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We have used interference reflection and fluorescence microscopy to investigate the relationship between cell-substrate contact and the location of clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in cultures of rat myotubes. We have found that AChR clusters on the ventral myotube surfaces are always located within broad regions of close cell-substrate contact. Detailed analysis of the fine structure of the AChR cluster and its associated contact region showed that AChRs within a cluster are concentrated between the points of closest cell-substrate apposition. Vinculin, a recently discovered intracellular smooth muscle protein, is also concentrated in broad regions of close contact, interdigitating with AChRs within the clusters.  相似文献   

Tipulid spermatocytes form normally functioning bipolar spindles after one of the centrosomes is experimentally dislocated from the nucleus in late diakinesis (Dietz, R., 1959, Z. Naturforsch., 14b:749-752; Dietz, R., 1963, Zool. Anz. Suppl., 23:131-138; Dietz, R., 1966, Heredity, 19:161-166). The possibility that dissociated pericentriolar material (PCM) is nevertheless responsible for the formation of the spindle in these cells cannot be ruled out based on live observation. In studying serial sections of complete cells and of lysed cells, it was found that centrosome-free spindle poles in the crane fly show neither pericentriolar-like material nor aster microtubules, whereas the displaced centrosomes appear complete, i.e., consist of a centriole pair, aster microtubules, and PCM. Exposure to a lysis buffer containing tubulin resulted in an increase of centrosomal asters due to aster microtubule polymerization. Aster-free spindle poles did not show any reaction, also indicating the absence of PCM at these poles. The results favor the hypothesis of chromosome-induced spindle pole formation at the onset of prometaphase and the dispensability of PCM in Pales.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1807-1815
The integrin VLA-3 is a cell surface receptor, which binds to fibronectin, laminin, collagen type I and VI (Takada, Y., E. A. Wayner, W. G. Carter, and M. E. Hemler. 1988. J. Cell. Biochem. 37:385-393) and is highly expressed in substrate adherent cultures of almost all human cell types. The ligand specificity of VLA-3 and the inhibition of cell adhesion by anti-VLA-3 monoclonal antibodies suggest its involvement in cell-substrate interaction. In normal tissues, VLA-3 is restricted to few cell types, notably the kidney glomeruli and basal cells of the epidermis. In the epidermis, VLA-3 is generally strongly expressed on the entire plasma membrane of basal cells and is not polarized towards the basement membrane (Klein, C. E., C. Cardon-Cardo, R. Soehnchen, R. J. Cote, H. F. Oettgen, M. Eisinger, and L. J. Old. 1987. J. Invest. Dermatol. 89:500-507). Based on this finding we speculated that, in addition to a role of VLA-3 for adhesion of cells to substrate, it could also be relevant for cell-cell interaction. To investigate this, we ultrastructurally localized VLA-3 on the surface of cultured cells by immunoelectron microscopy. In accordance with our concept, we found VLA-3 strongly associated with intercellular contact sites. Interestingly, very little immunoreactivity was detected at the under- surface of cells which had been cultured for 18-32 h. This observation was unexpected but is consistent with previous findings (Kantor, R. R. S., M. J. Mattes, K. D. Lloyd, L. J. Old, and A. P. Albino. 1987. J. Biol. Chem. 262:15158-15165) which suggest that the association of VLA- 3 with the basal surface of substrate adherent tumor cells is a late event occurring after days of culture under confluent conditions. However, we cannot formally rule out VLA-3 expression at the undersurface of cells under our experimental conditions, since VLA-3 molecules at this location could be inaccessible for in situ labeling of unfixed cells because of spatial interferences. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the expression of VLA-3 at intercellular contact sites of cultured cells supporting the concept that it may be relevant for intercellular interactions also.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent labeling for fibronectin was largely excluded from sites of closest contact between spreading chicken gizzard fibroblasts and the substratum. This was observed by double immunofluorescent labeling of fixed cells for fibronectin and vinculin, a smooth muscle intracellular protein that is specifically associated with focal adhesion plaques, in conjunction with interference-reflection microscopy. When the cells were plated on a fibronectin-coated substratum they adhered to its surface and rapidly spread on it. The immunofluorescent labeling for fibronectin in those cultures (after fixation and triton permeabilization) was usually absent from the newly formed, vinculin-containing focal adhesion plaques. We have found, however, that the accessibility to the cell-substrate gap at the focal adhesion plaques is limited and therefore a more direct approach was adopted. We have found that cells spreading on a substrate coated with rhodamine-labeled fibronectin progressively removed the underlying protein from the substrate. The removal of fibronectin involved at least two distinct mechanisms. Part of the substrate-associated fibronectin was removed from small areas and displaced toward the cell center. The arrowhead-shaped areas from which fibronectin was removed often coincided with vinculin-rich focal contacts. We observed, however, many areas where focal contacts were found over unperturbed fibronectin carpet, as well as fibronectin-free areas with no overlapping focal contacts. The possibilities that fibronectin is actively displaced from areas of cell-substrate contact, that the focal adhesion plaques are transiently associated with these areas and their implications on the dynamics of cell spreading and locomotion are discussed. The second route of fibronectin removal from the substrate was endocytosis. The rhodamine-labeled fibronectin was found in the cells in a partial or transient association with clathrin-containing structures.  相似文献   

Creatine phosphokinase-mediated transport of energy from the site of production to the site of consumption is a key process for meeting the energy-demands of reactions in cytosol. The mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase (mCPK) plays an important role in this process, with the enzyme activity localized particularly in the mitochondrial contact sites (MiCS). Earlier studies in adult animals have shown that the formation of MiCS varies in response to the energy demand and the physiological state of the heart, and it is stimulated by an increase in [Ca2+]i. However, there is little known about MiCS formation in juvenile hearts, characterized by metabolism different from adult hearts. In the present study we investigated the modulation of MiCS formation via Ca2+ in hearts of 14-day-old rats. The moderate response of MiCS to various stimuli (elevated extracellular Ca2+, diltiazem, cardiac arrest by Cd2+) may refer to a still increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration, the incomplete development of mitochondrial energy production as well as to persistingly high energy demand of the developing heart.  相似文献   

We have examined the expression, the location, and the physiological activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in developing intercostal muscles in the rat. Although focal accumulations of AChE at developing end plates do not appear until Embryonic Day (ED) 16-17, 16 S AChE is present at ED 14. Experiments with permeable and impermeable inhibitors established that prior to focal accumulation most of the 16 S enzyme is on the surface of muscle fibers, where it constitutes the major species. Intracellular recording from developing muscle fibers showed that as early as ED 14, AChE inhibitors prolonged evoked end-plate potentials. We conclude that prior to its focal accumulation, AChE is present on the surface of muscle fibers and is physiologically active. Histochemical staining of the focally accumulated enzyme demonstrated that the enzyme is concentrated both intracellularly and extracellularly at the sites of developing nerve-muscle contacts.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides are a family of signaling lipids that play a profound role in regulating protein function at the membrane-cytosol interface of all cellular membranes. Underscoring their importance, mutations or alterations in phosphoinositide metabolizing enzymes lead to host of developmental, neurodegenerative, and metabolic disorders that are devastating for human health. In addition to lipid enzymes, phosphoinositide metabolism is regulated and controlled at membrane contact sites (MCS). Regions of close opposition typically between the ER and other cellular membranes, MCS are non-vesicular lipid transport portals that engage in extensive communication to influence organelle homeostasis. This review focuses on lipid transport, specifically phosphoinositide lipid transport and metabolism at MCS.  相似文献   

The formation of the neuromuscular junction is characterized by the progressive accumulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in the postsynaptic membrane facing the nerve terminal, induced predominantly through the agrin/muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) signaling cascade. However, the cellular mechanisms linking MuSK activation to AChR clustering are still poorly understood. Here, we investigate whether lipid rafts are involved in agrin-elicited AChR clustering in a mouse C2C12 cell line. We observed that in C2C12 myotubes, both AChR clustering and cluster stability were dependent on cholesterol, because depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin inhibited cluster formation or dispersed established clusters. Importantly, AChR clusters resided in ordered membrane domains, a biophysical property of rafts, as probed by Laurdan two-photon fluorescence microscopy. We isolated detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) by three different biochemical procedures, all of which generate membranes with similar cholesterol/GM1 ganglioside contents, and these were enriched in several postsynaptic components, notably AChR, syntrophin, and raft markers flotillin-2 and caveolin-3. Agrin did not recruit AChRs into DRMs, suggesting that they are present in rafts independently of agrin activation. Consequently, in C2C12 myotubes, agrin likely triggers AChR clustering or maintains clusters through the coalescence of lipid rafts. These data led us to propose a model in which lipid rafts play a pivotal role in the assembly of the postsynaptic membrane at the neuromuscular junction upon agrin signaling.  相似文献   

Stefan CJ  Manford AG  Baird D  Yamada-Hanff J  Mao Y  Emr SD 《Cell》2011,144(3):389-401
Sac1 phosphoinositide (PI) phosphatases are essential regulators of PI-signaling networks. Yeast Sac1, an integral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein, controls PI4P levels at the ER, Golgi, and plasma membrane (PM). Whether Sac1 can act in trans and turn over PI4P at the Golgi and PM from the ER remains a paradox. We find that Sac1-mediated PI4P metabolism requires the oxysterol-binding homology (Osh) proteins. The PH domain-containing family member, Osh3, localizes to PM/ER membrane contact sites dependent upon PM PI4P levels. We reconstitute Osh protein-stimulated Sac1 PI phosphatase activity in vitro. We also show that the ER membrane VAP proteins, Scs2/Scs22, control PM PI4P levels and Sac1 activity in vitro. We propose that Osh3 functions at ER/PM contact sites as both a sensor of PM PI4P and an activator of the ER Sac1 phosphatase. Our findings further suggest that the conserved Osh proteins control PI metabolism at additional membrane contact sites.  相似文献   

I have examined the distribution of neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) in cultured C2 myogenic cells and other cell lines to determine if N-CAM accumulates at sites of cell-cell contact. C2 cells growing in log phase display large clusters of neural cell adhesion molecule where they contact each other. These clusters are remarkably stable, do not form at cell-substrate contacts, and appear not to be enriched in a number of other cytoskeletal, membrane, or extracellular proteins. Thus, N-CAM clusters form preferentially in response to cell-cell contact and are specifically enriched in N-CAM. As C2 cultures mature and differentiate, clusters persist at contacts between aligning myoblasts and between myotubes, consistent with a role in myogenesis. N-CAM is also enriched at cell-cell contacts in cultures of PC12, NRK, and CHO cells. These cells have significant amounts of N-CAM as detected on immunoblots. Clusters are not seen in L929 cells, which do not have detectable amounts of N-CAM. Coculture of these cells with C2 cells results in the clustering of N-CAM at heterologous contacts between C2 cells and NRK, CHO, or PC12 cells, but not between C2 cells and L929 cells. These results suggest that N-CAM specifically accumulates where N-CAM-bearing cells contact one another. Clustering of N-CAM may be an important step in strengthening intercellular adhesion.  相似文献   

A prolonged hyperpolarizing afterpotential (amplitude 5–20 mV, half decay time about 400 msec at 25°C) follows the action potential in myotubes and myosacs cultured from rat skeletal muscle. This slow hyperpolarizing afterpotential (hap) is mediated by an increase in membrane K conductance, because its reversal potential follows the Nernst potential for K and is not affected by other ions. The conductance increase measured during the hap (up to four times the resting input conductance) correctly predicts the time course of the slow hap. The slow hap is Ca dependent. Its amplitude decreases when bath [Ca] is lowered, and both amplitude and duration increase when bath [Ca] is raised. The slow hap is blocked by intracellular injection of the calcium chelator, EGTA. It is inhibited by solutions containing 2–4 mM manganese or 1–5 mM barium, but is not blocked by 5–20 mM tetraethylammonium. Myotubes bathed in zero [Na], high [Ca] solutions show calcium action potentials, which are inhibited by 2–10 mM manganese, nickel or cobalt. Myotubes bathed in isotonic Ca salts (or in 2 mM Ca plus 5 mM caffeine) show long-lasting (up to 10 sec) spontaneous hyperpolarizations accompanied by prolonged contractions. These hyperpolarizations are associated with a large increase in input conductance, and they reverse in sign near the K equilibrium potential. They appear to reflect activation of the Ca-sensitive K conductance by Ca released from intracellular stores. The observation that spontaneous hyperpolarizations usually occur with no prior depolarization argues that at least a portion of the slow, Ca-sensitive K conductance system can be activated by internal Ca alone, with no requirement for plasma membrane depolarization. Cultured myotubes also have a faster K conductance system, which is inhibited by 5–20 mM tetraethylammonium or 1–5 mM barium, and is not dependent on Ca for its activation.  相似文献   

Communication between organelles is essential to coordinate cellular functions and the cell's response to physiological and pathological stimuli. Organellar communication occurs at membrane contact sites (MCSs), where the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane is tethered to cellular organelle membranes by specific tether proteins and where lipid transfer proteins and cell signaling proteins are located. MCSs have many cellular functions and are the sites of lipid and ion transfer between organelles and generation of second messengers. This review discusses several aspects of MCSs in the context of lipid transfer, formation of lipid domains, generation of Ca2+ and cAMP second messengers, and regulation of ion transporters by lipids.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(2):121-138.e9
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Membrane contact sites (MCSs) are areas of close proximity between organelles, implicated in transport of small molecules and in organelle biogenesis. Lipid transfer proteins at MCSs facilitate the distribution of lipid species between organelle membranes. Such exchange processes rely on the apposition of two different membranes delimiting distinct compartments and a cytosolic intermembrane space. Maintaining organelle identity while transferring molecules therefore implies control over MCS architecture both on the ultrastructural and molecular levels. Factors including intermembrane distance, density of resident proteins, and contact surface area fine-tune MCS function. Furthermore, the structural arrangement of lipid transfer proteins and associated proteins underpins the molecular mechanisms of lipid fluxes at MCSs. Thus, the architecture of MCSs emerges as an essential aspect of their function.  相似文献   

For many cell types, growth, differentiation, and motility are dependent on receptor-mediated adhesion to ligand-coated surfaces. Focal contacts are strong, specialized, adhesive connections between cell and substrate in which receptors aggregate and connect extracellular ligand to intracellular cytoskeletal molecules. In this paper, we present a mathematical model to examine how focal contact formation affects cellular adhesive strength. To calculate adhesive strength with and without focal contacts, we use a one-dimensional tape peeling analysis to determine the critical tension necessary to peel the membrane. Receptor-ligand bonds are modeled as adhesive springs. In the absence of focal contacts, we derive analytic expressions for the critical tension at low and high ligand densities and show how membrane morphology affects adhesion. Then, focal contacts are modeled as cytoplasmic nucleation centers which bind adhesion receptors. The extent of adhesive strengthening upon focal contact formation depends on the elastic rigidity of the cytoskeletal connections, which determines the structural integrity of the focal contact itself. We consider two limits to this elasticity, very weak and rigid. Rigid cytoskeletal connections give much greater attachment strengths. The dependence of attachment strength on measurable model parameters is quite different in these two limits, which suggests focal contact structure might be deduced from properly performed adhesion experiments. Finally, we compare our model to the adhesive strengthening response reported for glioma cell adhesion to fibronectin (Lotz et al., 1989. J. Cell Biol. 109:1795-1805). Our model successfully predicts the observed detachment forces at 4 degrees C and yields values for the number of fibronectin receptors per glioma cell and the density of cytoskeletal connection molecules (talin) involved in receptor clusters which are consistent with measurements for other cell types. Comparison of the model with data at 37 degrees C suggests that while cytoskeletal cross-linking and clustering of fibronectin receptors significantly increases adhesion strength, specific glioma cell-substratum attachment sites possess little mechanical rigidity and detach through a peeling mechanism, consistent with the view that these sites of < or = 15 nm cell-substrate separation are precursors to fully formed, elastically rigid focal contacts.  相似文献   

The acetylcholine reversal potential (Er) of cultured rat myotubes is -3mV. When activated, the receptor is permeable to K+ and Na+, but not to Cl- ions. Measurement of Er in Tris+-substituted, Na-free medium also indicated a permeability to Tris+ ions. Unlike adult frog muscle the magnitude of Er was insensitive to change in external Ca++ (up to 30 mM) or to changes in external pH (between 6.4 and 8.9). The equivalent circuit equation describing the electrical circuit composed of two parallel ionic batteries (EK and ENa) and their respective conductances (gK and gNa), which has been generally useful in describing the Er of adult rat and frog muscle, could also be applied to rat myotubes when Er was measured over a wide range of external Na+ concentrations. The equivalent circuit equation could not be applied to myotubes bathed in media of different external K+ concentrations. In this case, the Er was more closely described by the Goldman constant field equation. Under certain circumstances, it is known that the receptor in adult rat and frog muscle can be induced to reversibly shift from behavior described by the equivalent circuit equation to that described by the Goldman equation. Attempts to similarly manipulate the responses of cultured rat myotubes were unsussessful. These trials included a reduction in temperature (15 degress C), partial alpha-bungarotoxin blodkade, and activation of responses with the cholinergic agonist, decamethonium.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle transport of lactate and pyruvate was studied in primary cultures of rat myotubes, applying the pH-sensitive fluorescent indicator 2', 7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein. The initial rate of decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) upon lactate or pyruvate incubation was used to determine total transport (carrier mediated and diffusion). Both lactate and pyruvate transport could be inhibited by a combination of 0.5 mM 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2, 2'-disulfonic acid, 5 mM mersalyl and 10 mM alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate. The kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, for carrier-mediated transport of lactate were 9.9+/-1.1 mM and 0. 69+/-0.02 mmol l-1 s-1, respectively. For pyruvate, Km and Vmax were 4.4+/-1.3 mM and 0.30+/-0.05 mmol l-1 s-1, respectively. The diffusion component of the total transport was 0.0040+/-0.0005[S] (n=4) and 0.0048+/-0.0003[S] (n=4) for lactate and pyruvate, respectively. Furthermore, it was observed that the two monocarboxylate transporter isoforms present in mature skeletal muscles, MCT1 and MCT4 (formerly called MCT3 (M.C. Wilson, V.N. Jackson, C. Heddle, N.T. Price, H. Pilegaard, C. Juel, A. Bonen, I. Montgomery, O.F. Hutter, A.P. Halestrap, Lactic acid efflux from white skeletal muscle is catalyzed by the monocarboxylate transporter isoform MCT3, J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998) 15920-15926)), were also expressed in primary culture of myotubes.  相似文献   

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