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Synchronized Chinese hamster cells were irradiated in air and in nitrogen at various points in the cell cycle. The irradiations were carried out after flushing with air or nitrogen with the medium removed from the mono-layer of cells. Under these conditions the dose-modifying factor, or oxygen enhancement ratio, was between 2.0 and 2.3 for survival in asynchronous cells. The variation in x-ray sensitivity evident as the cell progresses through its cycle was not differentially affected by its state of oxygenation at the time of irradiation. The x-ray age-response curves for irradiation in air and in nitrogen were similar at each point, except for the dose-modifying factor. This was true not only for the cells of a normal short generation time (10 hours) subline of the V79 line but also for a longer generation time (with longer GC period) subline derived from a "small colony". The variation in radiosensitivity as the cell progresses through its cycle must therefore be due to factors other than change in oxygen tension within the cell. The fact that the same variation in x-ray sensitivity with age exists for hypoxic cells as for well-oxygenated cells has a bearing on the radiotherapy of tumors which contain cells at low oxygen tensions.  相似文献   

Apoptosis plays an important role in development and remodeling of vasculature during organogenesis. Coordinated branching and remodeling of the retinal vascular tree is essential for normal retinal function. Bcl-2 family members, such as bim not only influence apoptosis, but also cell adhesive and migratory properties essential during vascular development. Here we examined the impact of bim deficiency on postnatal retinal vascularization, as well as retinal neovascularization during oxygen-induced ischemic retinopathy (OIR) and laser-induced choroidal neovascularization. Loss of bim expression was associated with increased retinal vascular density in mature animals. This was mainly attributed to increased numbers of pericytes and endothelial cells. However, the initial spread of the superficial layer of retinal vasculature and, the appearance and density of the tip cells were similar in bim+/+ and bim−/− mice. In addition, hyaloid vessel regression was attenuated in the absence of bim. Furthermore, in the absence of bim retinal vessel obliteration and neovascularization did not occur during OIR. Instead, normal inner retinal vascularization proceeded independent of changes in oxygen levels. In contrast, choroidal neovascularization occurred equally well in bim+/+ and bim−/− mice. Together our data suggest bim expression may be responsible for the inherent sensitivity of the developing retinal vasculature to changes in oxygen levels, and promotes vessel obliteration in response to hyperoxia.  相似文献   

Morphometry of the human pulmonary vasculature   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Huang, W., R. T. Yen, M. McLaurine, and G. Bledsoe.Morphometry of the human pulmonary vasculature.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):2123-2133, 1996.The morphometric data on the branching patternand vascular geometry of the human pulmonary arterial and venous treesare presented. Arterial and venous casts were prepared by the siliconeelastomer casting method. Three recent innovations are used to describethe vascular geometry: the diameter-defined Strahler ordering model isused to assign branching orders, the connectivity matrix is used todescribe the connection of blood vessels from one order to another, anda distinction between vessel segments and vessel elements is used toexpress the series-parallel feature of the pulmonary vessels. A totalof 15 orders of arteries were found between the main pulmonary arteryand the capillaries in the left lung and a total of 15 orders of veinsbetween the capillaries and the left atrium in the right lung. Theelemental and segmental data are presented. The morphometric data arethen used to compute the total cross-sectional areas, blood volumes, and fractal dimensions in the pulmonary arterial and venous trees.


Effect of hypoxic hypoxia on systemic vasculature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A biochemical kinetic model is used to describe changes in mean arterial blood pressure in dogs to three different rates of fall of arterial partial pressure of oxygen. The model is a linear loop with one variable rate coefficient (parametric control) which has been previously shown to characterize the rate sensitivity to presented stimuli. A three component model was identified under a least squares criterion and it showed that a unique (stimulation independent) representation can be obtained which can serve as a conceptual framework for the study of this phenomenon.  相似文献   



Environmental toxicants, whose actions are often mediated through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway, pose risks to the health and well-being of exposed species, including humans. Of particular concern are exposures during the earliest stages of development that while failing to abrogate embryogenesis, may have long term effects on newborns or adults. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of maternal exposure to the AhR-specific ligand 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on the development of rat pre-implantation embryos with respect to nuclear and cytoskeletal architecture and cell lineage allocation.


We performed a systematic 3 dimensional (3D) confocal microscopy analysis of rat pre-implantation embryos following maternal exposure to environmentally relevant doses of TCDD. Both chronic (50 ng/kg/wk for 3 months) and acute (50 ng/kg and 1 μg/kg at proestrus) maternal TCDD exposure disrupted morphogenesis at the compaction stage (8–16 cell), with defects including monopolar spindle formation, f-actin capping and fragmentation due to aberrant cytokinesis. Additionally, the size, shape and position of nuclei were modified in compaction stage pre-implantation embryos collected from treated animals. Notably, maternal TCDD exposure did not compromise survival to blastocyst, which with the exception of nuclear shape, were morphologically similar to control blastocysts.


We have identified the compaction stage of pre-implantation embryogenesis as critically sensitive to the effects of TCDD, while survival to the blastocyst stage is not compromised. To the best of our knowledge this is the first in vivo study to demonstrate a critical window of pre-implantation mammalian development that is vulnerable to disruption by an AhR ligand at environmentally relevant doses.  相似文献   

Hypoxic contraction of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle is thought to require increases in both intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) and myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity, which may or may not be endothelium-dependent. To examine the effects of hypoxia and endothelium on Ca(2+) sensitivity in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle, we measured the relation between [Ca(2+)](i) and isometric force at 37°C during normoxia (21% O(2)-5% CO(2)) and after 30 min of hypoxia (1% O(2)-5% CO(2)) in endothelium-intact (E+) and -denuded (E-) rat distal intrapulmonary arteries (IPA) permeabilized with staphylococcal α-toxin. Endothelial denudation enhanced Ca(2+) sensitivity during normoxia but did not alter the effects of hypoxia, which shifted the [Ca(2+)](i)-force relation to higher force in E+ and E- IPA. Neither hypoxia nor endothelial denudation altered Ca(2+) sensitivity in mesenteric arteries. In E+ and E- IPA, hypoxic enhancement of Ca(2+) sensitivity was abolished by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(ω)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (30 μM), which shifted normoxic [Ca(2+)](i)-force relations to higher force. In E- IPA, the Rho kinase antagonist Y-27632 (10 μM) shifted the normoxic [Ca(2+)](i)-force relation to lower force but did not alter the effects of hypoxia. These results suggest that acute hypoxia enhanced myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity in rat IPA by decreasing nitric oxide production and/or activity in smooth muscle, thereby revealing a high basal level of Ca(2+) sensitivity, due in part to Rho kinase, which otherwise did not contribute to Ca(2+) sensitization by hypoxia.  相似文献   

The importance of neuronal and lumenal vascular adrenoceptors in the regulation of vascular reactivity was examined in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, ganglionic blockade with hexamethonium or -adrenoceptor blockade, with either phentolamine or prazosin, produced similar (7 mmHg) decreases in dorsal aortic blood pressure. The drop in dorsal aortic pressure produced by phentolamine or prazosin was due to reduced systemic vascular resistance. Neither the -adrenoceptor antagonist, phenoxybenzamine nor chemical sympathectomy with 6-hydroxy-dopamine affected dorsal aortic pressure. However, after chemical sympathectomy, phenoxybenzamine lowered dorsal aortic pressure to levels similar to that produced by either phentolamine or prazosin. Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations increased four- and twofold, respectively, in sympathectomized fish. Sympathectomy also produced a leftward shift in the epinephrine dose/response curve of the in vitro perfused splanchnic vasculature, placing the effective catecholamine concentration well within the in vivo plasma levels. These results indicate that following chemical sympathectomy arterial blood pressure is stabilized by circulating catecholamines through the combined effect of increased plasma catecholamine concentrations and increased sensitivity of vascular adrenoceptors. Phenoxybenzamine is incapable of blocking neuronal vascular adrenoceptors but is a potent antagonist of the up-regulated adrenoceptors, suggesting that the latter are localized on the lumenal side of the vessel.Abbreviations 6OH-DA 6-hydroxy dopamine - EC 50 half-maximal response - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetate - PE polyethylene - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - P da dorsal aortic pressure - USP United States Pharmacopeia  相似文献   

The intact ovine uterine vascular bed (UVB) is sensitive to α-agonists and refractory to angiotensin II (ANG II) during pregnancy; the converse occurs in the systemic circulation. The mechanism(s) responsible for these differences in uterine sensitivity are unclear and may reflect predominance of nonconstricting AT(2) receptors (AT(2)R) in uterine vascular smooth muscle (UVSM). The contribution of the placental vasculature also is unclear. Third generation and precaruncular/placental arteries from nonpregnant (n = 16) and term pregnant (n = 23) sheep were used to study contraction responses to KCl, norepinephrine (NE), and ANG II (with/without ATR specific inhibitors) and determine UVSM ATR subtype expression and contractile protein content. KCl and NE increased third generation and precaruncular/placental UVSM contractions in a dose- and pregnancy-dependent manner (P ≤ 0.001). ANG II only elicited modest contractions in third generation pregnant UVSM (P = 0.04) and none in precaruncular/placental UVSM. Moreover, compared with KCl and NE, ANG II contractions were diminished ≥ 5-fold. Whereas KCl and ANG II contracted third generation>precaruncular/placental UVSM, NE-induced contractions were similar throughout the UVB. However, each agonist increased third generation contractions ≥ 2-fold at term, paralleling increased actin/myosin and cellular protein content (P ≤ 0.01). UVSM AT(1)R and AT(2)R expression was similar throughout the UVB and unchanged during pregnancy (P > 0.1). AT(1)R inhibition blocked ANG II-mediated contractions; AT(2)R blockade, however, did not enhance contractions. AT(2)R predominate throughout the UVB of nonpregnant and pregnant sheep, contributing to an inherent refractoriness to ANG II. In contrast, NE elicits enhanced contractility throughout the ovine UVB that exceeds ANG II and increases further at term pregnancy.  相似文献   

Isolated rat lungs were perfused with suspensions containing normal and stiffened erythrocytes (RBCs) during normoxic and hypoxic ventilation to assess the effect of reduced RBC deformability on the hypoxic pressor response. RBC suspensions were prepared with cells previously incubated in isotonic phosphate-buffered saline with or without 0.0125% glutaraldehyde. The washed RBCs were resuspended in isotonic bicarbonate-buffered saline (with 4% albumin) to hematocrits of approximately 35%. The lungs were perfused with control and experimental cell suspensions in succession while pulmonary arterial pressure was measured during normoxic (21% O2) and hypoxic (3% O2) ventilation. On the attainment of a peak hypoxic pressor response, flow rate was changed so that pressure-flow curves could be constructed for each suspension. RBC deformability was quantified by a filtration technique using 4.7-microns-pore filters. Glutaraldehyde treatment produced a 10% decrease in RBC deformability (P less than 0.05). Over the range of flow rates, Ppa was increased by 15-17% (P less than 0.05) and 26-31% (P less than 0.05) during normoxic and hypoxic ventilation, respectively, when stiffened cells were suspended in the perfusate. The magnitude of the hypoxic pressor response was 50-54% greater with stiffened cells over the three flow rates. In a separate set of experiments, normoxic and hypoxic arterial blood samples from conscious unrestrained rats were used to investigate the effects of acute hypoxia on RBC deformability. Deformability was measured with the same filtration technique. There was no difference in the deformability of hypoxic compared with normoxic RBCs. We conclude that the presence of stiffened RBCs enhances the hemodynamic response to hypoxia but acute hypoxia does not affect RBC deformability.  相似文献   

1. In livers from fed rats perfused with homologous whole blood of a haematocrit value of 37%, insulin decreased the perfusate concentrations of glucose and amino acids, production of ketone bodies (3-hydroxybutyrate + acetoacetate) and increased bile flow. 2. Perfusion with blood diluted with buffer to a haematocrit value of 17% decreased hepatic O2 consumption by 40-50%. Perfusate concentrations of glucose and lactate, the rate of ketogenesis and the ratios [lactate]/[pyruvate] and [3-hydroxybutyrate]/[acetoacetate] were all increased. 3. In livers perfused with blood of diminished haematocrit, effects of insulin on perfusate glucose an amino acids, ketogenesis and bile flow were abolished.  相似文献   

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