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Goal, Scope and Background The mere existence of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and general acceptance of the life cycle philosophy is not enough to make their use widespread in industry. To gain a better understanding of factors shaping LCA studies and life cycle related practice, field studies of the development of LCA practice in two companies were carried out. Methods In order to obtain a deeper understanding of LCA practice, the number of ‘variables’ was minimized and two similar companies were chosen for study: Stora Enso and SCA. Both companies are part of the Swedish forest products industry, are large multinational enterprises and have been working with LCA since the early 1990s. Both interviews and document studies were used to collect data regarding LCA work from its introduction until 2003. Results and Discussion We found fundamental differences in LCA practice between two similar companies in regard to LCA studies per se (the number of studies undertaken and methodological preferences) and also in regard to the organisation of and approach to LCA work. By testing various theoretical explanations of these divergent LCA practices, we identified the actions of individuals and their understanding of the situation as important factors shaping LCA practice. Conclusions Although sector-wide recommendations on LCA practice are common in the LCA community, this study indicates that companies use LCA differently despite similar structural conditions such as company size or sector affiliation. Recommendations and Perspectives Since the understanding and actions of individuals are important in shaping LCA practice, people working with LCA in industry probably have greater scope for action than they recognise and than sector recommendations may imply when it comes to organising and carrying out their work. Thus, those working with life cycle issues, even in different sectors, can learn much from each other about ways of organising and benefiting from LCA work.  相似文献   

沈阳城市森林生态规划建设   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
工业发展与城市化使城市环境不断恶化,城市森林作为改善环境质量的有效途径日益受到人们的关注与重视。本文首先对城市森林生态规划的内涵、原则及其总体目标进行了阐述,然后重点对沈阳城市森林生态规划建设进行了介绍,同时,针对沈阳市城市森林建设中存在的问题提出了相应的建设性意见,以期对沈阳城市生态建设与城市的可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Intention and Background.  

This paper outlines guidelines for the treatment of energy in LCAs of forest products. The paper is a result of the Cost Action E 9 ‘Life cycle assessment of forestry and forest products’ and reflects the experience of Cost E9 delegates, contributing to Working Group ‘End of life — recycling, disposal and energy generation’.  相似文献   

Nature is a rich source of compounds exhibiting biological activity against weeds, plant diseases, insects and mites. Many of these natural products have complex structures, insufficient biological activity and low persistence under field conditions. Thus the share of natural products being used as active ingredients per se in today’s crop protection market is relatively small. In some cases the natural products have been further modified to provide semi-synthetic derivatives with improved biological properties. More importantly, natural products served as lead structures inspiring chemists to prepare new synthetic analogues with often improved biological activity, simplified structures, increased safety towards humans and the environment and an optimized persistence. This article is not an extensive review of natural products in crop protection, but it discusses some examples illustrating the use of natural products per se, their use as starting materials to prepare semi-synthetic products, and their use as lead structures to prepare new synthetic products which may in the end bear no resemblance to the initial lead.  相似文献   

Yang J  Luan XF 《应用生态学报》2011,22(3):800-809
非木材森林产品指来自森林的非木材植物产品,如果实、种子、枝叶、树皮、树胶等,在维持当地居民生活以及森林生物多样性保护中扮演着重要角色.非木材森林产品利用对植物个体、种群、群落和生态系统均会产生影响,这不仅取决于植物的利用部位、生物学或生态学特征,而且与资源的利用方式密切相关.本文从植物生物学和生态学角度综述了非木材森林产品利用影响的研究进展,讨论了研究中存在的问题和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

非木材林产品的民族植物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非木材林产品(NTFPs)是指从森林植被中采集的药材、食物(如野菜、野果等)、树脂树胶、纤维或其他非木材类产品,它们不仅为当地群众提供了食物、药材等日常生活必需品,而且也是许多地区原住民的重要经济收入来源。在收集整理相关国内外研究资料的基础上,从非木材林产品的集市民族植物学、非木材林产品的经济价值和对原住民经济收入的贡献、影响非木材林产品采集和利用的因素、非木材林产品采集对当地生物多样性的影响、原住民对非木材林产品的传统管理与保护等方面对近年来有关非木材林产品的民族植物学研究进展进行了综合评述,并对非木材林产品的民族植物学重点研究内容和方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

A method for the economic valuation of non-timber tropical forest products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By drawing on quantitative studies in social anthropology, zoology, ethnobotany, and economics we present a method for conducting an economic valuation of non-timber forest products. A review of 24 studies suggests that the median value for non-timber forest products is about $50/ha/year. We discuss problems with past studies and suggest ways to get better estimates of output quantities, marginal costs, and prices.  相似文献   

Thermophilic anaerobic treatment of sulphur-rich paper mill wastewater (0.8-3.1 gCOD/l, 340–850 mgSO4/l; COD:SO4 3.4-5.3) was studied in three laboratory-scale, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors and in bioassays. The reactors were inoculated with non-adapted thermophilic granular sludge. In the bioassays, no inhibition of the inoculum was detected and about 62% COD removal (sulphide stripped) was obtained. About 70 to 80% of the removed COD was methanised. In the reactors, up to 60–74% COD removal (effluent sulphide stripped) was obtained at loading rates up to 10–30 kgCOD/m3d and hydraulic retention times down to 6 to 2 hours. The effluent total sulphide was up to 150–250 mg/l. Sulphide inhibition could not be confirmed from the reactor performances. The results from bioassays suggested that both the inoculum and sludge from the UASB reactor used acetate mainly for methane production, while sulphide was produced from hydrogen or its precursors.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of 137Cs migration in forest ecosystem is presented, which describes the behaviour of this radionuclide in the forest litter-soil system, trees, understory and forest animals. The model's parameters for different types of forest ecosystems are estimated and model's adequacy is tested through the use of independent experimental data. The sensitivity of the model's output variables is analyzed to variations in the most significant parameters. The differences in the seasonal and mean annual dynamics of 137Cs concentration in muscles of roe deers and mooses are shown to be defined by specific features of the diets of these animals and variations in 137Cs content in the main diet components.  相似文献   

After giving an overview of biological control agents and their application to forest products, the review considers the main biocontrol mechanisms that are thought to operate in wood. Competition for nutrients, antibiosis, mycoparasitism and production of extracellular enzymes have all been implicated in the biological control of wood decay fungi, although the relative importance of these potential mechanisms in vivo remains obscure. Attempts at biologically controlling basidiomycetes in forest products on a commercial scale have met with limited success and the environmental factors influencing efficacy are reviewed. It is concluded that the chances of achieving successful biocontrol of decay rely as much on appreciating the limitations of biological treatments as upon a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

采伐木对森林碳储量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林是陆地生态系统中最大的碳库。在全球变暖背景下,有关林业管理对森林碳库的影响引起各国科学家的日益关注。目前国内大多数文献都将森林采伐木碳库视为当年排放,而实际上采伐木能长时间储存碳。本文根据利用方式和采伐习惯,将采伐木按使用方式分为:1)DBH≤6cm为采伐剩余物置于林内;2)DBH>6cm为实木产品和纸制产品。以长白山林区典型地带性植被阔叶红松林为对象,通过调查采伐前后乔木组成的变化,根据采伐木碳库实际排放情况,研究了采伐前后森林碳储量的动态变化。结果表明:留于林内采伐剩余物为1.1tC.hm-2,排放速度由大变小,全部排放时间80年;实木产品碳储量为20.56tC.hm-2,前80年累计排放20.07tC.hm-2(97.71%);纸制产品为3.63tC.hm-2,前7年累计排放3.45tC.hm-2(95.13%)。若将采伐木碳库视为当年排放,则碳库采伐后20年才能达到采伐前的水平;而考虑采伐木碳库实际排放速率,碳库储量则一直大于采伐前水平。因此,将采伐木碳库实际排放列入考虑,有利于合理估算我国森林碳储量,对正确评价我国森林碳汇功能具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Cultivation of non-wood forest products (NWFP), although a veritable means of ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and improved natural resource management, has not been sustained in southern Nigeria (Nigeria’s major forest region) notwithstanding the unprecedented rate of depletion of the resource in the wild. For example, efforts in the past to support cultivation of NWFP in southern Nigeria under a USAID funded Cross River State forestry project, especially through nursery establishment for some rural communities, was not sustained as the initiative was abandoned by the participants. Hence to promote cultivation of NWFP, this study ascertained socioeconomic factors that influence cultivation of NWFPs. Multi stage sampling technique was used in selection of respondents (households) from two States: Cross River and Enugu States of southern Nigeria. A sample size of 400 households was used for the study. Probit and multinomial logistic regressions were used in estimating NWFP cultivation. The findings show that cultivation of NWFP was positively determined by gender, farming occupation (especially of women farmers) distance to forests where NWFP was collected, proportion of household food from NWFP, and medium wealth category. Age had a negative effect on cultivation until the age of 46 after which the effect became positive. In addition, household size, gender and farming occupation of household heads positively influenced cultivation of NWFP in plantations as against home gardens while gender and farming occupation had positive effect on cultivation of some stands of NWFP as against home gardens. Incorporating the findings of this study in future intervention project for NWFP cultivation will help sustain the initiative.  相似文献   

Certain types of food, such as catering foods, decay very rapidly. This paper investigates how the quality of such foods can be improved by shortening the time interval between production and delivery. To this end, we develop an approach that integrates short-term production and distribution planning in an iterative scheme. Further, an aggregation scheme is developed as the interface between the production scheduling and distribution problem. The production scheduling problem is solved through an MILP modeling approach which is based on a block planning formulation. Our implementation shows promising results, elaborated in a numerical investigation, which recollects the real settings of a catering company located in Denmark.  相似文献   

Forest management planning is generally a complicated task. The amount of data, information and knowledge involved in the management process is often overwhelming. Decision support systems can help forest managers make well documented decisions concerning forest management planning. These systems include a wide variety of components, depending on the management goals of the forested land. Although an increased growth of decision support systems in specific domains of forest management planning exists, there is no special design model for the deployment of forest management planning. To this direction, this paper has the following objectives: Firstly, to propose a conceptual design model for developing goal-driven forest management planning decision support systems. Secondly, to apply the design model for a particular case of these systems, the wildfire risk reduction decision support systems. Thirdly, to present the deployment of a wildfire risk reduction decision support system as well as its results for a specific forest area.  相似文献   

中国森林生物多样性保护和恢复措施的制订依赖于生物多样性的监测信息。设计一个有效的生物多样性监测网络是一项复杂的系统工程。监测网络的设计框架可分为监测目标、监测对象、监测指标、取样策略、数据采集和处理、网络维护以及组织工作等几个部分。目前, 国际上已有5个得到广泛认可的生物多样性监测网络, 包括地球观测组织-生物多样性监测网络、全球森林监测网络、热带生态评估与监测网络、泛欧洲森林监测网络和亚马逊森林清查网络, 它们的监测目标、监测内容和方法、样地布局及部分监测成果各有特色。我们试图在全国生物多样性监测、森林资源清查和森林生态系统定位研究的基础上, 通过网络布局、建设和运行, 形成中国森林生物多样性监测网(Chinese Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network, Sino BON-CForBio)及其监测规范体系。该网络的科学目标是, 在全国尺度上研究不同典型地带性森林的生物多样性维持机制、监测森林生物多样性变化并阐明其机理、研究生物多样性变化的效应。该网络布局以《中国植被区划》中的森林植被区划成果作为顶层设计和监测样地选择的核心依据, 设计了4个层级的监测系统; 其监测指标体系以生物多样性核心指标为主, 并结合我国传统森林群落调查方法进行拓展; 预期建成国家水平上的森林生物多样性监测网络, 阐明森林生物多样性维持机制和生物多样性变化的效应, 同时对重大生态保护工程的生物多样性保护效果进行有效性监测和验证型监测。  相似文献   

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