate system. However, leg proprioceptors measure the position of the target leg in terms of joint angles and leg muscles bring the tarsus of the moving leg to the proper end-point by establishing appropriate angles at the joints. Representation of this task in Cartesian coordinates requires non-linear coordinate transformations; realizing such a transformation in the nervous system appears to require many neurons. The present simulation using the back-propagation algorithm shows that a simple network of only nine units — 3 sensory input units, 3 motor output units, and 3 hidden units — suffices. The simulation also shows that an analytic coordinate transformation can be replaced by a direct association of joint configurations in the moving leg with those in the target leg.  相似文献   

Fragments from prospective distal regions of Drosophila male foreleg imaginal discs failed to undergo proximal intercalary regeneration across leg segment borders when mechanically intermixed and cultured for 8 days with various fragments from prospective proximal disc regions. The failure of the distal cells to regenerate proximal leg segments was not due to a general restriction in their developmental potentials: Distal fragments, when deprived of their distal-most tips, regenerated in the distal direction at a high frequency. It is concluded that there exist in Drosophila leg discs the same restrictions with respect to regeneration along the proximodistal leg axis as had been previously observed in legs of several hemimetabolous insect species: Intersegmental discontinuities between grafted tissue pieces are not eliminated by intercalation. Based on the available evidence in hemimetabolous insects and in Drosophila, a new interpretation of the different aspects of regeneration in insect legs is offered. It is proposed that the two categories of regulative fields observed in insect legs, the leg segment fields and the whole leg field, represent the units of regulation for two fundamentally different regulative pathways that a cell at a wound edge can follow, the intercalative pathway and the terminal pathway, respectively. It is suggested that the criterion used by cells at healing wounds to choose between the two pathways is the difference in circumferential positional information between juxtaposed cells. The intercalative regulative pathway is switched on when cells with disparities in their axial positional information, or cells with less than maximal disparities in their circumferential information, contact one another. The terminal regulative pathway is triggered whenever cells with maximal circumferential disparities come into contact.  相似文献   

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