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为探讨印迹基因H19的甲基化状态与ES小鼠胚胎发育之间的关系, 以遗传背景相同的正常成年对照小鼠、22只成年ES小鼠和8只新生死亡的ES小鼠以及不同传代次数的ES细胞为实验材料, 利用甲基化敏感性限制性内切酶-PCR技术分别检测了其印迹基因H19的5′非翻译区两个位点的甲基化状态。结果表明, 发育至成年的ES小鼠印迹基因H19所检测位点的甲基化状态与正常成年对照小鼠之间没有差异, 而新生死亡的ES小鼠印迹基因H19所检测位点的甲基化状态与成年ES小鼠以及正常成年对照小鼠相比则存在明显差异。推测ES细胞中印迹基因H19所检测位点的甲基化状态与成年ES小鼠以及正常成年对照小鼠之间可能存在 差异。  相似文献   



Wilms tumor is the most common pediatric renal malignancy and there is a clinical need for a molecular biomarker to assess treatment response and predict relapse. The known mutated genes in this tumor type show low mutation frequencies, whereas aberrant methylation at 11p15 is by far the most common aberration. We therefore analyzed the epigenome, rather than the genome, to identify ubiquitous tumor-specific biomarkers.


Methylome analysis of matched normal kidney and Wilms tumor identifies 309 preliminary methylation variable positions which we translate into three differentially methylated regions (DMRs) for use as tumor-specific biomarkers. Using two novel algorithms we show that these three DMRs are not confounded by cell type composition. We further show that these DMRs are not methylated in embryonic blastema but are intermediately methylated in Wilms tumor precursor lesions. We validate the biomarker DMRs using two independent sample sets of normal kidney and Wilms tumor and seven Wilms tumor histological subtypes, achieving 100% and 98% correct classification, respectively. As proof-of-principle for clinical utility, we successfully use biomarker DMR-2 in a pilot analysis of cell-free circulating DNA to monitor tumor response during treatment in ten patients.


These findings define the most common methylated regions in Wilms tumor known to date which are not associated with their embryonic origin or precursor stage. We show that this tumor-specific methylated DNA is released into the blood circulation where it can be detected non-invasively showing potential for clinical utility.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0434-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In humans, studies of female germ cells are very limited by ethics. The current study investigated the usefulness of benign ovarian teratomas as a substitute for ova in analyses of imprinted genes. Twenty-five human benign ovarian teratomas were typed with 45 microsatellite DNA markers and classified according to their genotypic features. Two oppositely imprinted genes, H19 and SNRPN, were then chosen for analysis of their methylation states in these tumors. These analyses revealed that benign ovarian teratomas consist of a mixture of genetically and epigenetically heterogeneous cell populations. In contrast to previous reports, we could document only one case rising from germ cells by meiosis-II nondisjunction. H19 and SNRPN were methylated in individual teratomas to various degrees, ranging from normal somatic cell to expected ovum levels. The allele with residual methylation of H19 was consistent with that methylated in the patient's blood DNA, thus being of paternal origin. Degrees of H19 hypomethylation and SNRPN hypermethylation increased as the cellular origin of the tumors advanced in oogenesis and were closely correlated in individual teratomas. These results could be best explained by the assumption that the primary imprinting is a progressively organized process and suggest that the establishment of primary imprints on different genes might be mechanistically linked, even when those genes are oppositely imprinted.  相似文献   

A sporadic Wilms tumor, WT-21, with an (11;14)-(p13;q23) reciprocal translocation has been identified. The translocation is found in tumor cells, but not in the patients' circulating lymphocytes. Molecular analysis of somatic cell hybrids segregating the derivative translocation chromosomes reveals a submicroscopic interstitial deletion at the translocation breakpoint, as well as a cytologically undetectable interstitial deletion in the nontranslocation chromosome 11, resulting in a homozygous deletion in 11p13. Pulsed-field gel analysis of tumor DNA indicates that the two deletions are indistinguishable, and the homozygously deleted region is less than 875 kb. The homozygously deleted regions of three other sporadic Wilms tumors overlap with the deleted region in WT-21, and the candidate cDNA clone for the 11p13 Wilms tumor gene described by Call et al. (Cell 60, 509-520, 1990) is included in the deleted region. These findings strengthen previous conclusions regarding the obligate location for the 11p13 WT locus and support the suggestion that the Wilms tumor gene has been cloned.  相似文献   

The nature of imprinting is just differential methylation of imprinted genes. Unlike the non-imprinted genes, the methylation pattern of imprinted genes established during the period of gametogenesis remains unchangeable after fertilization and during embryo development. It implies that gametogenesis is the key stage for methylation pattern of imprinted genes. The imprinting interfered by exogenous factors during this stage could be inherited to offspring and cause genetic effect. Now many studies have proved that ionizing irradiation could disturb DNA methylation. Here we choose BALB/c mice as a research model and X-ray as interfering source to further clarify it. We discovered that the whole-body irradiation of X-ray to male BALB/c mice could influence the methylation pattern of H19 gene in sperms, which resulted in some cytosines of partial CpG islands in the imprinting control region could not transform to methylated cytosines. Furthermore, by copulating the interfered male mice with normal female, we analyzed the promoter methylation pattern of H19 in offspring fetal liver and compared the same to the pattern of male parent in sperms. We found that the majority of methylation changes in offspring liver were related to the ones in their parent sperms. Our data proved that the changes of the H19 gene methylation pattern interfered by X-ray irradiation could be transmitted and maintained in the first-generation offspring.  相似文献   

Nance-Horan syndrome (NHS) is an X-linked disease characterized by severe congenital cataract with microcornea, distinctive dental findings, evocative facial features and mental impairment in some cases. Previous linkage studies have placed the NHS gene in a large region from DXS143 (Xp22.31) to DXS451 (Xp22.13). To refine this localization further, we have performed linkage analysis in four families. As the maximum expected Lod score is reached in each family for several markers in the Xp22.31–p22.13 region and linkage to the rest of the X chromosome can be excluded, our study shows that NHS is a genetically homogeneous condition. An overall maximum two-point Lod score of 9.36 (θ = 0.00) is obtained with two closely linked markers taken together, DXS207 and DXS1053 in Xp22.2. Recombinant haplotypes indicate that the NHS gene lies between DXS85 and DXS1226. Multipoint analysis yields a maximum Lod score of 9.45 with the support interval spanning a 15-cM region that includes DXS16 and DXS1229/365. The deletion map of the Xp22.3–Xp21.3 region suggests that the phenotypic variability of NHS is not related to gross rearrangement of sequences of varying size but rather to allelic mutations in a single gene, presumably located proximal to DXS16 and distal to DXS1226. Comparison with the map position of the mouse Xcat mutation supports the location of the NHS gene between the GRPR and PDHA1 genes in Xp22.2. Received: 14 June 1996 / Revised: 10 October 1996  相似文献   

The development of Wilms tumor (WT) has been associated with the inactivation of a "tumor suppressor" locus in human chromosome 11 band p13. Several WTs that exhibit homozygous deletions of an 11p13 candidate WT gene in its entirety have been reported. We report here a partial deletion of the candidate gene which, upon comparison with other documented homozygous deletions, permitted a precise definition of the critical genomic target in Wilms tumor. The smallest region of overlap between these deletions is a 16-kb segment of DNA encompassing the 5' exon(s) of an 11p13 gene coding for a zinc finger protein, together with an associated CpG island. This finding supports the notion that the candidate gene in question corresponds to the 11p13 WT1 Wilms tumor locus.  相似文献   

Allele specific timing of replication is believed to be a hallmark of imprinted genes, however recent evidence suggests that this might not be the case for the insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) and H19 locus. In this report, we assayed the timing of replication of Igf2 and H19 in two mouse embryonic cell lines expressing both H19 and Igf2, and one cell line maternally disomic for the Igf2/H19 mouse locus which expresses H19 but not Igf2. In all cell lines, Igf2 and H19 were replicated early in the S phase of the cell cycle, and both alleles replicated at the same time. This indicates that any differences in the timing of replication at the Igf2/H19 locus are of a lesser magnitude than those found in other imprinted regions. Dev Genet 20:29–35, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background:Currently, the efficient production of chimeric mice and their survival are still challenging. Recent researches have indicated that preimplantation embryo culture media and manipulation lead to abnormal methylation of histone in the H19/Igf2 promotor region and consequently alter their gene expression pattern. This investigation was designed to evaluate the relationship between the methylation state of histone H3 and H19/Igf2 expression in mice chimeric blastocysts.Methods:Mouse 129/Sv embryonic stem cells (mESCs) expressing the green fluorescent protein (mESCs-GFP) were injected into the perivitelline space of 2.5 days post-coitis (dpc) embryos (C57BL/6) using a micromanipulator. H3K4 and H3K9 methylation, and H19 and Igf2 expression was measured by immunocytochemistry and q-PCR, respectively, in blastocysts. Results:Histone H3 trimethylation in H3K4 and H3K9 in chimeric blastocysts was significantly less and greater, respectively (p< 0.05), than in controls. H19 expression was significantly less (p< 0.05), while Igf2 expression was less, but not significantly so, in chimeric than in control blastocysts.Conclusion:Our results showed, that the alteration ofH3K4me3 and H3K9me3 methylation, change H19/Igf2 expression in chimeric blastocysts.Key Words: Chimeric blastocysts, H19/Igf2, Histone 3 (H3) methylation  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the putative differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of the porcine imprinted genes insulin-like growth factor 2 and H19 (IGF2-H19), and to assess the genomic imprinting status of IGF2-H19 by identifying the methylation patterns of these regions in germ cells, and in tissues from porcine fetuses, an adult pig, as well as cloned offspring produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Porcine IGF2-H19 DMRs exhibit a normal monoallelic methylation pattern (i.e., either the paternally- or the maternally derived allele is methylated) similar to the pattern observed for the same genes in the human and mice genomes. Examination of the methylation patterns of the IGF2-H19 DMRs revealed that the zinc finger protein binding sites CTCF1 and 2 did not exhibit differential methylation in both control and cloned offspring. In contrast, the CTCF3 and DMR2 loci of the IGF2 gene showed abnormal methylation in cloned offspring, but a normal differential or moderate methylation pattern in tissues from control offspring and an adult pig. Our data thus suggest that regulation of genomic imprinting at the porcine IGF2-H19 loci is conserved among species, and that the abnormal methylation pattern in the regulatory elements of imprinted genes may lead to an alteration in the coordinated expression of genes required for successful reprogramming, which, in consequence, may contribute to the low efficiency of porcine genome reprogramming induced by nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

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