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Sheng ML 《ZooKeys》2011,(117):29-49
Eight species of the genus Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, 1863 are reported from China, five of them new to science: Cryptopimpla flavipedalis Sheng, sp. n., collected from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Cryptopimpla rufipedalis Sheng, sp. n. collected from Jilin Province, both from the Palaearctic part of China. Cryptopimpla. carinifacialis Sheng, sp. n., Cryptopimpla flavifacialis Sheng, sp. n.and Cryptopimpla maculifacialis Sheng, sp. n. were collected from Jiangxi Province in the Oriental part of China. A key to the species of Cryptopimpla known from China is provided.  相似文献   



As predicted by theory, traits associated with reproduction often evolve at a comparatively high speed. This is especially the case for courtship behaviour which plays a central role in reproductive isolation. On the other hand, courtship behavioural traits often involve morphological and behavioural adaptations in both sexes; this suggests that their evolution might be under severe constraints, for instance irreversibility of character loss. Here, we use a recently proposed method to retrieve data on a peculiar courtship behavioural trait, i.e. antennal coiling, for 56 species of diplazontine parasitoid wasps. On the basis of a well-resolved phylogeny, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of antennal coiling and associated morphological modifications to study the mode of evolution of this complex character system.


Our study reveals a large variation in shape, location and ultra-structure of male-specific modifications on the antennae. As for antennal coiling, we find either single-coiling, double-coiling or the absence of coiling; each state is present in multiple genera. Using a model comparison approach, we show that the possession of antennal modifications is highly correlated with antennal coiling behaviour. Ancestral state reconstruction shows that both antennal modifications and antennal coiling are highly congruent with the molecular phylogeny, implying low levels of homoplasy and a comparatively low speed of evolution. Antennal coiling is lost on two independent occasions, and never reacquired. A zero rate of regaining antennal coiling is supported by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches.


Our study provides the first comparative evidence for a tight correlation between male-specific antennal modifications and the use of the antennae during courtship. Antennal coiling in Diplazontinae evolved at a comparatively low rate, and was never reacquired in any of the studied taxa. This suggests that the loss of antennal coiling is irreversible on the timescale examined here, and therefore that evolutionary constraints have greatly influenced the evolution of antennal courtship in this group of parasitoid wasps. Further studies are needed to ascertain whether the loss of antennal coiling is irreversible on larger timescales, and whether evolutionary constraints have influenced courtship behavioural traits in a similar way in other groups.

Abstract The campoplegine genus Benjuminia is herein revised, with ten species being described as new, in addition to the five previously known species. Phylogenetic relationships of Benjuminia to other genera are discussed, and a cladogram presented for the species. Two monophyletic species groups are recognized, one being confined to the Palearctic and the other to the Nearctic. Examination of larval morphology not only fails to reveal larval characters for distinguishing Benjuminia but leads to the conclusion that use of larval morphology to identify campoplegine species is a dubious practice.  相似文献   

A new genus of Metopiinae, Ojuelos Khalaim, gen. n., with a single species, Ojuelos juachicus Khalaim & Ruíz-Cancino, sp. n., is described from Jalisco Province in central Mexico. Ojuelos belongs to the group of three genera (Cubus Townes & Townes, Colpotrochia Holmgren and Triclistus Förster) having a high lamella separating the antennal sockets and reaching the median ocellus (this lamella possesses a dorsal groove in it, just below the median ocellus), but differs from these genera primarily by 1) face and clypeus not convex in lateral view, 2) face separated from clypeus by a shallow transverse impression, 3) mandible with lower tooth very strongly reduced, 4) flagellomeres of antenna strongly transverse, and 5) dorsal carinae of propodeum reduced. A portion of the key to the genera of Metopiinae is provided to distinguish the new genus.  相似文献   

Abstract Thynnine wasps are a dominant part of the Australian insect fauna. They are parasites of soil-dwelling scarab-beetle larvae. These wasps are found during the spring and summer months and some are active during the hottest hours of the summer day. The new genus Beithynnus, from Western Australia, is one of these heat-tolerant groups. The genus is based on the new species B. sulfureus , and four additional new species, B. amplus , B. moorensis, B. multimaculatus , and B. tinkeri .  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Eurytoma, Eu. emirata Zerova, sp. n. and Eu. cornutella Zerova, sp. n., and two new species of the genus Nikanoria, N. globosa Zerova, sp. n. and N. cuspidata Zerova, sp. n., are described from the United Arab Emirates. This is the first record of genera and species of Eurytomidae from the United Arab Emirates. Holotypes and paratypes of the new species are deposited in the collection of Institute of Zoology, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev).  相似文献   

The genus Grotea has 18 described species. A new species, Grotea villosissima sp. n., is described here and its host information included. This is the first record of Grotea for Colombia.  相似文献   

盛茂领  裴海潮 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):96-98
 报道了采自河南的角姬蜂属Cosmoconus Foerster 二新种:西峡角姬蜂 C. xixiaens is Sheng, sp.nov. 和斑角姬蜂C. maculiventris Sheng, sp.nov.,并指出了与近 似种的主要区别特征。  相似文献   

报道了采自河南的角姬蜂属Cosmoconus Foerster 二新种:西峡角姬蜂 C. xixiaensis Sheng, sp.nov. 和斑角姬蜂C. maculiventris Sheng, sp. nov.,并指出了与近似种的主要区别特征。  相似文献   

Cymodusa (Cymodusa) propodeata sp. n. from Turkey is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the similar C. (s. str.) oculator Dbar, 1985 by moderately narrowed head behind eyes, developed clypeal fovea, area superomedia not separated by carina from basal and petiolar area and coloration of the body.  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Sun SP 《ZooKeys》2010,(73):61-71
Carinityla Sheng & Sun gen. n., Carinityla punctulata Sheng & Sun sp. n. and Carinityla pilosa Sheng & Sun sp. n. belonging to the tribe Phygadeuontini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, are described. A key to the species of the new genus, Carinityla Sheng & Sun, gen. n., is provided and the genus is placed in Townes' key to genera of Endaseina.  相似文献   

列出了克里姬蜂属Kristotomus Mason 中国已知种名录。记述了采自河南省栾川县伏牛山的本属1新种申氏克里姬蜂Ksheni Sheng, sp. Nov,列出了与其近似种的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

盛茂领  孙素平 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):93-95
 列出了克里姬蜂属Kristotomus Mason 中国已知种名录。记述了采自河南省栾川县 伏牛山的本属1新种申氏克里姬蜂K. sheni Sheng, sp. Nov,列出了与其近似种的 鉴别特征。  相似文献   

A new tribe of digger wasps, Protomicroidini trib. nov. (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), including a single known species Protomicroides sororius gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Upper Eocene Rovno amber, Ukraine. The new tribe combines features characteristic of several tribes of the Crabroninae and is a sister group of the extant tribe Oxybelini. The most distinctive characters of the new tribe include nonelongate propodeum with strongly developed lateral keel and enclosed dorsal area; semioval postscutellum with a lamellate border; absence of pygidial plate, psammophores, and digging tarsal rakes; and considerably reduced forewing venation.  相似文献   

A new digger wasp, Florimena impressa gen. et sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae, Pemphredoninae), from the Upper Eocene shales of Florissant (Colorado, United States) is described. It is distinguished from all known members of the subtribe Spilomenina by the convex frons and in regularly rounded propodeum without a distinct bend between the upper and posterior sides.  相似文献   

One new genus and four new species of ichneumon wasps are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Buryatia (Khasurty locality): Amplicella mininae, sp. nov., A. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., A. bashkuyevi, sp. nov., Khasurtella buriatica, gen. et sp. nov. The species Tanychora sinensis Zhang, 1991 is transferred to the new genus Khasurtella. Similarity of the ichneumonid faunas of Khasurty and the Chinese localities Yixian and Laiyang indicates the age similarity between these localities. Identification key to genera and species of Tanychorinae is given.  相似文献   

Sun SP  Sheng ML 《ZooKeys》2011,(136):83-92
A new species, Cisaris canaliculatus Sun & Sheng, sp. n., belonging to the tribe Phygadeuontini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, is reported. A key to the species of the genus Cisaris Townes, 1970, is provided.  相似文献   

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