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The structures of differentiating male germ cells in the testis of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, were studied by light and electron microscopy. Based on ultrastructural characteristics, the developing male germ cells are classified into 12 stages, including spermatogonia, six phases of primary spermatocytes (leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, diakinesis and metaphase), secondary spermatocyte, three stages of spermatids and mature sperm. During spermatogenesis, the differentiating germ cells have characteristics similar to those of other invertebrates, but they exhibit some unique characteristics during spermiogenesis. In particular, an early spermatid has a round nucleus with highly condensed heterochromatin, appearing as thick interconnecting cords throughout the nucleus. In contrast to most invertebrates and vertebrates, the chromatin begins to decondense in one-half of the nucleus at the mid spermatid stage. In the late spermatid, the chromatin becomes almost entirely decondensed with only a small crescent-shaped heterochromatin patch remaining at the anterior pole of the nucleus. Mature sperm possess an everted umbrella-shaped plate with a spike covering the anterior pole of the nucleus, whose chromatin is totally decondensed as only small traces of histones H3 and H2B remain. The acrosome appears at the ruffled border of the spike plate as small sac-like structures. Few mitochondria remain in the cytoplasm at the posterior pole.  相似文献   

The movement of individual post-larvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) among horizontally-juxtaposed salinity layers of 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28%. was observed during 135-min test periods. The time that post-larvae spent in each salinity was measured at 20, 27, and 34 °C with prawns acclimated to 0, 14, and 28%. salinity.

The young prawns generally moved readily into salinities lower than the acclimation salinity at 27°C, and less frequently into higher salinities. At both 27 and 34°C, post-larvae tended to spend more time in lower salinities than in the salinities to which they were acclimated. Post-larvae acclimated to fresh water rarely reentered saline waters.

Temperature effects on activity resulted in little movement of the prawns at 20°C. High temperature shortened the range of salinities post-larvae occupied for significant periods of time.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA), octopamine (OA) and serotonin (5-HT) are the key neurotransmitters that control gonadal development in decapod crustaceans. 5-HT stimulates, while DA and OA delay gonadal development in Macrobrachium rosenbergii. In the present study, we have further investigated the distribution patterns of DA and OA in the central nervous system (CNS) and ovary during various stages of the ovarian maturation cycle of this giant freshwater prawn. DA- and OA-immunoreactive neurons and fibers were distributed extensively in several regions of the brain, subesophageal ganglion (SEG), thoracic ganglia and abdominal ganglia. In the brain, the two neurotransmitters were present in neurons of clusters 6, 7, 11, 17, and nearby neuropil regions. In the SEG, thoracic ganglia and abdominal ganglia, immunoreactive neurons and fibers were found along the midline and in several neuronal clusters around each neuropil region. Staining for DA and OA was more intense in the thoracic ganglia than in other parts of the CNS. In the ovary, DA- and OA-immunoreactivities were present at high intensity in early oocytes. The presence of DA- and OA-immunoreactivities in neural ganglia as well as ovary suggests that DA and OA may also be involved in the reproductive process, particularly ovarian development and differentiation of oocytes in this species.  相似文献   

沉积物中微生物介导的硫循环在有机物分解和养分循环中发挥重要作用,但目前我们对水产养殖生态系统中的参与硫酸盐还原和硫氧化过程的微生物多样性及其调控机制仍知之甚少。【目的】探究硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)和硫氧化菌(sulfur-oxidizing bacteria,SOB)的垂直分布特征及其主要的环境驱动因素。【方法】本研究利用高通量测序和荧光定量PCR (qPCR)分析了罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)养殖池塘沉积物表层(0–1 cm)、中层(10–11 cm)和底层(20–21 cm)中的细菌、SRB和SOB的丰度、多样性和群落组成。【结果】细菌(16S rRNA)、硫酸盐还原菌(dsrB)和硫氧化菌(soxB)的基因拷贝数呈现着从表层到中层急剧骤降的趋势(ANOVA,P<0.05),但中层和底层样品之间的差异却并不显著(P>0.05),以及α多样性分析显示3个群体的物种丰富度和均匀度都随深度而逐步降低,这都说明硫循环过程主要发生于沉积物的表层。γ-、δ-和β-变形菌分别是细菌、SRB和SOB的优势类群;其中SRB以Desulfobacca属和脱硫八叠球菌属(Desulfosarcina)为主,前者在表层有着最低的比重,而后者却与之相反;硫杆菌(Thiobacillus)作为细菌和SOB的优势属,更广泛地分布于中层沉积物中。RDA分析和Mantel检验揭示了影响细菌群落的主要环境因子是NO3、SO42–、TOC和TON,而SRB的群落变异主要是由As、TON、NO3和Pb所驱动,以及SOB的群落变化则主要响应了TC、NO2、NH4+和TON浓度。【结论】养殖池塘底栖的细菌、SRB和SOB的丰度、多样性和群落结构的垂直分布特征可能受到多种环境因素共同的影响。  相似文献   

亚硝酸盐胁迫对罗氏沼虾血细胞及其抗氧化酶活力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】亚硝酸盐是虾类集约化养殖过程中最常见的毒性污染物之一,研究亚硝酸盐胁迫对罗氏沼虾血细胞的毒性以及抗氧化酶在抗胁迫防御中的作用,能够为罗氏沼虾养殖过程中的亚硝酸盐中毒防治提供理论参考。【方法】以不同浓度(0、1、5和10 mg·L~(-1))的亚硝态氮(NO_2~--N)对罗氏沼虾进行胁迫,于胁迫后的0、6、12、24和48 h取样,应用流式细胞术检测血细胞活性氧(ROS)含量和细胞凋亡率,同时测定血细胞总数(THC)和胞内抗氧化酶活力。【结果】1 mg·L~(-1)NO_2~--N在48 h内对血细胞ROS含量、凋亡率和THC均无显著影响。5 mg·L~(-1)NO_2~--N胁迫24 h,血细胞ROS含量显著上升,THC显著下降,胁迫48 h凋亡率显著提高。10 mg·L~(-1)NO_2~--N胁迫6 h,血细胞ROS含量和凋亡率均显著上升,胁迫12 h THC显著下降。血细胞的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)的活力均不同程度地被NO_2~--N胁迫所诱导,CAT活力主要在胁迫前期提高,而GPx活力在胁迫后期提高。【结论与意义】亚硝酸盐存在浓度和时间毒性效应,一定浓度的亚硝酸盐会诱导虾血细胞产生ROS,这些ROS的过量产生诱导了血细胞发生凋亡,继而导致THC下降,这一氧化胁迫过程可能是亚硝酸盐对罗氏沼虾产生细胞毒性的重要机制之一。抗氧化酶活力的诱导表明抗氧化酶在亚硝酸盐胁迫过程中发挥防御作用。  相似文献   

1. Critical thermal maxima (CTMax) and minima (CTMin) were determined for postlarvae and juveniles of Macrobrachium rosenbergii acclimated at 20, 23, 26, 29 and 32±1°C. 2. At each acclimation temperature the CTMax and CTMin for postlarvae were 37.3, 38.3, 39.0, 41.0, 41.6°C and 10.0, 11.0, 13.0, 14.8, 16.8°C respectively and for juveniles 36.5, 38.4, 39.2, 41.5, 42.0 and 10.5, 11.3, 13.3, 14.6, 16.4°C respectively. 3. We found no indication of significant differences (P>0.05) in the CTMax and CTMin of the prawn postlarvae and juveniles. 4. The zone of thermal tolerance base on the CTMax and CTMin boundaries for postlarvae was 821.2°C2 and 816.9°C2 for juveniles, showing a high degree of eurythermality. To cultivate this species it should be done in no less than 16°C (CTMin) and below 42°C.  相似文献   

In a study of the factors that influence metabolic rate in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, resting oxygen consumption (ROC) was measured in 90 post-larvae ranging in size from 0.1 to 2.8 g. As in many other animal species, ROC was strongly negatively related to body weight. A stressful event (anaesthesia with or without tagging) caused a sharp increase in the ROC that disappeared over a time scale of hours. As has been demonstrated for other species of crustaceans, ROC was highest in prawns in the pre-moult stage. Individual differences in ROC among prawns handled in the same way and in the same moult stage persisted over a period of hours, but not over days. It remains unclear, therefore, whether early differences in resting metabolic rate can explain the conspicuous differences in growth rate that are found in this species during the first few weeks of life and that profoundly influence subsequent life history events.  相似文献   

Mating in Platynota stultana resulted in the termination of calling, the gradual reduction of pheromone in the pheromone glands to non-detectable levels (<0.1 ng/♀) within 14 h, and oviposition of the first batch of eggs 20–24 h after copulation. Decapitation of virgin females resulted in a similar decline in pheromone titre, and also eliminated oviposition and calling. Pheromone production appears to be controlled via the head. Mating probably terminates neural or hormonal input required for pheromone production and/or removes neural or hormonal inhibition of pheromone degradation. A juvenile hormone analogue (ZR-512) and juvenile hormones I, II and III applied exogenously to virgin females elicited oviposition comparable to mated females and terminated calling within 48 h. The juvenile hormone analogue also appeared to block pheromone production in virgin females. These results suggest that juvenile hormone may be involved in the switch from virgin to mated behaviour in this species.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that vasotocin (AVT) administration to male roughskin newts (Taricha granulosa) enhances courtship clasping as well as appetitive responses to specific sexual stimuli and that treating female newts with androgens plus AVT induces the expression of male-typical courtship clasping (the selective clasping of females). However, the unique and/or interactive effects of sex steroids and AVT on appetitive responses to specific sexual stimuli have not yet been determined. To first identify male-typical, sexually dimorphic appetitive responses to female sexual stimuli, we tested intact newts during the breeding season and found that males, but not females, are attracted to female visual and pheromonal sexual stimuli. We then used ovariectomized (ovx) females implanted with empty silastic capsules (Blk) or with capsules containing testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), or estradiol (E2) and then injected with either saline or AVT to determine the effects of steroids and AVT, alone or in combination with each other, on male-typical behavioral responses to those stimuli. E2 treatment depressed responses toward female visual stimuli independently of AVT. On the other hand, only T-implanted, AVT-injected females displayed male-typical behavioral responses toward female olfactory stimuli, preferring to spend more time in proximity to female-scented than unscented newt models and selectively clasping the female-scented models. Together, these results support the conclusion that sex steroids and AVT influence behavioral responses to sexual stimuli via sensory-specific mechanisms. Furthermore, they suggest that T and AVT interact within the brain to influence sensorimotor processing in the pathways that integrate olfactory sexual stimuli into male-typical courtship behaviors.  相似文献   

Bilateral eyestalk ablation in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lanchesteri results in high mortality, while unilateral eyestalk ablated prawns exhibited a high survival rate. There was marked increase in the growth of bilateral eyestalk-ablated prawns (47.70 mg/prawn) as compared to those that were unilaterally ablated (19.19 mg/prawn).  相似文献   

The Salton Sea is a highly saline lake that has long supported sportfishery and large populations of fish-eating birds. A study was initiated in 1999 to assess the status of orangemouth corvina (Cynoscion xanthulus), bairdiella (Bairdiella icistia) and tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × O. urolepis). Multimesh (50 × 2 m) gillnets were set at nine stations in 1999, ten stations in 2000 and six stations in 2002. These stations were sampled every two months in 1999, every three months in 2000 and once in 2002. O. mossambicus was the most abundant of the four species, with a maximum mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) 13.8 kg net−1 h−1 or 29.9 fish net−1 h−1 being observed at the river mouth stations in August 1999. From spring to summer, tilapia CPUE increased at nearshore and river mouth stations and decreased at pelagic stations, apparently reflecting migration away from midlake areas in response to anoxia or hypoxia caused by periodic springtime overturn events in deep waters. Tilapia catches in nearshore, river mouth and pelagic habitats were 83 and 60% males in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Tilapia catches in rivers in August 1999 averaged only 6% male. During 1999–2000, the tilapia population consisted essentially of only the 1995 and 2000 year classes. Harsh conditions at the Salton Sea have led to erratic reproduction and survival rates and unstable age structures for its resident fishes. Massive parasite infestations of fry and physiological stressors such as anoxia, high sulfide levels, high salinity and high and low temperatures are potential causes of the irregular recruitment and periodic dieoffs of tilapia. The abundance of all fish species declined over the years of study. Between 1999 and 2002, the late summer mean CPUEs for tilapia, bairdiella and orangemouth corvina at four nearshore stations dropped from 16 fish to 0.02 fish, from 4.7 fish net to 0.23 fish, and from 0.08 fish to 0.02 fish, respectively. During 2000–2003, parallel declines occurred in estimated numbers of adult fish involved in mass mortality events at the Sea. The boom-and-bust dynamics of tilapia and other fish populations in the Sea have major consequences for fish-eating bird populations, for other components of the ecosystem, and for the recreational value of the lake. Guest Editor: John M. Melack Saline Waters and their Biota  相似文献   

Although much evidence reveals sexually dimorphic processing of chemosensory cues by the brain, potential sex differences at more peripheral levels of chemoreception are understudied. In plethodontid salamanders, the volume of the vomeronasal organ (VNO) is almost twice as large in males as compared to females, both in absolute and relative size. To determine whether the structural sexual dimorphism in VNO volume is associated with sex differences in other peripheral aspects of chemosensation, we measured sex differences in chemo-investigation and in responsiveness of the VNO to chemosensory cues. Males and females differed in traits influencing stimulus access to VNO chemosensory neurons. Males chemo-investigated (“nose tapped”) neutral substrates and substrates moistened with female body rinses more than did females. Compared to females, males had larger narial structures (cirri) associated with the transfer of substrate-borne chemical cues to the lumen of the VNO. These sex differences in chemo-investigation and narial morphology likely represent important mechanisms for regulating sex differences in chemical communication. In contrast, males and females did not differ in responsiveness of VNO chemosensory neurons to male mental gland extract or female skin secretions. This important result indicates that although males have a substantially larger VNO compared to females, the male VNO was not more responsive to every chemosensory cue that is detected by the VNO. Future studies will determine whether the male VNO is specialized to detect a subset of chemosensory cues, such as female body rinses or female scent marks.  相似文献   

Nm23 is a family of genes encoding the nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, which functions in a wide variety of biological processes, including growth, development, differentiation and tumor metastasis. In this study, a novel nm23 gene, designated as Mrnm23, was identified from the freshwater giant prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The full-length cDNA was 776 bp in length, encoding for a protein of 176 amino acids with one typical NDP kinase domain that harbored all the crucial residues for nucleotide binding and enzymatic activity. Like human novel nm23-H1B, the putative protein contained a unique 21-amino-acid NH2-terminal extension as compared to human nm23 (nm23-H1) homologs. Further, 3 extra amino acid residues prolonged the COOH-terminus. The Mrnm23 was ubiquitously expressed in all tissues examined, including androgenic gland, gill, heart, liver, muscle, ovary, and testis. In situ hybridization to gonad sections indicated that the Mrnm23 mRNA was localized in the cytoplasm of cup-base of differentiating spermatids, in the spike of the umbrella-shaped spermatozoa and in the cytoplasm of the early previtellogenic oocytes, suggesting that the Mrnm23 has potential roles in spermiogenesis and early differentiation of oocyte.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with a factorial design have revealed the effects of several environmental factors on species performance and their interactions, which indicate synergistic or antagonistic effects. Temperature, nutrient availability, and irradiance are well‐known environmental factors that affect the growth and chemical composition of brown algae. However, relatively few studies have tested their combined effect on brown algal growth and chemical composition using a three‐way factorial design. We conducted a culture experiment to test the combined effects of elevated summer temperatures (23 and 26°C), irradiance (180 and 30 μmol photon m?2 s?1), and nutrient availability (enriched and non‐enriched seawater) on four relative growth rates (RGRs; based on wet weight, blade width, length, and area) and three chemical compositions (including carbon, nitrogen, and phlorotannin content) in juvenile sporophytes of the kelp Eisenia bicyclis. RGR based on blade width was the most sensitive to abiotic factors among all RGRs. A significant interaction between temperature and nutrient availability on this RGR suggested that the negative effect of elevated temperature was antagonized by a reduction in nutrient availability. Similarly, the positive effect of elevated irradiance on carbon content was synergized by reduced nutrient availability. Moreover, the negative effect of increased irradiance on nitrogen content was antagonized by elevated temperature in nutrient‐enriched treatments, but not in non‐enriched treatments. The content of carbon‐based phlorotannins increased with reduced nutrient availability but not with elevated irradiance. These results suggest that these abiotic factors have complex interactions on the growth and chemical composition of this species.  相似文献   

The prawn Macrobrachium sintangense is likely to be subjected to occasional exposure to combined metal and saline stressors in its natural environment. This research evaluated the acute toxicity (96?h LC50) of cadmium (Cd) on the prawn M. sintangense, with respect to the osmoregulatory capacity (OC) of prawns and to document histological changes in the gills after exposure to sublethal Cd concentrations at different salinities. The 96?h LC50 of Cd to M. sintangense decreased with increasing salinity. The 96?h LC50 values were 89.12 (72.53–109.50), 681.26 (554.20–837.46) and 825.37 (676.99–1006.27) μg CdL?1 at 0, 10 and 20 ppt, respectively. The OC of prawns exposed to 30?μg?CdL?1 at 0 ppt and to 300?μg?CdL?1 at10 ppt decreased significantly compared with that of control prawns exposed to 0 and 10 ppt respectively. Swelling, hyperplasia and necrosis of gill lamellae resulting in the loss of marginal canals were observed in the gills of prawns exposed to 30?μg?CdL?1 at 0 ppt and to 300?μg?CdL?1 at 10 ppt for 7?days.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the acute toxicity of lead in different life stages of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, determined the effect of sublethal Pb concentrations on osmoregulatory capacity (OC), measured the Pb level in gills, and investigated the effect of Pb on the structure of the gills of adult prawns. The 24-, 48-, and 96-h LC50 values for Pb to M. rosenbergii increased progressively with increasing life stage, from post-larvae (PL), juvenile to adult. The 24- and 48-h LC50 values for post-larvae ranged from 0.01- to 0.09-mg Pb/L. The 24-, 48-, and 96-h LC50 values for Pb were lower at 12 ppt than those at 0 ppt for either the juveniles or the adults. At 12 ppt, the 96-h LC50 values in PL11, juvenile and adult were 0.47-, 0.58-, and 2.03-mg Pb/L, respectively. Meanwhile, at 12 ppt, the 96-h LC50 values in PL11, juvenile and adult were 0.63-, 4.44-, and 7.98-mg Pb/L, respectively. In adults, the OC values of controls and prawns exposed to 2- and 4-mg Pb/L at 0 ppt were not significantly different. The OC of prawns exposed to and 2-mg Pb/L at 12 ppt increased by 72 and 109% from the OC of the control prawns. At media 12 ppt, the OC value of prawns exposed to 1-mg Pb/L was significantly different from that of prawns exposed to 2-mg Pb/L. The concentrations of Pb in gill tissues increased significantly in Pb exposed prawns both at 0 and 12 ppt. The level of Pb in gills of prawns exposed to 2-mg Pb/L at 12 ppt was not significantly different from those exposed at 0 ppt. The severe toxic actions of Pb were noted in gills of prawns exposed in media 12 ppt. Hyperplasia and necrosis were observed in gill lamellae, resulting in abnormal gill tips after Pb exposure at media 12 ppt. Since the effect of Pb is more pronounced in higher salinity (12 ppt) than in freshwater (0 ppt) it is clear that aquaculture of M. rosenbergii should be conducted in freshwater ponds.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of a microsomal gill (Na+,K+)-ATPase from the freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium olfersii, acclimated to 21‰ salinity for 10 days were investigated using the substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate. The enzyme hydrolyzed this substrate obeying cooperative kinetics at a rate of 123.6 ± 4.9 U mg− 1 and K0.5 = 1.31 ± 0.05 mmol L− 1. Stimulation of K+-phosphatase activity by magnesium (Vmax = 125.3 ± 7.5 U mg− 1; K0.5 = 2.09 ± 0.06 mmol L− 1), potassium (Vmax = 134.2 ± 6.7 U mg− 1; K0.5 = 1.33 ± 0.06 mmol L− 1) and ammonium ions (Vmax = 130.1 ± 5.9 U mg− 1; K0.5 = 11.4 ± 0.5 mmol L− 1) was also cooperative. While orthovanadate abolished p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity, ouabain inhibition reached 80% (KI = 304.9 ± 18.3 μmol L− 1). The kinetic parameters estimated differ significantly from those for freshwater-acclimated shrimps, suggesting expression of different isoenzymes during salinity adaptation. Despite the ≈2-fold reduction in K+-phosphatase specific activity, Western blotting analysis revealed similar α-subunit expression in gill tissue from shrimps acclimated to 21‰ salinity or fresh water, although expression of phosphate-hydrolyzing enzymes other than (Na+,K+)-ATPase was stimulated by high salinity acclimation.  相似文献   

The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is an anadromous species that migrates from freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW) relatively early in its life history, although the ages and sizes of juveniles at SW entry are not known. Developmental constraints of osmoregulatory organs may either prohibit (i.e., due to salinity tolerance limits) or minimize (i.e., due to substantial osmoregulatory or ionoregulatory energetic costs) SW entry in small fish. Interestingly, larger green sturgeon are often encountered in brackish water (BW) estuaries, perhaps due to an energetic advantage in occupying these near-isosmotic environments. To test hypotheses concerning fish-size effects on the energetic costs of occupying habitats of different salinities, we measured oxygen consumption rates in green sturgeon representing three age groups (100, 170, and 533 days post hatch; dph), which were acclimated for 5 weeks to one of three salinities (FW, <3‰; BW, 10‰; or SW, 33‰). Also, after 7 weeks, final wet masses were compared and blood and muscle tissue samples were taken to assess osmoregulatory abilities. There were no differences in body-mass-adjusted oxygen consumption rates between any salinities or ages, indicating that the energetic costs were not prohibitively high to occupy any of these salinities. The only mortalities occurred in the 100 dph SW group, where 23% of the fish died, from apparent starvation. Final wet masses were comparable between FW and BW for each age group and with the 533 dph SW group, but were lower in SW groups at 100 and 170 dph. Similarly, osmoregulatory abilities, in terms of plasma osmolality, Na+, K+, lactate, and protein concentrations, and muscle water content, were comparable in FW and BW groups at all ages, and with the SW group at 533 dph. These results indicated an age/body size effect in hyperosmotic adaptability, and that juvenile green sturgeon may be found in FW or BW at any age, but only have the ability to enter SW by 1.5 years (75 cm, 1.5 kg) of age.  相似文献   

Caspase 3c (MrCasp3c) was sequenced from the freshwater giant prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii using Illumina Solexa Genome Analyzer Technique. MrCasp3c consisted of 2080 bp nucleotide encoded 521 polypeptide with an estimated molecular mass of 59 kDa. MrCasp3c sequence contains caspase family p20 domain profile and caspase family p10 domain profile at 236-367 and 378-468 respectively. The quantitative real time PCR analysis revealed a broad expression of MrCasp3c with the highest expression in haemocyte and the lowest in stomach. The expression of MrCasp3c after challenge with the infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) was tested in haemocyte. In addition, MrCasp3c was expressed in Escherichia coli by prokaryotic expression plasmid pMAL-c2x. The enzyme activity of MrCasp3c was also found to be up-regulated by IHHNV in haemocyte and hepatopancreas tissues. This study suggested that MrCasp3c may be an effector caspase associated with the induction of apoptosis which is potentially involved in the immune defence of M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on algal growth and photosynthesis, the influence of CO2 concentration was tested on three planktonic algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Scenedesmus obliquus). Increased CO2 concentration enhanced significantly the growth rate of all three species. Specific growth rates reached maximal values at 30, 100, and 60 M CO2 in C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus, respectively. Such significant enhancement of growth rate with enriched CO2 was also confirmed at different levels of inorganic N and P, being more profound at limiting levels of N inC. pyrenoidosa and P in S. obliquus. The maximal rates of net photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiency and light-saturating point increased significantly (p < 0.05) in high-CO2-grown cells. Elevation of the CO2 levels in cultures enhanced the photoinhibition of C. reinhardtii, but reduced that of C. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus when exposed to high photon flux density. The photoinhibited cells recovered to some extent (from 71% to 99%) when placed under dim light or in darkness, with better recovery in high-CO2-grownC. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus. Although pH and pCO2 effects cannot be distinguished from this study, it can be concluded that increased CO2 concentrations with decreased pH could affect the growth rate and photosynthetic physiology of C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus.  相似文献   

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