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From the Bavarian Early/Middle Miocene (MN5) site Sandelzhausen, nine species of carnivoran mammals are identified including the hemicyonine ursid Hemicyon stehlini, the amphicyonids Amphicyon cf. major and Pseudarctos bavaricus, the mustelids Ischyrictis zibethoides and Martes cf. munki, the mephitid Proputorius pusillus, the viverrid Leptoplesictis cf. aurelianensis, the felid Pseudaelurus romieviensis, and finally the recently described barbourofelid Prosansanosmilus eggeri. With these taxa present, Sandelzhausen shows a carnivoran community typical, though deprived, for the Lower to Middle Miocene of Europe, but different from roughly contemporary Mediterranean faunas such as those from Çandir or Pa?alar in Turkey.  相似文献   

Several large suid cranial remains attributed to Microstonyx major are part of a new Hipparion Fauna collection from the Hezheng area, Northern China. The new material confirms the presence of Microstonyx in the late Miocene of the area. The Chinese form belongs to a small-sized eastern population with reduced premolar row and clear sexual bimodality. Statistical comparison shows that Microstonyx major was a polymorphic species and reinforces recognition of Hippopotamodon as a separate genus, defined by relatively stout premolars resulting from a different underlying pattern of allometric growth. The presence of Microstonyx in North China and the distinct suid assemblage that lived there suggest biogeographic connections between Northern China and Western Eurasia in contrast to isolation from Southern China and the Indian subcontinent. The suid fauna of the late Miocene of Northern China seems to have been restricted to the later, more humid phase represented by the Red Clay faunas.  相似文献   

Miocene primates from southern Africa are extremely rare. For this reason we wish to place on record several interesting new fossil primate specimens recently recovered from the Miocene sites of Berg Aukas and Harasib in the Otavi Mountain region of northern Namibia. The new finds consist of a virtually complete atlas vertebra from Berg Aukas attributable to the hominoid Otavipithecus namibiensis and two teeth and four postcranial fragments from Harasib referrable to Cercopithecoidea. The atlas vertebra exhibits anatomical characteristics intermediate between those of modern cercopithecoids and hominoids which may be indicative of a transition from pronograde to orthograde postures. The cercopithecoid remains show that the earliest Old World monkeys known from southern Africa were small, approximately the size of vervet monkeys. These new specimens are important because they provide the first evidence relating to possible positional behaviors of Otavipithecus and the earliest fossil record of cercopithecoids from southern Africa. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):541-556
In the present article, the Middle and Late Miocene carnivoran faunas of Europe and Africa are compared for establishing their relationships. The Middle Miocene carnivoran assemblages from both continents are quite different at the specific and generic levels, less expressed in family composition. The comparison of the Late Miocene carnivoran assemblages indicates the following: the African carnivoran assemblage is different from the European ones both at the generic and specific level; the carnivoran faunas of Europe can be split into two geographic groups, “western” and “eastern”; the Turolian African assemblage is more diversified at the family level; the African carnivoran assemblage differs from the European ones in the presence of herpestids, the higher abundance of mustelids and the fewer hyaenids. It is more similar to the Late Miocene carnivoran assemblages of western and central Europe than eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The paper describes organic remains of one billion years old from the Lakhanda microbiota of the Uchur-Maya Region of southeastern Siberia. The microfossils were discovered on organic sapropelic films. The preserved morphological characters and some developmental stages of the ancient organisms, which are fixed in fossil state, suggest that some of them resembled zygomycetes. Other microfossils under consideration are comparable to reproductive structures of myxomycetes in the type of fusion of spheroid cells and formation of various types of aggregation (sori). Colonies of unicellular microfossils that are arranged in a branching pseudomycelium superficially resemble yeasts. The presence in the same biota of fungal remains belonging to the Myxomycota and Mycota, as well as members of xanthophyte vaucherian algae, indicates that various branches of eukaryotes might have developed in parallel even earlier than the Late Riphean.  相似文献   

African Late Miocene hominoids are rare, having been reported from six localities in Kenya, Ethiopia and Chad ranging in age from 10.5 to 5.5 Ma. We here report the occurrence of a hominoid in Niger associated with a vertebrate fauna which indicates an age of between 11–5 Ma. The Niger fossil locality is 940 km north of the nearest known extant hominoids, 1000 km west of the nearest recorded fossil hominoid from Chad.  相似文献   

The Cerro Azul Formation (La Pampa Province, Argentina) comprises a rich vertebrate fauna of small mammals dominated by notoungulates and rodents. The fauna pertains to the Late Miocene specifically to the Huayquerian Stage/Age. Taphonomic analysis of micro‐mammals from Estancia Ré locality evidenced that the faunal assemblage was accumulated by the activity of a predator. This assemblage was compared with others from the Cerro Azul Formation in Telén and Caleufú localities (La Pampa Province), previously interpreted as products of predator activities. These microfossil accumulations differ from assemblages attributed to pellets and faeces produced by modern predators (nocturnal and diurnal bird raptors and carnivore mammals). However, due to their anatomical representation, degree of bone breakage and presence of tooth marks, they are interpreted as accumulations of uneaten prey remains discarded by the predator. The predator involved could not be determined with certainty, although the presence of tooth marks in some skeletal remains and the presence of coprolites in Telén and Caleufú suggest that it could be a carnivore mammal. Similarities in the accumulation mechanism, patterns of preservation and sedimentary contexts in the three assemblages support the recognition of a new taphonomic mode, termed ‘leftover prey remains’.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to enlarge knowledge about still poorly documented and understood record of Lagomorpha (Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of Moldova. The lagomorph material from two new Late Miocene localities, Razeni (MN11/12), Gradishte (MN12), and re-sampling locality Chimislyia (MN12), of Southern Moldova, is described in detail here. The localities yielded small vertebrate fauna including five lagomorph taxa: Prolagus cf. oeningensis, “Proochotona” cf. eximia, Alilepus laskarewi, “Proochotona” sp., and Alilepus sp. P. cf. oeningensis is described for the first time in the studied area. A short review of the lagomorph record from the Republic of Moldova is provided. This contribution outlines the importance of the lagomorphs for biostratigraphic purposes, and highlighs the gaps in our knowledge related to the faunal succession in this area.  相似文献   

New murids of Late Miocene (medial Baodean Chinese Mammal Unit) age from Inner Mongolia, northern China, and from Yunnan Province, southern China, are described. Hansdebruijnia perpusilla nov. sp. represents the earliest known and morphologically most primitive species of the genus, which is known from the latest Miocene of Europe and western Asia. The new species suggests an eastern Palaearctic origin of Hansdebruijnia. “ProgonomysyunnanensisQIU and STORCH, 1990 from Lufeng, Yunnan Province, is referred to Linomys nov. gen. New samples from Leilao, Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, are included in this species, although this population is somewhat more primitive than that from Lufeng. Leilaomys zhudingi nov. gen. and sp. from Leilao shows a unique combination of apomorphic and plesiomorphic characters, which suggest an early divergence from the murid stem. The new findings indicate that our knowledge of the early radiation of murids in southeast Asia is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

We describe crocodylian remains from the Early Miocene (MN4) site of Els Casots (Subirats, Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE of the Iberian Peninsula). Referral to Diplocynodon (Alligatoroidea: Diplocynodontidae) is justified by several cranial and postcranial features, including: (1) the subequal and confluent alveoli of the maxilla (fourth and fifth) and dentary (third and fourth); (2) the position of the foramen aëreum on the quadrate; (3) the small and ventrally reflected medial hemicondyle of the quadrate; (4) the distinct dorsoventral step on the frontal; and (5) the bipartite ventral osteoderms. Multiple morphological features are consistent with an attribution to Diplocynodon ratelii, previously known from the Early Miocene (MN2) of France, and discount an alternative attribution to other species of the genus, including Diplocynodon ungeri from the Middle Miocene (MN5) of Austria. The described material from Els Casots is smaller in size than the French material of D. ratelii, possibly reflecting an earlier ontogenetic stage. The described remains constitute the first report of D. ratelii and the youngest record of Diplocynodon in the Iberian Peninsula, where only Diplocynodon muelleri and Diplocynodon tormis have been previously reported. The presence of Diplocynodon further supports the lacustrine depositional environment previously inferred for Els Casots and also indicates a relatively high temperature.  相似文献   

The Siwalik Late Miocene bovids from the Hasnot deposits of Northern Pakistan are described here. The bovids are represented predominantly by boselaphines. The Hasnot outcrops range 7–5 Ma and correspond to the fauna of the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene of Eurasia and Africa. The associated fauna of Hasnot is suggestive a vast open land environment depicting sporadic dry and flood seasons, forcing a mosaic of ecotonal habitats with countless number of niches.  相似文献   

The late Tortonian – early Messinian shallow marine sands of Cessaniti area (Monte Poro, Vibo Valentia, Southern Italy) yield marine and continental vertebrates. The best represented taxon is the Sirenian Metaxytherium serresii, while the terrestrial mammal assemblage includes a boselafine bovid, an hexaprotodontid hippopotamus, the giraffids Samotherium cf. boissieri and Bohlinia cf. attica, a rhino and the elephantid Stegotetrabelodon syrticus. Until now, the latter was a species with an exclusive Afro-Arabian distribution and the record of Cessaniti is the first outside Afro-Arabia. Our attention is here focused on the occurrence of Samotherium cf. boissieri and Bohlinia cf. attica, both being species well represented in the Pikermian Biome. Although evidences of the distribution of the genus Samotherium in Late Miocene African assemblages are weak, it is reported at several sites, while a new species of Bohlinia reported in Chad is still debated. At Cessaniti, the co-occurrence of two giraffid taxa typical for the Pikermian biome together with a frankly Afro-Arabic species (S. syrticus), further marks the existence of a land connection between the Cessaniti area and North Africa as well as the evidence of a phase of expansion of the Pikermian Biome into the African continent.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The paper describes three incomplete shells of terrestrial turtle Protestudo bessarabica (Testudinidae) from the Late Miocene (Maeotian, biozone MN 12) of the Belka...  相似文献   

An insufficiently known bivalve and gastropod assemblage from the Early-Middle Miocene (Tarkhanian-Chokrakian) of northern Sinop Province (Turkey), is analyzed. Environments of the assemblage are reconstructed for the Chokrakian as subtidal, with prevailing lime and sandy bottom and good aeration, and partially well vegetated. Impoverishment of the mollusk biocoenose in this part of the marine basin (only 18 bivalve and 22 gastropod species recorded) compared to other areas, including the closest regions, Bulgaria on the west and Georgia on the east, is emphasized. The relatively low diversity of the fauna is probably connected not only with insufficient collecting, but with special hydrological conditions. A special aspect of the fauna is highlighted by the presence of the bivalve Circomphalus foliaceolamellosus subplicatus (Orb.), which is rare in the Chokrakian.  相似文献   

Classifying fossil teeth of Erinaceinae (spiny hedgehogs) is a challenging task, because of their scanty record and systematic treatment that heavily relies on skull characteristics. In this paper we describe the complete set of isolated dental elements of Erinaceinae from the upper Miocene sediments of the Teruel Basin (eastern Central Spain). Four different species were recognized: Postpalerinaceus cf. vireti, Atelerix aff. depereti, Atelerix steensmai nov. sp., and a form classified as Erinaceinae genus and species indet. All four are relatively derived in showing multi-purpose dentitions, not showing only adaptations to insectivory, but also to carnivory, herbivory and possibly durophagy/malacophagy. The temporal occurrence of spiny hedgehogs during the middle to late Miocene in the Teruel Basin and neighboring Calatayud-Montalbán Basin peaks within periods of relative aridity, a correlation consistent with modern geographic distribution. Messinian cooling is the best candidate for explaining a remarkable demise of Erinaceinae at 7 Ma.  相似文献   

Equid remains–mostly isolated teeth–from archaeological sites in Israel are described. Particular attention is paid to dental enamel fold morphology and criteria are established tor separating several Old World Quaternary equid species. Eauus hydruntinus , which is here considered a zebra rather than an ass, was present until 12,000 bp in northern Israel, while at the same time E-asinus/hemionus inhabited the arid regions in the south. Inirequent remains of E. caballus are also described. By 4000 years ago ass, probably the domestic form, was present in northern Israel.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜首次对云南省楚雄州晚中新世石灰坝组石鼓村层的钙化木材进行了解决学研究。鉴定出两种类型的木材。柳杉型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld)和杉木型落羽杉型木(Taxo-dioxylon cunninghamioides Watari)。二者分别与现代柳杉属和杉木属具有最接近的亲缘关系。根据这两种杉科化石木现存最近亲缘种的生态环境,并综合其他资料,推测该地区在晚中新世为温暖湿润的亚热带气候环境。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜首次对云南省楚雄州晚中新世石灰坝组石鼓村层的钙化木材进行了解剖学研究.鉴定出两种类型的木材:柳杉型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld)和杉木型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides Watari).二者分别与现代柳杉属和杉木属具有最接近的亲缘关系.根据这两种杉科化石木现存最近亲缘种的生态环境,并综合其他资料,推测该地区在晚中新世为温暖湿润的亚热带气候环境.  相似文献   

The modern walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, is specialized and only extant member of the family Odobenidae. They were much more diversified in the past, and at least 16 genera and 20 species of fossil walruses have been known. Although their diversity increased in the late Miocene and Pliocene (around 8–2 Million years ago), older records are poorly known. A new genus and species of archaic odobenid, Archaeodobenus akamatsui, gen. et sp. nov. from the late Miocene (ca. 10.0–9.5 Ma) top of the Ichibangawa Formation, Hokkaido, northern Japan, suggests rapid diversification of basal Miocene walruses. Archaeodobenus akamatsui is the contemporaneous Pseudotaria muramotoi from the same formation, but they are distinguishable from each other in size and shape of the occipital condyle, foramen magnum and mastoid process of the cranium, and other postcranial features. Based on our phylogenetic analysis, A. akamatsui might have split from P. muramotoi at the late Miocene in the western North Pacific. This rapid diversification of the archaic odobenids occurred with a combination of marine regression and transgression, which provided geological isolation among the common ancestors of extinct odobenids.  相似文献   

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