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Evolutionary theories of ageing posit that increased reproductive investment occurs at the expense of physiological declines in later life. Males typically invest heavily in costly sexual ornaments and behaviour, but evidence that the expression of these traits can cause senescence is lacking. Long-lived houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata) engage in extravagant sexual displays to attract mates and here we show that males investing most in these displays experience a rapid senescent deterioration of spermatogenic function at a younger age. This effect is sufficiently large that the expected links between male 'showiness' and fertility reverse in later life, despite 'showy' males continuing to display at near maximal levels. We show that our results cannot be explained by the selective disappearance of competitive phenotypes and that they are instead consistent with an early vs. late life trade-off in male reproductive competence, highlighting the potential significance of sexual selection in explaining rates of ageing.  相似文献   

Should attractive males have more sons?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is often argued that females with attractive partners shouldproduce more sons because these sons will inherit their father'sattractiveness. Numerous field and laboratory studies have addressedthis hypothesis, with inconsistent results, but there is surprisinglylittle theoretical work on the topic. Here, we present an extensiveinvestigation of the link between male attractiveness and offspringsex ratios, using evolutionary, individual-based computer simulations.In situations where sexual selection leads to the stable exaggerationof a costly male trait and a costly female preference, we findthat females with attractive partners produce more sons thanfemales with unattractive partners. This same qualitative patternis seen for a wide range of different models, with discreteor continuous variation in the male trait, under Fisherian orgood-genes sexual selection and for abrupt or gradual sex ratioadjustment. However, in all simulations, it takes a huge numberof generations to evolve, suggesting that selection acting onsex ratio adjustment is weak. Our models ignore many potentialcosts and constraints associated with manipulation, which impliesthat selection may be weaker still in natural populations. Theseresults may explain why published evidence for sex ratio biasin relation to male attractiveness is mixed.  相似文献   

Individuals observing a proficient model can potentially benefit by copying at least one of the following three elements: motor movements (i.e., actions), goals, and results. Although several studies have investigated this issue in human infants, there are still very few studies that have systematically examined great apes’ ability to spontaneously copy each of these three elements (particularly in comparison with human infants). We tested great apes and human children with eight two-target puzzle boxes—with varying levels of difficulty—to isolate the aspects that the various species may be more prone to copying. We found first trial evidence for observational learning of actions, goals, and results in children. Some copying was found for apes as well, but only if their performance was averaged across trials.  相似文献   

Joint group membership is of major importance for cooperation in humans, and close ties or familiarity with a partner are also thought to promote cooperation in other animals. Here, we present the opposite pattern: female cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus, behave more cooperatively (by feeding more against their preference) when paired with an unfamiliar male rather than with their social partner. We propose that cooperation based on asymmetric punishment causes this reversed pattern. Males are larger than and dominant to female partners and are more aggressive to unfamiliar than to familiar female partners. In response, females behave more cooperatively with unfamiliar male partners. Our data suggest that in asymmetric interactions, weaker players might behave more cooperatively with out-group members than with in-group members to avoid harsher punishment.  相似文献   

Females tend to provide more parental care than males. Previous efforts to account for this have been confused because it is difficult to express the costs of care for males and females in the same currency. Here I propose a null model that does so, using the Fisherian constraint that total male and female reproduction must be equal. The model shows that, contrary to a number of recent analyses, lower probability of parentage for males does tend to make males less likely than females to provide care. It also shows how sexual selection stemming from premating asymmetries in investment promotes similar post-mating asymmetries.  相似文献   

Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are obligate brood parasites. Only females search for host nests and they find host nests one or more days before placing eggs in them. Past work has shown that females have a larger hippocampus than males, but sex differences in spatial cognition have not been extensively investigated. We tested cowbirds for sex and seasonal differences in spatial memory on a foraging task with an ecologically relevant retention interval. Birds were trained to find one rewarded location among 25 after 24 h. Females made significantly fewer errors than males and took more direct paths to the rewarded location than males. Females and males showed similar search times, indicating there was no sex difference in motivation. This sex difference in spatial cognition is the reverse of that observed in some polygynous mammals and is consistent with the hypothesis that spatial cognition is adaptively specialized in this brood-parasitic species.  相似文献   

Since cuckoldry risk is asymmetrical, we hypothesized that parental investment would be more affected by paternal than maternal resemblance. To test this hypothesis, we asked subjects hypothetical questions about investing in children under conditions in which their faces or those of other people had been morphed with photographs of children. Males were more likely to choose a face they had been morphed with as the most attractive, the child they were most likely to adopt, the child they would like to spend the most time with, the child they would spend US$50 on, and the child they would least resent having to pay child support for. Reactions to children's faces by females were much less affected by resemblance.  相似文献   

Morphological structures used as weapons in male–male competition are not only costly to develop but are also probably costly to maintain during adulthood. Therefore, having weapons could reduce the energy available for other fitness‐enhancing actions, such as post‐copulatory investment. We tested the hypothesis that armed males make lower post‐copulatory investments than unarmed males, and that this difference will be most pronounced under food‐limited conditions. We performed two experiments using the male‐dimorphic bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini, in which males are either armed “fighters” or unarmed “scramblers.” Firstly, we tested whether fighters and scramblers differed in their reproductive output after being starved or fed for 1 or 2 weeks. Secondly, we measured the reproductive output of scramblers and fighters (starved or fed) after one, two or three consecutive matings. Scramblers sired more offspring than fighters after 1 week, but scramblers and fighters only sired a few offspring after 2 weeks. Scramblers also sired more offspring than fighters at the first mating, and males rarely sired offspring after consecutive matings. Contrary to our hypothesis, the fecundity of starved and fed males did not differ. The higher reproductive output of scramblers suggests that, regardless of nutritional state, scramblers make larger post‐copulatory investments than fighters. Alternatively, (cryptic) female choice generally favours scramblers. Why the morphs differed in their reproductive output is unclear. Neither morph performed well relatively late in life or after multiple matings. It remains to be investigated to what extent the apparent scrambler advantage contributes to the maintenance and evolution of male morph expression.  相似文献   

Females of many bird species prefer mating with older males, presumably because they provide superior parental care and possibly superior genes. A previous study found that female small tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus) preferred pairing with old males and had a higher breeding success when paired with old males because their nests were more concealed, higher up in the canopy and therefore less likely to be depredated. However, causes for brood loss have changed over the last decade: predation of small tree finch nests has decreased, whereas brood losses due to parasitism by the invasive parasitic fly Philornis downsi have increased. In the present study, we investigated (a) how the change in predation and parasitism by P. downsi influenced the breeding success of small tree finches, (b) whether there were still differences in breeding success between young and old males, (c) whether P. downsi infestation had a differential effect on nests of young and old males and (d) whether young and old males differed in foraging success. During 2012–2016, we found an overall low influence of predation and a high influence of P. downsi, but neither differed between nests of young and old males. Nests of old males had more fledglings than those of young males. However, the difference in breeding success disappeared when P. downsi numbers were experimentally reduced by injecting an insecticide into nests. This indicates that older males were able to compensate for the detrimental effects of parasitism.  相似文献   

Plumage coloration has long been studied as a sexually selected character. The tawny-bellied seedeater, Sporophila hypoxantha, is a sexually dichromatic species, with adult males the more colorful sex and juvenile males indistinguishable from females. We did choice experiments to evaluate female preferences for males that differ in age or plumage coloration. Females were evaluated in three experiments: (1) choice between males with similar breast brightness that differed in age, (2) choice between males of 2 years of age that differed in breast brightness, and (3) choice between males of 3 or more years of age that differed in breast brightness. We also repeated the latter experiment with estradiol-treated females. We did not find a clear female preference for brighter or older males, as females spent the same proportion of time with males of similar breast brightness that differed in age or with males of similar age that differed in breast brightness. Our results do not support the hypothesis that breast brightness is a cue used by female tawny-bellied seedeaters at the time of choosing males. We propose that, in this species, male plumage coloration might play a role in intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

Observed economic and labor disparities between the sexes may, in part, result from evolved sex differences in risk preferences. Using incentivized economic games, we report on sex differences in risk preferences in the Hadza, a population of hunter-gatherers. One game played in 2010 (n = 233) found that more Hadza males than females prefer to gamble for a chance to earn more maize rather than settle for a sure, but smaller, amount. Similarly, a second game played in 2013 (n = 102) found that male Hadza gamble a greater proportion of honey for a chance to earn more compared to female Hadza. Effect sizes are small to medium. We find weak evidence that risk-taking increases in men as their mating opportunities increase. In both games, the sex difference widens throughout childhood and is greatest among adolescents; though note that child samples are small. We explore developmental trends further using observational data on food returns in children (n = 357). Our data suggest that while the mean number of calories boys bring to camp remains stable with age, the variance in their caloric returns increases. Among girls, the variance remains stable with increased age. Both the economic games and food return data are consistent with the sexual division of labor wherein boys, beginning in late childhood, begin to target riskier foods. To the extent that the Hadza allow us to make inferences about long-standing patterns of human behavior, we suggest that sex differences in risk preferences may have been present long before agriculture and the modern work environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Many animals adjust their reproductive investment in line with their current competitive abilities. High-quality individuals may breed in the peak breeding period because they...  相似文献   

Notch signal transduction: a real rip and more   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The Notch signaling pathway functions in a wide variety of processes that regulate tissue patterning and morphogenesis in developing vertebrates and invertebrates. Research on the mechanism of ligand-induced Notch signal transduction has revealed a novel and essential element in the signal cascade. Some recent findings support a model in which sequential proteolytic cleavage serves to regulate Notch signal transduction.  相似文献   

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