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Viruses are the most abundant life form and infect practically all organisms. Consequently, these obligate parasites are a major cause of human suffering and economic loss. Rossmann‐like fold is the most populated fold among α/β‐folds in the Protein Data Bank and proteins containing Rossmann‐like fold constitute 22% of all known proteins 3D structures. Thus, analysis of viral proteins containing Rossmann‐like domains could provide an understanding of viral biology and evolution as well as could propose possible targets for antiviral therapy. We provide functional and evolutionary analysis of viral proteins containing a Rossmann‐like fold found in the evolutionary classification of protein domains (ECOD) database developed in our lab. We identified 81 protein families of bacterial, archeal, and eukaryotic viruses in light of their evolution‐based ECOD classification and Pfam taxonomy. We defined their functional significance using enzymatic EC number assignments as well as domain‐level family annotations.  相似文献   

Several studies based on the known three-dimensional (3-D) structures of proteins show that two homologous proteins with insignificant sequence similarity could adopt a common fold and may perform same or similar biochemical functions. Hence, it is appropriate to use similarities in 3-D structure of proteins rather than the amino acid sequence similarities in modelling evolution of distantly related proteins. Here we present an assessment of using 3-D structures in modelling evolution of homologous proteins. Using a dataset of 108 protein domain families of known structures with at least 10 members per family we present a comparison of extent of structural and sequence dissimilarities among pairs of proteins which are inputs into the construction of phylogenetic trees. We find that correlation between the structure-based dissimilarity measures and the sequence-based dissimilarity measures is usually good if the sequence similarity among the homologues is about 30% or more. For protein families with low sequence similarity among the members, the correlation coefficient between the sequence-based and the structure-based dissimilarities are poor. In these cases the structure-based dendrogram clusters proteins with most similar biochemical functional properties better than the sequence-similarity based dendrogram. In multi-domain protein families and disulphide-rich protein families the correlation coefficient for the match of sequence-based and structure-based dissimilarity (SDM) measures can be poor though the sequence identity could be higher than 30%. Hence it is suggested that protein evolution is best modelled using 3-D structures if the sequence similarities (SSM) of the homologues are very low.  相似文献   

We compare side chain prediction and packing of core and non‐core regions of soluble proteins, protein‐protein interfaces, and transmembrane proteins. We first identified or created comparable databases of high‐resolution crystal structures of these 3 protein classes. We show that the solvent‐inaccessible cores of the 3 classes of proteins are equally densely packed. As a result, the side chains of core residues at protein‐protein interfaces and in the membrane‐exposed regions of transmembrane proteins can be predicted by the hard‐sphere plus stereochemical constraint model with the same high prediction accuracies (>90%) as core residues in soluble proteins. We also find that for all 3 classes of proteins, as one moves away from the solvent‐inaccessible core, the packing fraction decreases as the solvent accessibility increases. However, the side chain predictability remains high (80% within ) up to a relative solvent accessibility, , for all 3 protein classes. Our results show that % of the interface regions in protein complexes are “core”, that is, densely packed with side chain conformations that can be accurately predicted using the hard‐sphere model. We propose packing fraction as a metric that can be used to distinguish real protein‐protein interactions from designed, non‐binding, decoys. Our results also show that cores of membrane proteins are the same as cores of soluble proteins. Thus, the computational methods we are developing for the analysis of the effect of hydrophobic core mutations in soluble proteins will be equally applicable to analyses of mutations in membrane proteins.  相似文献   

This review is the result of a kind invitation to provide a report on the basis of the Leonidas Zervas award lecture at the 32nd European Peptide Society in Athens, Greece, September 2012. The lecture covered several topics including contributions toward new methods for the assembly of peptides and chemical modification of proteins. The present review will focus on another topic from the Zervas lecture, namely, our recent efforts at creating new, artificial architectures for the organization of the quaternary structure of proteins. Crucially, this is achieved with abiotic ligands and not protein surface engineering. This concept was demonstrated for the important biopharmaceutical peptide insulin, by using both abiotic metal ion binding ligands and perfluoroalkyl chains. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cell‐free protein synthesis (CFPS) is a valuable method for the fast expression of difficult‐to‐express proteins as well as posttranslationally modified proteins. Since cell‐free systems circumvent possible cytotoxic effects caused by protein overexpression in living cells, they significantly enlarge the scale and variety of proteins that can be characterized. We demonstrate the high potential of eukaryotic CFPS to express various types of membrane proteins covering a broad range of structurally and functionally diverse proteins. Our eukaryotic cell‐free translation systems are capable to provide high molecular weight membrane proteins, fluorescent‐labeled membrane proteins, as well as posttranslationally modified proteins for further downstream analysis.  相似文献   

We have classified 865 sequences of EF‐hand proteins from five proteomes into 156 subfamilies. These subfamilies were put into six groups. Evolutionary relationships among subfamilies and groups were analyzed from the inferred ancestral sequence for each subfamily. CTER, CPV, and PEF groups arose from a common EF‐lobe (pair of adjacent EF‐hands). They have two or more EF‐lobes; the relative positions of their EF‐lobes differ from each other. Comparisons of the ancestral sequences and the inferred structures of the EF‐lobes of these groups indicate that the mutual positions of EF‐lobes were established soon after divergence of an EF‐lobe for each group and before the duplication and fusion of EF‐lobe gene(s). These ancestral sequences reveal that some subfamilies in low similarity and isolated groups did not evolve from the EF‐lobe precursor, even if their conformations are similar to the canonical EF‐hand. This is an example of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Although the lifestyles and infection strategies of plant pathogens are diverse, a prevailing feature is the use of an arsenal of secreted proteins, known as effectors, which aid in microbial infection. In the case of eukaryotic filamentous pathogens, such as fungi and oomycetes, effector proteins are typically dissimilar, at the protein sequence level, to known protein families and functional domains. Consequently, we currently have a limited understanding of how fungal and oomycete effectors promote disease. Protein biochemistry and structural biology are two methods that can contribute greatly to the understanding of protein function. Both techniques are dependent on obtaining proteins that are pure and functional, and generally require the use of heterologous recombinant protein expression systems. Here, we present a general scheme and methodology for the production and characterization of small cysteine‐rich (SCR) effectors utilizing Escherichia coli expression systems. Using this approach, we successfully produced cysteine‐rich effectors derived from the biotrophic fungal pathogen Melampsora lini and the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum. Access to functional recombinant proteins facilitated crystallization and functional experiments. These results are discussed in the context of a general workflow that may serve as a template for others interested in understanding the function of SCR effector(s) from their plant pathogen(s) of interest.  相似文献   

The interactions of Met and Cys with other amino acid side chains have received little attention, in contrast to aromatic–aromatic, aromatic–aliphatic or/and aliphatic–aliphatic interactions. Precisely, these are the only amino acids that contain a sulfur atom, which is highly polarizable and, thus, likely to participate in strong Van der Waals interactions. Analysis of the interactions present in membrane protein crystal structures, together with the characterization of their strength in small‐molecule model systems at the ab‐initio level, predicts that Met–Met interactions are stronger than Met–Cys ≈ Met–Phe ≈ Cys–Phe interactions, stronger than Phe–Phe ≈ Phe–Leu interactions, stronger than the Met–Leu interaction, and stronger than Leu–Leu ≈ Cys–Leu interactions. These results show that sulfur‐containing amino acids form stronger interactions than aromatic or aliphatic amino acids. Thus, these amino acids may provide additional driving forces for maintaining the 3D structure of membrane proteins and may provide functional specificity.  相似文献   

β‐Sheets are quite frequent in protein structures and are stabilized by regular main‐chain hydrogen bond patterns. Irregularities in β‐sheets, named β‐bulges, are distorted regions between two consecutive hydrogen bonds. They disrupt the classical alternation of side chain direction and can alter the directionality of β‐strands. They are implicated in protein‐protein interactions and are introduced to avoid β‐strand aggregation. Five different types of β‐bulges are defined. Previous studies on β‐bulges were performed on a limited number of protein structures or one specific family. These studies evoked a potential conservation during evolution. In this work, we analyze the β‐bulge distribution and conservation in terms of local backbone conformations and amino acid composition. Our dataset consists of 66 times more β‐bulges than the last systematic study (Chan et al. Protein Science 1993, 2:1574–1590). Novel amino acid preferences are underlined and local structure conformations are highlighted by the use of a structural alphabet. We observed that β‐bulges are preferably localized at the N‐ and C‐termini of β‐strands, but contrary to the earlier studies, no significant conservation of β‐bulges was observed among structural homologues. Displacement of β‐bulges along the sequence was also investigated by Molecular Dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

The quaternary structure of α‐crystallin is dynamic, a property which has thwarted crystallographic efforts towards structural characterization. In this study, we have used collision‐induced dissociation mass spectrometry to examine the architecture of the polydisperse assemblies of α‐crystallin. For total α‐crystallin isolated directly from fetal calf lens using size‐based chromatography, the αB‐crystallin subunit was found to be preferentially dissociated from the oligomers, despite being significantly less abundant overall than the αA‐crystallin subunits. Furthermore, upon mixing molar equivalents of purified αA‐ and αB‐crystallin, the levels of their dissociation were found to decrease and increase, respectively, with time. Interestingly though, dissociation of subunits from the αA‐ and αB‐crystallin homo‐oligomers was comparable, indicating that strength of the αA:αA, and αB:αB subunit interactions are similar. Taken together, these data suggest that the differences in the number of subunit contacts in the mixed assemblies give rise to the disproportionate dissociation of αB‐crystallin subunits. Limited proteolysis mass spectrometry was also used to examine changes in protease accessibility during subunit exchange. The C‐terminus of αA‐crystallin was more susceptible to proteolytic attack in homo‐oligomers than that of αB‐crystallin. As subunit exchange proceeded, proteolysis of the αA‐crystallin C‐terminus increased, indicating that in the hetero‐oligomeric form this tertiary motif is more exposed to solvent. These data were used to propose a refined arrangement for the interactions of the α‐crystallin domains and C‐terminal extensions of subunits within the α‐crystallin assembly. In particular, we propose that the palindromic IPI motif of αB‐crystallin gives rise to two orientations of the C‐terminus. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The centre of the human lens, which is composed of proteins that were synthesized prior to birth, is an ideal model for the evaluation of long‐term protein stability and processes responsible for the degradation of macromolecules. By analysing the sequences of peptides present in human lens nuclei, characteristic features of intrinsic protein instability were determined. Prominent was the cleavage on the N‐terminal side of serine residues. Despite accounting for just 9% of the amino acid composition of crystallins, peptides with N‐terminal Ser represented one‐quarter of all peptides. Nonenzymatic cleavage at Ser could be reproduced by incubating peptides at elevated temperatures. Serine residues may thus represent susceptible sites for autolysis in polypeptides exposed to physiological conditions over a period of years. Once these sites are cleaved, other chemical processes result in progressive removal or ‘laddering’ of amino acid residues from newly exposed N‐ and C‐termini. As N‐terminal Ser peptides originated from several crystallins with unrelated sequences, this may represent a general feature of long‐lived proteins.  相似文献   

Leucine‐rich repeat (LRR) proteins form a large and diverse family. They have a wide range of functions most of which involve the formation of protein–protein interactions. All known LRR structures form curved solenoids, although there is large variation in their curvature. It is this curvature that determines the shape and dimensions of the inner space available for ligand binding. Unfortunately, large‐scale parameters such as the overall curvature of a protein domain are extremely difficult to predict. Here, we present a quantitative analysis of determinants of curvature of this family. Individual repeats typically range in length between 20 and 30 residues and have a variety of secondary structures on their convex side. The observed curvature of the LRR domains correlates poorly with the lengths of their individual repeats. We have, therefore, developed a scoring function based on the secondary structure of the convex side of the protein that allows prediction of the overall curvature with a high degree of accuracy. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in selecting a suitable template for comparative modeling. We have developed an automated, quantitative protocol that can be used to predict accurately the curvature of leucine‐rich repeat proteins of unknown structure from sequence alone. This protocol is available as an online resource at http://www.bioinf.manchester.ac.uk/curlrr/ . Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Both Proteins and DNA undergo conformational changes in order to form functional complexes and also to facilitate interactions with other molecules. These changes have direct implications for the stability and specificity of the complex, as well as the cooperativity of interactions between multiple entities. In this work, we have extensively analyzed conformational changes in DNA‐binding proteins by superimposing DNA‐bound and unbound pairs of protein structures in a curated database of 90 proteins. We manually examined each of these pairs, unified the authors' annotations, and summarized our observations by classifying conformational changes into six structural categories. We explored a relationship between conformational changes and functional classes, binding motifs, target specificity, biophysical features of unbound proteins, and stability of the complex. In addition, we have also investigated the degree to which the intrinsic flexibility can explain conformational changes in a subset of 52 proteins with high quality coordinate data. Our results indicate that conformational changes in DNA‐binding proteins contribute significantly to both the stability of the complex and the specificity of targets recognized by them. We also conclude that most conformational changes occur in proteins interacting with specific DNA targets, even though unbound protein structures may have sufficient information to interact with DNA in a nonspecific manner. Proteins 2014; 82:841–857. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Artificial multidomain proteins with enhanced structural and functional properties can be utilized in a broad spectrum of applications. The design of chimeric fusion proteins utilizing protein domains or one‐domain miniproteins as building blocks is an important advancement for the creation of new biomolecules for biotechnology and medical applications. However, computational studies to describe in detail the dynamics and geometry properties of two‐domain constructs made from structurally and functionally different proteins are lacking. Here, we tested an in silico design strategy using all‐atom explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations. The well‐characterized PDZ3 and SH3 domains of human zonula occludens (ZO‐1) (3TSZ), along with 5 artificial domains and 2 types of molecular linkers, were selected to construct chimeric two‐domain molecules. The influence of the artificial domains on the structure and dynamics of the PDZ3 and SH3 domains was determined using a range of analyses. We conclude that the artificial domains can function as allosteric modulators of the PDZ3 and SH3 domains. Proteins 2016; 84:1358–1374. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum encounters frequent environmental challenges during its life cycle which makes productive protein folding immensely challenging for its metastable proteome. To identify the important components of protein folding machinery involved in maintaining P. falciparum proteome, we performed a proteome‐wide phylogenetic profiling across various species. We found that except HSP110, the parasite lost all other cytosolic nucleotide exchange factors essential for regulating HSP70 which is the centrum of the protein folding network. Evolutionary and structural analysis shows that besides its canonical interaction with HSP70, PfHSP110 has acquired sequence insertions for additional dynamic interactions. Molecular co‐evolution profile depicts that the co‐evolving proteins of PfHSP110 belong to distinct pathways like genetic variation, DNA repair, fatty acid biosynthesis, protein modification/trafficking, molecular motions, and apoptosis. These proteins exhibit unique physiochemical properties like large size, high iso‐electric point, low solubility, and antigenicity, hence require PfHSP110 chaperoning to attain functional state. Co‐evolving protein interaction network suggests that PfHSP110 serves as an important hub to coordinate protein quality control, survival, and immune evasion pathways in the parasite. Overall, our findings highlight potential accessory roles of PfHSP110 that may provide survival advantage to the parasite during its lifecycle and febrile conditions. The data also open avenues for experimental validation of auxiliary functions of PfHSP110 and their exploration for design of better antimalarial strategies. Proteins 2015; 83:1513–1525. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Evaluation of protein models against the native structure is essential for the development and benchmarking of protein structure prediction methods. Although a number of evaluation scores have been proposed to date, many aspects of model assessment still lack desired robustness. In this study we present CAD‐score, a new evaluation function quantifying differences between physical contacts in a model and the reference structure. The new score uses the concept of residue–residue contact area difference (CAD) introduced by Abagyan and Totrov (J Mol Biol 1997; 268:678–685). Contact areas, the underlying basis of the score, are derived using the Voronoi tessellation of protein structure. The newly introduced CAD‐score is a continuous function, confined within fixed limits, free of any arbitrary thresholds or parameters. The built‐in logic for treatment of missing residues allows consistent ranking of models of any degree of completeness. We tested CAD‐score on a large set of diverse models and compared it to GDT‐TS, a widely accepted measure of model accuracy. Similarly to GDT‐TS, CAD‐score showed a robust performance on single‐domain proteins, but displayed a stronger preference for physically more realistic models. Unlike GDT‐TS, the new score revealed a balanced assessment of domain rearrangement, removing the necessity for different treatment of single‐domain, multi‐domain, and multi‐subunit structures. Moreover, CAD‐score makes it possible to assess the accuracy of inter‐domain or inter‐subunit interfaces directly. In addition, the approach offers an alternative to the superposition‐based model clustering. The CAD‐score implementation is available both as a web server and a standalone software package at http://www.ibt.lt/bioinformatics/cad‐score/ . Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Drug delivery to the brain for the treatment of pathologies with a CNS component is a significant clinical challenge. P‐glycoprotein (PgP), a drug efflux pump in the endothelial cell membrane, is a major factor in preventing therapeutics from crossing the blood‐brain barrier (BBB). Identifying PgP regulatory mechanisms is key to developing agents to modulate PgP activity. Previously, we found that PgP trafficking was altered concomitant with increased PgP activity and disassembly of high molecular weight PgP‐containing complexes during acute peripheral inflammatory pain. These data suggest that PgP activity is post‐translationally regulated at the BBB. The goal of the current study was to identify proteins that co‐localize with PgP in rat brain microvessel endothelial cell membrane microdomains and use the data to suggest potential regulatory mechanisms. Using new density gradients of microvessel homogenates, we identified two unique pools (1,2) of PgP in membrane fractions. Caveolar constituents, caveolin1, cavin1, and cavin2, co‐localized with PgP in these fractions indicating the two pools contained caveolae. A chaperone (Hsc71), protein disulfide isomerase and endosomal/lysosomal sorting proteins (Rab5, Rab11a) also co‐fractionated with PgP in the gradients. These data suggest signaling pathways with a potential role in post‐translational regulation of PgP activity at the BBB.


The circular dichroism spectra of membrane suspensions are distorted by differential light scattering and absorption flattening effects, which arise as a consequence of the large size of the membrane particles relative to the wavelength of light and the high concentration of proteins in the membranes. In this paper, the consequences of these phenomena on the protein spectra of large membrane particles are discussed, and methods for eliminating them are examined. The distortions due to differential light scattering are relatively small in membrane systems, and can be compensated for by use of a large detector acceptance angle geometry. Several methods for correcting for differential flattening, which introduces a substantial distortion, have been evaluated, and a new method, the flattening quotient approach, which produces by far the best results, is described. Since the secondary structures calculated from circular dichroism spectra are highly dependent on accurate spectral shape and magnitude, this method for correcting the spectra may find general application in circular dichroism studies of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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