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A combination of cytogenetic and molecular analyses has shown that several different transposable elements are involved in the restructuring of Drosophila chromosomes. Two kinds of elements, P and hobo, are especially prone to induce chromosome rearrangements. The mechanistic details of this process are unclear, but, at least some of the time, it seems to involve ectopic recombination between elements inserted at different chromosomal sites; the available data suggest that these ectopic recombination events are much more likely to occure between elements in the same chromosome than between elements in different chromosomes. Other Drosophila transposons also appear to mediate chromosome restructuring by ectopic recombination; these include the retrotransposons BEL, roo, Docand I and the foldback element FB. In addition, two retrotransposons, HeT-A and TART, have been found to be associated specifically with the ends of Drosophila chromosomes. Very limited data indicate that transposon-mediated chromosome restructuring is occurring in natural populations of Drosophila. This suggests that transposable elements may help to shape the structure of the Drosophila genome and implies that they may have a similar role in other organisms.  相似文献   

The rates of movement of 11 families of transposable elements of Drosophila melanogaster were studied by means of in situ hybridization of probes to polytene chromosomes of larvae from a long-term mutation accumulation experiment. Replicate mutation-accumulation lines carrying second chromosomes derived from a single common ancestral chromosome were maintained by backcrosses of single males heterozygous for a balancer chromosome and a wild-type chromosome, and were scored after 116 generations. Twenty-seven transpositions and 1 excision were detected using homozygous viable and fertile second chromosomes, for a total of 235,056 potential sources of transposition events and a potential 252,880 excision events. The overall transposition rate per element per generation was 1.15 x 10(-4) and the excision rate was 3.95 x 10(-6). The single excision (of a roo element) was due to recombination between the element's long terminal repeats. A survey of the five most active elements among nine homozygous lethal lines revealed no significant difference in the estimates of transposition and excision rates from those from viable lines. The excess of transposition over excision events is in agreement with the results of other in situ hybridization experiments, and supports the conclusion that replicative increase in transposable element copy number is opposed by selection. These conclusions are compared with those from other studies, and with the conclusions from population surveys of element frequencies.  相似文献   

HeT-A elements are a new family of transposable elements in Drosophila that are found exclusively in telomeric regions and in the pericentric heterochromatin. Transposition of these elements onto broken chromosome ends has been implicated in chromosome healing. To monitor the fate of HeT-A elements that had attached to broken ends of the X chromosome, we examined individual X chromosomes from a defined population over a period of 17 generations. The ends of the X chromosomes with new HeT-A additions receded at the same rate as the broken ends before the HeT-A elements attached. In addition, some chromosomes, approximately 1% per generation, had acquired new HeT-A sequences of an average of 6 kb at their ends with oligo(A) tails at the junctions. Thus, the rate of addition of new material per generation matches the observed rate of terminal loss (70-75 bp) caused by incomplete replication at the end of the DNA molecule. One such recently transposed HeT-A element which is at least 12 kb in length has been examined in detail. It contains a single open reading frame of 2.8 kb which codes for a gag-like protein.  相似文献   

We have investigated at the molecular level four cases in which D. melanogaster middle repetitive DNA probes consistently hybridized to a particular band on chromosomes sampled from a D. melanogaster natural population. Two corresponded to true fixations of a roo and a Stalker element, and the others were artefacts of the in situ hybridization technique caused by the presence of genomic DNA flanking the transposable elements (TEs) in the probes. The two fixed elements are located in the beta-heterochromatin (20A and 80B, respectively) and are embedded in large clusters of other elements, many of which may also be fixed. We also found evidence that this accumulation is an ongoing process. These results support the hypothesis that TEs accumulate in the non-recombining part of the genome. Their implications for the effects of TEs on determining the chromatin structure of the host genomes are discussed in the light of recent evidence for the role of TE-derived small interfering-RNAs as cis -acting determinants of heterochromatin formation.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are the primary contributors to the genome bulk in many organisms and are major players in genome evolution. A clear and thorough understanding of the population dynamics of TEs is therefore essential for full comprehension of the eukaryotic genome evolution and function. Although TEs in Drosophila melanogaster have received much attention, population dynamics of most TE families in this species remains entirely unexplored. It is not clear whether the same population processes can account for the population behaviors of all TEs in Drosophila or whether, as has been suggested previously, different orders behave according to very different rules. In this work, we analyzed population frequencies for a large number of individual TEs (755 TEs) in five North American and one sub-Saharan African D. melanogaster populations (75 strains in total). These TEs have been annotated in the reference D. melanogaster euchromatic genome and have been sampled from all three major orders (non-LTR, LTR, and TIR) and from all families with more than 20 TE copies (55 families in total). We find strong evidence that TEs in Drosophila across all orders and families are subject to purifying selection at the level of ectopic recombination. We showed that strength of this selection varies predictably with recombination rate, length of individual TEs, and copy number and length of other TEs in the same family. Importantly, these rules do not appear to vary across orders. Finally, we built a statistical model that considered only individual TE-level (such as the TE length) and family-level properties (such as the copy number) and were able to explain more than 40% of the variation in TE frequencies in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Patrizio Dimitri 《Genetica》1997,100(1-3):85-93
Several families of transposable elements (TEs), most of them belonging to the retrotransposon catagory, are particularly enriched in Drosophila melanogaster constitutive heterochromatin. The enrichment of TE-homologous sequences into heterochromatin is not a peculiar feature of the Drosophila genome, but appears to be widespread among higher eukaryotes. The constitutive heterochromatin of D. melanogaster contains several genetically active domains; this raises the possibility that TE-homologous sequences inserted into functional heterochromatin compartments may be expressed. In this review, I present available data on the genetic and molecular organization of D. melanogaster constitutive heterochromatin and its relationship with transposable elements. The implications of these findings on the possible impact of heterochromatic TEs on the function and evolution of the host genome are also discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Transposable elements are found in the genomes of nearly all eukaryotes. The recent completion of the Release 3 euchromatic genomic sequence of Drosophila melanogaster by the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project has provided precise sequence for the repetitive elements in the Drosophila euchromatin. We have used this genomic sequence to describe the euchromatic transposable elements in the sequenced strain of this species.


We identified 85 known and eight novel families of transposable element varying in copy number from one to 146. A total of 1,572 full and partial transposable elements were identified, comprising 3.86% of the sequence. More than two-thirds of the transposable elements are partial. The density of transposable elements increases an average of 4.7 times in the centromere-proximal regions of each of the major chromosome arms. We found that transposable elements are preferentially found outside genes; only 436 of 1,572 transposable elements are contained within the 61.4 Mb of sequence that is annotated as being transcribed. A large proportion of transposable elements is found nested within other elements of the same or different classes. Lastly, an analysis of structural variation from different families reveals distinct patterns of deletion for elements belonging to different classes.


This analysis represents an initial characterization of the transposable elements in the Release 3 euchromatic genomic sequence of D. melanogaster for which comparison to the transposable elements of other organisms can begin to be made. These data have been made available on the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project website for future analyses.  相似文献   

It is recognized that a stable number of transposable element (TE) copies per genome is maintained in natural populations of D. melanogaster as a result of the dynamic equilibrium between transposition to new sites and natural selection eliminating copies. The force of natural selection opposing TE multiplication is partly relaxed in inbred laboratory lines of flies. The average rate of TE transposition is from 2.6 × 10 -4 to 5.0 ×10 -4 per copy per generation, and the average rate of excision is at least two orders of magnitude lower; therefore inbred lines accumulate increasing numbers of copies with time. Correlations between the rate of transposition and TE copy number have been determined for copia, Doc, roo, and 412 and found to be either zero or positive. Because the rate of transposition is not a decreasing function of TE copy number, TE accumulation in inbred lines is self-accelerating. Transpositions cause a substantial fraction of mutations in D. melanogaster, therefore the mutation rate should increase with time in laboratory lines of this species. Inferences about the properties of spontaneous mutations from studies of mutation accumulation in laboratory lines should be reevaluated, because they are based on the assumption of a constant mutation rate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Riddle NC  Leung W  Haynes KA  Granok H  Wuller J  Elgin SC 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1177-1191
The banded portion of Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 4 exhibits euchromatic and heterochromatic characteristics. Reminiscent of heterochromatin, it contains a high percentage of repetitive elements, does not undergo recombination, and exhibits high levels of HP1 and histone-3 lysine-9 dimethylation. However, in the distal 1.2 Mb, the gene density is typical of euchromatin, and this region is polytene in salivary gland nuclei. Using P-element reporters carrying a copy of hsp70-white, alternative chromatin packaging domains can be distinguished by the eye color phenotype. Mapping studies identified the repetitive element 1360 as a candidate for heterochromatin targeting in the fourth chromosome Hcf region. We report here two new screens using this reporter to look for additional heterochromatin target sites. We confirm that reporter elements within 10 kb of 1360 are usually packaged as heterochromatin; however, heterochromatin packaging occurs in the sv region in the absence of 1360. Analyses of the sequences adjacent to P-element reporters show no simple association between specific repeated elements and transgene expression phenotype on a whole chromosome level. The data require that heterochromatin formation as a whole depends on a more complex pattern of sequence organization rather than the presence of a single sequence element.  相似文献   

Transposable elements are disproportionately abundant in the heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster. Among the forces contributing to this bias in genomic distribution, fixation due to positive selection has been put forward. We have studied I-related elements which are located in pericentromeric heterochromatin and are believed to have a role in the control of active I elements. Flies straight from the wild have been studied where fixed elements are expected to emerge clearly over the highly polymorphic background in the genomic distribution of transposable elements. The results show that some restriction fragments due to I-related elements are conserved in size and are present in all individuals tested, consistent with a selective pressure for a role. Other fragments are polymorphic in presence/absence and intensity in individuals from the wild but appear homogeneous in laboratory stocks. Although the significance of this type of instability is unclear, the finding that these polymorphic bands are recurrent in populations from distant geographical locations is also suggestive of a selective pressure for a role.  相似文献   

Wang W  Thornton K  Emerson JJ  Long M 《Genetics》2004,166(4):1783-1794
The fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster and its sister species are believed to be nonrecombining and have been a model system for testing predictions of the effects of selection on linked, neutral variation. We recently examined nucleotide variation along the chromosome of D. melanogaster and revealed that a low average level of recombination could be associated with considerably high levels of nucleotide variation. In this report, we further investigate the variation along the fourth chromosome of D. simulans. We sequenced 12 gene regions evenly distributed along the fourth chromosome for a worldwide collection of 11 isofemale lines and 5 gene regions in a local population of 10 isofemale lines from South America. In contrast to predictions for regions of very low recombination, these data reveal that the variation levels in many gene regions, including an intron region of the ci gene, vary considerably along the fourth chromosome. Nucleotide diversity ranged from 0.0010 to 0.0074 in 9 gene regions interspersed with several regions of greatly reduced variation. Tests of recombination indicate that the recombination level is not as low as previously thought, likely an order of magnitude higher than that in D. melanogaster. Finally, estimates of the recombination parameters are shown to support a crossover-plus-conversion model.  相似文献   

Genomic patterns of occurrence of the transposable element hobo are polymorphic in the sibling species Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. Most tested strains of both species have apparently complete (3.0 kb) and smaller hobo elements (H lines), but in both species some strains completely lack such canonical hobo elements (E lines). The occurrence of H and E lines in D. simulans as well as in D. melanogaster implies that an hypothesis of recent introduction in the latter species is inadequate to explain the phylogenetic occurrence of hobo. Particular internally deleted elements, the approximately 1.5 kb Th1 and Th2 elements, are abundant in many lines of D. melanogaster, and an analogous 1.1 kb internally deleted element, h del sim, is abundant in most lines of D. simulans. Besides the canonical hobo sequences, both species (and their sibling species D. sechellia and D. mauritiana) have many hobo-hybridizing sequences per genome that do not appear to be closely related to the canonical hobo sequence.  相似文献   

Summary Mitomycin C was injected into the abdomen of male flies of the y 2 sc1 waG strain of Drosophila melanogaster. They were mated with females bearing attached-X chromosomes, and the male offspring (F1) were analysed for the appearance of mutations in the X chromosome. We observed y 1 and sc + reversions induced either by excision of mdg4 (gypsy) with retention of one long terminal repeat (LTR) or by insertion of a foreign sequence into mdg4, partial reversion of the w aG mutation, w aGw aGd, and unstable f mutations. The overall mutation frequency was considerably higher than in control flies of the y 2 sc1 waG strain. Possible mechanisms of genomic rearrangements induced by Mitomycin C, in particular the role of homologous recombination, are discussed.  相似文献   

A large transposable element (TE) comprising the white-apricot and roughest genes has been found to transpose to well over a hundred sites scattered over the Drosophila genome. We report the cloning of the essential parts of several TEs. TE98 and TE28 sequences were cloned by `walking' along the chromosome from the previously cloned heatshock genes. The ends of the TEs are characterized by dispersed repetitive elements belonging to the foldback (FB) family. FB elements are also associated with two independently isolated transposable elements originating from the white locus, Tp wc-1 and Tp w+IV. The strong correlation between FB elements and large composite transposons suggests that a pair of these elements can mobilize large intermediary DNA segments. One particular FB family member, FB-NOF, is associated with TE28, the white-crimson (wc) mutant, the wc-derived Tp wc-1 and probably also with Tp w+IV. A unique sequence located close to the white end of TE28 was used to clone the borders of TE77 and the surrounding sequences in the bithorax region, indicating that the TE can be used as a probe for gene isolation. Some evolutionary implications of the large composite transposons are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty-six strains derived from American and French natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster were tested for the presence and activity of hobo elements by using Southern blotting and a gonadal dysgenesis assay. The oldest available strains exhibited weak detectable hybridization to the hobo-element probe and revealed neither hobo-activity potential nor hobo-repression potential. In contrast, all recently collected strains harbored hobo sequences and revealed a strong hobo-repression potential but no strong hobo-activity potential. On the basis of restriction-enzyme analysis, old strains appear to have numerous fragments hybridizable to hobo sequences, several probably conserved at the same locations in the genome of the tested strain and others dispersed. In recently isolated strains, and unlike the situation in the published sequence of the cloned hobo108 element, a PvuII site is present in the great majority of full-sized hobo elements and their deletion derivatives. When the genetic and molecular characteristics are considered together, the available evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a worldwide hobo-element invasion of D. melanogaster during the past 50 years. Comparison of data from the I-R and P-M systems suggests that the putative invasion followed the introduction of the I element but preceded that of the P element. This hypothesis poses the problem of the plausibility of three virtually simultaneous element invasions in this species. Such a possibility might be due to a modification of the genetic structure of American populations of D. melanogaster during the first part of the 20th century.  相似文献   

The invasion of P elements in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster was modeled by establishing laboratory populations with 1%, 5% and 10% P genomes and monitoring the populations for 20 generations. In one experiment, the ability of flies to either induce or suppress gonadal sterility in different generations was correlated with the amount of P element DNA. In a second experiment, the percentage of genomes that contained P elements, and the distribution of P elements among individual flies was monitored. The ability to induce gonadal dysgenesis increased rapidly each generation. However, the increase in P cytotype lagged behind by five to ten generations. The total amount of P element DNA and the frequency of flies containing P elements increased each generation. The number of P elements within individual genomes decreased initially, but then increased. Finally, the distribution of P elements within the genomes of individuals from later generations varied considerably, and this pattern differed from the parental P strain. These results suggest that the interaction between the assortment and recombination of chromosomal segments, and multiplicative transposition could result in the rapid spread of P elements in natural populations.  相似文献   

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