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The apoptosis-associated Par-4 protein has been implicated in cancers of the prostate, colon, and kidney, and in Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases, among other neurodegenerative disorders. Previously, we have shown that a peptide from the Par-4 C-terminus, which is responsible for Par-4 self-association as well as interaction with all currently identified effector molecules, is natively unfolded at neutral pH, but forms a tightly associated coiled coil at acidic pH and low temperature. Here, we have alternately mutated the two acidic residues predicted to participate in repulsive electrostatic interactions at the coiled coil interhelical interface. Analysis of circular dichroism spectra reveals that a dramatic alteration of the folding/unfolding equilibrium of this peptide can be effected through directed-point mutagenesis, confirming that the two acidic residues are indeed key to the pH-dependent folding behavior of the Par-4 coiled coil, and further suggesting that alleviation of charge repulsion through exposure to either a low pH microenvironment or an electrostatically complementary environment may be necessary for efficient folding of the Par-4 C-terminus.  相似文献   

Coiled coils consist of two or more amphipathic a-helices wrapped around each other to form a superhelical structure stabilized at the interhelical interface by hydrophobic residues spaced in a repeating 3-4 sequence pattern. Dimeric coiled coils have been shown to often form in a single step reaction in which association and folding of peptide chains are tightly coupled. Here, we ask whether such a simple folding mechanism may also apply to the formation of a three-stranded coiled coil. The designed 29-residue peptide LZ16A was shown previously to be in a concentration-dependent equilibrium between unfolded monomer (M), folded dimer (D), and folded trimer (T). We show by time-resolved fluorescence change experiments that folding of LZ16A to D and T can be described by 2M (k1)<==>(k(-1)) D and M + D (k2)<==>(k(-2)) T. The following rate constants were determined (25 degrees C, pH 7): k1 = 7.8 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1), k(-1) = 0.015 s(-1), k2 = 6.5 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), and k(-2) = 1.1 s(-1). In a separate experiment, equilibrium binding constants were determined from the change with concentration of the far-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum of LZ16A and were in good agreement with the kinetic rate constants according to K(D) = k1/2k(-1) and K(T) = k2/k(-2). Furthermore, pulsed hydrogen-exchange experiments indicated that only unfolded M and folded D and T were significantly populated during folding. The results are compatible with a two-step reaction in which a subpopulation of association competent (e.g., partly helical) monomers associate to dimeric and trimeric coiled coils.  相似文献   

We have successfully designed a simple peptide sequence that forms highly stable coiled-coil heterotetramers. Our model system is based on the GCN4-pLI parallel coiled-coil tetramer, first described by Kim and coworkers (Harbury et al., Science 1993;262:1401–1407). We introduced glutamates at all of the e and c heptad positions of one sequence (ecE) and lysines at the same positions in a second sequence (ecK). Based on a modeling study, these sidechains are close enough in space to form structure-stabilizing salt bridges. We show that ecE and ecK are highly unstable by themselves but form very stable parallel helical tetramers when mixed, as judged by circular dichroism, analytical ultracentrifugation, and disulfide crosslinking studies. The origin of the difference in stabilities between the homomeric structures and the heteromeric structures comes from a combination of the relief of electrostatic repulsions with concomitant formation of electrostatic attractive interactions based on pH and NaCl screening experiments. We quantify the stability of the heterotetrameric coiled coil from a thermodynamic analysis and compare the finding to other similar coiled-coil systems.  相似文献   

Coiled coil is a ubiquitous structural motif in proteins, with two to seven alpha helices coiled together like the strands of a rope, and coiled coil folding and assembly is not completely understood. A GCN4 leucine zipper mutant with four mutations of K3A, D7A, Y17W, and H18N has been designed, and the crystal structure has been determined at 1.6 Å resolution. The peptide monomer shows a helix trunk with short curved N‐ and C‐termini. In the crystal, two monomers cross in 35° and form an X‐shaped dimer, and each X‐shaped dimer is welded into the next one through sticky hydrophobic ends, thus forming an extended two‐stranded, parallel, super long coiled coil rather than a discrete, two‐helix coiled coil of the wild‐type GCN4 leucine zipper. Leucine residues appear at every seventh position in the super long coiled coil, suggesting that it is an extended super leucine zipper. Compared to the wild‐type leucine zipper, the N‐terminus of the mutant has a dramatic conformational change and the C‐terminus has one more residue Glu 32 determined. The mutant X‐shaped dimer has a large crossing angle of 35° instead of 18° in the wild‐type dimer. The results show a novel assembly mode and oligomeric state of coiled coil, and demonstrate that mutations may affect folding and assembly of the overall coiled coil. Analysis of the formation mechanism of the super long coiled coil may help understand and design self‐assembling protein fibers.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism was used to study the folding of alpha alpha-tropomyosin and AcTM43, a 43-residue peptide designed to serve as a model for the N-terminal domain of tropomyosin. The sequence of the peptide is AcMDAIKKKMQMLKLDVENLLDRLEQLEADLKALEDRYKQLEGGC. The peptide appeared to form a coiled coil at low temperatures (< 25 degrees C) in buffers with physiological ionic strength and pH. The folding and unfolding of the peptide, however, were noncooperative. When CD spectra were examined as a function of temperature, the apparent degree of folding differed when the ellipticity was followed at 222, 208, and 280 nm. Deconvolution of the spectra suggested that at least three component curves contributed to the CD in the far UV. One component curve was similar to the CD spectrum of the coiled-coil alpha-helix of native alpha alpha-tropomyosin. The second curve resembled the spectrum of single-stranded short alpha-helical segments found in globular proteins. The third was similar to that of polypeptides in the random coil conformation. These results suggested that as the peptide folded, the alpha-helical content increased before most of the coiled coil was formed. When the CD spectrum of striated muscle alpha alpha-tropomyosin was examined as a function of temperature, the unfolding was also not totally cooperative. As the temperature was raised from 0 to 25 degrees C, there was a decrease in the coiled coil and an increase in the conventional alpha-helix type spectrum without formation of random coil. The major transition, occurring at 40 degrees C, was a cooperative transition characterized by the loss of all of the remaining coiled coil and a concomitant increase in random coil.  相似文献   

The yeast DNA-binding protein GCN4 forms a homo-dimer through a self-complementary coiled-coil interface. In this article, we describe how such coiled-coils might be bistable and, through Molecular Dynamics computations on the GCN4 coiled coil, we show that the coiled coil can indeed switch between the two states by a pathway in which there is a progressive "flipping" of consecutive steps along the interface. We discuss the general implications of potentially bistable coiled-coil interfaces for allosteric signal-transmission mechanisms along homo-dimeric coiled coils and for the packing of helices in globular proteins.  相似文献   

Li Zhang  Jan Hermans 《Proteins》1993,16(4):384-392
This paper employs methods used earlier to study helix propensity in a model α-helix. The methods are extended to simulations of a motif structure of the α-helical coiled coil, i.e., a structure with a simple amino acid sequence, containing only alanine, leucine, and valine, with leucine and valine forming hydrophobic contacts in the helix interface (positions “d” and “a”). Dynamic simulations of the model coiled-coil structure reproduce characteristic features of the coiled-coil motif seen in experimental studies. Free energy simulations were used to assess the change in stability of the model when a leucine pair or a valine pair in the helix interface was replaced with an alanine pair. A leucine pair at position d was found to contribute 3.4 kcal/mol to the stability of the coiled coil relative to an alanine pair, and a valine pair at postion a was found to contribute 0.8 kcal/mol relative to an alanine pair. The value for the leucine pair agrees with reports in two experimental studies with molecules having different amino sequence. The value for the valine pair is reasonable given the smaller size of the valine side chain and the intrinsic low helix propensity of valine. No experimental value was available for comparison. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new multidimensional scoring approach for identifying and distinguishing trimeric and dimeric coiled coils is implemented in the MultiCoil program. The program extends the two-stranded coiled-coil prediction program PairCoil to the identification of three-stranded coiled coils. The computations are based upon data gathered from a three-stranded coiled-coil database comprising 6,319 amino acid residues, as well as from the previously constructed two-stranded coiled-coil database. In addition to identifying coiled coils not predicted by the two-stranded database programs, MultiCoil accurately classifies the oligomerization states of known dimeric and trimeric coiled coils. Analysis of the MultiCoil scores provides insight into structural features of coiled coils, and yields estimates that 0.9% of all protein residues form three-stranded coiled coils and that 1.5% form two-stranded coiled coils. The MultiCoil program is available at http://theory.Ics.mit.edu/multicoil.  相似文献   

The 32-residue leucine zipper subsequence, called here Jun-lz, associates in benign media to form a parallel two-stranded coiled coil. Studies are reported of its thermal unfolding/folding transition by circular dichroism (CD) on samples of natural isotopic abundance and by both equilibrium and spin inversion transfer (SIT) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) on samples labeled at the leucine-18 alpha-carbon with 99% 13C. The data cover a wide range of temperature and concentration, and show that Jun-lz unfolds below room temperature, being far less stable than some other leucine zippers such as GCN4. 13C-NMR shows two well-separated resonances. We ascribe the upfield one to 13C spins on unfolded single chains and the downfield one to 13C spins on coiled-coil dimers. Their relative intensities provide a measure of the unfolding equilibrium constant. In SIT NMR, the recovery of the equilibrium magnetization after one resonance is inverted is modulated in part by the unfolding and folding rate constants, which are accessible from the data. Global Bayesian analysis of the equilibrium and SIT NMR data provide values for the standard enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity of unfolding, and show the latter to be unusually large. The CD results are compatible with the NMR findings. Global Bayesian analysis of the SIT NMR data yields the corresponding activation parameters for unfolding and folding. The results show that both reaction directions are activated processes. Activation for unfolding is entropy driven, enthalpy opposed. Activation for folding is strongly enthalpy opposed and somewhat entropy opposed, falsifying the idea that the barrier for folding is solely due to a purely entropic search for properly registered partners. The activation heat capacity is much larger for folding, so almost the entire overall change is due to the folding direction. This latter finding, if it applies to GCN4 leucine zippers, clears up an extant apparent disagreement between folding rate constants for GCN4 as determined by chevron analysis and NMR in differing temperature regimes.  相似文献   

The coiled coil structural motif consists of alpha helices supercoiling around each other to form staggered knobs‐into‐holes packing. Such structures are deceptively simple, especially as they often can be described with parametric equations, but are known to exist in various conformations. Even the simplest systems, consisting of 2 monomers, can assemble into a wide range of states. They can form canonical as well as noncanonical coiled coils, be parallel or antiparallel, where helices associate with different degrees of shift, tilt, and rotation. Here, we investigate the energy landscape of heterodimeric coiled coils by carrying out de novo folding simulations starting from amino acid sequence. We folded a diverse set of 22 heterodimers and demonstrate that the approach is capable of identifying the atomic details in the experimental structure in the majority of cases. Our methodology also enables exploration of alternative states that can be accessible in solution beyond the experimentally determined structure. For many systems, we observe folding energy landscapes with multiple energy minima and several isoenergetic states. By comparing coiled coils from single domains and those extracted from larger proteins, we find that standalone coiled coils have deeper energy wells at the experimentally determined conformation. By folding the competing homodimeric states in addition to the heterodimers, we observe that the structural specificity towards the heteromeric state is often small. Taken together, our results demonstrate that de novo folding simulations can be a powerful tool to characterize structural specificity of coiled coils when coupled to assessment of energy landscapes.  相似文献   

c-Myc is one of the most frequently deregulated oncogenes in human cancers, and recent studies showed that even brief inactivation of Myc can be sufficient to induce tumor regression or loss. Consequently, inactivation of Myc provides a novel therapeutic opportunity and challenge, as the dimerization of Myc with Max is crucial for its function. We applied two strategies to specifically target this coiled coil mediated interaction with interfering peptides: a dominant-negative human Max sequence (Max) and a peptide selected from a genetic library (Mip). Both peptides form coiled coils and were fused to an acidic extension interacting with the basic DNA-binding region of human Myc. The genetic library was obtained by semi-rational design randomizing residues important for interaction, and selection was carried out using a protein-fragment complementation assay. The peptides Max and Mip easily outcompeted the human Myc:Max interaction and successfully interfered with the DNA binding of the complex. Both interfering peptides exhibited higher T(m) (DeltaT(m) = 13 and 15 degrees C) upon interaction with Myc compared to wt Max. The inhibitory effect of the two interfering peptides on human Myc:Max activity makes them promising molecules for analytical and therapeutic Myc-directed research. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dystroglycan (DG) is an adhesion complex, expressed in a wide variety of tissues, formed by an extracellular and a transmembrane subunit, alpha-DG and beta-DG, respectively, interacting noncovalently. Recently, we have shown that the recombinant ectodomain of beta-DG, beta-DG(654-750), behaves as a natively unfolded protein, as it is able to bind the C-terminal domain of alpha-DG, while not displaying a defined structural organization. We monitored the effect of a commonly used denaturing agent, the anionic detergent sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS), on beta-DG(654-750) using a number of biophysical techniques. Very low concentrations of SDS (< or =2 mM) affect both tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism of beta-DG, and significantly perturb the interaction with the alpha-DG subunit as shown by solid-phase binding assays and fluorescence titrations in solution. This result confirms, as recently proposed for natively unfolded proteins, that beta-DG(654-750) exists in a native state, which is crucial to fulfill its biological function. Two-dimensional NMR analysis shows that SDS does not induce any evident conformational rearrangement within the ectodomain of beta-DG. Its first 70 amino acids, which show a lower degree of mobility, interact with the detergent, but this does not change the amount of secondary structure, whereas the highly flexible and mobile C-terminal region of beta-DG(654-750) remains largely unaffected, even at a very high SDS concentration (up to 50 mM). Our data indicate that SDS can be used as a useful tool for investigating natively unfolded proteins, and confirm that the beta-DG ectodomain is an interesting model system.  相似文献   

Alpha-helical coiled coils are proving to be almost ideal systems for the modelling of peptide and protein self-association processes. Stable oligomeric systems, in which the stoichiometry is well defined, can be produced by the careful selection of the appropriate amino acid sequence, although the principles behind this are still not fully understood. Here we report on a 35 residue peptide, FZ, synthesized by the solid phase method, which was originally designed to form a dimer, but which, in fact, associates to the trimeric state. A detailed characterization of the associative properties of the peptide has been performed by circular dichroism spectroscopy and, in particular, by sedimentation equilibrium in the analytical ultracentrifuge. The presence of the trimeric state, which is stable even at low peptide concentrations, has been confirmed by various, independent methods of analysis for molar mass. The effects of both temperature and of guanidinium chloride on the peptide have been investigated and both found to be peptide-concentration dependent. The unfolding induced by the denaturant cannot be adequately described by a simple, two state monomer-trimer equilibrium. Received: 29 November 1996 / Accepted: 2 December 1996  相似文献   

Guardiani C  Cecconi F  Livi R 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1313-1322
Thermal folding molecular dynamics simulations of the domain C5 of Myosin binding protein C were performed using a native-centric model to study the role of three mutations related to Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Mutation of Asn755 causes the largest shift of the folding temperature, and the residue is located in the CFGA' beta-sheet featuring the highest phi-values. The mutation thus appears to reduce the thermodynamic stability in agreement with experimental data. The mutations on Arg654 and Arg668, conversely, cause little change in the folding temperature and they reside in the low phi-value BDE beta-sheet, so that their pathological role cannot be related to impairment of the folding process but possibly to the binding with target molecules. As the typical signature of Domain C5 is the presence of a longer and destibilizing CD-loop with respect to the other Ig-like domains, we completed the work with a bioinformatic analysis of this loop showing a high density of negative charge and low hydrophobicity. This indicates the CD-loop as a natively unfolded sequence with a likely coupling between folding and ligand binding.  相似文献   

Calpastatin, the endogenous inhibitor of calpain, is an intrinsically unstructured protein proposed to undergo folding transitions upon binding to the enzyme. As this feature has never been experimentally tested, we have set out to characterize the conformation of two peptides corresponding to its conserved subdomains, A and C, known to interact with calpain in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The peptides are disordered in water but show a high propensity for alpha-helical conformation in the presence of trifluoroethanol. The conformational transition is sensitive to Ca(2+), and is clearly seen upon binding of the peptides to the enzyme. Secondary-structure prediction of all calpastatin sequences shows that the helix-forming potential within these regions is a conserved feature of the inhibitor. Furthermore, quantitative data on the binding strength of calpastatin fragments reveal that binding of the inhibitor is accompanied by a large decrease in its configurational entropy. Taken together, these observations point to significant binding-induced local folding transitions in calpastatin, in a way that ensures highly specific, yet reversible, action of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

The unfolded state of a protein is an ensemble of a large number of conformations ranging from fully extended to compact structures. To investigate the effects of the difference in the unfolded-state ensemble on protein folding, we have studied the structure, stability, and folding of "circular" dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli in which the N and C-terminal regions are cross-linked by a disulfide bond, and compared the results with those of disulfide-reduced "linear" DHFR. Equilibrium studies by circular dichroism, difference absorption spectra, solution X-ray scattering, and size-exclusion chromatography show that whereas the native structures of both proteins are essentially the same, the unfolded state of circular DHFR adopts more compact conformations than the unfolded state of the linear form, even with the absence of secondary structure. Circular DHFR is more stable than linear DHFR, which may be due to the decrease in the conformational entropy of the unfolded state as a result of circularization. Kinetic refolding measurements by stopped-flow circular dichroism and fluorescence show that under the native conditions both proteins accumulate a burst-phase intermediate having the same structures and both fold by the same complex folding mechanism with the same folding rates. Thus, the effects of the difference in the unfolded state of circular and linear DHFRs on the refolding reaction are not observed after the formation of the intermediate. This suggests that for the proteins with close termini in the native structure, early compaction of a protein molecule to form a specific folding intermediate with the N and C-terminal regions in close proximity is a crucial event in folding. If there is an enhancement in the folding reflecting the reduction in the breadth of the unfolded-state ensemble for circular DHFR, this acceleration must occur in the sub-millisecond time-range.  相似文献   

Using a dimeric bZIP protein, we have designed a leucine zipper that becomes more stable after a serine in the e position is phosphorylated by protein kinase A (delta delta GP = -1.4 kcal mol-1 dimer-1 or -0.7 kcal mol-1 residue-1). Mutagenesis studies indicate that three arginines form a network of inter-helical (i,i' + 5; i, i' + 2) and intra-helical (i, i + 4) attractive interactions with the phosphorylated serine. When the arginines are replaced with lysines, the stabilizing effect of serine phosphorylation is reduced (delta delta GP = -0.5 kcal mol-1 dimer-1). The hydrophobic interface of the leucine zipper needs a glycine in the d position to obtain an increase in stability after phosphorylation. The phosphorylated protein binds DNA with a 15-fold higher affinity. Using a transient transfection assay, we document a PKA dependent four-fold activation of a reporter gene. Phosphorylation of a threonine in the same e position decreases the stability by delta delta GP = +1.2 kcal mol-1 dimer-1. We present circular dichroism (CD) thermal denaturations of 15 bZIP proteins before and after phosphorylation. These data provide insights into the structural determinants that result in stabilization of a coiled coil by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The dimensions and secondary structure content of two proteins which fold in a two-state manner are measured within milliseconds of denaturant dilution using synchrotron-based, stopped-flow small-angle X-ray scattering and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. Even upon a jump to strongly native conditions, neither ubiquitin nor common-type acylphosphatase contract prior to the major folding event. Circular dichroism and fluorescence indicate that negligible amounts of secondary and tertiary structures form in the burst phase. Thus, for these two denatured states, collapse and secondary structure formation are not energetically downhill processes even under aqueous, low-denaturant conditions. In addition, water appears to be as good a solvent as that with high concentrations of denaturant, when considering the over-all dimensions of the denatured state. However, the removal of denaturant does subtly alter the distribution of backbone dihedral phi,psi angles, most likely resulting in a shift from the polyproline II region to the helical region of the Ramachandran map. We consider the thermodynamic origins of these behaviors along with implications for folding mechanisms and computer simulations thereof.  相似文献   

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