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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA7-encoded CTP synthetase is phosphorylated and stimulated by protein kinases A and C. Previous studies have revealed that Ser424 is the target site for protein kinase A. Using a purified S424A mutant CTP synthetase enzyme, we examined the effect of Ser424 phosphorylation on protein kinase C phosphorylation. The S424A mutation in CTP synthetase caused a 50% decrease in the phosphorylation of the enzyme by protein kinase C and an 80% decrease in the stimulatory effect on CTP synthetase activity by protein kinase C. The S424A mutation caused increases in the apparent Km values of CTP synthetase and ATP of 20-and 2-fold, respectively, in the protein kinase C reaction. The effect of the S424A mutation on the phosphorylation reaction was dependent on time and protein kinase C concentration. A CTP synthetase synthetic peptide (SLGRKDSHSA) containing Ser424 was a substrate for protein kinase C. Comparison of phosphopeptide maps of the wild type and S424A mutant CTP synthetase enzymes phosphorylated by protein kinases A and C indicated that Ser424 was also a target site for protein kinase C. Phosphorylation of Ser424 accounted for 10% of the total phosphorylation of CTP synthetase by protein kinase C. The incorporation of [methyl-3H]choline into phosphocholine, CDP-choline, and phosphatidylcholine in cells carrying the S424A mutant CTP synthetase enzyme was reduced by 48, 32, and 46%, respectively, when compared with control cells. These data indicated that phosphorylation of Ser424 by protein kinase A or by protein kinase C was required for maximum phosphorylation and stimulation of CTP synthetase and that the phosphorylation of this site played a role in the regulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis by the CDP-choline pathway.  相似文献   

The CKI1-encoded choline kinase (ATP:choline phosphotransferase, EC from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was phosphorylated in vivo on multiple serine residues. Activation of protein kinase A activity in vivo resulted in a transient increase in the phosphorylation of choline kinase. This phosphorylation was accompanied by a stimulation in choline kinase activity. In vitro, protein kinase A phosphorylated choline kinase on a serine residue with a stoichiometry (0.44 mol of phosphate/mol of choline kinase) consistent with one phosphorylation site/choline kinase subunit. The major phosphopeptide derived from the enzyme phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase A was common to one of the major phosphopeptides derived from the enzyme phosphorylated in vivo. Protein kinase A activity was dose- and time-dependent and dependent on the concentrations of ATP (Km 2.1 microM) and choline kinase (Km 0.12 microM). Phosphorylation of choline kinase with protein kinase A resulted in a stimulation (1.9-fold) in choline kinase activity whereas alkaline phosphatase treatment of choline kinase resulted in a 60% decrease in choline kinase activity. The mechanism of the protein kinase A-mediated stimulation in choline kinase activity involved an increase in the apparent Vmax values with respect to ATP (2.6-fold) and choline (2.7-fold). Overall, the results reported here were consistent with the conclusion that choline kinase was regulated by protein kinase A phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA7-encoded CTP synthetase is phosphorylated and stimulated by protein kinase C. We examined the hypothesis that Ser36, Ser330, Ser354, and Ser454, contained in a protein kinase C sequence motif in CTP synthetase, were target sites for the kinase. Synthetic peptides containing a phosphorylation motif at these serine residues served as substrates for protein kinase C in vitro. Ser --> Ala (S36A, S330A, S354A, and S454A) mutations in CTP synthetase were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed normally in a ura7 ura8 double mutant that lacks CTP synthetase activity. The CTP synthetase activity in extracts from cells bearing the S36A, S354A, and S454A mutant enzymes was reduced when compared with cells bearing the wild type enzyme. Kinetic analysis of purified mutant enzymes showed that the S36A and S354A mutations caused a decrease in the Vmax of the reaction. This regulation could be attributed in part by the effects phosphorylation has on the nucleotide-dependent oligomerization of CTP synthetase. In contrast, CTP synthetase activity in cells bearing the S330A mutant enzyme was elevated, and kinetic analysis of purified enzyme showed that the S330A mutation caused an elevation in the Vmax of the reaction. In vitro data indicated that phosphorylation of CTP synthetase at Ser330 affected the phosphorylation of the enzyme at another site. The phosphorylation of CTP synthetase at Ser36, Ser330, Ser354, and Ser454 residues was physiologically relevant. Cells bearing the S36A, S354A, and S454A mutations had reduced CTP levels, whereas cells with the S330A mutation had elevated CTP levels. The alterations in CTP levels correlated with the regulatory effects CTP has on the pathways responsible for the synthesis of the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

The regulation of phosphatidylcholine degradation as a function of the route of phosphatidylcholine (PC) synthesis and changing environmental conditions has been investigated in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the wild-type strains studied, deacylation of phosphatidylcholine to glycerophosphocholine is induced when choline is supplied to the culture medium and, also, when the culture temperature is raised from 30 to 37 degrees C. In strains bearing mutations in any of the genes encoding enzymes of the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis (CKI1, choline kinase; CPT1, 1, 2-diacylglycerol choline phosphotransferase; PCT1, CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase), no induction of phosphatidylcholine turnover and glycerophosphocholine production is seen in response to choline availability or elevated temperature. In contrast, the induction of phosphatidylcholine deacylation does occur in a strain bearing mutations in genes encoding enzymes of the methylation pathway for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis (i.e. CHO2/PEM1 and OPI3/PEM2). Whereas the synthesis of PC via CDP-choline is accelerated when shifted from 30 to 37 degrees C, synthesis of PC via the methylation pathway is largely unaffected by the temperature shift. These results suggest that the deacylation of PC to GroPC requires an active CDP-choline pathway for PC biosynthesis but not an active methylation pathway. Furthermore, the data indicate that the synthesis and turnover of CDP-choline-derived PC, but not methylation pathway-derived PC, are accelerated by the stress of elevated temperature.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI1-encoded choline kinase catalyzes the committed step in phosphatidylcholine synthesis via the Kennedy pathway. The enzyme is phosphorylated on multiple serine residues, and some of this phosphorylation is mediated by protein kinase A. In this work we examined the hypothesis that choline kinase is also phosphorylated by protein kinase C. Using choline kinase as a substrate, protein kinase C activity was dose- and time-dependent and dependent on the concentrations of choline kinase (K(m) = 27 microg/ml) and ATP (K(m) = 15 microM). This phosphorylation, which occurred on a serine residue, was accompanied by a 1.6-fold stimulation of choline kinase activity. The synthetic peptide SRSSSQRRHS (V5max/K(m) = 17.5 mm(-1) micromol min(-1) mg(-1)) that contains the protein kinase C motif for Ser25 was a substrate for protein kinase C. A Ser25 to Ala (S25A) mutation in choline kinase resulted in a 60% decrease in protein kinase C phosphorylation of the enzyme. Phosphopeptide mapping analysis of the S25A mutant enzyme confirmed that Ser25 was a protein kinase C target site. In vivo the S25A mutation correlated with a decrease (55%) in phosphatidylcholine synthesis via the Kennedy pathway, whereas an S25D phosphorylation site mimic correlated with an increase (44%) in phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Although the S25A (protein kinase C site) mutation did not affect the phosphorylation of choline kinase by protein kinase A, the S30A (protein kinase A site) mutation caused a 46% reduction in enzyme phosphorylation by protein kinase C. A choline kinase synthetic peptide (SQRRHSLTRQ) containing Ser30 was a substrate (V(max)/K(m) = 3.0 mm(-1) micromol min(-1) mg(-1)) for protein kinase C. Comparison of phosphopeptide maps of the wild type and S30A mutant choline kinase enzymes phosphorylated by protein kinase C confirmed that Ser30 was also a target site for protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The regulation of choline kinase (EC, the initial enzyme in the CDP-choline pathway, was examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The addition of myo-inositol to a culture of wild-type cells resulted in a significant decrease in choline kinase activity. Additional supplementation of choline caused a further reduction in the activity. The coding frame of the choline kinase gene, CK1, was joined to the carboxyl terminus of lacZ and expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein, which was then used to prepare an anti-choline kinase antibody. Upon Western (immuno-) and Northern (RNA) blot analyses using the antibody and a CK1 probe, respectively, the decrease in the enzyme activity was found to be correlated with decreases in the enzyme amount and mRNA abundance. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 66 kilodaltons, in agreement with the value predicted previously from the nucleotide sequence of the gene. The coding region of CK1 was replaced with that of lacZ, and CK1 expression was measured by assaying beta-galactosidase. The expression of beta-galactosidase from this fusion was repressed by myo-inositol and choline and derepressed in a time-dependent manner upon their removal. The present findings indicate that yeast choline kinase is regulated by myo-inositol and choline at the level of mRNA abundance.  相似文献   

In addition to the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine (PC) synthesis, the liver has a unique phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) methyltransferase activity for PC synthesis via three methylations of the ethanolamine moiety of PE. Previous studies indicate that the two pathways are functionally different and not interchangeable even though PC is the common product of both pathways. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that these two pathways produce different profiles of PC species. The PC species from these two pathways were labeled with specific stable isotope precursors, D9-choline and D4-ethanolamine, and analyzed by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Our studies revealed a profound distinction in PC profiles between the CDP-choline pathway and the PE methylation pathway. PC molecules produced from the CDP-choline pathway were mainly comprised of medium chain, saturated (e.g. 16:0/18:0) species. On the other hand, PC molecules from the PE methylation pathway were much more diverse and were comprised of significantly more long chain, polyunsaturated (e.g. 18:0/20:4) species. PC species from the methylation pathway contained a higher percentage of arachidonate and were more diverse than those from the CDP-choline pathway. This profound distinction of PC profiles may contribute to the different functions of these two pathways in the liver.  相似文献   

Splicing factor 1 (SF1) functions at early stages of pre-mRNA splicing and contributes to splice site recognition by interacting with the essential splicing factor U2AF65 and binding to the intron branch site. We have identified an 80 kDa substrate of cGMP-dependent protein kinase-I (PKG-I) isolated from rat brain, which is identical to SF1. PKG phosphorylates SF1 at Ser20, which inhibits the SF1-U2AF65 interaction leading to a block of pre-spliceosome assembly. Mutation of Ser20 to Ala or Thr also inhibits the interaction with U2AF65, indicating that Ser20 is essential for binding. SF1 is phosphorylated in vitro by PKG, but not by cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylation of SF1 also occurs in cultured neuronal cells and is increased on Ser20 in response to a cGMP analogue. These results suggest a new role for PKG in mammalian pre-mRNA splicing by regulating in a phosphorylation-dependent manner the association of SF1 with U2AF65 and spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

The SNF1 protein kinase complex plays an essential role in regulating gene expression in response to the level of extracellular glucose in budding yeast. SNF1 shares structural and functional similarities with mammalian AMP-activated protein kinase. Both kinases are activated by phosphorylation on a threonine residue within the activation loop segment of the catalytic subunit. Here we show that ADP is the long-sought metabolite that activates SNF1 in response to glucose limitation by protecting the enzyme against dephosphorylation by Glc7, its physiologically relevant protein phosphatase. We also show that the regulatory subunit of SNF1 has two ADP binding sites. The tighter site binds AMP, ADP, and ATP competitively with NADH, whereas the weaker site does not bind NADH, but is responsible for mediating the protective effect of ADP on dephosphorylation. Mutagenesis experiments suggest that the general mechanism by which ADP protects against dephosphorylation is strongly conserved between SNF1 and AMPK.  相似文献   

When faced with nutrient deprivation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells enter into a nondividing resting state, known as stationary phase. The Ras/PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase) signaling pathway plays an important role in regulating the entry into this resting state and the subsequent survival of stationary phase cells. The survival of these resting cells is also dependent upon autophagy, a membrane trafficking pathway that is induced upon nutrient deprivation. Autophagy is responsible for targeting bulk protein and other cytoplasmic constituents to the vacuolar compartment for their ultimate degradation. The data presented here demonstrate that the Ras/PKA signaling pathway inhibits an early step in autophagy because mutants with elevated levels of Ras/PKA activity fail to accumulate transport intermediates normally associated with this process. Quantitative assays indicate that these increased levels of Ras/PKA signaling activity result in an essentially complete block to autophagy. Interestingly, Ras/PKA activity also inhibited a related process, the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway that is responsible for the delivery of a subset of vacuolar proteins in growing cells. These data therefore indicate that the Ras/PKA signaling pathway is not regulating a switch between the autophagy and Cvt modes of transport. Instead, it is more likely that this signaling pathway is controlling an activity that is required during the early stages of both of these membrane trafficking pathways. Finally, the data suggest that at least a portion of the Ras/PKA effects on stationary phase survival are the result of the regulation of autophagy activity by this signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The URA7-encoded CTP synthetase [EC, UTP:ammonia ligase (ADP-forming)] in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is phosphorylated on a serine residue and stimulated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A) in vitro. In vivo, the phosphorylation of CTP synthetase is mediated by the RAS/cAMP pathway. In this work, we examined the hypothesis that amino acid residue Ser424 contained in a protein kinase A sequence motif in the URA7-encoded CTP synthetase is the target site for protein kinase A. A CTP synthetase synthetic peptide (SLGRKDSHSA) containing the protein kinase A motif was a substrate (Km = 30 microM) for protein kinase A. This peptide also inhibited (IC50 = 45 microM) the phosphorylation of purified wild-type CTP synthetase by protein kinase A. CTP synthetase with a Ser424 --> Ala (S424A) mutation was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutated enzyme was not phosphorylated in response to the activation of protein kinase A activity in vivo. Purified S424A mutant CTP synthetase was not phosphorylated and stimulated by protein kinase A. The S424A mutant CTP synthetase had reduced Vmax and elevated Km values for ATP and UTP when compared with the protein kinase A-phosphorylated wild-type enzyme. The specificity constants for ATP and UTP for the S424A mutant CTP synthetase were 4.2- and 2.9-fold lower, respectively, when compared with that of the phosphorylated enzyme. In addition, the S424A mutant enzyme was 2.7-fold more sensitive to CTP product inhibition when compared with the phosphorylated wild-type enzyme. These data indicated that the protein kinase A target site in CTP synthetase was Ser424 and that the phosphorylation of this site played a role in the regulation of CTP synthetase activity.  相似文献   

Kss1 protein kinase, and the homologous Fus3 kinase, are required for pheromone signal transduction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In MATa haploids exposed to alpha-factor, Kss1 was rapidly phosphorylated on both Thr183 and Tyr185, and both sites were required for Kss1 function in vivo. De novo protein synthesis was required for sustained pheromone-induced phosphorylation of Kss1. Catalytically inactive Kss1 mutants displayed alpha-factor-induced phosphorylation on both residues, even in kss1 delta cells; hence, autophosphorylation is not obligatory for these modifications. In kss1 delta fus3 delta double mutants, Kss1 phosphorylation was elevated even in the absence of pheromone; thus, cross-phosphorylation by Fus3 is not responsible for Kss1 activation. In contrast, pheromone-induced Kss1 phosphorylation was eliminated in mutants deficient in two other protein kinases, Ste11 and Ste7. A dominant hyperactive allele of STE11 caused a dramatic increase in the phosphorylation of Kss1, even in the absence of pheromone stimulation, but required Ste7 for this effect, suggesting an order of function: Ste11-->Ste7-->Kss1. When overproduced, Kss1 stimulated recovery from pheromone-imposed G1 arrest. Catalytic activity was essential for Kss1 function in signal transmission, but not for its recovery-promoting activity. Kss1 was found almost exclusively in the particulate material and its subcellular fractionation was unaffected by pheromone treatment. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated that Kss1 is concentrated in the nucleus and that its distribution is not altered detectably during signaling.  相似文献   

Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has five cyclin-dependent protein kinases (Cdks), Cdc28, Srb10, Kin28, Ctk1, and Pho85. Any of these Cdks requires a cyclin partner for its kinase activity and a Cdk/cyclin complex, thus produced, phosphorylates a set of specific substrate proteins to exert its function. The cyclin partners of Srb10, Kin28, and Ctk1 are Srb11, Ccl1, and Ctk2, respectively. In contrast to the fact that each of Srb10, Kin28, and Ctk1 has a single cyclin partner, Cdc28 and Pho85 are polygamous; Cdc28 has 9 cyclins and Pho85 has 10 cyclins. Among these Cdks, Kin28 and Cdc28 are essential Cdks and it is well known that Cdc28 kinase plays a major role in regulating cell cycle progression. Pho85 is a non-essential Cdk but its absence causes a broad spectrum of phenotypes such as constitutive expression of PHO5, inability to utilize non-fermentable carbon sources, defects in cell cycle progression, and so on. Pho85 homologues are expanding to higher eukaryotes. Pho85 is most closely related with Cdk5 in terms of the amino acid sequence. The functional analysis of the domains of Pho85 also supports the close relationship between Pho85 and Cdk5, in which it was shown that the method of regulation of these two kinases is similar. Furthermore, forced expression of the mammalian CDK5 gene in a pho85Delta strain canceled a part of the pho85 defects. In this review, we summarize the functions of both Pho85/cyclin kinase and emphasize yeast Pho85 as valuable model systems to elucidate the functions of their homologues in other organisms.  相似文献   

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