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Emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is an invasive pest of North American ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees first discovered outside of its native range of northeastern Asia in 2002. EAB spread from its initial zone of discovery in the Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario metropolitan areas, in large part, from inadvertent human-assisted movement of infested ash materials. EAB infestations are now known in 15 US states and two Canadian provinces. The primary goal of this study was to use molecular markers to characterize the population genetic structure of EAB in its native and introduced range. This information may provide valuable insights on the geographic origin, potential host range, invasion potential, and additional biological control agents for ongoing management efforts of this destructive wood-boring beetle. EAB were collected from 17 localities in its native Asian range and from 7 localities in North America, and population structure analyzed using mtDNA gene sequences, AFLP fingerprints, and alleles at 2 microsatellite loci. Analysis of mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI; 439 bp) sequences revealed all North American individuals carry a common mtDNA haplotype also found in China and South Korea. Additional mtDNA haplotypes observed in China and South Korea differed from the common haplotype by 1–2 nucleotide substitutions and a single individual from Japan differed by 21 nucleotide changes (4.8%). Analysis using AFLP fingerprints (108 loci) indicated Asian populations were more highly variable, yet had less overall population structure, than the North American populations. North American populations appear most closely related to populations in our sample from the Chinese provinces of Hebei and Tianjin City. Further, population assignment tests assigned 88% of the individual beetles from North America to either Hebei or Tianjin City.  相似文献   

Daphnia lumholtzi is a planktonic crustacean native to subtropical regions in Africa, Asia and Australia. Since its invasion to the southern USA in ~1990 it has spread across North America as far north as the Laurentian Great Lakes. We assessed invasion history using microsatellite makers and to explore the influence of mean annual temperature on the genetic structure along a latitudinal gradient in North America. Genotypic data were obtained from 9 microsatellite markers for 178 individuals from 13 populations (eight populations introduced to North America and five populations in the native range). Pairwise Fst values as well as Bayesian clustering showed a strong subdivision between native and introduced populations. Bayesian clustering identified multiple genetic clusters in recently invaded locations, suggestive of multiple invasions from various sources, including Asia and Africa. Using variation partitioning, we determined the amount of variation for genetic clusters of populations in the invaded range due to mean annual air temperature and the year of first detection. The results point to a primary introduction into the southern range of North America, with a subsequent northward expansion, and multiple introductions possibly from both the native range and by secondary spread from previously-invaded locations. Separate analysis of genetic clusters within the invaded range suggests additional effects of temperature conditions on geographic genetic structure, possibly as a consequence of D. lumholtzi’s tropical origin.  相似文献   

The Asiatic black bear is one of the most endangered mammals in South Korea owing to population declines resulting from human exploitation and habitat fragmentation. To restore the black bear population in South Korea, 27 bear cubs from North Korea and Russian Far East (Primorsky Krai) were imported and released into Jirisan National Park, a reservoir of the largest wild population in South Korea, in 2004. To monitor the success of this reintroduction, the genetic diversity and population structure of the reintroduced black bears were measured using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Mitochondrial D-loop region DNA sequences (615 bp) of 43 Japanese black bears from previous study and 14 Southeast Asian black bears in this study were employed to obtain phylogenetic inference of the reintroduced black bears. The mitochondrial phylogeny indicated Asiatic black bear populations from Russian Far East and North Korea form a single evolutionary unit distinct from populations from Japan and Southeast Asia. Mean expected heterozygosity (H(E)) across 16 microsatellite loci was 0.648 for Russian and 0.676 for North Korean populations. There was a moderate but significant level of microsatellite differentiation (F(ST) = 0.063) between black bears from the 2 source areas. In addition, genetic evidences revealed that 2 populations are represented as diverging groups, with lingering genetic admixture among individuals of 2 source populations. Relatedness analysis based on genetic markers indicated several discrepancies with the pedigree records. Implication of the phylogenetic and genetic evidences on long-term management of Asiatic black bears in South Korea is discussed.  相似文献   

The main goals of this study were to isolate microsatellites markers of Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) and understand the genetic status of the species in South Korea. Twelve new microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized to establish basic population genetic parameters for 45 H. i. argyropus specimens in South Korea. There were no significant regional or genetic structure differences between the mid-eastern and southwestern populations in South Korea according to the population genetic analyses. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 13 with an average of 6.08. Mean expected (H E) and observed heterozygosity (H O) were 0.622 and 0.533, respectively. Microsatellite variability was also not significant between the two regions (F ST=0.012). These new markers should facilitate the future population genetics studies of Korean water deer and other closely related species.  相似文献   

Invasions of exotic species often involve a rapid evolutionary change in the introduced populations. Elodea canadensis is an invasive aquatic weed native to North America. Our aims were to reveal the evolutionary consequences of invasion to the population genetic structure of the presumably clonal E. canadensis in Finland and to test the hypothesis that the whole Finnish population originates from the first introduction of the species. We used ten polymorphic microsatellite markers to analyze the genetic characteristics of seven introduced E. canadensis populations in Finland. Despite the species' totally asexual mode of reproduction in Finland, two to five alleles per locus were detected in Finnish populations, and the expected heterozygosities varied between 0.19 and 0.37. The majority of variation was found within populations. Except for one, all pairwise values of population differentiation (F ST) were significant, indicating restricted gene flow among the Finnish populations. In addition, a Bayesian analysis of population structure revealed the presence of regional population structuring. Genetic analyses indicate that E. canadensis could have been introduced to Finland multiple times. However, the amount of genetic variation and regional clustering detected could also be explained by post-establishment evolution, and based on this study it is not possible to exclude one introduction event followed by rapid evolution. We also tested the usability of the microsatellite markers for native North American samples in order to compare the within-population genetic characteristics of introduced and native populations. However, in native populations only four microsatellite markers amplified reliably, indicating sequence variation within primer-binding regions and, thus, genetic differentiation among populations of E. canadensis.  相似文献   

Populus davidiana Dode, the only aspen in Korea, is useful for restoration because of its fast growth and vigorous reproduction. This study was conducted to estimate the genetic diversity and subdivision in populations of P. davidiana in South Korea using microsatellite markers. DNA from 113 individuals from five populations was amplified using five microsatellite primers. Fifty-three alleles were detected, and the expected heterozygosity was 0.603. The populations of P. davidiana in Korea have high genetic variation despite their peripheral distribution. R ST (0.213) indicated a significant level of genetic subdivision among populations compared to the differentiation among other aspen populations. The high conservation value of the populations is attributed to its ecological and commercial importance.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer (EAB; Agrilus planipennis) has killed millions of ash trees and threatens ash throughout North America, and long-term persistence of ash will depend on the potential for regeneration. We quantified ash demography, including mortality and regeneration, of Fraxinus americana (white ash), Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash), and Fraxinus nigra (black ash) in mixed hardwood forests near the epicenter of the EAB invasion in southeastern Michigan and throughout Ohio. Plots were established across a gradient of ash densities. Ash was the most important species in hydric sites, and ranked second among all species in mesic and xeric sites. In sites nearest the epicenter in Michigan, ash mortality exceeded 99 % by 2009, and few or no newly germinated ash seedlings were observed, leaving only an “orphaned cohort” of established ash seedlings and saplings. As ash mortality increased, the number of viable ash seeds in soil samples decreased sharply, and no viable seeds were collected in 2007 or 2008. In Ohio sites farther from the epicenter, densities of new ash seedlings were much higher in plots with healthy ash trees compared to plots where trees had died. EAB was still present in low densities in Michigan and Ohio stands in 2012 where average mortality of ash was nearly 100 %. The future of ash at these sites will depend on the outcome of the dynamic interaction between the orphaned cohort of previously established ash seedlings and saplings and low density EAB populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the population genetic diversity and structure of recently introduced pest species is important for determining appropriate strategies for pest control. In recent years, the rate of introduction of new invasive insect pests between continents has continued to increase. About a decade ago, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, was introduced from East Asia (EA) into North America (NA) and is now widely established in NA. To compare soybean aphid populations between the native and invasive regions, we examined 689 individuals obtained from 28 different collections in NA and EA. A total of 8 microsatellite loci were used for population genetics statistics. Genetic differentiations among NA populations were very low compared to those among EA populations. Gene diversity and mean number of alleles in NA populations averaged 0.40 and 2.70, respectively, whereas in EA they averaged 0.55 and 4.32, respectively. Structure analysis of all populations revealed two distinct structures in the invaded and in the native regions. NA populations were divided into two distinct structures consistent with their geographic distribution. Among EA populations, certain Korean populations were genetically closest to NA populations, especially those from Ohio and Delaware. An approximate Bayesian computation test also supports an introduction into NA from Korea. These suggest that Korea is most likely to be the origin of soybean aphids in North America, rather than China or Japan.  相似文献   

To optimize conservation efforts, it is necessary to determine the risk of extinction by collecting reliable population information for a given species. We developed eight novel, polymorphic microsatellite markers and used these markers in conjunction with twelve existing markers to measure genetic diversity of South Korean populations of leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), a species for which population size and habitat area data are unknown in the country, to assess its conservation status. The average number of alleles and the observed heterozygosity of the species were 3.8 and 0.41, respectively, and microsatellite diversity was lower than the average genetic diversity of 57 populations of 12 other felid species, and lower than that of other mammal populations occurring in South Korea, including the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), water deer (Hydropotes inermis), and endangered long-tailed goral (Naemorhedus caudatus). Furthermore, analysis of genetic structure in the national leopard cat population showed no clear genetic differentiation, suggesting that it is not necessary to divide the South Korean leopard cat population into multiple management units for the purposes of conservation. These results indicate that the genetic diversity of the leopard cat in South Korea is unexpectedly low, and that the risk of local extinction is, as a result, substantial. Thus, it is necessary to begin appropriate conservation efforts at a national level to conserve the leopard cat population in South Korea.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁虫在中国的研究现状与分布调查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
2002年在美国密执安州发现了一重大外来入侵害虫,白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 由于该虫新近在美国发现,危害白蜡树,故英文名称为Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)。初步分析显示,该虫至少在5年前就已传入美国,只是现在刚爆发被发现。目前该虫在美国密执安州和加拿大安大略省可致死各种大小的白蜡树。该虫在我国曾被定名为花曲柳窄吉丁Agrilus marcopoli Obenberger,为鞘翅目吉丁科。据资料报道分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、内蒙古和台湾等地;在国外分布于朝鲜,日本,蒙古,俄罗斯远东地区。危害木樨科属树木。两年一代或一年一代,因地而已。在东北三省主要危害水曲柳和花曲柳等树木,但不是主要害虫。天津市1993年在引种白蜡树上发现了白蜡窄吉丁,1998年严重爆发造成大面积白蜡树死亡。在亚洲的其他分布区,该虫还危害另外一些阔叶树,如多种蜡树、榆树等。鉴于该虫的广泛分布和寄主树种多及毁灭性危害的特点,美国一些专家认为其潜在危害不亚于1996年在美国发现的光肩星天牛。因此,美国已全面开展对该虫的研究,包括资料收集,风险性评估,研究各种控制措施等。 本文是中美对此虫合作研究的一部分,旨在对该虫在我国的分布、 危害、 研究基础作一调查与回顾, 为下一步深入研究提供信息与参考资料。白蜡窄吉丁入侵北美再一次显示随着贸易的全球化发展, 外来入侵种问题也越来越严重。国际合作共同开展研究是控制入侵种的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

The tiny dragonfly, Nannophya pygmaea (Odonata: Libellulidae), is listed as a second-degree endangered wild animal in South Korea. The application of molecular markers to assess genetic diversity and population relationships can provide information necessary to establish an effective conservation strategy. In this study, we developed 12 microsatellite markers specific to N. pygmaea using the NextSeq 500 platform. Forty individuals of N. pygmaea collected from three currently known localities in South Korea were genotyped to validate these markers and to preliminarily assess population genetic characteristics. The observed number of alleles, observed heterozygosity, and expected heterozygosity at a locus ranged from 2 to 9, 0.421–1.0, and 0.508–0.766 in a population with the largest sample size (20 individuals), respectively, thereby validating the suitability of the markers for population analysis. Five of 12 loci showed significant deviation from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the population. Our preliminary data indicate an absence of inbreeding in all populations and an absence of obvious genetic difference. The microsatellite markers developed in this study will be useful for studying the population genetics of N. pygmaea collected from other regions worldwide, including additional sites in South Korea.  相似文献   

Flax seed mucilage (SM) presents specific biological activities useful for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Understanding the population structure, genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium (LD) of germplasm varying for mucilage content is pivotal for the identification of genes and quantitative trait loci underlying mucilage variation by association mapping (AM). In this study, 150 microsatellite loci were used to assess the population structure, genetic diversity and LD of a set of 60 flax cultivars/accessions capturing the breadth of SM variation in flax germplasm. STRUCTURE analysis and similarity-based methods revealed the presence of three populations reflecting mainly their geographic origins (South Asia, South America and North America), and the impact of germplasm exchange within and between North American flax breeding programs. Analysis of molecular variance showed that 78.32% of the genetic variation resided within populations and 21.68% among populations. The phi-statistic (??st) value of 0.22 confirmed the presence of a strong population structure. A total of 408 alleles were detected, with the South American population capturing the highest overall diversity. However, the genetic diversity was narrow, as indicated by the small number of alleles per locus (2.72) and gene diversity (mean?=?0.34). LD was significant between 3.9% (r 2) and 36.2% (D??) of the loci pairs (FDR?<?0.05). The mean r 2 and D?? were 0.26 and 0.53, respectively. The results suggest that the collection could be useful in AM studies aimed at the discovery of genes/alleles involved in SM; however a greater diversity may be required to improve the AM resolution.  相似文献   

The emerald ash borer (EAB) Agrilus planipennis, first detected in 2002 in the vicinity of Detroit, Michigan, USA, has spread throughout much of eastern and midwestern North America as of 2016, resulting in widespread mortality of ash trees in the genus Fraxinus. We investigated the effects of this newly available, exotic food source on populations of six species of largely resident insectivorous birds, including five species of woodpeckers and white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), using North American Breeding Bird Survey data for breeding season estimates and Audubon Christmas Bird Counts for winter season estimates. We found evidence for relatively modest and variable effects of EAB invasion on the populations of these birds during the breeding season, but highly significant numerical increases during the winter that in several cases appeared to be increasing as the EAB invasion has progressed. Our results confirm that the EAB invasion is resulting in increased populations of several insectivorous birds, primarily during the winter. They also suggest that the numerical response of woodpeckers to EAB may be such that avian predation, which represents a significant, and possibly the largest, morality factor affecting some EAB populations, may continue to increase and help control the EAB epidemic as the invasion continues.  相似文献   

Ophiostoma ips is a common fungal associate of various conifer-infesting bark beetles in their native ranges and has been introduced into non-native pine plantations in the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, we used 10 microsatellite markers to investigate the population biology of O. ips in native (Cuba, France, Morocco and USA) and non-native (Australia, Chile and South Africa) areas to characterize host specificity, reproductive behaviour, and the potential origin as well as patterns of spread of the fungus and its insect vectors. The markers resolved a total of 41 alleles and 75 haplotypes. Higher genetic diversity was found in the native populations than in the introduced populations. Based on the origin of the insect vectors, the populations of O. ips in Australia would be expected to reflect a North American origin, and those in Chile and South Africa to reflect a European origin. However, most alleles observed in the native European population were also found in the native North American population; only the allele frequencies among the populations varied. This admixture made it impossible to confirm the origin of the introduced Southern Hemisphere (SH) populations of O. ips. There was also no evidence for specificity of the fungus to particular bark beetle vectors or hosts. Although O. ips is thought to be mainly self-fertilizing, evidence for recombination was found in the four native populations surveyed. The higher genetic diversity in the North American than in the European population suggests that North America could be the possible source region of O. ips.  相似文献   

We explored possible links between vector activity and genetic diversity in introduced populations of Limnoperna fortunei by characterizing the genetic structure in native and introduced ranges in Asia and South America. We surveyed 24 populations: ten in Asia and 14 in South America using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, as well as eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. We performed population genetics and phylogenetic analyses to investigate population genetic structure across native and introduced regions. Introduced populations in Asia exhibit higher genetic diversity (H E = 0.667–0.746) than those in South America (H E = 0.519–0.575), suggesting higher introduction effort for the former populations. We observed pronounced geographical structuring in introduced regions, as indicated by both mitochondrial and nuclear markers based on multiple genetic analyses including pairwise ФST, F ST, Bayesian clustering method, and three-dimensional factorial correspondence analyses. Pairwise F ST values within both Asia (F ST = 0.017–0.126, P = 0.000–0.009) and South America (F ST = 0.004–0.107, P = 0.000–0.721) were lower than those between continents (F ST = 0.180–0.319, P = 0.000). Fine-scale genetic structuring was also apparent among introduced populations in both Asia and South America, suggesting either multiple introductions of distinct propagules or strong post-introduction selection and demographic stochasticity. Higher genetic diversity in Asia as compared to South America is likely due to more frequent propagule transfers associated with higher shipping activities between source and donor regions within Asia. This study suggests that the intensity of human-mediated introduction vectors influences patterns of genetic diversity in non-indigenous species.  相似文献   

Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon) were introduced at the turn of nineteenth and twentieth century to many countries in Eurasia, North America and Australasia. Subsequently, free-living invasive populations have become established in several countries, including the Czech Republic, where the expanding sika population causes serious problems through overgrazing, damage through browsing and through competition and hybridisation with native red deer. 122 Japanese and 221 Czech samples were used to examine the genetic diversity, genetic structure, and the level of genetic differentiation between native populations and those introduced to the Czech Republic. Analyses of 22 microsatellite loci revealed, for both countries, evidence of isolation by distance and clear sub-structuring of populations, different from patterns previously revealed by mtDNA markers. The high number of private alleles (58 within the Czech Republic and 84 within Japan), the Fst values, factorial correspondence analysis and Bayesian clustering support a high level of divergence between the source and introduced populations. Genetic variability was generally low due to recent demographic events (founder effect in the Czech population, bottlenecks in Japanese populations); however, the values of expected heterozygosity differed greatly between subpopulations and were not the lowest in the introduced Czech populations. Multiple introductions, rapid population growth, and possible hybridisation with red deer seem to have helped the successful expansion of sika within the Czech Republic. The results also indicate that male-mediated gene flow and human-mediated translocations have significantly influenced the current genetic structure of native sika populations in Japan.  相似文献   

Carapa guianensis is a timber species found in Central America and the north of South America. We have developed microsatellite primers which will allow analysis of gene flow and population genetic structure in natural populations of this tree species. Polymorphism of five microsatellite loci was evaluated using a total of 12 adult trees from a natural population. An average of 4.2 alleles per locus was detected, and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.397 to 0.806. These loci are being used for genetic population analysis in a managed forest in the state of Pará, in Amazonian Brazil, as part of the Dendrogene project.  相似文献   

The muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, is a semiaquatic rodent native to North America that has become a highly successful invader across Europe, Asia, and South America. It can inflict ecological and economic damage on wetland systems outside of its native range. Anecdotal evidence suggests that, in the early 1900s, a population of muskrats was introduced to the Isles of Shoals archipelago, located within the Gulf of Maine, for the purposes of fur harvest. However, because muskrats are native to the northeastern coast of North America, their presence on the Isles of Shoals could be interpreted as part of the native range of the species, potentially obscuring management planning and biogeographic inferences. To investigate their introduced status and identify a historic source population, muskrats from Appledore Island of the Isles of Shoals, and from the adjacent mainland of Maine and New Hampshire, were compared for mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences and allele frequencies at eight microsatellite loci. Appledore Island muskrats consistently exhibited reduced genetic diversity compared with mainland populations, and displayed signatures of a historic bottleneck. The distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes is suggestive of a New Hampshire source population. The data presented here are consistent with a human-mediated introduction that took place in the early 1900s. This scenario is further supported by the zooarchaeological record and island biogeographic patterns. This is the first genetic study of an introduced muskrat population within US borders and of any island muskrat population, and provides an important contrast with other studies of introduced muskrat populations worldwide.  相似文献   

Westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Salmonidae) are native to the upper Columbia, Missouri, and South Saskatchewan river drainages of western North America and are at the northern periphery of their range in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. We examined geographical variation in allele frequencies at eight microsatellite loci in 36 samples of westslope cutthroat trout from British Columbia to assess levels of population subdivision and to test the hypothesis that different habitat types (principally mainstem vs. above migration barrier habitats) would influence levels of genetic diversity, genetic divergence among populations, and attainment of equilibrium between gene flow and genetic drift. Across all samples, the mean number of alleles per locus was 3.9 and mean expected heterozygosity was 0.56. Population subdivision was extensive with an overall Fst (theta) of 0.32. Populations sampled above migration barriers had significantly fewer alleles, lower expected heterozygosity, but greater average pairwise Fst than populations sampled from mainstem localities. We found evidence for isolation-by-distance from a significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance (r = 0.31), but the pattern was much stronger (r = 0.51) when above barrier populations and a population that may have been involved in headwater exchanges were removed. By contrast, isolation-by-distance was not observed when only above barrier populations were tested among themselves. Our data support the maintenance of separate demographic management strategies for westslope cutthroat trout inhabiting different river systems and illustrate how differing habitat structure (e.g. presence of migration barriers) may influence patterns of biodiversity and gene flow-drift equilibrium.  相似文献   

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