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Repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) by the nonhomologous end-joining pathway in mammals requires at least seven proteins involved in a simplified two-step process: (i) recognition and synapsis of the DNA ends dependent on the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) formed by the Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer and the catalytic subunit DNA-PKcs in association with Artemis; (ii) ligation dependent on the DNA ligase IV.XRCC4.Cernunnos-XLF complex. The Artemis protein exhibits exonuclease and endonuclease activities that are believed to be involved in the processing of a subclass of DSB. Here, we have analyzed the interactions of Artemis and nonhomologous end-joining pathway proteins both in a context of human nuclear cell extracts and in cells. DSB-inducing agents specifically elicit the mobilization of Artemis to damaged chromatin together with DNA-PK and XRCC4/ligase IV proteins. DNA-PKcs is necessary for the loading of Artemis on damaged DNA and is the main kinase that phosphorylates Artemis in cells damaged with highly efficient DSB producers. Under kinase-preventive conditions, both in vitro and in cells, Ku-mediated assembly of DNA-PK on DNA ends is responsible for a dissociation of the DNA-PKcs.Artemis complex. Conversely, DNA-PKcs kinase activity prevents Artemis dissociation from the DNA-PK.DNA complex. Altogether, our data allow us to propose a model in which a DNA-PKcs-mediated phosphorylation is necessary both to activate Artemis endonuclease activity and to maintain its association with the DNA end site. This tight functional coupling between the activation of both DNA-PKcs and Artemis may avoid improper processing of DNA.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair and DNA damage signalling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stojic L  Brun R  Jiricny J 《DNA Repair》2004,3(8-9):1091-1101
Postreplicative mismatch repair (MMR) increases the fidelity of DNA replication by up to three orders of magnitude, through correcting DNA polymerase errors that escaped proofreading. MMR also controls homologous recombination (HR) by aborting strand exchange between divergent DNA sequences. In recent years, MMR has also been implicated in the response of mammalian cells to DNA damaging agents. Thus, MMR-deficient cells were shown to be around 100-fold more resistant to killing by methylating agents of the S(N)1type than cells with functional MMR. In the case of cisplatin, the sensitivity difference was lower, typically two- to three-fold, but was observed in all matched MMR-proficient and -deficient cell pairs. More controversial is the role of MMR in cellular response to other DNA damaging agents, such as ionizing radiation (IR), topoisomerase poisons, antimetabolites, UV radiation and DNA intercalators. The MMR-dependent DNA damage signalling pathways activated by the above agents are also ill-defined. To date, signalling cascades involving the Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR), as well as the stress-activated kinases JNK/SAPK and p38alpha have been linked with methylating agent and 6-thioguanine (TG) treatments, while cisplatin damage was reported to activate the c-Abl and JNK/SAPK kinases in MMR-dependent manner. MMR defects are found in several different cancer types, both familiar and sporadic, and it is possible that the involvement of the MMR system in DNA damage signalling play an important role in transformation. The scope of this article is to provide a brief overview of the recent literature on this subject and to raise questions that could be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Artemis gene are causative in a subset of human severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCIDs) and Artemis-deficient cells exhibit radiation sensitivity and defective V(D)J recombination, implicating Artemis function in non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Here we show that Artemis-deficient cells from Athabascan-speaking Native American SCID patients (SCIDA) display significantly elevated sensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR) but only a very subtle defect in DNA double-strand (DSB) break repair in contrast to the severe DSB repair defect of NHEJ-deficient cells. Primary human SCIDA fibroblasts accumulate and exhibit persistent arrest at both the G1/S and G2/M boundaries in response to IR, consistent with the presence of persistent DNA damage. Artemis protein is phosphorylated in a PI3-like kinase-dependent manner after either IR or a number of other DNA damaging treatments including etoposide, but SCIDA cells are not hypersensitive to treatment with etoposide. Inhibitor studies with various DNA damaging agents establish multiple phosphorylation states and suggest multiple kinases function in Artemis phosphorylation. We observe that Artemis phosphorylation occurs rapidly after irradiation like that of histone H2AX. However, unlike H2AX, Artemis de-phosphorylation is uncoupled from overall DNA repair and correlates instead with cell cycle progression to or through mitosis. Our results implicate a direct and non-redundant function of Artemis in the repair of a small subset of DNA double-strand breaks, possibly those with hairpin termini, which may account for the pronounced radiation sensitivity observed in Artemis-deficient cells.  相似文献   

Chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs) have the potential to permanently arrest cell cycle progression and endanger cell survival. They must therefore be efficiently repaired to preserve genome integrity and functionality. Homologous recombination (HR) provides an important error-free mechanism for DSB repair in mammalian cells. In addition to RAD51, the central recombinase activity in mammalian cells, a family of proteins known as the RAD51 paralogs and consisting of five proteins (RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2 and XRCC3), play an essential role in the DNA repair reactions through HR. The RAD51 paralogs act to transduce the DNA damage signal to effector kinases and to promote break repair. However, their precise cellular functions are not fully elucidated. Here we discuss recent advances in our understanding of how these factors mediate checkpoint responses and act in the HR repair process. In addition, we highlight potential functional similarities with the BRCA2 tumour suppressor, through the recently reported links between RAD51 paralog deficiencies and tumorigenesis triggered by genome instability.  相似文献   

DNA damage response and Ku80 function in the vertebrate embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Artemis:DNA-PKcs endonuclease cleaves DNA loops, flaps, and gaps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ma Y  Schwarz K  Lieber MR 《DNA Repair》2005,4(7):845-851
In eukaryotic cells, nonhomologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) is a major pathway for repair of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs). Artemis and the 469kDa DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) together form a key nuclease for NHEJ in vertebrate organisms. The structure-specific endonucleolytic activity of Artemis is activated by binding to and phosphorylation by DNA-PKcs. We tested various DNA structures in order to understand the range of structural features that are recognized by the Artemis:DNA-PKcs complex. We find that all tested substrates that contain single-to-double-strand transitions can be cleaved by the Artemis:DNA-PKcs complex near the transition region. The cleaved substrates include heterologous loops, stem-loops, flaps, and gapped substrates. Such versatile activity on single-/double-strand transition regions is important in understanding how reconstituted NHEJ systems that lack DNA polymerases can join incompatible DNA ends and yet preserve 3' overhangs. Additionally, the flexibility of the Artemis:DNA-PKcs nuclease may be important in removing secondary structures that hinder processing of DNA ends during NHEJ.  相似文献   

Artemis is a recently identified factor involved in V(D)J recombination and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. Here, we performed targeted disruption of the Artemis gene (ARTEMIS) in the human pre-B cell line Nalm-6. Unexpectedly, we found that cells lacking Artemis exhibit increased sensitivity to low doses, but not high doses, of ionizing radiation. We also show that ARTEMIS-deficient cells are hypersensitive to the topoisomerase II inhibitor etoposide, but to a much lesser extent than cells lacking DNA ligase IV, a critical component of NHEJ. Unlike DNA ligase IV-deficient cells, ARTEMIS-deficient cells were not hypersensitive to ICRF-193, a topoisomerase II inhibitor that does not stabilize topoisomerase II-DNA cleavable complexes. Collectively, our results suggest that Artemis only partially participates in the NHEJ pathway to repair DSBs in human somatic cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that arrest of mammalian cells at the G(2)/M checkpoint involves inactivation and translocation of Cdc25C, which is mediated by phosphorylation of Cdc25C on serine 216. Data obtained with a phospho-specific antibody against serine 216 suggest that activation of the DNA damage checkpoint is accompanied by an increase in serine 216 phosphorylated Cdc25C in the nucleus after exposure of cells to gamma-radiation. Prior treatment of cells with 2 mM caffeine inhibits such a change and markedly reduces radiation-induced ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM)-dependent Chk2/Cds1 activation and phosphorylation. Chk2/Cds1 is known to localize in the nucleus and to phosphorylate Cdc25C at serine 216 in vitro. Caffeine does not inhibit Chk2/Cds1 activity directly, but rather, blocks the activation of Chk2/Cds1 by inhibiting ATM kinase activity. In vitro, ATM phosphorylates Chk2/Cds1 at threonine 68 close to the N terminus, and caffeine inhibits this phosphorylation with an IC(50) of approximately 200 microM. Using a phospho-specific antibody against threonine 68, we demonstrate that radiation-induced, ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Chk2/Cds1 at this site is caffeine-sensitive. From these results, we propose a model wherein caffeine abrogates the G(2)/M checkpoint by targeting the ATM-Chk2/Cds1 pathway; by inhibiting ATM, it prevents the serine 216 phosphorylation of Cdc25C in the nucleus. Inhibition of ATM provides a molecular explanation for the increased radiosensitivity of caffeine-treated cells.  相似文献   

Genome damaging events, such as gamma-irradiation exposure, result in the induction of pathways that activate DNA repair mechanisms, halt cell cycle progression, and/or trigger apoptosis. We have investigated the effects of gamma-irradiation on cellular levels of the Ku autoantigens. Ku70 and Ku80 have been shown to form a heterodimeric complex that can bind tightly to free DNA ends and activate the protein kinase DNA-PKcs. We have found that irradiation results in an up-regulation of cellular levels of Ku70, but not Ku80, and that this enhanced level of Ku70 accumulates within the nucleus. Further, we uncovered that the postirradiation up-regulation of Ku70 utilizes a mechanism that is dependent on both p53 and damage response protein kinase ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated); however, the activation of DNA-PK does not require Ku70 up-regulation. These findings suggest that Ku70 up-regulation provides the cell with a means of assuring either proper DNA repair or an appropriate response to DNA damage independent of DNA-PKcs activation.  相似文献   

A new approach to cancer and new methods in examining rare human chromosome breakage syndromes have brought to light complex interactions between different pathways involved in damage response, cell cycle checkpoint control and DNA repair. The genes affected in these different syndromes are involved in networks of processes that respond to DNA damage and prevent chromosomal aberrations during the cell cycle. The genes involved include the ATM, ATR, FA-associated genes, NBS1 and the cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2. Chromosomal instability is a common feature of many human cancers and most of the instability syndromes, characterized by sensitivity to different types of DNA damage, also show increased cancer susceptibility. Better understanding of these syndromes and their links with familial cancer provide new insight into associations between defects in DNA damage response, cell cycle control, DNA repair and cancer. Understanding the damage response repair networks that these studies are revealing will have important implications for the development of cancer management and treatment.  相似文献   

Histone/protein deacetylases play multiple roles in regulating gene expression and protein activation and stability. Their deregulation during cancer initiation and progression cause resistance to therapy. Here, we review the role of histone deacetylases (HDACs) and the NAD+ dependent sirtuins (SIRTs) in the DNA damage response (DDR). These lysine deacetylases contribute to DNA repair by base excision repair (BER), nucleotide excision repair (NER), mismatch repair (MMR), non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HR) and interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair. Furthermore, we discuss possible mechanisms whereby these histone/protein deacetylases facilitate the switch between DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways, how SIRTs play a central role in the crosstalk between DNA repair and cell death pathways due to their dependence on NAD+, and the influence of small molecule HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) on cancer cell resistance to genotoxin based therapies. Throughout the review, we endeavor to identify the specific HDAC targeted by HDACi leading to therapy sensitization.  相似文献   

Granzyme A (GzmA) induces caspase-independent cell death with morphological features of apoptosis. Here, we show that GzmA at nanomolar concentrations cleaves Ku70, a key double-strand break repair (DSBR) protein, in target cells. Ku70 is cut after Arg(301), disrupting Ku complex binding to DNA. Cleaving Ku70 facilitates GzmA-mediated cell death, as silencing Ku70 by RNA interference increases DNA damage and cell death by GzmB cluster-deficient cytotoxic T lymphocytes or by GzmA and perforin, whereas Ku70 overexpression has the opposite effect. Ku70 has two known antiapoptotic effects-facilitating DSBR and sequestering bax to prevent its translocation to mitochondria. However, GzmA triggers single-stranded, not double-stranded, DNA damage, and GzmA-induced cell death does not involve bax. Therefore, Ku70 has other antiapoptotic functions in GzmA-induced cell death, which are blocked when GzmA proteolyses Ku70.  相似文献   

In response to DNA damage, checkpoint signalling protects genome integrity at the cost of repressing cell cycle progression and DNA replication. Mechanisms for checkpoint down‐regulation are therefore necessary for proper cellular proliferation. We recently uncovered a phosphatase‐independent mechanism for dampening checkpoint signalling, where the checkpoint adaptor Rad9 is counteracted by the repair scaffolds Slx4‐Rtt107. Here, we establish the molecular requirements for this new mode of checkpoint regulation. We engineered a minimal multi‐BRCT‐domain (MBD) module that recapitulates the action of Slx4‐Rtt107 in checkpoint down‐regulation. MBD mimics the damage‐induced Dpb11‐Slx4‐Rtt107 complex by synergistically interacting with lesion‐specific phospho‐sites in Ddc1 and H2A. We propose that efficient recruitment of Dpb11‐Slx4‐Rtt107 or MBD via a cooperative ‘two‐site‐docking’ mechanism displaces Rad9. MBD also interacts with the Mus81 nuclease following checkpoint dampening, suggesting a spatio‐temporal coordination of checkpoint signalling and DNA repair via a combinatorial mode of BRCT‐domains interactions.  相似文献   

The Mre11 complex is a central component of the DNA damage response, with roles in damage sensing, molecular bridging, and end resection. We have previously shown that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ku70 (yKu70) deficiency reduces the ionizing radiation sensitivity of mre11Δ mutants. In this study, we show that yKu70 deficiency suppressed the camptothecin (CPT) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) sensitivity of nuclease-deficient mre11-3 and sae2Δ mutants in an Exo1-dependent manner. CPT-induced G(2)/M arrest, γ-H2AX persistence, and chromosome breaks were elevated in mre11-3 mutants. These outcomes were reduced by yKu70 deficiency. Given that the genotoxic effects of CPT are manifest during DNA replication, these data suggest that Ku limits Exo1-dependent double-strand break (DSB) resection during DNA replication, inhibiting the initial processing steps required for homology-directed repair. We propose that Mre11 nuclease- and Sae2-dependent DNA end processing, which initiates DSB resection prevents Ku from engaging DSBs, thus promoting Exo1-dependent resection. In agreement with this idea, we show that Ku affinity for binding to short single-stranded overhangs is much lower than for blunt DNA ends. Collectively, the data define a nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)-independent, S-phase-specific function of the Ku heterodimer.  相似文献   

Cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs) are proteins produced and secreted by facultative pathogenic strains of Gram-negative bacteria with potentially genotoxic effects. Mammalian cells exposed to CDTs undergo cell type-dependent cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis; however, the cell fate responses to such intoxication are mechanistically incompletely understood. Here we show that both normal and cancer cells (BJ, IMR-90 and WI-38 fibroblasts, HeLa and U2-OS cell lines) that survive the acute phase of intoxication by Haemophilus ducreyi CDT possess the hallmarks of cellular senescence. This characteristic phenotype included persistently activated DNA damage signalling (detected as 53BP1/γH2AX+ foci), enhanced senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity, expansion of promyelocytic leukaemia nuclear compartments and induced expression of several cytokines (especially interleukins IL-6, IL-8 and IL-24), overall features shared by cells undergoing replicative or premature cellular senescence. We conclude that analogous to oncogenic, oxidative and replicative stresses, bacterial intoxication represents another pathophysiological stimulus that induces premature senescence, an intrinsic cellular response that may mechanistically underlie the 'distended' morphology evoked by CDTs. Finally, the activation of the two anticancer barriers, apoptosis and cellular senescence, together with evidence of chromosomal aberrations (micronucleation) reported here, support the emerging genotoxic and potentially oncogenic effects of this group of bacterial toxins, and warrant further investigation of their role(s) in human disease.  相似文献   

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