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The Kiya River reference section is characterized by trilohites confined to units X–XV of the Lower Cambrian Usa Formation and to the base of the lowermost Middle Cambrian Berikul Formation. Trilobites are represented by 130 species assigned to 77 genera. The given paper describes 38 species belonging to 27 genera. 16 species, 2 genera and one subfamily are new. All of them occur in the Usa Formation and in the Lower Cambrian pebbles of the Berikul Formation. Biostratigraphic analysis shows that the trilobite fauna contains characteristic trilobite assemblage elements of the Lower Cambrian regional stages in the Altay-Sayan Fold Belt, i.e. the Kiya and Kameshki regional stages (Atdabanian Stage), the Sanashtykgol regional stage (Botomian Stage), the Obruchev regional stage (Toyonian Stage). Table I shows trilobite species composition and vertical distribution in the reference section.  相似文献   

The core of borehole 1209/78 west of Doberlug–Kirchhain and south of Herzberg in the Torgau–Doberlug Syncline records an atypical lower part of the Tröbitz Formation with thin limestone horizons. These limestone layers include the remains of a low to moderately diverse fauna with the trilobites Protolenus (Hupeolenus) bergstroemi n. sp., Cambrunicornia saxonica n. sp., Ornamentaspis? aff. todraensis Geyer 1990a, Calodiscus? n. sp., the remains of two undetermined olenelloid? and paradoxidid? species, at least two brachiopods (Trematobolus, undetermined acrotretoid), and one hyolith. The fauna clearly suggests a position in the lower Agdzian stage of the West Gondwana chronostratigraphic scheme and correlation with the lowermost to lower Middle Cambrian strata in regions such as the Moroccan Atlas ranges and northern Spain, so the assemblages represent the oldest Middle Cambrian fauna known from the Saxothuringian domain and reconfirm the palaeogeographic position in the Perigondwanan segment. The lithological differences of the fossiliferous cores from those of the typical Tröbitz Formation and the recorded high-energy conditions indicate high-frequency sea-level changes suggesting that this part of the succession may be a late stage of the subglobally recognizable eustatic sea-level fluctuations at the traditional Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary interval.  相似文献   

A highly diverse and well preserved radiolarian fauna from the Mörnsheim Formation (Altmühltal Group, Lower Tithonian) of the Solnhofen area (Southern Franconian Alb) is presented. Herein, only well-known species are selected from a rich fauna with presumably numerous new taxa. Some of these species show additional morphological features, missing or rudimentarily developed due to preservation in previously described specimens. The selected species are stratigraphically classified according to international Unitary Association Zones.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(4):271-281
Additional Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5, trilobite fauna comprising Peronopsis sp., Eosoptychoparia cf. Spinosa Gaotanaspis cf. pingzhaiensis and Gaotanaspis cf. transversa have been recorded just immediately above the known Oryctocephalus indicus biozone (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5) in the Parahio valley section (Spiti region). The FAD of Peronopsis and LAD of Gaotanaspis are used to establish a PeronopsisGaotanaspis concurrent biozone immediately above the Oryctocephalus indicus biozone. The first records of Gaotanaspis cf. pingzhaiensis and G. transversa from the Cambrian of Spiti region and the other faunal elements are correlated with the Peronopsis taijiangensis biozone of the Kaili Formation (South China). The stratigraphic thickness from the base of the O. indicus biozone to the top of the PeronopsisGaotanaspis concurrent biozone in the Kunzam La (=Parahio) Formation and its comparison to the Kaili Formation (South China) indicate a possible stratigraphic condensation in the basal part of the Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5 of the Parahio valley (Spiti). Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis supports this contention.  相似文献   

The genus Parapsylla (Homoptera: Psylloidea) is redescribed and placed in the Diaphorininae of the Family Aphalaridae. Its relationships within this subfamily are discussed. The genus Agmapsylla syn. nov. is placed into the synonymy of Parapsylla , and Pennavena syn. nov. and Eudiaphorina syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Diaphorina. The eight known species of Parapsylla are distributed in southern Africa and upland areas of East Africa. Host plant relationships are not clearly established but the genus appears to be associated with species of Maytenus (Celastraceae), Olinia (Oliniaceae) and possibly Olea (Oleaceae) and Syzygium (Myrtaceae). Parapsylla relicta syn. nov, and A. aureus syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Arytaina capensis. Parapsylla capensis comb. nov. is transferred from Arytaina, Parapsylla valens comb. nov. is transferred from Diaphorina , and the following new species are described: P. angolensis sp. nov., P. eafra sp. nov., P. huila sp. nov., P. marginipennis sp. nov., P. rufa sp. nov. and P. theroni sp. nov.  相似文献   

Thomas Wotte 《Facies》2009,55(3):473-487
Detailed litho- and biofacies investigations of the Lower–Middle Cambrian carbonate Láncara Formation resulted in its subdivision into nine lithofacies types: (1) claystone, (2) recrystallized mudstone, (3) laminated mudstone with laminoid-fenestral fabrics, (4) stromatolite, (5) laminated aggregate grainstone, (6) non-laminated aggregate grainstone, (7) oolitic-bioclastic floatstone, (8) echinodermal packstone, and (9) bioclastic grainstone. The thicknesses of lithofacies 1–7 (lower member of the Láncara Formation) decrease from south to north. Lithofacies types 8–9 (upper member of the Láncara Formation) are characterized by similar thicknesses and low facies and faunal gradients and are thus indicative of deposition on a carbonate ramp. From palaeoecological, palaeo(bio)geographical, palaeomagnetic, and tectonic considerations, the depositional environment of the Láncara Formation is re-interpreted as an eastward/north-eastward sloping, low morphology carbonate ramp. The Cantabrian Zone, with a primary lateral extension of about 300 km, is further construed to be an element of a widespread and connected, discontinuous drowned Perigondwanan depositional system.  相似文献   

太阳女神螺类(helcionellids)是寒武纪常见的一类软体动物,广布全球,多见于碳酸盐岩沉积地层中,而布尔吉斯页岩型生物群中却少有报道。贵州剑河凯里生物群是典型的特异埋藏化石库,产有700余件太阳女神螺类标本,这在世界各地同时期的布尔吉斯页岩型生物群中是很少见的。本文对贵州剑河八郎寒武系凯里组太阳女神螺类化石标本进行了系统研究,采用几何形态测量学的典型变量分析进行量化分析。几何形态测量学(Geometric morphometrics)是用界标点或轮廓线等来描绘生物的形态或者标记特征部位及器官,将生物形态特征归纳为数据变化的定量学方法,其中的典型变量分析(Canonical Variate Analysis)是多变量分析中进行判别分析的一个重要方法,可以用于多组数据之间的判别。CVA判别结果显示:利用壳体侧视轮廓线判别Dorispira属中三个种的正确率为92%,验证了Dorispira accordinonata、D.taijiangensis和D.cf.pearylandica化石种分类合理性。本文研究表明即使壳体形态较为相似的类群,也可以较为准确地使用CVA量化其中的差别,...  相似文献   

At Wattendorf in the northern Franconian Alb, southern Germany, centimetre- to decimetre-thick packages of finely laminated limestones (plattenkalk) occur intercalated between well bedded graded grainstones and rudstones that blanket a relief produced by now dolomitized microbialite-sponge reefs. These beds reach their greatest thickness in depressions between topographic highs and thin towards, and finally disappear on, the crests. The early Late Kimmeridgian graded packstone–bindstone alternations represent the earliest plattenkalk occurrence in southern Germany. The undisturbed lamination of the sediment strongly points to oxygen-free conditions on the seafloor and within the sediment, inimical to higher forms of life. The plattenkalk contains a diverse biota of benthic and nektonic organisms. Excavation of a 13 cm thick plattenkalk unit across an area of 80 m2 produced 3500 fossils, which, with the exception of the bivalve Aulacomyella, exhibit a random stratigraphic distribution. Two-thirds of the individuals had a benthic mode of life attached to hard substrate. This seems to contradict the evidence of oxygen-free conditions on the sea floor, such as undisturbed lamination, presence of articulated skeletons, and preservation of soft parts. However, palaeoecological and taphonomic analyses indicate that the benthic faunal elements are allochthonous having settled out of suspension and thus must have been derived from hard substrate areas of neighbouring topographic highs. Solely the bivalve Aulacomyella, which occurs concentrated on a single bedding plane, may have colonised the plattenkalk depression during brief periods of oxygenation. Alternatively, a pseudoplanktonic mode of life, attached to floating sea weed, is envisaged for the bivalve. The formation of the plattenkalk is related to local and global factors: a drop in relative sea level caused the death of the microbialite-sponge reefs. Restricted circulation in depressions between the crests of the former reefs led to anoxic conditions and the formation of finely laminated sediments stabilised by microbial mats. The small depressions received sediment and skeletal elements of benthic organisms that were swept off neighbouring topographic highs by storms and that entered the depressions partly as turbidity currents, partly as suspension clouds. A rise in the relative sea level finally terminated the restricted circulation in the depressions and closed the taphonomic window that led to the preservation of the plattenkalk biota.  相似文献   

A total of 124 articulated echinoderms, including Sinoeocrinus lui (n = 30), “S. globus” (n = 92), one indeterminate gogiid, and one indeterminate edrioasteroid, from the Kaili Formation (Middle Cambrian), eastern Guizhou, China was examined. Among them, 73% of gogiid echinoderms are preserved attached to skeletal substrates. Suitable skeletal substrates for gogiid holdfasts in the Kaili Biota are organophosphatic brachiopods; large trilobite fragments, including cranidia, free cheeks, thoracic segments, and pygidia; hyoliths; and Scenella shells. The high frequency of “S. globus” attached to organophosphatic brachiopods is due to the high richness of organophosphatic brachiopods rather than a host-specific association in the Kaili Biota. However, the possible discrimination against attachment to small trilobites, such as Pagetia, requires further investigation. Based on 11 hand samples, echinoderm population density (EPD) varies from 0.3 to 4.5 echinoderms per 50 grind points (0.06 to 0.96 echinoderms per cm2), depending on the percent coverage of skeletal debris. Crowding effect is evident when EPD is approximately 0.32 echinoderms per cm2 and the skeletal coverage is less than 20%.  相似文献   

Eocrinoids are scarce in the Guanshan Biota (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Yunnan Province, southwest China. Here, we introduce a new gogiid: Kunmingeocrinus cupuliformis n. gen. n. sp. which is characterized by a short stalk and a well-developed attachment disc. Preservation may indicate a weakly biomineralized body for the new taxon. Morphological similarities between the new taxon and other eocrinoids with attachment discs from Cambrian Lagerstätten of Guizhou Province (Series 2, Stage 4 and Miaolingian, Wuliuan) might suggest a similar mode of life. The eocrinoids from the Guanshan Biota possibly utilized different attachment modes.  相似文献   

Mariano Verde 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):77-80
Continental tetrapod coprolites from Uruguay are described for the first time. These remains come from the Piedra Pintada locality (Artigas Department), northern Uruguay, where the Sopas Formation crops out (Upper Pleistocene, Lujanian Stage). It was possible to identify several attributes indicative of a coprolitic origin, such as anisopolar shape, extrusion marks, pointed ends, sutures, gas bubbles, and inclusions. These specimens are assigned to carnivorous mammals, probably large felids, based on morphological attributes and inclusions of rodent bones and teeth.  相似文献   

The fossil fauna of the Santana Formation (Early Cretaceous) comprises many distinct taxa, but crocodylomorphs are poorly understood. Here we describe a new specimen (MPSC-R1137) that consists of a complete hind limb found in the Crato Member, the basal section of the Santana Formation. Based on the characteristics of the fibula (e.g., pronounced variation of the shaft width) and length proportions of the femur and tibia, this specimen can be distinguished from Caririsuchus camposi and Araripesuchus gomesii, which are known from the Romualdo Member (the upper lithostratigraphic unit of the Santana Formation). The only crocodylomorph formally described from the Crato Member is Susisuchus anatoceps, whose holotype lacks elements of the hind limb. On the basis of a comparative anatomical study of the hind limb, which shows no similarities between MPSC-R1137 and other crocodylomorphs from the Araripe Basin, we tentatively classify this new specimen as cf. Susisuchus sp., and provide new anatomical information for this rather derived crocodylomorph.   相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(3):298-305
Refinement of the Cambrian biozonation in the Parahio valley, Spiti region (Himalaya) leads to the demarcation of the stratigraphic distance between the Haydenaspis parvatya level (Series 2, Stage 4) and the Oryctocephalus indicus Biozone (base of the Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage), which has been a subject of debate. The present work suggests that these two trilobite beds in the Kaltarbo section are separated by 183.4 m of strata. Whether either taxon ranges beyond the beds they are found in this section or others in the Parahio Valley is yet unknown.  相似文献   

在安徽省萧县凤凰山剖面炒米店组中上部(江山阶上部到第十阶)岩层中采得丰富的索克虫科三叶虫标本。共计4属6种(含2新种), 包括Eosaukia bella (Walcott, 1906)、E. anhuiensis sp. nov.、Lophosaukia orientalis (Kobayashi, 1933)、Prosaukia campe (Walcott, 1905)和P. xiaoxianensis sp. nov.、Lichengia onigawara Kobayashi, 1942。在对属征进行修订与讨论的基础上, 通过对比这些属的模式种及其他种, 对4个旧种进行了再研究和种征厘定, 最后对这6个种的谱系关系展开了简要讨论。  相似文献   

Abundant specimens of Watsonella crosbyi are here documented for the first time from the Yanjiahe Formation in Three Gorges area, South China. Specimens were collected from siliceous-phosphatic, intraclastic limestones at the base of Bed 5 in the measured Yanjiahe section, indicating a Cambrian Stage 2 position for Bed 5. The widely used, regional Aldanella yanjiaheensis assemblage zone in Three Gorges area is revised herein as the Watsonella crosbyi zone, allowing for greater accuracy and utility when correlating on a global scale. The examination of microstructures of W. crosbyi further confirms that its shell consists of two layers: an outer prismatic layer and an inner lamello-fibrillar layer with a stepwise texture. A pair of muscle attachment sites below the apex provide new soft part information about Watsonella, confirming that Watsonella is an untorted helcionelloid (mollusc) with endogastrically coiled shell. The stratigraphic range of W. crosbyi in the Yanjiahe Formation correlates with the ranges of the taxon elsewhere in South China as well as in Siberia, Mongolia, Avalonia, Australia and France. Its nearly cosmopolitan distribution and its occurrence across a range of facies and palaeolatitudes reinforce the notion that the FAD of W. crosbyi represents the best candidate for defining the base of Cambrian Stage 2.  相似文献   

Schizopholis Waagen, 1885 is a genus of linguliform brachiopod, which is known from Cambrian Stage 4 to the Wuliuan Stage of Australia, Antarctica, Pakistan and China. Recently, new material of Schizopholis was discovered from the upper part of the Tsinghsutung Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) near Balang village, Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, China. These specimens display the oval pedicle opening in the ventral valve, a median tongue and a pair of tubercles in the dorsal valve that are characteristic features of Schizopholis napuru (Kruse, 1990). This is the first time that this species has been described from Guizhou Province, China. Previously, fossils of this species are usually preserved in carbonate deposits, but the new material documented herein preserved in mudstone of the Tsinghsutung Formation, providing new information regarding both the paleogeographic distribution and paleoecology of this species.  相似文献   

The bradoriids Hipponicharion aff. hispanicum and Wimanicharion aff. matthewi are reported from the lower and middle Cambrian strata of the Cadenas Ibéricas, Spain. The genus Hipponicharion seems to be restricted to the Acadobaltic Province. Wimanicharion has been recorded from Sweden and Canada (Nova Scotia). The new discovery of Wimanicharion in Spain indicates its similar palaeobiogeographical distribution to Hipponicharion.  相似文献   

Hyoliths are a group of Palaeozoic fossils with calcareous shells whose affinities remain controversial. As their shells were originally aragonitic, their fossils are usually coarsely recrystallized, and few data on their microstructure are available. We report hyoliths from the middle Cambrian (Drumian, Floran) Gowers Formation of the eastern Georgina Basin, Queensland. These are preserved as phosphatic internal moulds, often with the inner layers of the shell also partly replaced by phosphate. Microstructural details preserved by this early diagenetic phosphatization show that these hyolith conchs were originally composed of fibrous crystallites, c. 0.5 μm wide, parallel to one another and to the inner surface of the shell. In several species, the fibres are arranged in a plywood‐like structure composed of multiple lamellae with a different fibre orientation in each lamella: often they are transversely oriented (relative to the long axis of the conch) in the inner part of the wall and longitudinally oriented in the outer part. Opercula also show a microstructure of parallel fibres. The lamello‐fibrillar microstructure we report from hyoliths is reminiscent of microstructures of many Cambrian molluscs; that this microstructure is found in both conchs and opercula suggests that these structures are serial homologues of one another, and in this respect they resemble brachiopod valves. As with many other biological plywoods, the hyolith shell probably records self‐organization in a liquid‐crystal‐like organic matrix. This provided a straightforward way to construct a material that could resist stresses from different directions, offering an effective defence against predators.  相似文献   

With a particular focus on the earliest Cambrian diversification of small shelly fossils (SSFs), stratigraphic analysis was conducted on the lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member at the Hongjiachong section in the Chengjiang area, Yunnan, China. From ca. 3-m-thick bedded phosphorites (Unit A) in the lower part of the member, we recovered unique SSFs. This interval with 4 SSF-bearing horizons is characterized by the dominance in blade-shaped SSFs, including Halkieria spp., Brushenodus prionodes, Sinosachites delicatus, and Pteronus sp., and the absence of typical tube/cap-shape SSFs common in the Fortunian. This interval tentatively named “Halkieria-dominant interval” is stratigraphically positioned ca. 3 m below the previously known level of the oldest mollusks in the continuous bedded phosphorite sequence between the Anabarites trisulcatus-Protohertzina anabarica Assemblage Zone and the overlying Paragloborilus subglobosa-Purella squamulosa Assemblage Zone of the Fortunian (the earliest Cambrian). The “Halkieria-dominant interval” yields some SSFs likely affiliated with ostracods in view of size and morphology, suggesting that arthropod body fossils appeared in the Fortunian, considerably earlier than previously believed.  相似文献   

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