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Sandiford SD Green HJ Duhamel TA Schertzer JD Perco JD Ouyang J 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2005,289(2):R441-R449
To investigate the effects of hypoxia and incremental exercise on muscle contractility, membrane excitability, and maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, 10 untrained volunteers (age = 20 +/- 0.37 yr and weight = 80.0 +/- 3.54 kg; +/- SE) performed progressive cycle exercise to fatigue on two occasions: while breathing normal room air (Norm; Fi(O(2)) = 0.21) and while breathing a normobaric hypoxic gas mixture (Hypox; Fi(O(2)) = 0.14). Muscle samples extracted from the vastus lateralis before exercise and at fatigue were analyzed for maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (K(+)-stimulated 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase) activity in homogenates. A 32% reduction (P < 0.05) in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was observed (90.9 +/- 7.6 vs. 62.1 +/- 6.4 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) in Norm. At fatigue, the reductions in Hypox were not different (81 +/- 5.6 vs. 57.2 +/- 7.5 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) from Norm. Measurement of quadriceps neuromuscular function, assessed before and after exercise, indicated a generalized reduction (P < 0.05) in maximal voluntary contractile force (MVC) and in force elicited at all frequencies of stimulation (10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Hz). In general, no differences were observed between Norm and Hypox. The properties of the compound action potential, amplitude, duration, and area, which represent the electromyographic response to a single, supramaximal stimulus, were not altered by exercise or oxygen condition when assessed both during and after the progressive cycle task. Progressive exercise, conducted in Hypox, results in an inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and reductions in MVC and force at different frequencies of stimulation; these results are not different from those observed with Norm. These changes occur in the absence of reductions in neuromuscular excitability. 相似文献
Effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol on the hypometabolic response to hypoxia of conscious adult rats 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Saiki, Chikako, and Jacopo P. Mortola. Effect of2,4-dinitrophenol on the hypometabolic response to hypoxia of conscious adult rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):537-542, 1997.During acute hypoxia, a hypometabolic response iscommonly observed in many newborn and adult mammalian species. Wehypothesized that, if hypoxic hypometabolism were entirely a regulatedresponse with no limitation in O2availability, pharmacological uncoupling of the oxidativephosphorylation should raise O2consumption(O2) bysimilar amounts in hypoxia and normoxia. Metabolic, ventilatory, andcardiovascular measurements were collected from conscious rats in airand in hypoxia, both before and after intravenous injection of themitochondrial uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). In hypoxia (10%O2 breathing, 60% arterialO2 saturation),O2, as measured by anopen-flow technique, was less than in normoxia (~80%). SuccessiveDNP injections (6 mg/kg, 4 times) progressively increasedO2 in both normoxia andhypoxia by similar amounts. Body temperature slightly increased innormoxia, whereas it did not change in hypoxia. The DNP-stimulatedO2 during hypoxia couldeven exceed the control normoxic value. A single DNP injection (17 mg/kg iv) had a similar metabolic effect; it also resulted inhypotension and a drop in systemic vascular resistance. We concludethat pharmacological stimulation ofO2 counteracts theO2 drop determined byhypoxia and stimulates O2not dissimilarly from normoxia. Hypoxic hypometabolism is likely toreflect a regulated process of depression of thermogenesis, with nolimitation in cellular O2availability. 相似文献
Prabhakar N. R.; Mitra J.; Adams E. M.; Cherniack N. S. 《Journal of applied physiology》1989,66(2):598-605
We examined the contribution of the neural elements near the ventral medullary surface (VMS) to the respiratory response caused by 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). Two series of experiments were performed on 12 vagotomized and sinoaortic denervated cats. The first series examined the effect of focal cooling of the VMS on the respiratory response to DNP in four spontaneously breathing, anesthetized cats. When the VMS temperature was 37 degrees C, systemic administration of DNP increased minute ventilation under nearly isocapnic conditions, and focal cooling of the intermediate area of VMS to 20 degrees C attenuated the ventilatory augmentation caused by DNP. To eliminate the influence of anesthetics, a second group of experiments was performed on eight decerebrate, artificially ventilated cats while phrenic nerve activity was monitored as an index of respiration. AgNO3 (10%) was topically applied to the VMS until the respiratory response to inhaled CO2 was abolished. Apnea occurred in seven of eight cats after AgNO3, whereas in the remaining one animal, tidal phrenic activity decreased substantially. Systemic administration of DNP produced no respiratory excitation in any of the animals. On the other hand, rhythmic respiratory activity could be provoked by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor area and carotid sinus nerve and by excitation of somatic afferents. Histological examination of the brain stem showed that the AgNO3 had penetrated no more than 350 microns from the ventral medullary surface. These results indicate superficial structures of the VMS are of potential importance in mediating the respiratory responses to hypermetabolism. 相似文献
Joseph S. Kahn 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1973,159(2):646-650
Euglena gracilis, when grown on a medium containing 10?5m 2,4-dinitrophenol, will initially bleach, cease to divide, and about one-half will die off. After a prolonged lag period of 6–8 days, the remaining cells green and begin to multiply. The resultant cells are resistant to dinitrophenol and will grow in its presence at rates close to those in normal medium. The resistant cells do not differ greatly from the nonresistant ones, except that they show no sign of respiratory control, their photosynthetic activity is somewhat reduced, and their size is larger. The resistant cells appear less motile, their flagellar movement is slower, and their motility appears disturbed (they tend to swim in circles). The resistance is lost when the cells are grown for 2–3 generations on medium lacking dinitrophenol. 相似文献
Fulco Charles S.; Lewis Steven F.; Frykman Peter N.; Boushel Robert; Smith Sinclair; Harman Everett A.; Cymerman Allen; Pandolf Kent B. 《Journal of applied physiology》1996,81(5):1891-1900
Fulco, Charles S., Steven F. Lewis, Peter N. Frykman, RobertBoushel, Sinclair Smith, Everett A. Harman, Allen Cymerman, and Kent B. Pandolf. Muscle fatigue and exhaustion during dynamic leg exercisein normoxia and hypobaric hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5): 1891-1900, 1996.Using anexercise device that integrates maximal voluntary static contraction(MVC) of knee extensor muscles with dynamic knee extension, we comparedprogressive muscle fatigue, i.e., rate of decline in force-generatingcapacity, in normoxia (758 Torr) and hypobaric hypoxia (464 Torr).Eight healthy men performed exhaustive constant work rate kneeextension (21 ± 3 W, 79 ± 2 and 87 ± 2% of 1-leg kneeextension O2 peak uptake fornormoxia and hypobaria, respectively) from knee angles of90-150° at a rate of 1 Hz. MVC (90° knee angle) wasperformed before dynamic exercise and during 5-s pauses every 2 minof dynamic exercise. MVC force was 578 ± 29 N in normoxia and 569 ± 29 N in hypobaria before exercise and fell, at exhaustion, to similar levels (265 ± 10 and 284 ± 20 N for normoxia andhypobaria, respectively; P > 0.05)that were higher (P < 0.01) thanpeak force of constant work rate knee extension (98 ± 10 N, 18 ± 3% of MVC). Time to exhaustion was 56% shorter for hypobariathan for normoxia (19 ± 5 vs. 43 ± 7 min, respectively;P < 0.01), and rate of right leg MVC fall wasnearly twofold greater for hypobaria than for normoxia (mean slope = 22.3 vs. 11.9 N/min, respectively;P < 0.05). With increasing durationof dynamic exercise for normoxia and hypobaria, integratedelectromyographic activity during MVC fell progressively with MVCforce, implying attenuated maximal muscle excitation. Exhaustion, perse, was postulated to relate more closely to impaired shorteningvelocity than to failure of force-generating capacity. 相似文献
A stop solution containing EDTA, EGTA, dipyridamole, erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA) and d,l-alpha-glycerophosphate has been used to prevent adenosine formation and loss from rat femoral arterial blood samples prepared for measurement of plasma adenosine levels. The femoral arterial plasma adenosine concentration in normoxic rats was 79.2 +/- 12.7 nM. During a 5 min period of hypoxia (8% oxygen) plasma adenosine increased to 190.2 +/- 32.2 nM. A resting plasma adenosine level of circa 80 nM, which is 10X lower than most previous estimates, approximates the threshold levels of adenosine required for arterial dilation. 相似文献
Human muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum function during submaximal exercise in normoxia and hypoxia. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
T A Duhamel H J Green J G Perco S D Sandiford J Ouyang 《Journal of applied physiology》2004,97(1):180-187
In this study, the response of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) to prolonged exercise, performed in normoxia (inspired O(2) fraction = 0.21) and hypoxia (inspired O(2) fraction = 0.14) was studied in homogenates prepared from the vastus lateralis muscle in 10 untrained men (peak O(2) consumption = 3.09 +/- 0.25 l/min). In normoxia, performed at 48 +/- 2.2% peak O(2) consumption, maximal Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase activity was reduced by approximately 25% at 30 min of exercise compared with rest (168 +/- 10 vs. 126 +/- 8 micromol.g protein(-1) x min(-1)), with no further reductions observed at 90 min (129 +/- 6 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)). No changes were observed in the Hill coefficient or in the Ca(2+) concentration at half-maximal activity. The reduction in maximal Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase activity at 30 min of exercise was accompanied by oxalate-dependent reductions (P < 0.05) in Ca(2+) uptake by approximately 20% (370 +/- 22 vs. 298 +/- 25 micromol x g protein(-1) x min(-1)). Ca(2+) release, induced by 4-chloro-m-cresol and assessed into fast and slow phases, was decreased (P < 0.05) by approximately 16 and approximately 32%, respectively, by 90 min of exercise. No differences were found between normoxia and hypoxia for any of the SR properties examined. It is concluded that the disturbances induced in SR Ca(2+) cycling with prolonged moderate-intensity exercise in human muscle during normoxia are not modified when the exercise is performed in hypoxia. 相似文献
Differential contribution of pacemaker properties to the generation of respiratory rhythms during normoxia and hypoxia 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
Pacemaker neurons have been described in most neural networks. However, whether such neurons are essential for generating an activity pattern in a given preparation remains mostly unknown. Here, we show that in the mammalian respiratory network two types of pacemaker neurons exist. Differential blockade of these neurons indicates that their relative contribution to respiratory rhythm generation changes during the transition from normoxia to hypoxia. During hypoxia, blockade of neurons with sodium-dependent bursting properties abolishes respiratory rhythm generation, while in normoxia respiratory rhythm generation only ceases upon pharmacological blockade of neurons with heterogeneous bursting properties. We propose that respiratory rhythm generation in normoxia depends on a heterogeneous population of pacemaker neurons, while during hypoxia the respiratory rhythm is driven by only one type of pacemaker. 相似文献