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The rearing of finfish larvae is a key element in their further culture. Improper breeding protocols may result in high mortality rates, body deformation and growth rate decreases in both the larval and fattening periods. These errors can be avoided by thorough exploration of various aspects of early larvae biology, at least in model fish species. In this study, anatomical and morphological developments were analysed using allometric growth patterns of common barbel, Barbus barbus, larvae reared under optimal controlled conditions. Larvae of common barbel, which is a model species for fish of the genus Barbus, were reared for 30 days at 25 °C in the recirculated aquaculture system (RAS). Four periods of the barbel larval development were identified: pre-flexion (0–5 days post hatching – DPH; total length – TL: 9.5 ± 0.3 to 12.3 ± 0.3 mm), flexion (6–11 DPH; TL 12.4 ± 0.3–15.4 ± 0.3 mm), post-flexion (12–21 DPH; TL 16.1 ± 0.5–21.2 ± 0.8 mm) and juvenile (from 22 DPH; TL from 21.4 ± 1.7 mm). The largest changes in barbel growth were observed during the first two periods of their life (pre-flexion and flexion), which resulted in the frequency of noted flexion points (64.3% flexion points) and was also associated with intensive morphometric growth, primarily the head and tail parts of the body. Despite a low degree of growth progress upon hatching (e.g. no eye pigment, no distinct liver or pancreas, no unobstructed alimentary tract), barbel larvae pass through the larval periods very quickly in comparison to other cyprinids and enter the juvenile period (22 days).  相似文献   

Caffeine has been an integral component of our diet and medicines for centuries. It is now known that over consumption of caffeine has detrimental effects on our health, and also disrupts normal foetal development in pregnant mothers. In this study, we investigated the potential teratogenic effect of caffeine over‐exposure on eye development in the early chick embryo. Firstly, we demonstrated that caffeine exposure caused chick embryos to develop asymmetrical microphthalmia and induced the orbital bone to develop abnormally. Secondly, caffeine exposure perturbed Pax6 expression in the retina of the developing eye. In addition, it perturbed the migration of HNK‐1+ cranial neural crest cells. Pax6 is an important gene that regulates eye development, so altering the expression of this gene might be the cause for the abnormal eye development. Thirdly, we found that reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was significantly increased in eye tissues following caffeine treatment, and that the addition of anti‐oxidant vitamin C could rescue the eyes from developing abnormally in the presence of caffeine. This suggests that excess ROS induced by caffeine is one of the mechanisms involved in the teratogenic alterations observed in the eye during embryogenesis. In sum, our experiments in the chick embryo demonstrated that caffeine is a potential teratogen. It causes asymmetrical microphthalmia to develop by increasing ROS production and perturbs Pax6 expression.  相似文献   

During neurogenesis, markers of the cholinergic system are present in the eye and visual cortex of vertebrates. In adult vertebrates, a role for these molecules, including muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs), in eye growth non-accommodative regulation is also known. In order to understand the biological mechanisms triggered by the cholinergic system in these events, we analysed the effects of a cholinergic agonist (10(-4) M carbachol) and an antagonist (10(-4) M atropine) of the muscarinic receptors, on early chick development. To establish if the cholinergic system also plays a role in the regulation of early neurogenetic signals, the drug treatments were made at stage 5-6 HH, during the formation of the cephalic process. Specific effects on forehead, and in particular on eye development were found; carbachol treated embryos presented huge and well pigmented eyes, significantly different from controls. The eyes of atropine-exposed embryos presented anomalies with different phenotypes ranging from strongly affected features to normal-like appearance. Generally, the eyes were smaller as compared to the controls, with a number of anomalies, also in the normal-like phenotype, including retina and lens defects. In these structures, distribution of cholinesterase activities was checked by histochemical methods, and the amount of cells undergoing nuclear disgregation was revealed by DAPI staining. We propose that the drugs affected the known nervous and pre-nervous functions of the cholinergic markers, such as cell signalling during primary induction, and regulation of cell death by ACh receptors.  相似文献   

The activity, properties and developmental pattern of cysteine sulphinate decarboxylase (CSD) were studied in chick and rat retina. Retinal CSD shows properties similar to those of the enzyme in brain with respect to optimum pH, saturating substrate concentrations and stimulation by pyridoxal phosphate, CSD activity increased 3-fold from the 10th day of embryogenesis to hatching in chicks and in postnatal development in rats. The developmental pattern of CSD activity in both species is coincident with the functional maturation of visual function.  相似文献   

In the mouse, allelic dosage of the paternally expressed gene coding for insulin-like growth factor II (Igf2), from null to bi-allelic, results in dose-dependent growth, an effect which appears to be fully established during a discrete period of embryogenesis that then persists throughout life. Here, we specifically quantify the influence of Igf2 allelic dosage on the proportionality of regional embryonic growth rather than overall growth. Remarkably, preservation of allometric growth ratios between head and body regions were observed throughout development, irrespective of the range of overall growth phenotype (60-130% of wild type). Evaluation of log-log plots suggests that each allele of Igf2 expressed corresponds to the equivalent of 2-4 days of relative growth. Igf2 is predominantly expressed in extra-embryonic mesoderm (E7.5-E8.25), 24 h before alterations in cell number are known to occur in embryos with disruption of the paternally expressed allele. We hypothesized that the preservation of proportionality may result from modification of extra-embryonic development and subsequent alteration of systemic nutritional supply. Morphological analyses of chorio-allantoic and placental development between E9 and E9.5 appeared Igf2 independent. This suggests either an intrinsic but systemic Igf2-dependent activity within the embryo or a more complex developmental mechanism accounts for the proportional phenotype. Allelic IGF2 expression is subject to stochastic variation in humans, with 10% of the population estimated to be functionally bi-allelic. Evaluation of allometric growth of normal and pathological human embryos, suggest intra-uterine growth phenotypes associated with altered IGF2 imprinting are also likely to be proportionate.  相似文献   

Vertebrate eye development is a complex multistep process coordinated by signals from the lens, optic cup and periocular mesenchyme. Although chemokines are increasingly being recognized as key players in cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation during embryonic development, their potential role during eye development has not been examined. In this study, we demonstrate by section in situ hybridization that CXCL12 and CXCL14 are expressed during ocular development. CXCL12 is expressed in the periocular mesenchyme, ocular blood vessels, retina, and eyelid mesenchyme, and its expression pattern is conserved between chick and mouse in most tissues. Expression of CXCL14 is localized in the ocular ectoderm, limbal epithelium, scleral papillae, eyelid mesenchyme, corneal keratocytes, hair follicles, and retina, and it was only conserved in the upper eyelid ectoderm of chick and mouse. The unique and non-overlapping patterns of CXCL12 and CXCL14 expression in ocular tissues suggest that these two chemokines may interact and have important functions in cell proliferation, differentiation and migration during eye development.  相似文献   

The time course of appearance and distribution of fibronectin in the developing eye have been studied in chick embryos by indirect immunofluorescence. At the 12-somite stage, fibronectin was detected as a layer under the ectodermal cells overlying the forebrain vesicle; it was also present in the head mesenchyme. During formation of the lens placode and its invagination, a zone containing fibronectin persisted around the lens as a component of the capsule. The fibronectin-containing layer was separated from the corneal epithelial cells during the formation of the acellular stroma. The migrating corneal endothelial cells were seen posterior to the fibronectin layer. The secondary stroma was strongly positive for fibronectin. Fibronectin disappeared from the cornea starting from its posterior part along with the corneal condensation. In the newborn chicken cornea, fibronectin was present only in Descemet's membrane. In addition, the embryonic vitreous body had a network of fibronectin-containing material. The distribution of fibronectin in the developing cornea, as well as other data available on this glycoprotein, is consistent with the proposed role of fibronectin in positioning and migration of cells and in organization of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

A growth factor with properties very similar to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) was detected in the yolk and white of unfertilized chick eggs, and in the limb bud and bodies of Day 2.5 (stage 18)-13 chick embryos using two complementary and highly sensitive biological assays-competition of 125I-a-FGF binding to the FGF receptors of 3T3 cells and stimulation of DNA synthesis in MM14 cells, a permanent mouse skeletal muscle cell line that is dependent upon FGF for proliferation. Further evidence of the similarity of this growth factor to FGF is provided by the finding that biological activity is lost when the material is bound to a heparin-Sepharose column and restored upon elution with 2.5 M NaCl; the 2.5 M NaCl fraction from Day 12 embryos contains several polypeptides of apparent molecular weights 12,500-17,500. The level of FGF in the embryonic chick body is fairly constant between Days 2.5 and 6 (stages 18-29), ranging between 1 and 2 ng FGF/mg protein; but thereafter the level increases so that by Day 13 the body contains about 15 ng FGF/mg protein. In contrast, the level of FGF in the limb but is higher than that in the rest of the body until Day 5 (stage 27); it then undergoes a transient decrease between Days 6 and 7, after which it increases but remains below the level observed in the remainder of the body.  相似文献   

Morphological, cytological and transport properties of the integument of Salamandra salamandra were investigated during natural ontogenetic development, from birth to adult. Three stages were operationally defined: I, larvae, from birth to metamorphosis; II, metamorphosis (judged externally by the colour change and loss of the gills); and III, post-metamorphosis to adult. Pieces of skin were fixed at various stages for immunocytochemical examinations, and the electrical properties were investigated on parallel pieces. Distinct cellular changes take place in the skin during metamorphosis, and lectin (PNA, WGA and ConA) binding indicates profound changes in glycoprotein composition of cell membranes, following metamorphosis. Band 3 and carbonic anhydrase I (CA I) were confined to mitochondria-rich (MR)-like cells, and were detected only in the larval stage. CA II on the other hand, was detected both in MR-like and in MR cells following metamorphosis. The electrical studies show that the skin becomes more tight (transepithelial resistance increases) upon metamorphosis, followed by manifestation of amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (I(SC)) indicating that functional Na+ uptake has been acquired. The skin of metamorphosed adults had no finite transepithelial Cl- conductance, and band 3 was not detected in its MR cells. The functional properties of MR-like and MR cells remain to be established.  相似文献   

K Fujikura  S Inoue 《Jikken dobutsu》1985,34(4):445-458
The regenerative capacity of hindlimb of Xenopus laevis was investigated by amputating the limbs at four levels in various developmental stages including younger postmetamorphosed froglets. Amputations of limbs were performed at the base of limb in stages 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, and 60 (Nieuwkoop and Faber's table), at the middle of limb bud in stages 50, 51, 52 and 54, and at mid-thigh and mid-shank in stages 58 and 60, and the froglets in 2 and 3 cm in snout-vent length. In the present experiments the regenerative capacity of limbs was expressed by the rate of regeneration and morphogenesis. Tadpoles in the stages after 55 failed to regenerate when the limbs were amputated at base level, but individuals in all the other experimental series exhibited regeneration in various rates irrespective of the level of amputation and the stage. The regenerative capacity increased distally along the proximo-distal axis of the limb when amputated at the same stage, while regeneration was better in younger stages than that in older stages when amputations were made at the same levels. The regenerates obtained by amputation of limbs in stages between 50 and 54, were mainly digitated in that they had 5 toes with 3 claws which is the same pattern with the normal limb, 4 toes with 2 claws, 3 toes with 2 claws or one, and 2 toes with one claw etc. Tadpoles at stage 50 could regenerate toes and claws without defect, but in the later the regenerative capacity gradually declined by reducing the number of toes and claws and accompanied by malformation of skeleton as the stage proceeded. The tadpoles in stages after 58, and the froglets of 2 and 3 cm, produced various types of heteromorphic regenerates of shapes such as cone, spike or rod of which the centra were occupied with cartilage rods. However these regenerates showed no morphological differences according to the developmental stages. These heteromorphic regenerates continued their growth even after one year without any sign of development of digitated feet.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) and most neurotrophic factors support the proliferation and survival of particular types of neurons. Besidesthe pivotal role of NGF in the development of neuronal cells, it also has important functions on non-neuronal cells. The amnion surrounds the embryo, providing an aqueous environment for the embryo. A wide range of proteins has been identified in human amniotic fluid (AF). In this study, total protein concentration (TPC) and NGF level in AF samples from chick embryos were measured using a Bio-Rad protein assay, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot. TPC increased from days E10 to day E18. There was a rapid increase in AF TPC on day E15 when compared to day E16. No significant changes in NGF levels have been seen from day E10 to day E14. There was a rapid increase in NGF content on days E15 and E16, and thereafter the levels decreased from day E16 to day E18. Since, NGF is important in brain development and changes in AF NGF levels have been seen in some CNS malformations, changes in the TPC and NGF levels in AF during chick embryonic development may be correlated with cerebral cortical development. It is also concluded that NGF is a constant component of the AF during chick embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on the activity of several enzymes in Ammon's horn of rat during an individual postembryonal development. For the studies rats of Wistar strain were used that were killed on the 1st, 3rd, 8th, 17th, 40th and 60th day after birth. In the experiment the brains were removed, cut, and the activity of dehydrogenases, phosphatases and esterases was revealed. During the performed studies some considerable differences were shown in the activity of several dehydrogenases, in each particular field of Ammon's horn, undergoing changes in the periods of ontogenetic development under study. Furthermore, some distinct differences in the phosphatases and esterases activity were revealed in each area of the Ammon's horn. Attention was drawn to a comparatively late histo-enzymatic maturation of Ammon's horn in comparison with other structures of the limbic system.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGF-D) is a member of the VEGF/PDGF superfamily that has been implicated in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. We have isolated a chick cDNA that shows homology with VEGF-D (also known as FIGF, c-fos-induced growth factor) of other species. Here, we describe the expression pattern of cVegf-D in chick embryos. In the limb buds, cVegf-D shows a dynamic expression pattern that is restricted to the mesenchyme of the posterior region. cVegf-D expression is also detected in the ectoderm and mesenchyme of the head region, somites, notochord and pharyngeal arches. We also report on the capability of Sonic hedgehog and retinoic acid to regulate cVegf-D expression.  相似文献   

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