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Cameron EL 《Chemical senses》2007,32(8):775-782
Although considerable anecdotal evidence suggests that pregnancy affects olfactory sensitivity, scientific evidence is limited and inconclusive. Whereas hedonic ratings are affected by pregnancy, odor identification is not. The aim of the current study was to examine odor perception in women across pregnancy and in the postpartum period. One hundred nonsmoking women who were pregnant, postpartum, or had never been pregnant were tested on the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT). Intensity ratings and scratch patterns were collected as potential indicators of sensitivity, and participants rated the odors' pleasantness. Participants also rated their own sense of smell. Mean UPSIT scores did not differ significantly across groups indicating no difference in odor identification. Trends in planned comparisons suggested that in the first trimester, odors were rated as more intense and less pleasant. In the first trimester, women scratched the odor strips significantly fewer times. Consistent with previous reports, 90% of pregnant women reported that specific odors smelled less pleasant and 60% reported that some odors smelled more pleasant. Although nearly two-thirds of pregnant women rated their olfactory sensitivity to be enhanced during pregnancy and overall pregnant women's self-rated olfactory sensitivity was higher than controls', self-ratings were not correlated with UPSIT scores nor odor intensity ratings. These results suggest that these and previous findings may reflect the fact that the effect of pregnancy on olfaction is small and inconsistent.  相似文献   

The Odor Awareness Scale (OAS) is a questionnaire designed to assess individual differences in awareness of odors in the environment. The theory that odor awareness can be distinguished in awareness of negative (to be avoided) odors and positive (to be approached) odors was tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the 34-item questionnaire after completion by 525 respondents. CFA (after deletion of 2 items) showed good fit of the 2-factor theory, resulting in a positive awareness subscale (11 items, Cronbach's alpha = .77) and a negative awareness subscale (21 items, Cronbach's alpha = .80). Furthermore, reports of sickness from environmental odors were correlated with the negative odor awareness factor, not the positive odor awareness factor. Respondents scoring high on the overall sum score of the OAS showed significantly better olfactory performance on an odor perception test battery than respondents with a low score. These results suggest a causal relation between awareness of potentially negative odors, olfactory performance and experiencing health effects from environmental odor exposure, that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The olfactory cortex encompasses several anatomically distinct regions each hypothesized to provide differential representation and processing of specific odors. Studies exploring whether or not the diversity of olfactory bulb input to olfactory cortices has functional meaning, however, are lacking. Here we tested whether two anatomically major olfactory cortical structures, the olfactory tubercle (OT) and piriform cortex (PCX), differ in their neural representation and processing dynamics of a small set of diverse odors by performing in vivo extracellular recordings from the OT and PCX of anesthetized mice. We found a wealth of similarities between structures, including odor-evoked response magnitudes, breadth of odor tuning, and odor-evoked firing latencies. In contrast, only few differences between structures were found, including spontaneous activity rates and odor signal-to-noise ratios. These results suggest that despite major anatomical differences in innervation by olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells, the basic features of odor representation and processing, at least within this limited odor set, are similar within the OT and PCX. We predict that the olfactory code follows a distributed processing stream in transmitting behaviorally and perceptually-relevant information from low-level stations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate olfactory threshold, odor identification, consistency of label use and their relationships to odor memory in the context of semantic/episodic memory across the human lifespan. A total of 137 subjects aged 4-90 years were tested with several olfactory test procedures. We found that olfactory sensitivity was well developed in children despite the finding that their odor naming and odor memory were inferior to that of adults. In the elderly population, olfactory functions gradually declined, with odor memory and odor identification demonstrating the most significant decline. Semantic encoding was differentially related to odor memory over the human age span. Whereas consistency of label use was the main predictor for odor memory in children and young adults, olfactory identification ability was the main predictor in the elderly study group. We also calculated response bias for the separate age groups and found no differences between children, young adults and elderly. However, with age false alarm rates increased. We conclude that children possess equal olfactory sensitivity compared with adults; however, due to limitations in linguistic capabilities and familiarity to odorants, odor memory and odor identification performance was limited. Additionally, our data indicate major alterations of olfactory processing in advanced age with substantial losses in odor memory and odor identification performance.  相似文献   

Recently a novel measure of olfactory function, the Sniff Magnitude Test (SMT), was developed that relies on changes in inhalation in response to an odor. The relationship of this unique test to that of other olfactory tests has received little investigation. In this study, we assessed, in 132 patients presenting to a chemosensory disorders clinic, the relationship of SMT scores to those from 3 standardized psychophysical tests: the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT), a phenyl ethyl alcohol odor detection threshold test, and a short-term odor memory/discrimination test. SMT scores were roughly related to olfactory dysfunction categories defined for the UPSIT and correlated moderately with the other tests. Malodors (1% and 3% methylthiobutyrate [MTB], 1% ethyl 3-mercaptoproprionate) exhibited stronger correlations than nonmalodors (3% phenyl ethyl alcohol [PEA], 3% amyl acetate, 3% n-butanol) and elicited greater sniff suppression. In a principal component analysis, the SMT measures loaded on components different from those of the other tests, which loaded on a separate component. Anticipatory responses (i.e., smaller sniffs) occurred across trials for the first malodor (1% MTB), but not for the first nonmalodor (3% PEA), that was encountered. These results, along with those of an earlier factor analysis, suggest that sniff magnitude is influenced by odorant quality and intensity, as well as by cognitive factors.  相似文献   

The effects of opioids on human subjective olfactory function have rarely been investigated. This is despite the fact that opioid receptors are widely distributed throughout the olfactory systems. Using an established validated test of subjective olfactory function, olfactory threshold, odor discrimination and odor identification performance were tested in 16 healthy volunteers before opioid administration and at steady state after 3 hours remifentanil infusion. Each one man and one women were assigned randomly to one out of eight predefined remifentanil target plasma concentrations: 0, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3, 3.6, 4.8, and 6 ng/ml. In the thirteen subjects that had completed the tests, olfactory thresholds were elevated with increasing remifentanil dose, and this correlated statistically significant with the remifentanil dose. Remifentanil plasma concentrations were linearly related to changes in olfactory thresholds. In contrast, effects of remifentanil on odor discrimination and identification were not statistically significant. However, remifentanil target plasma concentrations were also significantly correlated with the subjects' ratings of tiredness and drowsiness, although only drowsiness was significantly correlated with the differences in odor thresholds. We conclude that opioid administration leads to impaired olfactory function expressed in raised olfactory thresholds. This is compatible with previously reported opioidergic effects at the level of the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrate that myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease strongly identified with deficient acetylcholine receptor transmission at the post-synaptic neuromuscular junction, is accompanied by a profound loss of olfactory function. Twenty-seven MG patients, 27 matched healthy controls, and 11 patients with polymiositis, a disease with peripheral neuromuscular symptoms analogous to myasthenia gravis with no known central nervous system involvement, were tested. All were administered the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) and the Picture Identification Test (PIT), a test analogous in content and form to the UPSIT designed to control for non-olfactory cognitive confounds. The UPSIT scores of the myasthenia gravis patients were markedly lower than those of the age- and sex-matched normal controls [respective means (SDs) = 20.15 (6.40) & 35.67 (4.95); p<0.0001], as well as those of the polymiositis patients who scored slightly below the normal range [33.30 (1.42); p<0.0001]. The latter finding, along with direct monitoring of the inhalation of the patients during testing, implies that the MG-related olfactory deficit is unlikely due to difficulties sniffing, per se. All PIT scores were within or near the normal range, although subtle deficits were apparent in both the MG and PM patients, conceivably reflecting influences of mild cognitive impairment. No relationships between performance on the UPSIT and thymectomy, time since diagnosis, type of treatment regimen, or the presence or absence of serum anti-nicotinic or muscarinic antibodies were apparent. Our findings suggest that MG influences olfactory function to the same degree as observed in a number of neurodegenerative diseases in which central nervous system cholinergic dysfunction has been documented.  相似文献   

Sensory systems sample the external world actively, within the context of self-motion induced disturbances. Mammals sample olfactory cues within the context of respiratory cycles and have adapted to process olfactory information within the time frame of a single sniff cycle. In plume tracking insects, it remains unknown whether olfactory processing is adapted to wing beating, which causes similar physical effects as sniffing. To explore this we first characterized the physical properties of our odor delivery system using hotwire anemometry and photo ionization detection, which confirmed that odor stimuli were temporally structured. Electroantennograms confirmed that pulse trains were tracked physiologically. Next, we quantified odor detection in moths in a series of psychophysical experiments to determine whether pulsing odor affected acuity. Moths were first conditioned to respond to a target odorant using Pavlovian olfactory conditioning. At 24 and 48 h after conditioning, moths were tested with a dilution series of the conditioned odor. On separate days odor was presented either continuously or as 20 Hz pulse trains to simulate wing beating effects. We varied pulse train duty cycle, olfactometer outflow velocity, pulsing method, and odor. Results of these studies, established that detection was enhanced when odors were pulsed. Higher velocity and briefer pulses also enhanced detection. Post hoc analysis indicated enhanced detection was the result of a significantly lower behavioral response to blank stimuli when presented as pulse trains. Since blank responses are a measure of false positive responses, this suggests that the olfactory system makes fewer errors (i.e. is more reliable) when odors are experienced as pulse trains. We therefore postulate that the olfactory system of Manduca sexta may have evolved mechanisms to enhance odor detection during flight, where the effects of wing beating represent the norm. This system may even exploit temporal structure in a manner similar to sniffing.  相似文献   

Olfactory learning   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Davis RL 《Neuron》2004,44(1):31-48
The olfactory nervous systems of insects and mammals exhibit many similarities, suggesting that the mechanisms for olfactory learning may be shared. Neural correlates of olfactory memory are distributed among many neurons within the olfactory nervous system. Perceptual olfactory learning may be mediated by alterations in the odorant receptive fields of second and/or third order olfactory neurons, and by increases in the coherency of activity among ensembles of second order neurons. Operant olfactory conditioning is associated with an increase in the coherent population activity of these neurons. Olfactory classical conditioning increases the odor responsiveness and synaptic activity of second and perhaps third order neurons. Operant and classical conditioning both produce an increased responsiveness to conditioned odors in neurons of the basolateral amygdala. Molecular genetic studies of olfactory learning in Drosophila have revealed numerous molecules that function within the third order olfactory neurons for normal olfactory learning.  相似文献   

Accurately encoding time is one of the fundamental challenges faced by the nervous system in mediating behavior. We recently reported that some animals have a specialized population of rhythmically active neurons in their olfactory organs with the potential to peripherally encode temporal information about odor encounters. If these neurons do indeed encode the timing of odor arrivals, it should be possible to demonstrate that this capacity has some functional significance. Here we show how this sensory input can profoundly influence an animal’s ability to locate the source of odor cues in realistic turbulent environments—a common task faced by species that rely on olfactory cues for navigation. Using detailed data from a turbulent plume created in the laboratory, we reconstruct the spatiotemporal behavior of a real odor field. We use recurrence theory to show that information about position relative to the source of the odor plume is embedded in the timing between odor pulses. Then, using a parameterized computational model, we show how an animal can use populations of rhythmically active neurons to capture and encode this temporal information in real time, and use it to efficiently navigate to an odor source. Our results demonstrate that the capacity to accurately encode temporal information about sensory cues may be crucial for efficient olfactory navigation. More generally, our results suggest a mechanism for extracting and encoding temporal information from the sensory environment that could have broad utility for neural information processing.  相似文献   

Studies of olfactory function show that disruption of GABA A receptors within the insect antennal lobe (AL) disrupts discrimination of closely related odors, suggesting that local processing within the AL specifically enhances fine odor discrimination. It remains unclear, however, how extensively AL function has been disrupted in these circumstances. Here we psychophysically characterize the effect of GABA A blockade in the AL of the moth Manduca sexta. We used 2 GABA A antagonists and 3 Pavlovian-based behavioral assays of olfactory function. In all cases, we used matched saline-injected controls in a blind study. Using a stimulus generalization assay, we found that GABA A disruption abolished the differential response to related odors, suggesting that local processing mediates fine odor discrimination. We then assessed the effect of GABA A antagonist on discrimination thresholds. Moths were differentially conditioned to respond to one odor (reinforced conditioned stimulus [CS+]) but not a second (unreinforced conditioning stimulus [CS-]) then tested for a significant differential conditioned response between them across a series of increasing concentrations. Here, GABA A blockade disrupted discrimination of both similar and dissimilar odor pairs as indicated by generally increased discrimination thresholds. Finally, using a detection threshold assay, we established that GABA A blockade also increases detection thresholds. Because detection is a prerequisite of discrimination, this later finding suggests that disrupted discrimination may be due to impairment of the ability to detect. We conclude that the loss of ability to detect and subsequently discriminate is attributable to a loss of ability of the AL to provide a clear neural signal from background.  相似文献   

Flies generate robust and high-performance olfactory and visual behaviors. Adult fruit flies can distinguish small differences in odor concentration across antennae separated by less than 1 mm [1], and a single olfactory sensory neuron is sufficient for near-normal gradient tracking in larvae [2]. During flight a male housefly chasing a female executes a corrective turn within 40 ms after a course deviation by its target [3]. The challenges imposed by flying apparently benefit from the tight integration of unimodal sensory cues. Crossmodal interactions reduce the discrimination threshold for unimodal memory retrieval by enhancing stimulus salience [4], and dynamic crossmodal processing is required for odor search during free flight because animals fail to locate an odor source in the absence of rich visual feedback [5]. The visual requirements for odor localization are unknown. We tethered a hungry fly in a magnetic field, allowing it to yaw freely, presented odor plumes, and examined how visual cues influence odor tracking. We show that flies are unable to use a small-field object or landmark to assist plume tracking, whereas odor activates wide-field optomotor course control to enable accurate orientation toward an attractive food odor.  相似文献   

Compared with visual and auditory imagery, little is known aboutolfactory imagery. There is evidence that respiration may bealtered by both olfactory perception and olfactory imagery.In order to investigate this relationship, breathing parameters(respiratory minute volume, respiratory amplitude, and breathingrate) in human subjects during olfactory perception and olfactoryimagery were investigated. Fifty-six subjects having normalolfactory function were tested. Nasal respiration was measuredusing a respiratory pressure sensor. Using an experimental blockdesign, we alternately presented odors or asked the subjectsto imagine a given smell. Four different pleasant odors wereused: banana, rose, coffee, and lemon odor. We detected a significantincrease in respiratory minute volume between olfactory perceptionand the baseline condition as well as between olfactory imageryand baseline condition. Additionally we found significant differencesin the respiratory amplitude between imagery and baseline conditionand between odor and imagery condition. Differences in the breathingrate between olfactory perception, olfactory imagery, and baselinewere not statistically significant. We conclude from our resultsthat olfactory perception and olfactory imagery both have effectson the human respiratory profile and that these effects arebased on a common underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

The axons of many olfactory receptor cells converge on an individual glomerulus in the olfactory bulb, where they make contacts with the distal dendrites of mitral and tufted cells. Each glomerulus is targeted by olfactory receptor neurons expressing a single type of olfactory receptor protein. The glomerulus provides a unique model in which the function of a cortical module can be unambiguously established. Here we review the increasing evidence that a key functional operation of the glomerulus is to act as a signal-to-noise enhancing device in the processing of sensory input and that this function is critical across vertebrate and invertebrate species for the ability to detect specific odor stimuli within “noisy” odor environments and to carry out discriminations between odor molecules that are structurally closely related.  相似文献   

Patients (n = 20) with cystic fibrosis (CF) exhibited olfactoryimpairment relative to a group of unaffected controls (n = 15).Detection thresholds for the floral odorant phenylethylmethylethylcarbinol(PEMEC) were significantly elevated and performance on the Universityof Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) was significantlydepressed. Three patients displayed thresholds markedly higherthan those of any other participants. These patients were alsothe only participants to perform at a chance level on the multiple-choiceitems of the odor identification test, UPSIT. The average deficitof the patients on the threshold and identification tasks inthe present study reinforces an earlier challenge to the reportedhypersensitivity of CF patients to chemosensory stimuli. Inaddition, this study suggests that some CF patients displayan olfactory deficit that is general and complete.  相似文献   

Murthy M  Fiete I  Laurent G 《Neuron》2008,59(6):1009-1023
The mushroom body is an insect brain structure required for olfactory learning. Its principal neurons, the Kenyon cells (KCs), form a large cell population. The neuronal populations from which their olfactory input derives (olfactory sensory and projection neurons) can be identified individually by genetic, anatomical, and physiological criteria. We ask whether KCs are similarly identifiable individually, using genetic markers and whole-cell patch-clamp in vivo. We find that across-animal responses are as diverse within the genetically labeled subset as across all KCs in a larger sample. These results combined with those from a simple model, using projection neuron odor responses as inputs, suggest that the precise circuit specification seen at earlier stages of odor processing is likely absent among the mushroom body KCs.  相似文献   

Although primates have remarkable olfactory capabilities, their ability for olfactory predator recognition is still understudied. We investigated this cognitive ability in wild gray and golden-brown mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis) that were confronted with four different olfactory stimuli, derived from two Malagasy predators (fossa and barn owl) and two local nonpredator species (brown lemur and sifaka). The predator response was tested (1) in a systematic cage setup and (2) in a two-way choice experiment with two Sherman traps on platforms in the forest (stimulus trap vs. nonstimulus trap). For part 1, the study animals were housed in cages during habituation and 5 days of experiments. One stimulus was tested per night and was presented underneath a drinking bottle. The changes in the time spent close to the stimulus and the drinking time at the bottle were used as indicators of predator recognition. A timidity score was established by classifying the strength of the antipredator response during the experiment. The study animals spent significantly less time drinking and less time in the stimulus area when confronted with fossa odor compared with the other stimuli. The timidity score was significantly higher during the fossa stimulus compared with the nonpredator and the control stimuli. The two-way choice experiments revealed a complete avoidance of the fossa odor, which was not found with the other stimuli. Thus, wild mouse lemurs showed clear signs of olfactory predator recognition in the case of the fossa in both experiments, but no signs of avoidance to the other presented stimuli. The lack of owl avoidance may be explained by less or no aversive metabolites in the owl stimulus or by lower significance for olfactory recognition of aerial predators. Furthermore, the results showed slight differences between the two mouse lemur species that may be linked to differences in their ecology.  相似文献   

Namiki S  Kanzaki R 《Bio Systems》2011,103(3):348-354
We investigated a population activity of central olfactory neurons after the termination of odor input. Olfactory response of projection neurons in the moth primary olfactory center was characterized using in vivo intracellular recording and staining techniques. The population activity changed rapidly to the different states after the stimulus offset. The response after stimulus offset represents information regarding odor identity. We analyzed the spatial distribution of offset-activated glomeruli in a virtual neuronal population that was reconstructed using accumulated individual recordings obtained from different specimens. The offset-activated glomeruli tended to be widely distributed, whereas the onset-activated glomeruli were relatively clustered. These results suggest the importance of lateral interaction in shaping the offset olfactory response.  相似文献   

Long-term exposure to environmental manganese (Mn) affects not only attention and neuromotor functions but also olfactory functions of a pre-adolescent local population who have spent their whole life span in contaminated areas. In order to investigate the effect of such exposure at the level of the central nervous system we set up a pilot fMRI experiment pointing at differences of brain activities between a non-exposed population (nine subjects) and an exposed one (three subjects). We also measured the volume of the olfactory bulb as well as the identification of standard olfactory stimuli. Our results suggest that young subjects exposed to Mn exhibit a reduction of BOLD signal, subjective odor sensitivity and olfactory bulb volume. Moreover a region of interest SPM analysis showed a specifically reduced response of the limbic system in relation to Mn exposure, suggesting an alteration of the brain network dealing with emotional responses.  相似文献   

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