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Neurofibromatosis type 2 is an inherited autosomal disorder caused by biallelic inactivation of the NF2 tumor suppressor gene. The NF2 gene encodes a 70-kDa protein, merlin, which is a member of the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) family. ERM proteins are believed to be regulated by a transition between a closed conformation, formed by binding of their N-terminal FERM domain and C-terminal tail domain (CTD), and an open conformation, in which the two domains do not interact. Previous work suggests that the tumor suppressor function of merlin is similarly regulated and that only the closed form is active. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms that control its conformation is crucial. We have developed a series of probes that measures merlin conformation by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, both as purified protein and in live cells. Using these tools, we find that merlin exists predominately as a monomer in a stable, closed conformation that is mediated by the central α-helical domain. The contribution from the FERM-CTD interaction to the closed conformation appears to be less important. Upon phosphorylation or interaction with an effector protein, merlin undergoes a subtle conformational change, suggesting a novel mechanism that modulates the interaction between the FERM domain and the CTD.Neurofibromatosis type 2 is an inherited autosomal disorder that is characterized by bilateral schwannomas of the eighth cranial nerve. The tumor suppressor gene responsible for this disorder, NF2, was cloned in 1993 (45). Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene is also seen in spontaneous schwannoma, meningioma, and malignant mesothelioma (22). In mouse models, deletion of the Nf2 gene is embryonic lethal, indicating an essential role for NF2 in development (24). Heterozygous mice develop a variety of aggressive metastatic tumors that have lost the wild-type allele (23). Targeted deletion of the Nf2 gene in Schwann cells leads to schwannoma formation (7). In vitro, Nf2-null cells grow to significantly higher densities (31), suggesting that contact inhibition of growth is impaired in these cells and that mediation of growth arrest at high cell density may be the basis for the tumor suppressor function of the NF2 gene. In normal fibroblasts, merlin is inactive as a growth suppressor in subconfluent cells, becoming activated as they approach confluence, thereby effecting contact inhibition of growth (26).The NF2 gene encodes a 70-kDa protein called merlin (for moesin, ezrin, radixin-like protein), which shares significant homology with members of the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) branch of the Band 4.1 superfamily (45). The domain structure of merlin, also shared with other ERM proteins, consists of an N-terminal FERM domain, followed by a central α-helical region (CH) and a C-terminal tail domain (CTD). The merlin FERM domain has relatively high sequence similarity with other ERM family members, a 60 to 70% identity over the first 300 amino acids. The CH domain and the CTD show much lower identity (28 to 36%); however, the α-helical character of the CH domain is preserved, as is the heptad repeat pattern typical of α-helices that form coiled coils (46).The critical point of regulation of all the ERM proteins is a high-affinity intramolecular interaction between the C-terminal domain and the FERM domain (4) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The FERM domain folds into a three-lobed cloverleaf structure that acts as a multifaceted docking site for protein binding partners (16, 39). The CTD, consisting of four major and two minor helices and a beta sheet, binds to the FERM domain by extending across the face of the F2 and F3 lobes (32). This intramolecular head-to-tail binding results in a “closed” conformation, with the C-terminal domain covering much of the surface of the FERM domain (32, 44). For ezrin, radixin and moesin, the CTD functions as a mask, blocking access of effector molecules, such as the cell surface receptors CD44 and ICAM2 and adaptor molecules, like EBP50/NHERF, to sites on the surface of the FERM domain (11, 25, 44). The interaction between the CTD and FERM domain is regulated by phosphatidyl inositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2) binding to the FERM domain and by phosphorylation of a critical residue in the CTD (3, 6, 10, 49). This residue, threonine 567 in ezrin, is conserved throughout the ERM family (21). Phosphorylation introduces a negative charge and a bulky side group that effectively reduces the affinity of the interaction, releasing the CTD from the FERM domain and causing a transition to an open conformation. Low-angle rotary shadowing electron microscopy (13) and biochemical studies (12) of purified radixin suggest that in the open conformation it is an extended filamentous structure with globular N and C termini that is greater than 240 Å in length. Signal transduction systems, such as the epidermal growth factor and Rho A pathways, induce phosphorylation of ERM proteins at the conserved C-terminal threonine via a number of kinases, including Rho kinase and protein kinase Cα (21, 28). Thus, conformational regulation of ERM proteins can be a point of integration of ERM activity with signal transduction pathways. The overall concept of ERM regulation, then, is centered upon a transition between an inactive, closed conformation that is mediated by the FERM-CTD interaction and an active, open conformation that is regulated by phosphorylation. In these two states, ERM proteins likely interact with different sets of binding partners, resulting in distinct functional outcomes.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.ERM tertiary structure as represented by the crystal structure of full-length Sf-moesin (20), but with the merlin amino acid sequence substituted for Sf-moesin. Approximate boundary amino acid residues for all domains appear at the top of the figure. Each domain is assigned a different color. The ERM structure consists of an N-terminal FERM domain folded into three lobes, F1, F2, and F3. This is followed by a central α-helical domain containing three subhelices (αA, αB, and αC) and a CTD with four short helices. An ERM protein is thought to have an open conformation, an extended structure with the FERM domain and the CTD separated by the α-helical domain, that is more than 240 Å long. In the closed conformation, the α-helical domain bends at the αA-αB junction and again at the αB-αC junction, causing the CTD to be positioned over F2 and F3 of the FERM domain. More than half of the surface of the FERM domain is masked by interaction with the CTD, αA, and parts of αB and αC.Like the classical ERMs, merlin is also thought to be regulated by changes in conformation. The FERM domain and the CTD of merlin interact with each other, albeit at a lower level of affinity than the ezrin FERM domain and the CTD (29). There are important differences, however, between merlin and the other ERM proteins. First, phosphorylation of the conserved C-tail threonine T576 has not been reported to occur in mammalian merlin, and nonphosphorylatable and phosphomimetic substitutions at this site have no effect on merlin activity (42). Instead, merlin is phosphorylated at serine 518 in the CTD, a target of the p21-activated kinase PAK and protein kinase A (1, 18, 47). The growth-suppressive function of merlin is activated by dephosphorylation of S518 by the phosphatase PP1δ in a density-dependent manner (14). Second, it was reported in a study using FERM domain and CTD truncates of merlin that only cotransfection of both the N-and C-terminal halves resulted in growth suppression (38). Together, these observations suggested a model of inactive, phosphorylated merlin in an open conformation that, upon cell-to-cell contact, is dephosphorylated and transitions to a closed, growth suppressive conformation.The existing model for conformational regulation described above is inferred from indirect data and assays that generally measure the interaction of isolated FERM and CTD truncates rather than full-length molecules (9, 29, 38). It has been impossible to test directly because tools have not been available to specifically assay for either the open or the closed form of merlin. Therefore, we have developed a series of probes that measures merlin conformation by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), both as purified protein and in live cells. Using these tools, we show that merlin exists predominately as a monomer in a stable, largely closed conformation. Additionally, we find that the closed conformation is largely mediated by the central α-helical domain; the contribution of the FERM-CTD interaction appears to be less significant than previously thought. Finally, we find that phosphorylation and protein interaction cause unexpectedly small changes in merlin conformation. We propose a new and more refined model for merlin regulation, in which merlin function is regulated by specific but subtle conformational changes that modulate the interaction between the FERM domain and the CTD.  相似文献   

The non-covalent fluorescent probe 6-propionyl-2-(dimethylamino) naphthalene sulfonate (prodan) binds to hydrophobic surfaces exposed on the surface of GroEL. Under identical experimental conditions free prodan exhibits a green emission peak of intensity 390,000 cps at 520 nm. However prodan bound to GroEL, GroEL–ATP, and GroEL–ATP–GroES shows emission peaks of intensities 500,000, 540,000, and 480,000 cps at 515, 512 and 515 nm, respectively, thus mimicing the way hydrophobic surfaces on GroEL become exposed during the folding cycle. Other hydrophobic probes like bis-ANS and dansyl lysine were unable to detect the minor changes in hydrophobic exposure of GroEL after it binds to ATP, although they were able to detect hydrophobic exposure in GroEL itself.  相似文献   

The accessibility of fluorescein-5-maleimide to sulfhydryl groups in the molecular chaperone GroEL was used to follow structural rearrangements in the protein triggered by binding Mg2+ and/or adenine nucleotides. Three peptides, each containing one of the cysteines of GroEL (C138, C458 and C519) were identified. GroEL labeled in 50mM TrisHCl, pH 7.8, incorporated ~0.3 labels each on C138 and C458. With 10mM MgCl2, the labeling increased to ~0.8 labels each on C138 and C458. The increase was partially due to a conformational change which occurred upon Mg2+ binding as well as to an increase in ionic strength. When ADP, ATP, or AMP-PNP were added to a solution of GroEL and Mg2+, C138 incorporated ~0.8 labels, while C458 incorporated ~0.1 labels. These results suggest that the binding of adenine nucleotides changed the conformation of GroEL and made a previously highly exposed sulfhydryl group inaccessible. GroEL slowly dissociated into monomers when it was extensively labeled at C458. GroEL labeled with fluorescein-5-maleimide, under any of the conditions examined, was able to bind but not release active rhodanese. The observed variations in sulfhydryl accessibility are consistent with mechanisms that suggest binding of GroES to GroEL differs from the binding of substrate protein to GroEL, and that the binding of Mg2+ or Mg-adenine nucleotides results in conformational changes in GroEL.  相似文献   

Different concentrations of ATP were mixed rapidly with single-ring or double-ring forms of GroEL containing the Phe44-->Trp mutation and the time-resolved changes in fluorescence emission, upon excitation at 295 nm, were followed. Two kinetic phases that were previously found for double-ring GroEL are also observed in the case of the single-ring version: (i) a fast phase with a relatively large amplitude that is associated with the T-->R allosteric transition; (ii) and a slow phase with a smaller amplitude that is associated with ATP hydrolysis. In the case of weak intra-ring positive cooperativity, the rate constant corresponding to the T-->R allosteric switch of single-ring GroEL displays a bi-sigmoidal dependence on ATP concentration that may reflect parallel pathways of the allosteric transition. The slow phase is absent when double-ring or single-ring forms of GroEL are mixed with ADP or ATP without K(+), and it has a rate constant that is independent of ATP concentration. A third fast phase that is still unassigned is observed for both single-ring and double-ring GroEL when a large amount of data is collected. Finally, a fourth phase is observed in the case of double-ring GroEL that is found to be absent in the case of single-ring GroEL. This phase is here assigned to inter-ring communication by (i) determining its dependence on ATP concentration and (ii) based on its absence from single-ring GroEL and the Arg13-->Gly, Ala126-->Val GroEL mutant, which is defective in inter-ring negative cooperativity. The value of the rate constant corresponding to this phase is found to increase with increasing intra-ring positive cooperativity, with respect to ATP. This is the first report of the rate of ATP-mediated inter-ring communication in GroEL, in the presence of ATP alone, which is crucial for the cycling of this molecular machine between different functional states.  相似文献   

Kinetic model of lysozyme renaturation with the molecular chaperone GroEL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From the renaturation kinetics of denatured/reduced lysozyme assisted by the molecular chaperone GroEL, a simplified kinetic model was established based on the competition between protein folding and aggregation. In the presence of GroEL and ATP, the aggregate formation was a second order reaction. With 2 mM ATP, a renaturation yield of 90% at a high renaturation rate was obtained when the molar ratio of GroEL to lysozyme was 1:1.  相似文献   

We used spin-labeled nucleotide analogs and fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor conformational changes at the nucleotide-binding site of wild-type Dictyostelium discoideum (WT) myosin and a construct containing a single tryptophan at position F239 near the switch 1 loop. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and tryptophan fluorescence have been used previously to investigate changes at the myosin nucleotide site. A limitation of fluorescence spectroscopy is that it must be done on mutated myosins containing only a single tryptophan. A limitation of EPR spectroscopy is that one infers protein conformational changes from alterations in the mobility of an attached probe. These limitations have led to controversies regarding conclusions reached by the two approaches. For the first time, the data presented here allow direct correlations to be made between the results from the two spectroscopic approaches on the same proteins and extend our previous EPR studies to a nonmuscle myosin. EPR probe mobility indicates that the conformation of the nucleotide pocket of the WT⋅SLADP (spin-labeled ADP) complex is similar to that of skeletal myosin. The pocket is closed in the absence of actin for both diphosphate and triphosphate nucleotide states. In the actin⋅myosin⋅diphosphate state, the pocket is in equilibrium between closed and open conformations, with the open conformation slightly more favorable than that seen for fast skeletal actomyosin. The EPR spectra for the mutant show similar conformations to skeletal myosin, with one exception: in the absence of actin, the nucleotide pocket of the mutant displays an open component that was approximately 4-5 kJ/mol more favorable than in skeletal or WT myosin. These observations resolve the controversies between the two techniques. The data from both techniques confirm that binding of myosin to actin alters the conformation of the myosin nucleotide pocket with similar but not identical energetics in both muscle and nonmuscle myosins.  相似文献   

Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) are multifunctional proteins that catalyze the synthesis of the peptide products with enormous biological potential. The process of biosynthesis starts with the adenylation (A) domain, which during the catalytic cycle undergoes extensive structural rearrangements. In this paper, we present the first study of the tyrocidine synthetase 1 A-domain (TycA-A) fluorescence properties. The TycA-A protein contains five potentially fluorescent Trp residues at positions 227, 301, 323, 376 and 406. The contribution of each Trp to the TycA-A emission was determined using protein variants bearing single Trp to Phe substitutions. The accessibility of the Trp side chains during adenylation showed that only W227 is affected by substrate binding. The protein variant containing solely fluorescent W227 residue was constructed and further used as a probe to explore the binding effect of different non-cognate amino acid substrates. The results indicate a different accessibility of W227 residue in the presence of non-cognate amino acids, which might offer an explanation for the higher aminoacyl-adenenylate leakage. Overall, our results suggest that intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence could be used as a method to probe the effect of substrate binding on the local structure in NRPS adenylation domains.  相似文献   

Conformational changes are known to play a crucial role in the function of the bacterial GroE chaperonin system. Here, results are presented from an essential dynamics analysis of known experimental structures and from computer simulations of GroEL using the CONCOORD method. The results indicate a possible direct form of inter-ring communication associated with internal fluctuations in the nucleotide-binding domains upon nucleotide and GroES binding that are involved in the allosteric mechanism of GroEL. At the level of conformational transitions in entire GroEL rings, nucleotide-induced structural changes were found to be distinct and in principle uncoupled from changes occurring upon GroES binding. However, a coupling is found between nucleotide-induced conformational changes and GroES-mediated transitions, but only in simulations of GroEL double rings, and not in simulations of single rings. This provides another explanation for the fact that GroEL functions a double ring system.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL binds unfolded polypeptides, preventing aggregation, and then mediates their folding in an ATP-dependent process. To understand the structural features in non-native polypeptides recognized by GroEL, we have used alpha-lactalbumin (alpha LA) as a model substrate. alpha LA (14.2 kDa) is stabilized by four disulfide bonds and a bound Ca2+ ion, offering the possibility of trapping partially folded disulfide intermediates between the native and the fully unfolded state. The conformers of alpha LA with high affinity for GroEL are compact, containing up to three disulfide bonds, and have significant secondary structure, but lack stable tertiary structure and expose hydrophobic surfaces. Complex formation requires almost the complete alpha LA sequence and is strongly dependent on salts that stabilize hydrophobic interactions. Unfolding of alpha LA to an extended state as well as the burial of hydrophobic surface upon formation of ordered tertiary structure prevent the binding to GroEL. Interestingly, GroEL interacts only with a specific subset of the many partially folded disulfide intermediates of alpha LA and thus may influence in vitro the kinetics of the folding pathways that lead to disulfide bonds with native combinations. We conclude that the chaperonin interacts with the hydrophobic surfaces exposed by proteins in a flexible compact intermediate or molten globule state.  相似文献   

The accessibility of fluorescein-5-maleimide to sulfhydryl groups in the molecular chaperone GroEL was used to follow structural rearrangements in the protein triggered by binding Mg2+ and/or adenine nucleotides. Three peptides, each containing one of the cysteines of GroEL (C138, C458 and C519) were identified. GroEL labeled in 50mM TrisHCl, pH 7.8, incorporated ~0.3 labels each on C138 and C458. With 10mM MgCl2, the labeling increased to ~0.8 labels each on C138 and C458. The increase was partially due to a conformational change which occurred upon Mg2+ binding as well as to an increase in ionic strength. When ADP, ATP, or AMP-PNP were added to a solution of GroEL and Mg2+, C138 incorporated ~0.8 labels, while C458 incorporated ~0.1 labels. These results suggest that the binding of adenine nucleotides changed the conformation of GroEL and made a previously highly exposed sulfhydryl group inaccessible. GroEL slowly dissociated into monomers when it was extensively labeled at C458. GroEL labeled with fluorescein-5-maleimide, under any of the conditions examined, was able to bind but not release active rhodanese. The observed variations in sulfhydryl accessibility are consistent with mechanisms that suggest binding of GroES to GroEL differs from the binding of substrate protein to GroEL, and that the binding of Mg2+ or Mg-adenine nucleotides results in conformational changes in GroEL.  相似文献   

The acetate kinase from the Antarctic psychrophilic Shewanella sp. AS-11 (SAK) has a significantly higher catalytic efficiency at low temperatures when compared with that from mesophilic Escherichia coli K-12 (EAK). To examine the stability and conformational flexibility of SAK and EAK, steady state intrinsic fluorescence studies were performed. EAK contains only one Trp at a position 46, while SAK contains two Trps at positions 46 and 388. From the fluorescence emission spectra, quenching with acrylamide, Cs+ and I at different temperatures and denaturation with guanidine-HCl, it was revealed that the SAK bears more flexible and unstable structure than that of EAK. Substrate-induced conformational changes reflect that SAK reached transition state through more conformational changes than EAK. In combination of our thermodynamic studies on the enzymatic reaction and present research findings, it can be concluded that these structural features of SAK may contribute to its high catalytic efficiency at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract: Rat striatal tyrosine hydroxylase can be isolated in both a soluble and a synaptic membrane-bound form. The membrane-bound enzyme, which exhibits lower K ms for both tyrosine (7 μ M ) and reduced pterin cofactor (110 μ M ) relative to the soluble enzyme (47 μ M and 940 μ M , respectively), can be released from the membrane fraction with mild detergent, and concomitantly its kinetic properties revert to those of the soluble enzyme. Treatment of membrane-bound tyrosine hydroxylase with C. perfringens phospholipase C increased the K m of the enzyme for tyrosine to 27 μ M and the V max by 60% without changing the K m for cofactor. In contrast, treatment of membrane-bound tyrosine hydroxylase with V. russelli phospholipase A2 increased the K m for tyrosine to 48 μ M increased the V max and increased the K m for cofactor to 560 μ M . The enzyme remained bound to the membrane fraction following both phospholipase treatments. Addition of phospholipids to treated enzyme could partially reverse the effects of phospholipase A2 treatment, but not the effects of phospholipase C treatment. The kinetic properties of phospholipase-treated, detergent-solubilized tyrosine hydroxylase were identical to those of the control solubilized enzyme. Tyrosine hydroxylase appears to interact with synaptic membrane components to produce at least two separately determined consequences for the kinetic properties of the enzyme.  相似文献   

GroEL is an ATP dependent molecular chaperone that promotes the folding of a large number of substrate proteins in E. coli. Large-scale conformational transitions occurring during the reaction cycle have been characterized from extensive crystallographic studies. However, the link between the observed conformations and the mechanisms involved in the allosteric response to ATP and the nucleotide-driven reaction cycle are not completely established. Here we describe extensive (in total long) unbiased molecular dynamics (MD) simulations that probe the response of GroEL subunits to ATP binding. We observe nucleotide dependent conformational transitions, and show with multiple 100 ns long simulations that the ligand-induced shift in the conformational populations are intrinsically coded in the structure-dynamics relationship of the protein subunit. Thus, these simulations reveal a stabilization of the equatorial domain upon nucleotide binding and a concomitant "opening" of the subunit, which reaches a conformation close to that observed in the crystal structure of the subunits within the ADP-bound oligomer. Moreover, we identify changes in a set of unique intrasubunit interactions potentially important for the conformational transition.  相似文献   

Panda M  Horowitz PM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(6):1869-1876
We investigated the dissociation of tetradecameric GroEL by high hydrostatic pressure in the range of 1-2.5 kbar. Kinetics of the dissociation of GroEL in the absence and presence of Mg(2+) and/or KCl were monitored using light scattering. All of the kinetics were biphasic in nature. At any given pressure, only monomers and 14mers were produced, and below 2.5 kbar, the 14mers only partially dissociated to monomers, which did not significantly reassemble on depressurization. Under identical reaction conditions, the observed dissociation rates decreased by only 2-fold when the concentration of GroEL was increased by 20-fold. At 2.5 kbar the observed rates decreased exponentially with the increase in [KCl] and reached a minimum at approximately 75mM. Similarly, the rates decreased with the increase in [Mg(2+)] and reached a minimum at approximately 3 mM Mg(2+). In the presence of saturating amounts of Mg(2+) (10 mM) and KCl (100 mM), the rates were much faster than with 10 mM Mg(2+) alone. The results could be rationalized in terms of the presence of GroEL heterogeneity, which could not be assessed easily by common techniques such as sedimentation velocity, HPLC, gel electrophoresis, and dissociation by chaotropes. This heterogeneity is evidence of subpopulations of GroEL that dissociate at different pressures. At low pressures, the oligomer without added Mg(2+) only partially dissociates to monomers, leading to an apparent plateau in the kinetics, whereas in the presence of Mg(2+) the species are converted to a tighter Mg(2+)-bound species, leading to a much slower dissociation process. The presence of KCl in the sample also leads to similar heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound proteins of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Conquest) root plasma membrane-enriched microsomes displayed fluorescence typical of protein-associated trytophan residues. The protein fluorescence intensity was sensitive to variations in sample temperature. The temperature-induced decline in protein fluorescence intensity was nonlinear with slope discontinuities at about 12 and 32°C. Detergents at levels above their critical micelle concentration enhanced protein fluorescence. Glutaraldehyde reduced protein fluorescence. Protein fluorescence polarization increased at temperatures above 30°C. Both the rate of tryptophan photoionization and the fluorescence intensity of the photoionization products suggested alterations in membrane protein conformation between 12 and 32°C. The quenching of the intrinsic protein fluorescence by acrylamide and potassium iodide indicated changes in accessibility of the extrinsic agents to the protein tryptophan residues beginning at about 14°C. The results indicate thermally induced changes in the dynamics of the membrane proteins over the temperature range of 12 to 32°C which could account for the complex temperature dependence of the barley root plasma membrane ATPase.  相似文献   

TRPV3 is a thermosensitive ion channel primarily expressed in epithelial tissues of the skin, nose, and tongue. The channel has been implicated in environmental thermosensation, hyperalgesia in inflamed tissues, skin sensitization, and hair growth. Although transient receptor potential (TRP) channel research has vastly increased our understanding of the physiological mechanisms of nociception and thermosensation, the molecular mechanics of these ion channels are still largely elusive. In order to better comprehend the functional properties and the mechanism of action in TRP channels, high-resolution three-dimensional structures are indispensable, because they will yield the necessary insights into architectural intimacies at the atomic level. However, structural studies of membrane proteins are currently hampered by difficulties in protein purification and in establishing suitable crystallization conditions. In this report, we present a novel protocol for the purification of membrane proteins, which takes advantage of a C-terminal GFP fusion. Using this protocol, we purified human TRPV3. We show that the purified protein is a fully functional ion channel with properties akin to the native channel using planar patch clamp on reconstituted channels and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy. Using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy, we reveal clear distinctions in the molecular interaction of different ligands with the channel. Altogether, this study provides powerful tools to broaden our understanding of ligand interaction with TRPV channels, and the availability of purified human TRPV3 opens up perspectives for further structural and functional studies.  相似文献   

Structural biology has recently documented the conformational plasticity of the trypsin fold for both the protease and zymogen in terms of a pre-existing equilibrium between closed (E*) and open (E) forms of the active site region. How such plasticity is manifested in solution and affects ligand recognition by the protease and zymogen is poorly understood in quantitative terms. Here we dissect the E*-E equilibrium with stopped-flow kinetics in the presence of excess ligand or macromolecule. Using the clotting protease thrombin and its zymogen precursor prethrombin-2 as relevant models we resolve the relative distribution of the E* and E forms and the underlying kinetic rates for their interconversion. In the case of thrombin, the E* and E forms are distributed in a 1:4 ratio and interconvert on a time scale of 45 ms. In the case of prethrombin-2, the equilibrium is shifted strongly (10:1 ratio) in favor of the closed E* form and unfolds over a faster time scale of 4.5 ms. The distribution of E* and E forms observed for thrombin and prethrombin-2 indicates that zymogen activation is linked to a significant shift in the pre-existing equilibrium between closed and open conformations that facilitates ligand binding to the active site. These findings broaden our mechanistic understanding of how conformational transitions control ligand recognition by thrombin and its zymogen precursor prethrombin-2 and have direct relevance to other members of the trypsin fold.  相似文献   

Many protein functions can be directly linked to conformational changes. Inside cells, the equilibria and transition rates between different conformations may be affected by macromolecular crowding. We have recently developed a new approach for modeling crowding effects, which enables an atomistic representation of “test” proteins. Here this approach is applied to study how crowding affects the equilibria and transition rates between open and closed conformations of seven proteins: yeast protein disulfide isomerase (yPDI), adenylate kinase (AdK), orotidine phosphate decarboxylase (ODCase), Trp repressor (TrpR), hemoglobin, DNA β-glucosyltransferase, and Ap4A hydrolase. For each protein, molecular dynamics simulations of the open and closed states are separately run. Representative open and closed conformations are then used to calculate the crowding-induced changes in chemical potential for the two states. The difference in chemical-potential change between the two states finally predicts the effects of crowding on the population ratio of the two states. Crowding is found to reduce the open population to various extents. In the presence of crowders with a 15 Å radius and occupying 35% of volume, the open-to-closed population ratios of yPDI, AdK, ODCase and TrpR are reduced by 79%, 78%, 62% and 55%, respectively. The reductions for the remaining three proteins are 20–44%. As expected, the four proteins experiencing the stronger crowding effects are those with larger conformational changes between open and closed states (e.g., as measured by the change in radius of gyration). Larger proteins also tend to experience stronger crowding effects than smaller ones [e.g., comparing yPDI (480 residues) and TrpR (98 residues)]. The potentials of mean force along the open-closed reaction coordinate of apo and ligand-bound ODCase are altered by crowding, suggesting that transition rates are also affected. These quantitative results and qualitative trends will serve as valuable guides for expected crowding effects on protein conformation changes inside cells.  相似文献   

The interaction of the precursor to mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (pmAAT) with GroEL has been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and fluorescence spectroscopy. In the native protein, the spin probe was immobilized when attached to Cys166 at the domain interface, but was fully mobile when introduced at Cys(−19) in the N-terminal presequence peptide. Unfolding of the protein resulted in a highly mobile EPR spectrum for probes introduced at either site. However, the nitroxide group in GroEL-bound pmAAT showed either intermediate or high mobility depending on the spin probe used. Power saturation experiments indicated that the accessibility of the nitroxide side chain to Ni(EDDA) in the GroEL–pmAAT complex was higher than in the native state when in position 166 but lower when at position −19. Similar results were obtained in fluorescence quenching experiments. These data suggest that GroEL binds partly folded states of pmAAT with the presequence peptide probably in direct contact with GroEL. GroES and ATP, but not AMP–PNP or ADP, support refolding of pmAAT. During refolding, the rate of recovery of the native spectroscopic properties of labeled Cys166 is nearly identical to the rate-limiting reactivation step. Thus, correct docking of the large and small domains of pmAAT may be a key structural event in the regain of catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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