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Greenhouse-grown oilseed rape (Brassica napus, annual Canola variety `Westar') plants were harvested at six dates from the vegetative phase until the early pod (silique)-fill/late flowering stage. Endogenous gibberellin (GA)-like substances were extracted from stems, purified, and chromatographed on silica gel partition columns prior to bioassay in serial dilution using the `Tan-ginbozu' dwarf rice microdrop assay. The concentrations of total endogenous GA-like substances were low during vegetative stages (1 nanogram GA3 equivalents/gram dry weight), and rose 300-fold by the time of floral initiation. After floral initiation the concentration of GA-like substances fell, then rose again during bolting to maximal levels during the early pod-fill stage (940 nanograms per gram dry weight). The qualitative profiles of GA-like substances varied across harvests, with higher proportions of a GA1-like substance at the early pod-fill stage. In a second study stems were similarly harvested at eight dates and the concentrations of endogenous GA1, the principal bioactive native GA of oilseed rape, were determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring using [17,17-2H]GA1 as a quantitative internal standard. The concentration of GA1 increased at about the time of floral initiation and then subsequently fell, thus confirming the pattern noted above for total GA-like substances. The exogenous application of paclobutrazol (PP333), a persistent triazole plant growth regulator (PGR) which blocks GA biosynthesis, or another triazole, triapenthenol (RSW0411), prevented flowering as well as bolting; plants remained at the vegetative rosette stage. These results imply a causal role for endogenous GA, in the control of bolting, which normally precedes anthesis. Further, the rise in the concentration of total endogenous GA-like substances, including GA1, which was associated with floral initiation, and the prevention of visable floral development by the triazole PGRs, also indicates a role for endogenous GAs in the regulation of flowering in B. napus.  相似文献   

Stems of mango (Mangifera indica L.) rest in a nongrowing, dormant state for much of the year. Ephemeral flushes of vegetative or reproductive shoot growth are periodically evoked in apical or lateral buds of these resting stems. The initiation of shoot growth is postulated to be primarily regulated by a critical ratio of root-produced cytokinins, which accumulate in buds and by leaf-produced auxin, which decreases in synthesis and transport over time. Exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA3) delays initiation of bud break but does not determine whether the resulting flush of growth is vegetative or reproductive. We tested the hypothesis that endogenous GA3, which influences release of these resting buds, may decrease in stem tips or leaves with increasing age of mango stems. GA3 and several other GAs in stem tip buds and leaves were identified and quantified in stems of different ages. The major endogenous GAs found in apical buds and leaves of vegetative mango stems were early 13-hydroxylation pathway gibberellins: GA1, epi-GA1, GA3, GA19, GA20, and GA29, as identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A novel but unidentified GA-like compound was also present. The most abundant GAs in apical stem buds were GA3 and GA19. Contrary to the hypothesis, the concentration of GA3 increased within buds with increasing age of the stems. The concentrations of other GAs in buds were variable. The concentration of GA3 did not change significantly with age in leaves, whereas that of most of the other GAs declined. GA1 levels were greatest in leaves of elongating shoots. These results are consistent with the concept that rapid shoot growth is associated with synthesis of GAs leading to GA1. The role of GA3 in delaying bud break in mango is not known, but it is proposed that it may enhance or maintain the synthesis or activity of endogenous auxin. It, thereby, maintains a high auxin/cytokinin ratio similar to responses to GA3 that maintain apical dominance in other plant species.  相似文献   

Stems of mango (Mangifera indica L.) rest in a nongrowing, dormant state for much of the year. Ephemeral flushes of vegetative or reproductive shoot growth are periodically evoked in apical or lateral buds of these resting stems. The initiation of shoot growth is postulated to be primarily regulated by a critical ratio of root-produced cytokinins, which accumulate in buds and by leaf-produced auxin, which decreases in synthesis and transport over time. Exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA3) delays initiation of bud break but does not determine whether the resulting flush of growth is vegetative or reproductive. We tested the hypothesis that endogenous GA3, which influences release of these resting buds, may decrease in stem tips or leaves with increasing age of mango stems. GA3 and several other GAs in stem tip buds and leaves were identified and quantified in stems of different ages. The major endogenous GAs found in apical buds and leaves of vegetative mango stems were early 13-hydroxylation pathway gibberellins: GA1, epi-GA1, GA3, GA19, GA20, and GA29, as identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A novel but unidentified GA-like compound was also present. The most abundant GAs in apical stem buds were GA3 and GA19. Contrary to the hypothesis, the concentration of GA3 increased within buds with increasing age of the stems. The concentrations of other GAs in buds were variable. The concentration of GA3 did not change significantly with age in leaves, whereas that of most of the other GAs declined. GA1 levels were greatest in leaves of elongating shoots. These results are consistent with the concept that rapid shoot growth is associated with synthesis of GAs leading to GA1. The role of GA3 in delaying bud break in mango is not known, but it is proposed that it may enhance or maintain the synthesis or activity of endogenous auxin. It, thereby, maintains a high auxin/cytokinin ratio similar to responses to GA3 that maintain apical dominance in other plant species.  相似文献   

Development involves interactions between genetic and environmental influences. Vertebrate mothers are generally the first individuals to encounter and interact with young animals. Thus, their role is primordial during ontogeny. The present study evaluated non‐genomic effects of mothers on the development of rhythms of precocial Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica). First, we investigated the influence of mothering on the ontogeny of endogenous rhythms of young. We compared circadian and ultradian rhythms of feeding activity of quail reared with or without adoptive mothers. More brooded than non‐brooded quail presented a circadian and/or an ultradian rhythm. Thus, the presence of the mother during the normal brooding period favors, in the long term, expression of rhythms in the young. Second, we investigated the influence of rhythmic phenotype of the mother on the development of endogenous rhythms of young by comparing quail brooded by circadian‐rhythmic adoptive mothers (R) to quail brooded by circadian‐arrhythmic adoptive mothers (A). More R‐brooded than A‐brooded quail expressed circadian rhythmicity, and circadian rhythm clarities were greater in R‐brooded than A‐brooded quail. Ultradian rhythmicity did not differ between R‐ and A‐brooded quail, nor between R and A adoptive mothers. Thus, the rhythmic phenotypes of quail mothers influence the rhythmic phenotypes of their young. Our results demonstrate that mothers of precocial birds influence epigenetically the ontogeny of endogenous rhythms of the young they raise.  相似文献   

Heat treatments of two minutes at 46 to 47°C to root systems of Nicotiana rustica and Phaseolus vulgaris affected roots and shoots. Xylem exudate of Phaseolus was collected, and it was found that heat treatment reduced cytokinin levels and increased abscisic acid levels in the exudate. Shoot and root growth of both species was reduced. Root membrane integrity of Nicotiana was measured and was found to be impaired. It is suggested that the changes in hormone activity due to heat treatment regulate the reduction in shoot growth. Cell wall metabolism and glucosyl transferases making β-glucans were investigated in Phaseolus leaves. Incorporation of 14C from 14CO2 into wall constituents was slightly inhibited but neither photosynthesis nor extracted β-glucan synthetases were affected during the first 12 hours after treatment.  相似文献   

Organisms living along the shore are exposed to complex sets of environmental oscillations. In addition to solar (24.0 h) and lunar (24.8 h) cycles, local tides may reoccur on a 12.4 h schedule. Beyond daily routines, biweekly, monthly and annual rhythms may each have a significant impact on an animal's activity. For some time, it has been established firmly that intertidal crabs possess several internal biological clocks with distinctly different periods and properties. However, the versatility of these clocks has not been obvious. Crabs living in the littoral zone must adjust their internal chrono-meters to be synchronous with the specific temporal structure of the immediate habitat. Fine adjustments in their clocks will depend upon on a particular tide province and the location of their niche in the intertidal zone. Over a wide geographic range, the location of an intertidal habitat for one species may be in as many as four tidal provinces. Based on wave form and harmonic components, tide provinces are characterized as either a) semidiurnal, b) mixed, mainly semidiurnal, c) mixed mainly diurnal, or d) diurnal. Likewise, the primary frequency associated with an intertidal niche in each tide province may be augmented by diel (24 h) and semilunar (14 day) periods. In addition, supralittoral habitats may be influenced by monthly (28 day) and seasonal rhythms. Since some species live in several tidal provinces and different positions in the littoral zone, locomotor and larval release rhythms of intertidal crabs must naturally be adjusted to the timetable of the local habitat. Flexibility in ambulatory and egg hatching rhythms of crabs are discussed from this environmental perspective. The nature and location of the underlying circadian and tidal oscillators tracking these environmental rhythms are reviewed.  相似文献   

Fusarium eumartii is a fungus associated with declining Quercus robur , in which it is found in the vessels. The response of oak species to infection is known to vary: Q. robur is susceptible , but Quercus cerris and Quercus pubescens are resistant. An experiment was carried out in 1996 and repeated in 1997, to examine how F. eumartii colonization differed in oak species that were susceptible or resistant to the fungus by counting the number of vessels with mycelium at various distances from the inoculation site in infected seedlings and by determining the amount of viable fungus in infected tissue. Infected vessels with mycelium were counted on sections (10  μ m thick) cut at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm from the inoculation site on 1-year-old inoculated seedlings as well as on sections cut every 2 cm to the seedling tip. The amount of viable fungus was determined by counting the colony forming units (CFUs) in stem segments from the same seedlings. Quercus robur seedlings had the greatest number of infected vessels and the greatest number of CFUs. Forty days after inoculation, the extent of vertical fungal spread was 28.12 cm in Q. robur , 3.15 cm in Q. cerris and 3.00 cm in Q. pubescens . The greatest number of CFUs was found in Q. robur at day 5 after inoculation. Analysis of variance confirmed the results.  相似文献   

The rate of growth of the coleoptiles was determined from photographstaken by infra-red radiation. CO2 output was measured by meansof an infra-red gas analyser. The rhythm of CO2 output from the coleoptile of Avena was inducedby a change from red light to darkness. It has a period of about24 hours and agrees in timing with the growth-rate rhythm previouslyrecorded. Some degree of rhythmicity in the growth-rate was found in Triticumvulgare (var. ‘Eclipse’) and in Secale cereale (var.Petkus). Very slight indications of rhythmicity were found inTriticum spelta and in Hordeum vulgare. Negative results wereobtained with Oryza sativa and with Zea mays. Where rhythmicityin the coleoptile is less strongly developed, the peaks comecloser together, the interval being about 18–20 hours.Cereals cannot be sharply separated into two groups accordingto the presence or absence of rhythmicity in the coleoptile.Of the genera examined, the most marked endogenous rhythms occurin Avena. It is doubtful if the ability of the coleoptile toexhibit an endogenous rhythm has any beneficial effect on thedevelopment of the seedling. Under normal conditions of germinationinduction of the rhythm would not occur.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the reduced growth rate of wheat and barley that results when the roots are exposed to NaCl is due to inadequate turgor in the expanding cells of the leaves. The hypothesis was tested by exposing plants to 100 millimolar NaCl (which reduced their growth rates by about 20%), growing them for 7 to 10 days with their roots in pressure chambers, and applying sufficient pneumatic pressure in the chambers to offset the osmotic pressure of the NaCl, namely, 0.48 megapascals. The results showed that applying the pressure had no sustained effect (relative to unpressurized controls) on growth rates, transpiration rates, or osmotic pressures of the cell sap, in either the fully expanded or currently expanding leaf tissue, of both wheat and barley. The results indicate that the applied pressure correspondingly increased turgor in the shoot although this was not directly measured. We conclude that shoot turgor alone was not regulating the growth of these NaCl-affected plants, and, after discussing other possible influences, argue that a message arising in the roots may be regulating the growth of the shoot.  相似文献   

以森林资源二类调查数据为依据,结合样地调查和解析木数据对秦巴山区陕南栎类生长过程及资源现状进行研究分析,并以此估算该地区栎类资源的生长潜力,总结栎类单株生长和资源特点,提出相关经营管理建议。结果表明:(1)天然实生栎类树种(栓皮栎)数量成熟期晚,20年之前生长率最快,可达10%~20%,生长高峰略滞后于胸径和树高生长高峰期。(2)栎类资源年均生长率约为6.89%,其中幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林分别约为8.67%、3.46%、2.62%。(3)在陕南三地区林分中栎类面积及蓄积所占比例均达50%以上,集中分布在西北部秦岭与巴山交汇处,汉江谷地周围相对较少。(4)龄级结构不合理,中、幼林龄所占比重大,可利用资源量十分有限。(5)栎类资源面积的46%被划分为薪炭林,33%是水源涵养林,21%是用材林,天然林面积和蓄积均明显高于人工林。(6)1986年到2009年间,栎类资源面积、蓄积量增加显著,但整体林分质量较差,林地生产力低。研究认为,秦巴山区陕南栎类资源总体表现为储量丰富,但分布极不均衡,未来的发展利用应首先加强抚育管理,提高林分质量,加强分类经营,开展林地经济。  相似文献   

Endogenous circannual rhythms in growth, development, and longevityof the marine coelenterate Campanularia flexuosa have persistedfor over 3 years in the absence of periodic signals from theenvironment. The periods for the cycles at three constant ambienttemperatures, 10, 17 and 24 C, approximated 1 year, but werealways more than 365 days. Although uncertainty exists, temperaturewas implicated as a Zeitgeber. The endogenous circannual rhythms were marked by seasons ofluxuriant colony growth that alternated with more sparse growth.During luxuriant growth, development of individual hydranthswas initiated regularly in new positions and as replacementsat regression sites on uprights. Nearly all hydranth developmentwas normal and adult life spans were long. The profuse growthwas interrupted by seasons of sparse growth each summer andpunctuated by recurrent, short periods of sharply curtailedgrowth in mid-winter. During curtailed growth, the rate of hydranthinitiation at all sites was depressed, and abnormal developmentaborted many individuals. Most strikingly, hydranth life spansfell to about half those observed during seasons of luxuriantgrowth. With the spontaneous return to the luxuriant growthhabit, hydranth life spans rose, nearly doubling. The delineation of these endogenous rhythms in C. flexuosa longevitychallenges the generally accepted concept of specific age, anage at death which is characteristic of the species.  相似文献   

Lateral Shoot Growth in Horizontal Apple Stems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental evidence supports the theory that inhibition ofbuds on the under side of horizontal apple branches is causedby the movement under gravity of substances from the upper tothe under sides. Horizontal shoots of apple Crab C were splitalmost to the apex and the two halves separated by a non-porousplastic film. Where upper and lower sides were isolated by theplastic barrier, long shoots grew from the under as well asfrom the upper side. On control shoots, and shoots split vertically,most buds on the under side remained dormant.  相似文献   

Apical Growth Cessation and Shoot Tip Abscission in Salix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Time course of apical shoot growth and shoot tip abortion in northern ecotypes (lat. 69°39′N, long. 18°37′E) of Salix pentandra and S. caprea have been investigated. In trees more than 15 years old growing under natural climatic conditions apical growth cessation and shoot tip abortion normally occurred in June-July when the day length still was 24 h. Application of GA3, in spring to the apex effectively delayed growth cessation and shoot tip abortion. Application of kinetin was without effect. First-year seedlings of both species grew continuously at temperatue of 9 to 24°C in 24 h photoperiod. Short days induced apical growth cessation, but two to four (S. pentandra) or three to five (S. caprea) weeks of 12 h photoperiod were required to stop the elongation growth. The results indicated that the critical photoperiod for apical growth cessation in the used ecotype of S. pentandra was 16 to 18 h at 18°C. Short days had a minor effect only on the formation of apical leaf primordia in small seedlings. Development of axillary buds and radial growth were stimulated by short days when compared with long days. Small seedlings of both species (3 to 8 cm high at the start) formed terminal buds in short days, but in large seedlings (more than about 15 cm high) apical growth cessation was accompanied by shoot tip abortion. Abscisic acid applied to the apex or through a leaf did not induce growth cessation in S. pentandra seedlings grown in continuous light. The growth retardants CCC, B-9 and Phosphon D reduced growth rate under continuous light and induced shoot tip abortion in some plants. The effect of CCC was counteracted by GA3. Apical growth cessation in short days was significantly delayed by a single GA1 application.  相似文献   

Shoot and Root Activities During Steady-state Plant Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple model for steady-state plant growth is described. Thegrowth constant, measured during steady-state exponential growth,is related to the specific activities of the shoot and the root,enabling the effects of certain environmental variables (light,carbon dioxide and nitrogen) on the growth constant to be examined.The model is used to interpret data on the growth kinetics ofwheat (Macdowall, 1972a, b, c).  相似文献   

A major problem in the study of the internal clock(s) that drives human circadian rhythms is that due to the effect produced by rhythmicity of habits and external influences (‘masking’). A particularly potent factor in this respect is the sleep-wake cycle. It is anomalous that, even though this masking influence is widely accepted, most studies of circadian rhythmicity have been performed in the presence of such interferences.

A protocol is described, the constant routine, by which these exogenous influences can be minimized, thereby enabling a closer scrutiny of the internal clock(s) to be made. An account is given of the different circumstances in which the constant routines have been used together with the results derived from such studies. Briefly, they indicate that nychthemeral studies can give misleading information about the rate of adjustment of the internal clock to various manipulations, e.g. time-zone transition, shift work.

In addition, future studies making use of constant routines are described, in particular those which might enable the presence of more than one internal clock to be established.  相似文献   

Rhythmic rotational movements with the midvein as the axis have been observed in the unifoliate leaves of Phaseolus angularis Wight grown under controlled environmental conditions with continuous light. The mean period of this movement for all leaves was 53.2 ± 4.3 minutes and remained constant as the leaf matured, except after removal of the apical meristem and emerging trifoliate leaf when the period increased by about 5 minutes. The amplitude of the movement also remained constant as the leaf matured. These rotational movements were pronounced when the leaf blade was in a horizontal position and were not evident during the downward or “sleep” movements of the leaf. This movement began 3 days after leaf unfolding and continued for at least 6 days. It was most pronounced at the time of inflection of the leaf length growth curve after the logarithmic phase of growth.  相似文献   

A major problem in the study of the internal clock(s) that drives human circadian rhythms is that due to the effect produced by rhythmicity of habits and external influences ('masking'). A particularly potent factor in this respect is the sleep-wake cycle. It is anomalous that, even though this masking influence is widely accepted, most studies of circadian rhythmicity have been performed in the presence of such interferences.

A protocol is described, the constant routine, by which these exogenous influences can be minimized, thereby enabling a closer scrutiny of the internal clock(s) to be made. An account is given of the different circumstances in which the constant routines have been used together with the results derived from such studies. Briefly, they indicate that nychthemeral studies can give misleading information about the rate of adjustment of the internal clock to various manipulations, e.g. time-zone transition, shift work.

In addition, future studies making use of constant routines are described, in particular those which might enable the presence of more than one internal clock to be established.  相似文献   

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