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Ethanol significantly enhances cell death of differentiated rat cerebellar granule neurons on culture in a serum-free medium containing a depolarizing concentration of KCl (25 mM), 5 M MK-801 (an NMDA receptor antagonist), and 20–200 mM ethanol for 1–4 days. Cell death augmented by ethanol was concentration- and time-dependent with neurons displaying hallmark apoptotic morphology and DNA fragmentation that correlated with the activation of cytosolic caspase-3. Inclusion of 5 M MK-801 or 100 M glycine in culture media did not alter rates of cell death indicating ethanol toxicity is mediated via an NMDA receptor-independent pathway. Preincubation with 50 M gangliosides GM1, GD1a, GD1b or GT1b for 2 h, or preincubation with 10 M LIGA20 (a semisynthetic GM1 with N-dichloroacetylsphingosine) for 10 min, attenuated caspase-3 activity and ethanol-induced cell death. Data show native gangliosides and a synthetic derivative are potently neuroprotective in this model of ethanol toxicity, and potentially serve as useful probes to further unravel the mechanisms relevant to neuronal apoptosis.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb2+) is a common pollutant and potent central neurotoxin. We have studied its pathways of permeation by two-photon fluorescence microscopy in rat cerebellar granule neurons loaded with the fluorescent dye indo-1. Pb2+ binds indo-1 with high affinity acting as a quencher. Its permeation through the neuronal membrane was indicated by a decrease of the fluorescence emission, which occurred even in resting condition. In the presence of 20 μM Pb2+, uptake reached a plateau level (≈45% of initial fluorescence) in 4 min and was partially antagonized by 25 μM lanthanum. Subsequent addition of a membrane permeant ionophore caused a further (>70%) quenching of the dye, suggesting that previous saturation was due to inactivation of the transport system. Intracellular Pb2+ concentrations were evaluated from the fluorescence intensity and this estimate indicated that the concentration of free Pb2+ sufficient to inactivate the transport system is close to 50 pM.  相似文献   

Abstract: TrkB belongs to the Trk family of tyrosine kinase receptors and mediates the response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5). Here, we report that both truncated and full-length forms of TrkB receptors are expressed in developing cerebellar granule neurons. BDNF and NT-4/5 increased the survival of cultured cerebellar granule neurons. BDNF and NT-4/5 also induced an autophosphorylation of TrkB receptors and subsequently resulted in a phosphorylation and binding of phospholipase C-γ (PLC-γ) and SH2-containing sequence to the autophosphorylated TrkB receptors. Both contain src homology 2 (SH2) regions. In keeping with a signaling function of PLC-γ, BDNF increased the phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover and elevated intracellular calcium levels. To investigate the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in the survival of granular neurons, we show here activation of PKC after BDNF or TPA treatment and blocking of the observed survival-promoting effects of BDNF and TPA with calphostin C, a specific PKC inhibitor. In addition, BDNF activated c- ras in a concentration-dependent manner. These results suggest that two different pathways, the c- ras and the PLC-γ pathway, are activated by TrkB receptors in primary neurons and that PKC activation is involved in the survival promoting effect of BDNF.  相似文献   

Abstract: The human glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) gene was transferred into rat cerebellar granule neurons. Following adenoviral-mediated gene transfer, nearly 100% of the neurons had transgene expression that persisted for the duration of their survival in culture. GABA levels were elevated both in the growth media and in lysates of GAD-modified granule neurons. In GAD-modified neurons, extracellular GABA levels steadily increased with time, whereas intracellular GABA levels peaked 10 days after gene transfer. GAD-modified neurons released both glutamate and GABA into the surrounding media before and after potassium-induced stimulation, but only the release of glutamate was sensitive to potassium stimulation. These data suggest that glutamatergic neurons, which initially contained no detectable GABA, can be genetically modified to release GABA constitutively.  相似文献   

Abstract: Long-term survival of cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons requires depolarizing concentrations of potassium (high potassium; 25 mM KCl). A high-potassium culturing condition has been reported to increase the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which in turn induces the expression of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in these neurons. We therefore examined the neurotrophic effect of these two neurotrophins in low-potassium (5 mM) cultures and their neuroprotective capabilities against sodium nitroprusside-induced neurotoxicity in both low- and high-potassium cultures. Neuronal survival and neurotrophic effects were monitored by [3H]ouabain binding and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays. In low-potassium cultures, the neurotrophic effect of BDNF approached that found in high-potassium cultures but was much more robust than that of NT-3. In contrast, undifferentiated neurons cultured in high-potassium medium were much less responsive to BDNF and not responsive at all to NT-3. Induction of nitroprusside neurotoxicity occurred more readily in low- than in high-potassium cultures. BDNF, NT-3, and a high potassium concentration, alone or in combination, were unable to protect neurons treated with nitroprusside at 50 or 100 µM. However, the neurotoxicity of a lower dose of nitroprusside (10 µM) was reversed by the combined actions of these two neurotrophins in low-potassium cultures and by BDNF alone in high-potassium cultures. Because nitroprusside neurotoxicity is less robust in high-potassium cultures, high-potassium-induced BDNF expression and subsequent NT-3 expression may participate in its neuroprotection and neurotrophism in these cultures. Also, we found that toxic doses of nitroprusside antagonized KCl- and NMDA-induced rises in [Ca2+]i, suggesting that this effect is related to nitroprusside-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Respiration was measured polarographically in primary cultures enriched with cerebellar granule neurons or cerebral cortical neurons. The basal respiratory rate, measured on the sixth day after culturing, was 12.00 natom equiv. O/mg protein/min for the cortical neurons and 12.70 natom equiv. O/mg protein/min for the granule neurons. Maximal stimulation by 2,4-dinitrophenol produced a 20-40% increase over the basal rate for both neuronal types. Oligomycin inhibited neuronal basal respiration by 45%. These respiratory rates in neurons from primary culture are markedly lower than those measured in astrocytes grown under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Severe acidosis caused death of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). Acidosis was accompanied by a progressive increase of the intracellular zinc ions ([Zn2+]i) and decrease of [Ca2+]i. Zn2+ chelator, N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN), prevented the increase of [Zn2+]i and acidosis-induced neuronal death. However, neuronal death was insensitive to blockade of ASIC1 channels with amiloride, as CGNs display considerably lower expression of ASIC1a than other neurons. The antioxidant trolox and menadione significantly protected neurons from acidotic death. Earlier, we demonstrated that menadione rescues neurons from the deleterious effect of inhibition of mitochondrial complex I (Isaev et al. Neuroreport 15:2227–2231, 2004). We speculate that excessive Zn2+-dependent production of reactive oxygen species by mitochondrial complex I may be a general motive for the induction of cell death in CGNs under acidotic conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the key enzyme for polyamine biosynthesis, dramatically decreases in activity during normal cerebellar development, in parallel with the progressive differentiation of granule neurons. We have studied whether a similar pattern is displayed by cerebellar granule neurons during survival and differentiation in culture. We report that when granule cells were kept in vitro under trophic conditions (high K+ concentration), ODC activity progressively decreased in parallel with neuronal differentiation. Under nontrophic conditions (cultures kept in low K+ concentration), the enzymatic activity dropped quickly in parallel with an increased apoptotic elimination of cells. Cultures kept in high K+ but chronically exposed to 10 m M lithium showed both an increased rate of apoptotic cell death at 2 and 4 days in vitro and a quicker drop of ODC activity and immunocytochemical staining. A short chronic treatment of rat pups with lithium also resulted in transient decrease of cerebellar ODC activity and increased programmed cell death, as revealed by in situ detection of apoptotic granule neurons. The present data indicate that a sustained ODC activity is associated with the phase of survival and differentiation of granule neurons and that, conversely, conditions that favor their apoptotic elimination are accompanied by a down-regulation of the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule cells in culture express receptors for GABA belonging to the GABAA and GABAB classes. In order to characterize the ability of the insecticide lindane to interact with these receptors cells were grown in either plain culture media or media containing 150 M THIP as this is known to influence the properties of both GABAA and GABAB receptors. It was found that lindane regardless of the culture condition inhibited evoked (40 mM K+) release of neurotransmitter ([3H]D-aspartate as label for glutamate). In naive cells both GABAA and GABAB receptor active drugs prevented the inhibitory action of lindane but in THIP treated cultures none of the GABAA and GABAB receptor active drugs had any effect on the inhibitory action of lindane. This lack of effect was not due to inability of baclofen itself to inhibit transmitter release. It is concluded that lindane dependent on the state of the GABAA and GABAB receptors is able to indirectly interfere with both GABAA and GABAB receptors. In case of the latter receptors it was shown using [3H]baclofen to label the receptors that lindane could not displace the ligand confirming that lindane is likely to exert its action at a site different from the agonist binding site.  相似文献   

Abstract: Exposure of various neuronal cells or cell lines to high concentrations of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), the active metabolite of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), results in cell death. Recently, it has been reported that low concentrations of MPP+ induce apoptosis in susceptible neurons. We have further characterized MPP+-mediated toxicity of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) and found that exposure of CGNs to relatively low concentrations of MPP+ results in apoptosis, whereas higher concentrations result in necrosis. Cotreatment of CGNs with MPP+ and the tetrapeptide inhibitor of caspase-3-like proteases, acetyl-DEVD-CHO, markedly attenuates apoptotic but not necrotic death of these neurons. The more specific inhibitor of caspase-1-like proteases, acetyl-YVAD-CHO, however, was ineffective against MPP+ neurotoxicity. Moreover, cytoplasmic extracts prepared from MPP+-treated CGNs contain markedly increased protease activity that cleaves the caspase-3 substrate acetyl-DEVD- p -nitroaniline. Finally, the cytoplasmic concentration of the apoptogenic protein cytochrome c was increased in a time-dependent fashion in MPP+-treated CGNs before the onset of apoptosis. Our data confirm that the neurotoxicity of MPP+ is due to both necrosis and apoptosis and suggest that the latter is mediated by activation of a caspase-3-like protease.  相似文献   

Long distance migration of differentiating granule cells from the cerebellar upper rhombic lip has been reported in many vertebrates. However, the knowledge about the subcellular dynamics and molecular mechanisms regulating directional neuronal migration in vivo is just beginning to emerge. Here we show by time-lapse imaging in live zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos that cerebellar granule cells migrate in chain-like structures in a homotypic glia-independent manner. Temporal rescue of zebrafish Cadherin-2 mutants reveals a direct role for this adhesion molecule in mediating chain formation and coherent migratory behavior of granule cells. In addition, Cadherin-2 maintains the orientation of cell polarization in direction of migration, whereas in Cadherin-2 mutant granule cells the site of leading edge formation and centrosome positioning is randomized. Thus, the lack of adhesion leads to impaired directional migration with a mispositioning of Cadherin-2 deficient granule cells as a consequence. Furthermore, these cells fail to differentiate properly into mature granule neurons. In vivo imaging of Cadherin-2 localization revealed the dynamics of this adhesion molecule during cell locomotion. Cadherin-2 concentrates transiently at the front of granule cells during the initiation of individual migratory steps by intramembraneous transport. The presence of Cadherin-2 in the leading edge corresponds to the observed centrosome orientation in direction of migration. Our results indicate that Cadherin-2 plays a key role during zebrafish granule cell migration by continuously coordinating cell-cell contacts and cell polarity through the remodeling of adherens junctions. As Cadherin-containing adherens junctions have been shown to be connected via microtubule fibers with the centrosome, our results offer an explanation for the mechanism of leading edge and centrosome positioning during nucleokinetic migration of many vertebrate neuronal populations.  相似文献   

在急性、慢性神经退行性疾病和炎症引发的神经系统疾病的发病机制中,兴奋性毒性可能是造成后期神经元死亡的共同途径.小脑颗粒神经元谷氨酸兴奋性毒性模型是研究上述过程的重要实验手段,该模型的稳定性和可重复性是开展相关研究的重要基础.然而,文献报道的建模方法条件各异,说法不一,很难适从.本工作针对小脑颗粒神经元谷氨酸兴奋性毒性模型建立的关键环节,包括小脑颗粒神经元的培养、兴奋性毒性刺激条件的确定,毒性标志性指标的表征,分别进行了比较和优化, 从培养皿的包被、神经元消化、兴奋性刺激的溶液介质选择、神经元刺激的最佳时间及谷氨酸的最佳刺激浓度等方面分别给出了优化条件.通过特征性钙离子曲线、NMDA受体特异性抑制剂MK-801的干预作用以及c-fos基因转录水平的动力学变化等指标,确认了毒性模型的成功建立.本工作不仅对建立小脑颗粒神经元谷氨酸兴奋性毒性模型的实验室具有重要参考意义,而且,其针对不同条件分析比较的结果及优化原则,对其他神经毒性模型的建立也具有普遍参考意义.  相似文献   

Cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGC) increase survival in a medium containing 25 mM KCl (K25), and they die apoptotically when cultures are treated with staurosporine (St) or are transferred to a 5-mM KCl containing medium (K5). Apoptotic CGC show nuclear condensation and caspase-3 activation. Cell death induced by these conditions was partially prevented when cultures were maintained under alkaline conditions, which also induced a marked reduction of the caspase-3 activation. The acidification of the medium further increased cell death induced by both stimuli. Cultures transferred to K5 suffered an immediate intracellular alkalinization that remained constant during the time K5 was present. In contrast, St did not modify cytosolic pH at any of the evaluated times. On the other hand, DIDS, furosemide, and bumetanide prevented CGC death induced by K5 and St. Other drugs such as amiloride, EIPA, tamoxifen, NEM, or NPPB did not modify cell death induced by these conditions. Both DIDS and bumetanide markedly inhibited the processing and activation of caspase-3, and DIDS prevented the nuclear condensation induced by K5 and St. These findings suggest that pH is a condition that could contribute to the modulation of cell death induced by some stimuli and that other ions, such as potassium, could have a role in the initial phase of apoptotic death of CGC.  相似文献   

The cell adhesion molecule Tag-1 is highly expressed in immature cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) during axonogenesis and is down-regulated prior to onset of radial migration. However, its precise role(s) during development of mammalian CGNs has been unclear. Here we studied the effects of anti-Tag-1 function blocking antibodies on the development of mouse CGNs in primary cell culture and in situ. Interfering antibodies inhibited axon formation by mouse CGNs in both cell cultures and in cerebellar slices. Effects on axon extension in cell cultures were observed under conditions of homotypic cell–cell contact, consistent with inhibition of cell adhesion activity. Further, when used as a substratum Tag-1 protein strongly stimulated neurite outgrowth by CGNs. Antagonism of Tag-1 also enhanced CGN migration in modified Boyden chamber assays. Radial migration was inhibited by Tag-1 antibodies in cerebellar slices, possibly reflecting a block in early CGN maturation in situ. These findings are consistent with a regulatory role for Tag-1 in axon emergence as well as migratory behavior by developing mouse CGNs.  相似文献   

We found that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and Akt in cerebellar granule neurons was specifically potentiated by LPC. LPC also augmented the BDNF-induced phosphorylation of TrkB, the receptor for BDNF. In TrkB-transfected CHO-K1 cells, LPC potentiated BDNF-induced MAPK phosphorylation. These results suggest that LPC plays a role in BDNF-TrkB signaling by regulating the activation of TrkB.  相似文献   

荧光显微镜观察及ELISA分析表明10μmol/L过氧化亚硝基可诱导原代培养的大鼠小脑颗粒神经元凋亡。应用ESR自旋标记技术研究了这一过程中细胞膜生物物理特性的变化,结果表明神经细胞经过氧化亚硝基处理后,细胞膜表层及深层流动性均显著下降,膜蛋白巯基强弱固定化比值增加,维生素C、维生素E的衍生物L-抗坏血酸2-(3,4-二氢-2,5,7,8-四甲基-2-(4,8,12-三甲基十三烷基)-2H-1-苯  相似文献   

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