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We previously reported that p97/p47-assisted membrane fusion is important for the reassembly of organelles at the end of mitosis, but not for their maintenance during interphase. We have now identified a p97 adaptor protein, p37, which forms a complex with p97 in the cytosol and localizes to the Golgi and ER. siRNA experiments revealed that p37 is required for Golgi and ER biogenesis. Injection of anti-p37 antibodies into cells at different cell cycle stages showed that p37 plays an important role in both Golgi and ER maintenance during interphase as well as in their reassembly at the end of mitosis. In an in vitro Golgi reassembly assay, the p97/p37 complex has membrane fusion activity. In contrast to the p97/p47 pathway, this pathway requires p115-GM130 tethering and SNARE GS15, but not syntaxin5. Interestingly, although VCIP135 is also required, its deubiquitinating activity is unnecessary for p97/p37-mediated activities.  相似文献   

The ATPase p97 in complex with p47 participates in Golgi cisternae rebuilding after mitosis. In a Golgi-liposome assay, the complex triggered a phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)-promoted fusion. Here we show for the first time that fusion between mitotic Golgi membranes induced by adding cytosol or purified p97/p47 is modulated by PE present in Golgi membranes. Using model membranes, we demonstrate a PE-dependent recruitment of p97/p47 to membranes, causing dramatic conformational rearrangements and favoring protein-lipid interactions. Previously buried hydrophobic sites become exposed in a controlled manner, which leads to the penetration of (a) domain(s) of the complex into lipid bilayers, facilitated by a PE-dependent increase in headgroup spacing. In contrast, when facing phosphatidylcholine (PC) the complex clusters extensively. This implies that in the presence of PC protein-protein interactions rather than fusion-promoting protein-lipid interactions occur. Importantly, PE-mediated changes in secondary and tertiary structures are exclusively observed when p97 is complexed with p47, which is a prerequisite for membrane fusion. We therefore propose that at physiological conditions PE-induced conformational changes in p97/p47 are relevant in triggering this activity.  相似文献   

NSF and p97 are ATPases required for the heterotypic fusion of transport vesicles with their target membranes and the homotypic fusion of organelles. NSF uses ATP hydrolysis to dissociate NSF/SNAPs/SNAREs complexes, separating the v- and t-SNAREs, which are then primed for subsequent rounds of fusion. In contrast, p97 does not dissociate the p97/p47/SNARE complex even in the presence of ATP. Now we have identified a novel essential factor for p97/p47-mediated membrane fusion, named VCIP135 (valosin-containing protein [VCP][p97]/p47 complex-interacting protein, p135), and show that it binds to the p97/p47/syntaxin5 complex and dissociates it via p97 catalyzed ATP hydrolysis. In living cells, VCIP135 and p47 are shown to function in Golgi and ER assembly.  相似文献   

The molecular details of the biogenesis of double-membraned autophagosomes are poorly understood. We identify the Saccharomyces cerevisiae AAA–adenosine triphosphatase Cdc48 and its substrate-recruiting cofactor Shp1/Ubx1 as novel components needed for autophagosome biogenesis. In mammals, the Cdc48 homologue p97/VCP and the Shp1 homologue p47 mediate Golgi reassembly by extracting an unknown monoubiquitinated fusion regulator from a complex. We find no requirement of ubiquitination or the proteasome system for autophagosome biogenesis but detect interaction of Shp1 with the ubiquitin-fold autophagy protein Atg8. Atg8 coupled to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is crucial for autophagosome elongation and, in vitro, mediates tethering and hemifusion. Interaction with Shp1 requires an FK motif within the N-terminal non–ubiquitin-like Atg8 domain. Based on our data, we speculate that autophagosome formation, in contrast to Golgi reassembly, requires a complex in which Atg8 functionally substitutes ubiquitin. This, for the first time, would give a rationale for use of the ubiquitin-like Atg8 during macroautophagy and would explain why Atg8-PE delipidation is necessary for efficient macroautophagy.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the inheritance of the Golgi apparatus into the daughter cells during each cycle of cell division is mediated by a disassembly and reassembly process, and this process is precisely controlled by phosphorylation and ubiquitination. VCIP135 (valosin-containing protein p97/p47 complex–interacting protein, p135), a deubiquitinating enzyme required for p97/p47-mediated postmitotic Golgi membrane fusion, is phosphorylated at multiple sites during mitosis. However, whether phosphorylation directly regulates VCIP135 deubiquitinase activity and Golgi membrane fusion in the cell cycle remains unknown. We show that, in early mitosis, phosphorylation of VCIP135 by Cdk1 at a single residue, S130, is sufficient to inactivate the enzyme and inhibit p97/p47-mediated Golgi membrane fusion. At the end of mitosis, VCIP135 S130 is dephosphorylated, which is accompanied by the recovery of its deubiquitinase activity and Golgi reassembly. Our results demonstrate that phosphorylation and ubiquitination are coordinated via VCIP135 to control Golgi membrane dynamics in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

p97ATPase‐mediated membrane fusion is required for the biogenesis of the Golgi complex. p97 and its cofactor p47 function in soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein receptor (SNARE) priming, but the tethering complex for p97/p47‐mediated membrane fusion remains unknown. In this study, we identified formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase (FTCD) as a novel p47‐binding protein. FTCD mainly localizes to the Golgi complex and binds to either p47 or p97 via its association with their polyglutamate motifs. FTCD functions in p97/p47‐mediated Golgi reassembly at mitosis in vivo and in vitro via its binding to p47 and to p97. We also showed that FTCD, p47, and p97 form a big FTCD‐p97/p47‐FTCD tethering complex. In vivo tethering assay revealed that FTCD that was designed to localize to mitochondria caused mitochondria aggregation at mitosis by forming a complex with endogenous p97 and p47, which support a role for FTCD in tethering biological membranes in cooperation with the p97/p47 complex. Therefore, FTCD is thought to act as a tethering factor by forming the FTCD‐p97/p47‐FTCD complex in p97/p47‐mediated Golgi membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The AAA protein p97 requires adaptor-like cofactors for its numerous cellular functions. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Uchiyama et al. (2006) identify p37 as a p97 adaptor that is required constitutively for ER and Golgi membrane fusion, analogous to the mitotic membrane fusion role of the adaptor p47. Their study suggests that related p97 adaptors involved in similar cellular pathways can be subject to differential regulation.  相似文献   

ER dislocation: Cdc48p/p97 gets into the AAAct   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Misfolded or unassembled proteins present in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum are exported to the cytosol and degraded. Recent studies have implicated a complex containing the AAA ATPase Cdc48p/p97 in the export process.  相似文献   

The AAA-ATPase p97/Cdc48 functions in different cellular pathways using distinct sets of adapters and other cofactors. Together with its adaptor Ufd1-Npl4, it extracts ubiquitylated substrates from the membrane for subsequent delivery to the proteasome during ER-associated degradation. Together with its adaptor p47, on the other hand, it regulates several membrane fusion events, including reassembly of Golgi cisternae after mitosis. The finding of a ubiquitin-binding domain in p47 raises the question as to whether the ubiquitin-proteasome system is also involved in membrane fusion events. Here, we show that p97-p47-mediated reassembly of Golgi cisternae requires ubiquitin, but is not dependent on proteasome-mediated proteolysis. Instead, it requires the deubiquitinating activity of one of its cofactors, VCIP135, which reverses a ubiquitylation event that occurs during mitotic disassembly. Together, these data reveal a cycle of ubiquitylation and deubiquitination that regulates Golgi membrane dynamics during mitosis. Furthermore, they represent the first evidence for a proteasome-independent function of p97/Cdc48.  相似文献   

p47, a p97-binding protein, functions in Golgi membrane fusion together with p97 and VCIP135, another p97-binding protein. We have succeeded in creating p47 with a point mutation, F253S, which lacks p97-binding affinity. p47 mapping experiments revealed that p47 had two p97-binding regions and the F253S mutation occurred in the first p97-binding site. p47(F253S) could not form a complex with p97 and did not caused any cisternal regrowth in an in vitro Golgi reassembly assay. In addition, mutation corresponding to the p47 F253S mutation in p37 and ufd1 also abolished their binding ability to p97.

Structured summary

MINT-7987189, MINT-7987207, MINT-7987303: p47 (uniprotkb:O35987) binds (MI:0407) to p97 (uniprotkb:Q01853) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7987226: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) binds (MI:0407) to p47 (uniprotkb:O35987) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7987348: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Ufd1 (uniprotkb:P70362) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7987264: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) and p47 (uniprotkb:O35987) bind (MI:0407) by competition binding (MI:0405)MINT-7987326: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) binds (MI:0407) to p37 (uniprotkb:Q0KL01) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   

Sec7p directs the transitions required for yeast Golgi biogenesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi traffic in yeast proceeds by the maturation of membrane compartments from post-ER vesicles to intermediate small vesicle tubular clusters (VTCs) to Golgi nodular membrane networks (Morin-Ganet et al., Traffic 2000; 1: 56–68). The balance between ER and Golgi compartments is maintained by COPII- and COPI-mediated anterograde and retrograde traffic, which are dependent on Sec7p and ARF function. The sec7-4 temperature-sensitive allele is a mutation in the highly conserved Sec7 domain (Sec7d) found in all ARF-guanine nucleotide exchange factor proteins. Post-ER trafficking is rapidly inactivated in sec7-4 mutant yeast at the restrictive temperature. This conditional defect prevented the normal production of VTCs and instead generated Golgi-like tubes emanating from the ER exit sites. These tubes progressively developed into stacked cisternae defining the landmark sec7 mutant phenotype. Consistent with the in vivo results, a Sec7d peptide inhibited ER-to-Golgi transport and displaced Sec7p from its membrane anchor in vitro . The similarities in the consequences of inactivating Sec7p or ARFs in vivo was revealed by genetic disruption of yeast ARFs or by addition of brefeldin A (BFA) to whole cells. These treatments, as in sec7-4 yeast, affected the morphology of membrane compartments in the ER-Golgi transition. Further evidence for Sec7p involvement in the transition for Golgi biogenesis was revealed by in vitro binding between distinct domains of Sec7p with ARFs, COPI and COPII coat proteins. These results suggest that Sec7p coordinates membrane transitions in Golgi biogenesis by directing and scaffolding the binding and disassembly of coat protein complexes to membranes, both at the VTC transition from ER exit sites to form Golgi elements and for later events in Golgi maturation.  相似文献   

The AAA ATPase p97/VCP is involved in many cellular events including ubiquitin-dependent processes and membrane fusion. In the latter, the p97 adaptor protein p47 is of central importance. In order to provide insight into the molecular basis of p97 adaptor binding, we have determined the crystal structure of p97 ND1 domains complexed with p47 C-terminal domain at 2.9 A resolution. The structure reveals that the p47 ubiquitin regulatory X domain (UBX) domain interacts with the p97 N domain via a loop (S3/S4) that is highly conserved in UBX domains, but is absent in ubiquitin, which inserts into a hydrophobic pocket between the two p97 N subdomains. Deletion of this loop and point mutations in the loop significantly reduce p97 binding. This hydrophobic binding site is distinct from the predicted adaptor-binding site for the p97/VCP homologue N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor (NSF). Together, our data suggest that UBX domains may act as general p97/VCP/CDC48 binding modules and that adaptor binding for NSF and p97 might involve different binding sites. We also propose a classification for ubiquitin-like domains containing or lacking a longer S3/S4 loop.  相似文献   

In the last eighteen months, it has become clear that some classes of proteins are actively recruited into endoplasmic reticulum export carriers, whereas others are exported as bulk-flow cargo. Subsequent transport to the Golgi is mediated by tubulovesicular membranes. The anterograde membrane flow is compensated for by a retrograde pathway, which, in addition to the recycling of membrane and proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum, may play a role in anterograde cargo concentration.  相似文献   

Assembly of the ER to Golgi SNARE complex requires Uso1p   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Uso1p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein required for ER to Golgi transport, is homologous to the mammalian intra-Golgi transport factor p115. We have used genetic and biochemical approaches to examine the function of Uso1p. The temperature-sensitive phenotype of the uso1-1 mutant can be suppressed by overexpression of each of the known ER to Golgi v-SNAREs (Bet1p, Bos1p, Sec22p, and Ykt6p). Overexpression of two of them, BET1p and Sec22p, can also suppress the lethality of delta uso1, indicating that the SNAREs function downstream of Uso1p. In addition, overexpression of the small GTP-binding protein Ypt1p, or of a gain if function mutant (SLY1-20) of the t-SNARE associated protein Sly1p, also confers temperature resistance. Uso1p and Ypt1p appear to function in the same process because they have a similar set of genetic interactions with the v-SNARE genes, they exhibit a synthetic lethal interaction, and they are able to suppress temperature sensitive mutants of one another when overexpressed. Uso1p acts upstream of, or in conjunction with, Ypt1p because overexpression of Ypt1p allows a delta uso1 strain to grow, whereas overexpression of Uso1p does not suppress a delta ypt1 strain. Finally, biochemical analysis indicates that Uso1p, like Ypt1p, is required for assembly of the v-SNARE/t-SNARE complex. The implications of these findings, with respect to the mechanism of vesicle docking, are discussed.  相似文献   

The hexameric ATPase p97/yeast Cdc48p has been implicated in a number of cellular events that are regulated during mitosis, including homotypic membrane fusion, spindle pole body function, and ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation. p97/Cdc48p contains two conserved consensus p34cdc2 kinase phosphorylation sites within its second ATP binding domain. This domain is likely to play a role in stabilising the hexameric form of the protein. We therefore investigated whether p97 could be phosphorylated by p34cdc2 kinase in vitro, and whether phosphorylation might influence the oligomeric status of p97. Monomeric, but not hexameric, p97 was phosphorylated by p34cdc2 kinase, as was the p97-associated protein p47. However, phosphorylation by p34cdc2 kinase did not impair subsequent re-hexamerisation of p97, implying that the phosphorylated residue(s) are not critical for interaction between p97 monomers. Moreover, p97 within both interphase and mitotic cytosols was almost exclusively hexameric, suggesting that the activity of p97 is not regulated during mitosis by influencing the extent of oligomerisation.  相似文献   

The Golgi complex in mammalian cells forms a continuous ribbon of interconnected stacks of flat cisternae. We show here that this distinctive architecture reflects and requires the continuous input of membranes from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), in the form of pleiomorphic ER-to-Golgi carriers (EGCs). An important step in the biogenesis of the Golgi ribbon is the complete incorporation of the EGCs into the stacks. This requires the Golgi-matrix protein GM130, which continuously cycles between the cis-Golgi compartments and the EGCs. On acquiring GM130, the EGCs undergo homotypic tethering and fusion, maturing into larger and more homogeneous membrane units that appear primed for incorporation into the Golgi stacks. In the absence of GM130, this process is impaired and the EGCs remain as distinct entities. This induces the accumulation of tubulovesicular membranes, the shortening of the cisternae, and the breakdown of the Golgi ribbon. Under these conditions, however, secretory cargo can still be delivered to the Golgi complex, although this occurs less efficiently, and apparently through transient and/or limited continuities between the EGCs and the Golgi cisternae.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus contains thousands of different types of integral and peripheral membrane proteins, perhaps more than any other intracellular organelle. To understand these proteins' roles in Golgi function and in broader cellular processes, it is useful to categorize them according to their contribution to Golgi creation and maintenance. This is because all of the Golgi's functions derive from its ability to maintain steady-state pools of particular proteins and lipids, which in turn relies on the Golgi's dynamic character - that is, its ongoing state of transformation and outgrowth from the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, we categorize the expanding list of Golgi-associated proteins on the basis of their role in Golgi reformation after the Golgi has been disassembled. Information gained on how different proteins participate in this process can provide important insights for understanding the Golgi's global functions within cells.  相似文献   

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