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The frequencies of different electrophoretic bands in DNA fingerprints detected by phage M13 DNA probe in two populations of the Kirov district were determined. The DNA polymorphisms observed in these two populations were compared with each other and with those of the Krasnodar populations, and pseudogenetic distances were calculated. The mean genetic distance between two Kirov populations was 0.072, this between every Kirov and Krasnodar population being 0.21 and 0.22.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprints of sheep using an M13 probe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bacteriophage M13 DNA was used to detect hypervariable minisatellites in several families of Booroola sheep as well as Merino and Suffolk sheep. Digestion of sheep DNA gave rise to three to eight fragments with different restriction enzymes demonstrating considerable polymorphism between the different breeds. The length of informative DNA fragments varied in size from 6 to 20kb. The DNA fingerprints generated were individual specific and allowed for differentiation between closely related animals. The pattern obtained with sheep DNA was different from that observed with humans and other vertebrates in the proportion of high molecular weight DNA fragments present. Pedigree analysis of DNA patterns of dams and their offspring for several sets of twins and triplets showed a clear distinction between individuals and failed to reveal the presence of monozygosity.  相似文献   

Singlet oxygen-induced mutations in M13 lacZ phage DNA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The mutagenic consequences of damages to M13 mp19 RF DNA produced by singlet oxygen have been determined in a forward mutational system capable of detecting all classes of mutagenic events. When the damaged M13 mp19 RF DNA is used to transfect competent E. coli JM105 cells, a 16.6-fold increase in mutation frequency is observed at 5% survivors when measured as a loss of alpha-complementation. The enhanced mutagenicity is largely due to single-nucleotide substitutions, frameshift events and double-mutations. The single-nucleotide substitutions occur in the regulatory and in the structural part of the lacZ gene under the predominant form of a G:C to T:A transversion. The spectrum of mutations detected among the M13 lacZ phages surviving the singlet oxygen treatment is totally different from those appearing spontaneously. SOS induction mediated through u.v.-irradiation of bacteria leads to an increase of the mutation frequency in the M13 surviving to the singlet oxygen treatment. The mutation spectrum in this case is a mixture between those observed with the spontaneous mutants and the mutants induced by singlet oxygen. Lesions introduced in the M13 mp19 RF DNA can be partly repaired by the enzymatic machinery of the bacteria. It turns out that excision-repair and SOS repair are probably involved in the removal of these lesions by singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

Phage display is achieved by fusing polypeptide libraries to phage coat proteins. The resulting phage particles display the polypeptides on their surfaces and they also contain the encoding DNA. Library members with particular functions can be isolated with simple selections and polypeptide sequences can be decoded from the encapsulated DNA. The technology's success depends on the efficiency with which polypeptides can be displayed on the phage surface, and significant progress has been made in engineering M13 bacteriophage coat proteins as improved phage display platforms. Functional display has been achieved with all five M13 coat proteins, with both N- and C-terminal fusions. Also, coat protein mutants have been designed and selected to improve the efficiency of heterologous protein display, and in the extreme case, completely artificial coat proteins have been evolved specifically as display platforms. These studies demonstrate that the M13 phage coat is extremely malleable, and this property can be used to engineer the phage particle specifically for phage display. These improvements expand the utility of phage display as a powerful tool in modern biotechnology.  相似文献   

Hypervariable polymorphic patterns were detected using wild-type M13 DNA as a probe in genomic DNAs of very different organisms ranging from procaryotes and lower eucaryotes to upper plants and animals, including human beings. Due to somatic stability of highly polymorphic patterns and their discrete inheritance, individual-specific restriction pattern analysis ("DNA fingerprinting") with this test probe was found to be useful in applied human genetics, in particular, for identifying paternity and maternity, and mapping of human genomes. The data obtained also demonstrate some possibilities of the DNA fingerprinting technology in genetics and selection of agricultural plants and animals, such as variety analysis, classification and registration of individual inbred lines and strains, as well as identification of bacterial strains.  相似文献   

DNA from two regions of the phage M13 genome hybridizes with DNA restriction fragments from genomes of various species including man [15, 20]. As the pattern of hybridization is individual-specific, this phage M13 probe can be used for DNA fingerprinting. We demonstrate here that the regions of many keratin genes coding for glycine-rich parts of C and N end domains are very similar to the phage M13 probe, and this similarity may be responsible for hybridization.  相似文献   

The hyperpolymorphism of minisatellite DNA hybridizing with DNA of bacteriophage M13 was analyzed in seven Turkic and Finno-Ugric populations from the Volga-Urals region. In total, hybridization revealed 80 BspRI genomic DNA fragments ranging in size from 1.7 to 10 kb; the average frequency of an individual fragment was 0.299 +/- 0.020. The average number of hybridization fragments per pattern (varying from 14 to 20 in different populations) and frequencies of individual fragments showed significant interpopulation differences. Parameters of this polymorphic system were assumed to reflect phenotypic diversity of populations. Genome fingerprinting with the use of phage M13 can be employed in the studies of population genetic structure and differentiation and in forensic medicine, for more accurate personal identification.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the synthesis and cloning of a short segment of DNA complementary to the region immediately adjacent to the EcoRI insertion site in the single-stranded bacteriophage vector M13mp2. This segment is useful as a "universal" primer for DNA sequencing by the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method; the template can be any DNA species cloned in M13mp2 or its derivatives. The primer has been cloned into the tetracycline resistance gene of plasmid pBR322 as one strand of a 26 bp EcoRI/BamHI fragment. This fragment may be readily prepared from an EcoRI + BamHI restriction digest of the parent plasmid (designated pSP14) by a simple size fractionation.  相似文献   

Use of DNA polymorphism detected by M13 phage DNA in population studies]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypervariable "minisatellite" regions detected in human genome by wild-type phage M13 DNA were found to have high polymorphism and somatic stability. Analysis of individual specific patterns of hybridization of 44 human DNAs from the Kirov province is presented. Molecular weight of fragments varied from 2 to 6 kb. Mean frequency of a fragment in the population under study is p = 0.294 +/- 0.158. The mean number of fragments per individual is 11.6 +/- 1.8. Comparison between the Kirov population and that of Krasnodar studied earlier was carried out. The mean genetic distance between Kirov and Krasnodar populations calculated according to Nei is 0.2082. The possibility of using in population-genetic studies of hypervariable DNA markers having fingerprint type of hybridization is discussed.  相似文献   

M Russel  S Kidd  M R Kelley 《Gene》1986,45(3):333-338
Gene cloning in plasmid vectors that contain a filamentous phage intergenic region presents several advantages. However, technical difficulties have been a problem, primarily low yields of packaged single stranded (ss) plasmid DNA from the rapid, small scale procedures usually employed, and ambiguities in sequencing reactions attributed to the contamination by helper phage ss DNA. We report here the construction and some properties of a new f1 helper phage. Using this phage, R408, plasmid ss DNA is packaged and exported preferentially over phage ss DNA, and the absolute yield of plasmid ss DNA is usually increased.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of ultraviolet-induced mutations in M13lacZ hybrid phage DNA   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
We have studied the specificity of ultraviolet (u.v.) mutagenesis in single-stranded DNA phage by analyzing u.v.-induced forward mutations in the lac insert of M13mp2 hybrid phage. Sequence analysis of 114 lac mutants derived from u.v.-irradiated phage grown in u.v.-irradiated cells showed that ultraviolet induces mainly single-nucleotide substitutions and deletions in progeny phage DNA. A total of 74% of the single-base substitution mutations occurred at sites of adjacent pyrimidines in the single-stranded DNA, with both T----C and C----T transitions predominating in the u.v. spectrum. Single-nucleotide deletion mutations occurred preferentially in tracts of repeated pyrimidine nucleotides. Tandem, double-base substitutions did not represent a major class of u.v.-induced mutations, but nearly 10% of mutant clones contained multiple, non-tandem nucleotide changes.  相似文献   

Hypervariable polymorphic patterns were detected with M13 phage DNA as a probe in genomic DNA of organisms belonging to different taxonomic groups including animals (vertebrates and invertebrates), plants and microorganisms. Individual-specific restriction pattern analysis (DNA fingerprinting) with this probe proved to be useful for individual identification, analysis of somatic stability and paternity testing in man. The nuclear type of inheritance indicates that the hypervariable DNA regions in question are located in the chromosomes, not in the mitochondrial DNA. The data obtained also demonstrate a potential range of M13 DNA applications as a probe for DNA fingerprinting of animals, plants and microorganisms, particularly for the determination of inbred lines, identification of bacterial strains and establishing stock, variety and strain distinctions.  相似文献   

B Tudek  S Boiteux    J Laval 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(12):3079-3084
Guanine residues methylated at the N-7 position (7-MeGua) are susceptible to cleavage of the imidazole ring yielding 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5N-methyl-formamidopyrimidine (Fapy-7-MeGua). The presence of Fapy-7-MeGua in DNA template causes stops in DNA synthesis in vitro by E. coli DNA polymerase I. The biological consequences of Fapy-7-MeGua lesions for survival and mutagenesis were investigated using single-stranded M13mp18 phage DNA. Fapy-7-MeGua lesions were generated in vitro in phage DNA by dimethylsulfate (DMS) methylation and subsequent ring opening of 7-MeGua by treatment with NaOH (DMS-base). The presence of Fapy-7-MeGua residues in M13 phage DNA correlated with a significant decrease in transfection efficiency and an increase in mutation frequency in the lacZ gene, when transfected into SOS-induced JM105 E.coli cells. Sequencing analysis revealed unexpectedly, that mutation rate at guanine sites was only slightly increased, suggesting that Fapy-7-MeGua was not responsible for the overall increase in the mutagenic frequency of DMS-base treated DNA. In contrast, mutation frequency at adenine sites yielding A----G transitions was the most frequent event, 60-fold increased over DMS induced mutations. These results show that treatment with alkali of methylated single-stranded DNA generates a mutagenic adenine derivative, which mispairs with cytosine in SOS induced bacteria. The results also imply that the Fapy-7-MeGua in E. coli cells is primarily a lethal lesion.  相似文献   

Summary The survival of M13 DNA was studied after partial replacement of thymine by uracil in the bacteriophage. Uracils carry the same genetic information as the thymines. Nevertheless in Escherichia coli wild-type cells, uracils in DNA are replaced by thymines by excision repair initiated by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG). Thus inactivation of uracil-containing phage DNA is solely due to repair initiated by UDG. Incorporation of uracils was achieved in one or in both strands, either randomly or site-specifically using differently uracylated oligonucleotides. The results show that up to 580 uracils can be repaired without a significant decrease in survival if the uracils are localized in the (–) strand only. Incorporation of 246 uracils into the (+) strand leads to 30% or 10% survival when expressed in Escherichia coli strains CMK and JM103, respectively. However, when uracils are distributed over both strands a sharp decrease in survival occurs. This shows that the repair of two uracils localized in close proximity on opposite strands of the DNA by the excision repair mechanism is difficult, whereas uracils occurring in one strand are repaired more efficiently, irrespective of their number.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA of the entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis was analyzed by the genomic fingerprinting technique. The biotin-labeled single-stranded DNA of the phage M13 was used as a marker of hypervariable sequences. A procedure for analyzing the differentiation among various Bacillus thuringiensis strains was developed. Characteristic patterns of fingerprints were obtained for several strains, the main representatives of subspecies that are most frequently used in the manufacture of bacterial insecticides, such as subsp. thuringiensis, subsp. kurstaki, and subsp. galleriae. Because no essential differences were revealed in band patterns upon comparing fingerprints of crystal-producing bacterial strains with those of acrystallic mutants, it was assumed that the loss of crystal-producing ability in the insect pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis is not connected with significant rearrangement of its genome.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - The limited ability of ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated E. coli cells to W-reactivate UV-irradiated, single-stranded DNA phages fd and M13 was investigated. The...  相似文献   

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