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Retroviral assembly is driven by multiple interactions mediated by the Gag polyprotein, the main structural component of the forming viral shell. Critical determinants of Gag oligomerization are contained within the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the capsid protein, which also harbors a conserved sequence motif, the major homology region (MHR), in the otherwise highly variable Gag. An unexpected clue about the MHR function in retroviral assembly emerges from the structure of the zinc finger-associated SCAN domain we describe here. The SCAN dimer adopts a fold almost identical to that of the retroviral capsid CTD but uses an entirely different dimerization interface caused by swapping the MHR-like element between the monomers. Mutations in retroviral capsid proteins and functional data suggest that a SCAN-like MHR-swapped CTD dimer forms during immature particle assembly. In the SCAN-like dimer, the MHR contributes the major part of the large intertwined dimer interface explaining its functional significance.  相似文献   

The initiator protein RepE of the mini-F plasmid in Escherichia coli plays an essential role in DNA replication, which is regulated by the molecular chaperone-dependent oligomeric state (monomer or dimer). Crosslinking, ultracentrifugation, and gel filtration analyses showed that the solely expressed N-terminal domain (residues 1-144 or 1-152) exists in the dimeric state as in the wild-type RepE protein. This result indicates that the N-terminal domain functions as a dimerization domain of RepE and might be important for the interaction with the molecular chaperones. The N-terminal domain dimer has been crystallized in order to obtain structural insight into the regulation of the monomer/dimer conversion of RepE.  相似文献   



TPX2 (Targeting Protein for Xklp2) is essential for spindle assembly, activation of the mitotic kinase Aurora A and for triggering microtubule nucleation. Homologs of TPX2 in Chordata and plants were previously identified. Currently, proteins of the TPX2 family have little structural information and only small parts are covered by defined protein domains.


We have used computational sequence analyses and structural predictions of proteins of the TPX2 family, supported with Circular Dichroism (CD) measurements.


Here, we report our finding that the C-terminal domain of TPX2, which is responsible of its microtubule nucleation capacity and is conserved in all members of the family, is actually formed by tandem repeats, covering well above 2/3 of the protein. We propose that this region forms a flexible solenoid involved in protein-protein interactions. Structural prediction and molecular modeling, combined with Circular Dichroism (CD) measurements reveal a predominant alpha-helical content. Furthermore, we identify full length homologs in fungi and shorter homologs with a different domain organization in diptera (including a paralogous expansion in Drosophila).


Our results, represent the first computational and biophysical analysis of the TPX2 proteins family and help understand the structure and evolution of this conserved protein family to direct future structural studies.

Sulfurtransferase are enzymes involved in the formation, conversion and transport of compounds containing sulfane-sulfur atoms. Although the three-dimensional structure of the rhodanese from the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii is known, the role of its two domains in the protein conformational stability is still obscure. We have evaluated the susceptibility to proteolytic degradation of the two domains of the enzyme. The two domains show different resistance to the endoproteinases and, in particular, the N-terminal domain shows to be more stable to digestion during time than the C-terminal one. Cloning and overexpression of the N-terminal domain of the protein was performed to better understand its functional and structural role. The recombinant N-terminal domain of rhodanese A. vinelandii is soluble in water solution and the spectroscopic studies by circular dichroism and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy indicate a stable fold of the protein with the expected alpha/beta topology. The results indicate that this N-terminal domain has already got all the elements necessary for an C-terminal domain independent folding. Its solution structure by NMR, actually under course, will be a valid contribution to understand the role of this domain in the folding process of the sulfurtransferase.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of an oxidatively stable subtilisin-like alkaline serine protease, KP-43 from Bacillus sp. KSM-KP43, with a C-terminal extension domain, was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacements method with anomalous scattering. The native form was refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.134 (Rfree of 0.169) at 1.30-A resolution. KP-43 consists of two domains, a subtilisin-like alpha/beta domain and a C-terminal jelly roll beta-barrel domain. The topological architecture of the molecule is similar to that of kexin and furin, which belong to the subtilisin-like proprotein convertases, whereas the amino acid sequence and the binding orientation of the C-terminal beta-barrel domain both differ in each case. Since the C-terminal domains of subtilisin-like proprotein convertases are essential for folding themselves, the domain of KP-43 is also thought to play such a role. KP-43 is known to be an oxidation-resistant protease among the general subtilisin-like proteases. To investigate how KP-43 resists oxidizing reagents, the structure of oxidized KP-43 was also determined and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.142 (Rfree of 0.212) at 1.73-A resolution. The structure analysis revealed that Met-256, adjacent to catalytic Ser-255, was oxidized similarly to an equivalent residue in subtilisin BPN'. Although KP-43, as well as proteinase K and subtilisin Carlsberg, lose their hydrolyzing activity against synthetic peptides after oxidation treatment, all of them retain 70-80% activity against proteinaceous substrates. These results, as well as the beta-casein digestion pattern analysis, have indicated that the oxidation of the methionine adjacent to the catalytic serine is not a dominant modification but might alter the substrate specificities.  相似文献   

The WH2 (WASP homology domain-2) is a small actin monomer-binding motif and is found in many proteins that regulate the actin cytoskeleton, including the beta-thymosins, ciboulot, WASP, and verprolin/WIP (WASP-interacting protein). In sequence database searches we identified a novel mouse protein containing a WH2 domain in its C-terminal region. This mouse gene also shows strong sequence homology to human MIM (Missing in Metastasis), a cDNA fragment that is present in non-metastatic but absent in metastatic bladder cancer cell lines. Northern blot and in situ hybridizations show that MIM is strongly expressed in the developing neurons and skeletal and cardiac muscles in mouse embryos. In adult mice, the strongest expression of MIM mRNA is in liver, outer layers of the kidney, and in the Purkinje cells of the brain. Recombinant MIM protein interacts with actin monomers and inhibits actin filament nucleation in vitro. However, the MIM/ATP-G-actin complex can participate in actin filament assembly at the barbed end. MIM binds ATP-G-actin with a higher affinity (K(D) = 0.06 microm) than ADP-G-actin (K(D) = 0.3 microm) and inhibits the nucleotide exchange on actin monomers. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrates that the actin monomer-binding site resides in the C-terminal WH2 domain of MIM. Overexpression of mouse MIM in NIH 3T3 cells results in the disappearance of actin stress fibers and appearance of abnormal actin filament structures. These data show that MIM is an ATP-G-actin binding protein that regulates cytoskeletal dynamics in specialized mammalian cell-types.  相似文献   

The tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme aconitase in yeast is a single translation product, which is dual targeted and distributed between the mitochondria and the cytosol by a unique mechanism involving reverse translocation. There is limited understanding regarding the precise mechanism of reverse translocation across the mitochondrial membranes. Here, we examined the contribution of the mature part of aconitase to its dual targeting. We created a set of aconitase mutants harboring two kinds of alterations: (1) point mutations or very small deletions in conserved sites and (2) systematic large deletions. These mutants were screened for their localization by a α-complementation assay, which revealed that the aconitase fourth domain that is at the C-terminus (amino acids 517-778) is required for aconitase distribution. Moreover, fusion of this C-terminal domain to mitochondria-targeted passenger proteins such as dihydrofolate reductase and orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase, conferred dual localization on them. These results indicate that the aconitase C-terminal domain is both necessary and sufficient for dual targeting, thereby functioning as an “independent signal”. In addition, the same C-terminal domain was shown to be necessary for aconitase efficient posttranslational import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

The BRCA1 C-terminal region contains a duplicated globular domain termed BRCT that is found within many DNA damage repair and cell cycle checkpoint proteins. The unique diversity of this domain superfamily allows BRCT modules to interact forming homo/hetero BRCT multimers, BRCT-non-BRCT interactions, and interactions with DNA strand breaks. The sequence and functional diversity of the BRCT superfamily suggests that BRCT domains are evolutionarily convenient interaction modules.  相似文献   

The intracellular C-terminal domain (CTD) of KcsA, a bacterial homotetrameric potassium channel, is a 40-residue-long segment that natively adopts a helical bundle conformation with 4-fold symmetry. A hallmark of KcsA behavior is pH-induced conformational change, which leads to the opening of the channel at acidic pH. Previous studies have reached conflicting conclusions as to the role of the CTD in this transition. Here, we investigate the involvement of this domain in pH-mediated channel opening by NMR using a soluble peptide corresponding to residues 128-160 of the CTD (CTD34). At neutral pH, CTD34 exhibits concentration-dependent spectral changes consistent with oligomer formation. We prove this slowly tumbling species to be a tetramer with a dissociation constant of (2.0±0.5)×10(-)(11)?M(3) by NMR and sedimentation equilibrium experiments. Whereas monomeric CTD34 is only mildly helical, secondary chemical shifts prove that the tetrameric species adopts a tight native-like helical bundle conformation. The tetrameric species undergoes pH-dependent dissociation, and CTD34 is fully monomeric below pH?5.0. The structural basis for this phenomenon is the destabilization of the tetrameric CTD34 by protonation of residue H145 in the monomeric form of the peptide. We conclude that (i) the CTD34 peptide is independently capable of forming a tetrameric helical bundle, and (ii) this structurally significant conformational shift is modulated by the effects of solution pH on residue H145. Therefore, the involvement of this domain in the pH gating of the channel is strongly suggested.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RNA chaperone Hfq is involved in riboregulation of target mRNAs by small trans-encoded non-coding (ncRNAs). Previous structural and genetic studies revealed a RNA-binding surface on either site of the Hfq-hexamer, which suggested that one hexamer can bring together two RNAs in a pairwise fashion. The Hfq proteins of different bacteria consist of an evolutionarily conserved core, whereas there is considerable variation at the C-terminus, with the γ- and β-proteobacteria possessing the longest C-terminal extension. Using different model systems, we show that a C-terminally truncated variant of Hfq (Hfq65), comprising the conserved hexameric core of Hfq, is defective in auto- and riboregulation. Although Hfq65 retained the capacity to bind ncRNAs, and, as evidenced by fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays, to induce structural changes in the ncRNA DsrA, the truncated variant was unable to accommodate two non-complementary RNA oligonucleotides, and was defective in mRNA binding. These studies indicate that the C-terminal extension of E. coli Hfq constitutes a hitherto unrecognized RNA interaction surface with specificity for mRNAs.  相似文献   

The high-affinity binding site in human vitronectin (VN) for plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) has been localized to the NH(2)-terminal cysteine-rich somatomedin B (SMB) domain (residues 1-44). A number of published structural and biochemical studies show conflicting results for the disulfide bonding pattern and the overall fold of the SMB domain, possibly because this domain may undergo disulfide shuffling and/or conformational changes during handling. Here we show that bacterially expressed recombinant SMB (rSMB) can be refolded to a single form that shows maximal activity in binding to PAI-1 and to a conformation-dependent monoclonal antibody (mAb 153). The oxidative refolding pathway of rSMB can be followed in the presence of glutathione redox buffers. This approach allowed the isolation and analysis of a number of intermediate folding species and of the final stably folded species at equilibrium. Competitive surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated that the stably refolded rSMB regained biological activity since it bound efficiently to PAI-1 and to mAb 153. In contrast, none of the folding intermediates bound to PAI-1 or to mAb 153. We also show by NMR analysis that the stably refolded rSMB is identical to the material used for the solution structure determination [Kamikubo et al. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 6519] and that it binds specifically to mAb 153 via an interface that includes the three aromatic side chains previously implicated in binding to PAI-1.  相似文献   

Alpha-macroglobulin inhibits a broad spectrum of proteinases by forming macromolecular cages inside which proteinases are cross-linked and trapped. Upon formation of a complex with proteinase, alpha-macroglobulin undergoes a large conformational change that results in the exposure of its receptor-binding domain (RBD). Engagement of this domain by alpha-macroglobulin receptor permits clearance of the alpha-macroglobulin: proteinase complex from circulation. The crystal structure of rat alpha1-macroglobulin RBD has been determined at 2.3 A resolution. The RBD is composed of a nine-stranded beta-sandwich and a single alpha-helix that has been implicated as part of the receptor binding site and that lies on the surface of the beta-sandwich. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contains a dimer of RBDs related by approximate twofold symmetry such that the putative receptor recognition sites of the two monomers are contiguous. By gel filtration and ultracentrifugation, it is shown that RBD dimers form in solution with a dissociation constant of approximately 50 microM. The structure of the RBD dimer might mimic a conformation of transformed alpha-macroglobulin in which the proposed receptor binding residues are exposed on one face of the dimer. A pair of phenylalanine residues replaces a cystine that is conserved in other members of the macroglobulin family. These residues participate in a network of aromatic side-chain interactions that appears to stabilize the dimer interface.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of kinetic measurements and targeted mutations to show that the C-terminal domain is required for high-affinity binding of histone H1 to chromatin, and phosphorylations can disrupt binding by affecting the secondary structure of the C terminus. By measuring the fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching profiles of green fluorescent protein-histone H1 proteins in living cells, we find that the deletion of the N terminus only modestly reduces binding affinity. Deletion of the C terminus, however, almost completely eliminates histone H1.1 binding. Specific mutations of the C-terminal domain identified Thr-152 and Ser-183 as novel regulatory switches that control the binding of histone H1.1 in vivo. It is remarkable that the single amino acid substitution of Thr-152 with glutamic acid was almost as effective as the truncation of the C terminus to amino acid 151 in destabilizing histone H1.1 binding in vivo. We found that modifications to the C terminus can affect histone H1 binding dramatically but have little or no influence on the charge distribution or the overall net charge of this domain. A comparison of individual point mutations and deletion mutants, when reviewed collectively, cannot be reconciled with simple charge-dependent mechanisms of C-terminal domain function of linker histones.  相似文献   

ABCA1, a member of the ATP-binding cassette family, mediates the efflux of cellular lipids to free apolipoproteins, mainly apoA-I. The role of the C-terminal domain of apoA-I in this process has been evaluated by measuring the efflux capacity of a truncated form (apoA-I-(1-192)) versus intact apoA-I in different cellular models. In stimulated J774 macrophages, cholesterol efflux to apoA-I-(1-192) was remarkably lower than that to the intact apoA-I. The truncated apoA-I, lacking an important lipid-binding domain, was also significantly less efficient in removing phospholipids from stimulated macrophages. No difference was detected with stimulated Tangier fibroblasts that do not express functional ABCA1. The C-terminal domain of apoA-I is clearly involved in ABCA1-driven lipid efflux. Independent of the interaction with the cell surface, it may be the decreased ability of the truncated apoA-I to recruit membrane phospholipids that impairs its capacity to promote cell cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

SMARCAL1 promotes the repair and restart of damaged replication forks. Either overexpression or silencing SMARCAL1 causes the accumulation of replication-associated DNA damage. SMARCAL1 is heavily phosphorylated. Here we identify multiple phosphorylation sites, including S889, which is phosphorylated even in undamaged cells. S889 is highly conserved through evolution and it regulates SMARCAL1 activity. Specifically, S889 phosphorylation increases the DNA-stimulated ATPase activity of SMARCAL1 and increases its ability to catalyze replication fork regression. A phosphomimetic S889 mutant is also hyperactive when expressed in cells, while a non-phosphorylatable mutant is less active. S889 lies within a C-terminal region of the SMARCAL1 protein. Deletion of the C-terminal region also creates a hyperactive SMARCAL1 protein suggesting that S889 phosphorylation relieves an auto-inhibitory function of this SMARCAL1 domain. Thus, S889 phosphorylation is one mechanism by which SMARCAL1 activity is regulated to ensure the proper level of fork remodeling needed to maintain genome integrity during DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

p-Hydroxyphenylacetate (HPA) 3-hydroxylase from Acinetobacter baumannii consists of a reductase component (C(1)) and an oxygenase component (C(2)). C(1) catalyzes the reduction of FMN by NADH to provide FMNH(-) as a substrate for C(2). The rate of reduction of flavin is enhanced ~20-fold by binding HPA. The N-terminal domain of C(1) is homologous to other flavin reductases, whereas the C-terminal domain (residues 192-315) is similar to MarR, a repressor protein involved in bacterial antibiotic resistance. In this study, three forms of truncated C(1) variants and single site mutation variants of residues Arg-21, Phe-216, Arg-217, Ile-246, and Arg-247 were constructed to investigate the role of the C-terminal domain in regulating C(1). In the absence of HPA, the C(1) variant in which residues 179-315 were removed (t178C(1)) was reduced by NADH and released FMNH(-) at the same rates as wild-type enzyme carries out these functions in the presence of HPA. In contrast, variants with residues 231-315 removed behaved similarly to the wild-type enzyme. Thus, residues 179-230 are involved in repressing the production of FMNH(-) in the absence of HPA. These results are consistent with the C-terminal domain in the wild-type enzyme being an autoinhibitory domain that upon binding the effector HPA undergoes conformational changes to allow faster flavin reduction and release. Most of the single site variants investigated had catalytic properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme except for the F216A variant, which had a rate of reduction that was not stimulated by HPA. F216A could be involved with HPA binding or in the required conformational change for stimulation of flavin reduction by HPA.  相似文献   

The versatility of intracellular calcium as a second messenger is seen in its ability to mediate opposing events such as neuronal cell growth and apoptosis. A leading hypothesis used to explain how calcium regulates such divergent signaling pathways is that molecules responsible for maintaining calcium homeostasis have multiple roles. For example, chromogranin B (CGB), a calcium binding protein found in secretory granules and in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, buffers calcium and also binds to and amplifies the activity of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R). Previous studies have identified two conserved domains of CGB, an N-terminal domain (N-CGB) and a C-terminal domain (C-CGB). N-CGB binds to the third intraluminal loop of the InsP(3)R and inhibits binding of full-length CGB. This displacement of CGB decreases InsP(3)R-dependent calcium release and alters normal signaling patterns. In the present study, we further characterized the role of N-CGB and identified roles for C-CGB. The effect of N-CGB on calcium release depended upon endogenous levels of cellular CGB, whereas the regulatory effect of C-CGB was apparent regardless of endogenous levels of CGB. When either full-length CGB or C-CGB was expressed in cells, calcium transients were increased. Additionally, the calcium signal initiation site was altered upon C-CGB expression in neuronally differentiated PC12 and SHSY5Y cells. These results show that CGB has numerous regulatory roles and that CGB is a critical component in modulating InsP(3)R-dependent calcium signaling.  相似文献   

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