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Cronobacter spp. are emerging opportunistic pathogens. Cronobacter sakazakii is considered as the predominant species in all infections. So far, our understanding of the species’ immunogens and potential virulence factors of Cronobacter spp. remains limited. In this study, an immunoproteomic approach was used to investigate soluble and insoluble proteins from the genome-sequenced strain C. sakazakii ATCC BAA-894. Proteins were separated using two-dimensional electrophoresis, detected by Western blotting with polyclonal antibodies of C. sakazakii BAA-894, and identified using tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS and MALDI-MS/MS, MS/MSMS). A total of 11 immunoreactive proteins were initially identified in C. sakazakii BAA-894, including two outer membrane proteins, four periplasmic proteins, and five cytoplasmic proteins. In silico functional analysis of the 11 identified proteins indicated three proteins that were initially described as immunogens of pathogenic bacteria. For the remaining eight proteins, one protein was categorized as a potential virulence factor involved in protection against reactive oxygen species, and seven proteins were considered to play potential roles in adhesion, invasion, and biofilm formation. To our knowledge, this is the first time that immunogenic proteins of C. sakazakii BAA-894 have been identified as immunogens and potential virulence factors by an immunoproteomics approach. Future studies should investigate the roles of these proteins in bacterial pathogenesis and modulation of host immune responses during infection to identify their potential as molecular therapeutic targets.  相似文献   



The genus Cronobacter (formerly called Enterobacter sakazakii) is composed of five species; C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus, C. turicensis, C. muytjensii, and C. dublinensis. The genus includes opportunistic human pathogens, and the first three species have been associated with neonatal infections. The most severe diseases are caused in neonates and include fatal necrotizing enterocolitis and meningitis. The genetic basis of the diversity within the genus is unknown, and few virulence traits have been identified.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report here the first sequence of a member of this genus, C. sakazakii strain BAA-894. The genome of Cronobacter sakazakii strain BAA-894 comprises a 4.4 Mb chromosome (57% GC content) and two plasmids; 31 kb (51% GC) and 131 kb (56% GC). The genome was used to construct a 387,000 probe oligonucleotide tiling DNA microarray covering the whole genome. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was undertaken on five other C. sakazakii strains, and representatives of the four other Cronobacter species. Among 4,382 annotated genes inspected in this study, about 55% of genes were common to all C. sakazakii strains and 43% were common to all Cronobacter strains, with 10–17% absence of genes.


CGH highlighted 15 clusters of genes in C. sakazakii BAA-894 that were divergent or absent in more than half of the tested strains; six of these are of probable prophage origin. Putative virulence factors were identified in these prophage and in other variable regions. A number of genes unique to Cronobacter species associated with neonatal infections (C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus and C. turicensis) were identified. These included a copper and silver resistance system known to be linked to invasion of the blood-brain barrier by neonatal meningitic strains of Escherichia coli. In addition, genes encoding for multidrug efflux pumps and adhesins were identified that were unique to C. sakazakii strains from outbreaks in neonatal intensive care units.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the role of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure in the stability of outer membrane and the ability of biofilm formation in Cronobacter sakazakii. Methods and Results: A C. sakazakii mutant strain LWW02 was constructed by inactivating the gene ESA_04107 encoding for heptosyltransferase I. LPS were purified from LWW02, and changes in their structure were confirmed by thin‐layer chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Comparing with the wild‐type strain BAA‐894, slower growth, higher membrane permeability, higher surface hydrophobicity, stronger ability of autoaggregation and biofilm formation were observed for the mutant strain LWW02. Conclusions: The gene ESA_04107 encodes heptosyltransferase I in C. sakazakii ATCC BAA‐894. The cleavage of LPS in C. sakazakii could cause its outer membrane defects and increase its ability to form biofilms. Significance and Impact of the Study: The study is important for understanding the pathogenic mechanism and efficient control of C. sakazakii.  相似文献   

Cronobacter sakazakii could form yellow-pigmented colonies. However, the chemical structure and the biosynthetic pathway of the yellow pigments have not been identified. In this study, the yellow pigments of C. sakazakii BAA894 were purified and analyzed. The major components of the yellow pigments were confirmed as zeaxanthin-monoglycoside and zeaxanthin-diglycoside. A gene cluster containing seven genes responsible for the yellow pigmentation in C. sakazakii BAA894 was identified. The seven genes of C. sakazakii BAA894 or parts of them were reconstructed in a heterologous host Escherichia coli DH5α. The pigments formed in these E. coli strains were isolated and analyzed by thin layer chromatography, UV-visible spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography, and electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry. These redesigned E. coli strains could produce different carotenoids. E. coli strain expressing all the seven genes could produce zeaxanthin-monoglycoside and zeaxanthin-diglycoside; E. coli strains expressing parts of the seven genes could produce lycopene, β-carotene, cryptoxanthin or zeaxanthin. This study identified the gene cluster responsible for the yellow pigmentation in C. sakazakii BAA894.  相似文献   

食品污染克罗诺杆菌(阪崎肠杆菌)的分离及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]对300份奶粉样品和50份非奶粉类食品中克罗诺杆菌的污染情况做定量检测,并对分离得到的克罗诺杆菌进行鉴定.[方法]通过分子方法和9管法对奶粉和其他食品中克罗诺杆菌的污染情况做定量检测;通过吲哚产生、丙二酸盐利用、卫矛醇、肌醇、松三糖和松二糖发酵产酸等六种生化试验对分离株进行鉴定;同时对分离株的16S rRNA基因序列进行同源性分析,通过N-J(Neighbour-Joining)法构建系统发育树.[结果]定量检测结果表明,350份样品中有23份样品分离出克罗诺杆菌,共分离到24株克罗诺杆菌,检出率为6.6%;23份受污染样品中有4个样品的克罗诺杆菌大于100 MPN/100g;24株克罗诺杆菌被鉴定到种或亚种,其中19株为阪崎克罗诺杆菌(Cronobacter sakazakii);2株为丙二酸盐克罗诺杆菌(C.malonaticus);2株为都柏林克罗诺杆菌奶粉亚种(C.dublinensis subsp.lactaridi);1株为莫金斯克罗诺杆菌(C.muytjensii).[结论]分子方法和9管法联用适合污染率低而定量检测要求高的克罗诺杆菌的奶粉调查;采用生化和分子生物学方法将24株分离株鉴定到种或亚种,其中阪崎克罗诺杆菌为优势种;奶粉中克罗诺杆菌的污染问题对婴幼儿安全存在隐患,应引起消费者和有关部门的重视.  相似文献   

Aims: The objective was to study the response of Cronobacter sakazakii ATCC 29544 cells to heat, pulsed electric fields (PEF), ultrasound under pressure (Manosonication, MS) and ultraviolet light (UV‐C) treatments after exposure to different sublethal stresses that may be encountered in food‐processing environments. Methods and Results: Cronobacter sakazakii stationary growth‐phase cells (30°C, 24 h) were exposed to acid (pH 4·5, 1 h), alkaline (pH 9·0, 1 h), osmotic (5% NaCl, 1 h), oxidative (0·5 mmol l?1 H2O2, 1 h), heat (47·5°C, 1 h) and cold (4°C, 4 h) stress conditions and subjected to the subsequent challenges: heat (60°C), PEF (25 kV cm?1, 35°C), MS (117 μm, 200 kPa, 35°C) and UV‐C light (88·55 mW cm?2, 25°C) treatments. The inactivation kinetics of Csakazakii by the different technologies did not change after exposure to any of the stresses. The combinations of sublethal stress and lethal treatment that were protective were: heat shock–heat, heat shock–PEF and acid pH–PEF. Conversely, the alkaline shock sensitized the cells to heat and UV‐C treatments, the osmotic shock to heat treatments and the oxidative shock to UV‐C treatments. The maximum adaptive response was observed when heat‐shocked cells were subjected to a heat treatment, increasing the time to inactivate 99·9% of the population by 1·6 times. Conclusions: Cronobacter sakazakii resistance to thermal and nonthermal preservation technologies can increase or decrease as a consequence of previous exposure to stressing conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results help in understanding the physiology of the resistance of this emerging pathogen to traditional and novel preservation technologies.  相似文献   

The identification of conserved sequence tags (CSTs) through comparative genome analysis may reveal important regulatory elements involved in shaping the spatio-temporal expression of genetic information. It is well known that the most significant fraction of CSTs observed in human–mouse comparisons correspond to protein coding exons, due to their strong evolutionary constraints. As we still do not know the complete gene inventory of the human and mouse genomes it is of the utmost importance to establish if detected conserved sequences are genes or not. We propose here a simple algorithm that, based on the observation of the specific evolutionary dynamics of coding sequences, efficiently discriminates between coding and non-coding CSTs. The application of this method may help the validation of predicted genes, the prediction of alternative splicing patterns in known and unknown genes and the definition of a dictionary of non-coding regulatory elements.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative bacterium Cronobacter sakazakii is an emerging food-borne pathogen that causes severe invasive infections in neonates. Variation in the O-antigen lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane provides the basis for Gram-negative bacteria serotyping. The O-antigen serotyping scheme for C. sakazakii, which includes seven serotypes (O1 to O7), has been recently established, and the O-antigen gene clusters and specific primers for three C. sakazakii serotypes (O1, O2, and O3) have been characterized. In this study, the C. sakazakii O4, O5, O6, and O7 O-antigen gene clusters were sequenced, and gene functions were predicted on the basis of homology. C. sakazakii O4 shared a similar O-antigen gene cluster with Escherichia coli O103. The general features and anomalies of all seven C. sakazakii O-antigen gene clusters were evaluated and the relationship between O-antigen structures and their gene clusters were investigated. Serotype-specific genes for O4 to O7 were identified, and a molecular serotyping method for all C. sakazakii O serotypes, a multiplex PCR assay, was developed by screening against 136 strains of C. sakazakii and closely related species. The sensitivity of PCR-based serotyping method was determined to be 0.01 ng of genomic DNA and 10(3) CFU of each strain/ml. This study completes the elucidation of C. sakazakii O-antigen genetics and provides a molecular method suitable for the identification of C. sakazakii O1 to O7 strains.  相似文献   

The microbial contamination of air filters and possible links to contaminated product in a powdered milk protein-processing facility were investigated. Over a 10-month period, seven air filters, the environment, and powdered product were analyzed for the presence of Cronobacter spp. The effects of air filter installation, maintenance, and subsequent dissemination of Cronobacter were investigated. A total of 30 isolates were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE revealed the presence of three clonal populations distributed throughout the manufacturing site. This study highlights the need for proper installation of air filters to limit the dissemination of microorganisms into processing sites.  相似文献   

Cronobacter spp. (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) and Salmonella spp. are increasingly implicated internationally as important microbiological contaminants in low-moisture food products, including powdered infant formula. Estimates indicate that 40 to 80% of infants infected with Cronobacter sakazakii and/or Salmonella in the United States may not survive the illness. A systematic approach, combining literature-based data mining, comparative genome analysis, and the direct sequencing of PCR products of specific biomarker genes, was used to construct an initial collection of genes to be targeted. These targeted genes, particularly genes encoding virulence factors and genes responsible for unique phenotypes, have the potential to function as biomarker genes for the identification and differentiation of Cronobacter spp. and Salmonella from other food-borne pathogens in low-moisture food products. In this paper, a total of 58 unique Salmonella gene clusters and 126 unique potential Cronobacter biomarkers and putative virulence factors were identified. A chitinase gene, a well-studied virulence factor in fungi, plants, and bacteria, was used to confirm this approach. We found that the chitinase gene has very low sequence variability and/or polymorphism among Cronobacter, Citrobacter, and Salmonella, while differing significantly in other food-borne pathogens, either by sequence blasting or experimental testing, including PCR amplification and direct sequencing. This computational analysis for Cronobacter and Salmonella biomarker identification and the preliminary laboratory studies are only a starting point; thus, PCR and array-based biomarker verification studies of these and other food-borne pathogens are currently being conducted.  相似文献   

Significant phenotypic diversity was observed when we examined the abilities of a number of Cronobacter sakazakii natural isolates to cope with various sublethal stress conditions (acid, alkaline, osmotic, oxidative, or heat stress). Levels of catalase activity and use of acetate as a carbon source, phenotypes commonly used as indirect assays to predict RpoS function, revealed a high correlation between predicted RpoS activity and tolerance to acid, alkaline, osmotic, and oxidative treatments. The rpoS genes were sequenced and analyzed for polymorphisms. Loss-of-function mutations were found in two strains; C. sakazakii DPC 6523 and the genome-sequenced strain C. sakazakii ATCC BAA-894. The complementation of these strains with a functional rpoS gene resulted in an increase in bacterial tolerance to acid, osmotic, and oxidative stresses. The pigmentation status of strains was also assessed, and a high variability in carotenoid content was observed, with a functional rpoS gene being essential for the production of the characteristic yellow pigment. In conclusion, the evidence presented in this study demonstrates that rpoS is a highly polymorphic gene in C. sakazakii, and it supports the importance of RpoS for the tolerance under stress conditions that C. sakazakii may encounter in the food chain and in the host during infection.  相似文献   

Here, we report the RNA polymerase beta-subunit gene (rpoB) as a new molecular marker for the identification of the Cronobacter species. The results indicated that members of the Cronobacter genus are more easily discriminated by rpoB sequencing than 16S rRNA sequencing, and reliable identification could be achieved by rpoB gene sequence comparison.  相似文献   



Following the association of Cronobacter spp. to several publicized fatal outbreaks in neonatal intensive care units of meningitis and necrotising enterocolitis, the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004 requested the establishment of a molecular typing scheme to enable the international control of the organism. This paper presents the application of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to Cronobacter which has led to the establishment of the Cronobacter PubMLST genome and sequence definition database (http://pubmlst.org/cronobacter/) containing over 1000 isolates with metadata along with the recognition of specific clonal lineages linked to neonatal meningitis and adult infections


Whole genome sequencing and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) has supports the formal recognition of the genus Cronobacter composed of seven species to replace the former single species Enterobacter sakazakii. Applying the 7-loci MLST scheme to 1007 strains revealed 298 definable sequence types, yet only C. sakazakii clonal complex 4 (CC4) was principally associated with neonatal meningitis. This clonal lineage has been confirmed using ribosomal-MLST (51-loci) and whole genome-MLST (1865 loci) to analyse 107 whole genomes via the Cronobacter PubMLST database. This database has enabled the retrospective analysis of historic cases and outbreaks following re-identification of those strains.


The Cronobacter PubMLST database offers a central, open access, reliable sequence-based repository for researchers. It has the capacity to create new analysis schemes ‘on the fly’, and to integrate metadata (source, geographic distribution, clinical presentation). It is also expandable and adaptable to changes in taxonomy, and able to support the development of reliable detection methods of use to industry and regulatory authorities. Therefore it meets the WHO (2004) request for the establishment of a typing scheme for this emergent bacterial pathogen. Whole genome sequencing has additionally shown a range of potential virulence and environmental fitness traits which may account for the association of C. sakazakii CC4 pathogenicity, and propensity for neonatal CNS.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1121) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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