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Background and purpose

To evaluate the current status of radiotherapy facilities, staffing, and equipment, treatment and patients in Poland for the years 2005–2011 following implementation of the National Cancer Programme.


A survey was sent to the radiotherapy centres in Poland to collect data on available equipment, staffing, and treatments in the years 2005–2011.


In 2011, 76,000 patients were treated with radiotherapy at 32 centres vs. 63,000 patients at 23 centres in 2005. Number of patients increased by 21%. In 2011, there were 453 radiation oncologists – specialists (1 in 168 patients), 325 medical physicists (1 in 215 patients), and 883 radiotherapy technicians (1 in 86 patients) vs. 320, 188, and 652, respectively, in 2005. The number of linear accelerators increased by 60%, from 70 units in 2005 to 112 in 2011. The current linac/patient ratio in Poland is 1 linac per 678 patients. Waiting times from diagnosis to the start of treatment has decreased.


Compared to 2005, there are more treatment facilities, more and better equipment (linacs), and more cancer care specialists. There are still large differences between the 16 Polish provinces in terms of equipment availability and ease of access to treatment. However, radiotherapy services in Poland have improved dramatically since the year 2005.  相似文献   

The majority of studies in ethnoprimatology focus on areas of sympatry where humans and nonhuman primates (hereafter, primates) naturally coexist. We argue that much can be gained by extending the field’s scope to incorporate settings where humans manage most aspects of primates’ lives, such as zoos, laboratories, sanctuaries, and rehabilitation centers (hereafter, managed settings). We suggest that the mixed-methods approach of ethnoprimatology, which facilitates examination of both humans’ and primates’ responses to one another, can reveal not only how humans’ ideas about primates shape management strategies, but also how those management strategies affect primates’ lives. Furthermore, we note that a greater focus on managed settings will strengthen links between ethnoprimatology and primate rights/welfare approaches, and will introduce new questions into discussions of ethics in primatology. For example, managed settings raise questions about when it might be justifiable to restrict primates’ freedom for a “greater good,” and the desirability of making primates’ lives more “natural” even if this would decrease their well-being. Finally, we propose that because ethnoprimatology is premised on challenging false dichotomies between categories of field site—specifically, between “natural” and “unnatural” free-ranging populations—it makes sense for ethnoprimatologists to examine settings in which humans exert considerable control over primates’ lives, given that the distinction between “wild” and “captive” is similarly unclear.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Biliary vessel pathology due to alveolar echicococcosis (AE) results in variable combinations of stenosis, necrosis and inflammation. Modern management strategies for patients with cholestasis are desperately needed. The aim is proof of principle of serial ERC (endoscopic retrograde cholangiography) balloon dilation for AE biliary pathology.


Retrospective case series of seven consecutive patients with AE-associated biliary pathology and ERC treatment in an interdisciplinary endoscopy unit at a University Hospital which hosts a national echinococcosis treatment center. The AE patient cohort consists of 106 patients with AE of the liver of which 13 presented with cholestasis. 6/13 received bilio-digestive anastomosis and 7/13 patients were treated by ERC and are reported here. Biliary stricture balloon dilation was performed with 18-Fr balloons at the initial and with 24-Fr balloons at subsequent interventions. If indicated 10 Fr plastic stents were placed.


Six patients were treated by repeated balloon dilation and stenting, one by stenting only. After an acute phase of 6 months with repeated balloon dilation, three patients showed “sustained clinical success” and four patients “assisted therapeutic success,” of which one has not yet reached the six month endpoint. In one patient, sustained success could not be achieved despite repeated insertion of plastic stents and balloon dilation, but with temporary insertion of a fully covered self-expanding metal stent (FCSEMS). There was no loss to follow up. No major complications were observed.


Serial endoscopic dilation is a standard tool in the treatment of benign biliary strictures. Serial endoscopic intervention with balloon dilation combined with benzimidazole treatment can re-establish and maintain biliary duct patency in AE associated pathology and probably contributes to avoid or postpone bilio-digestive anastomosis. This approach is in accordance with current ERC guidelines and is minimally disruptive for patients.  相似文献   

As defined by Ascher, biocomplexity results from a “multiplicity of interconnected relationships and levels.” However, no integrative framework yet exists to facilitate the application of this concept to coupled human–natural systems. Indeed, the term “biocomplexity” is still used primarily as a creative and provocative metaphor. To help advance its utility, we present a framework that focuses on linkages among different disciplines that are often used in studies of coupled human–natural systems, including the ecological, physical, and socioeconomic sciences. The framework consists of three dimensions of complexity: spatial, organizational, and temporal. Spatial complexity increases as the focus changes from the type and number of the elements of spatial heterogeneity to an explicit configuration of the elements. Similarly, organizational complexity increases as the focus shifts from unconnected units to connectivity among functional units. Finally, temporal complexity increases as the current state of a system comes to rely more and more on past states, and therefore to reflect echoes, legacies, and evolving indirect effects of those states. This three-dimensional, conceptual volume of biocomplexity enables connections between models that derive from different disciplines to be drawn at an appropriate level of complexity for integration.  相似文献   

Summary Chemical investigations of the human growth hormone (HGH) molecule were briefly reviewed for the period between 1974 and 1981. These include chemical modification, selective enzymic cleavage, the 20K HGH, synthetic peptide fragments, complementation of the natural NH2 terminal 134-amino acid fragment with natural or synthetic COO H-terminal fragments of various chain lengths, covalent reconstitution of two contiguous fragments of HGH with thrombin and bacterially synthesized methionyl-HGH.Abbreviations GH growth hormone or somatotropin - HGH human GH - CD circular dichroism - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - CMC carboxymethyl cellulose - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - RA-HGH reduced-carbamidomethylated HGH - PL-HGH plasmin-modified HGH - Cam Carbamidomethyl - BGH bovine GH - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate theAmbrosia pollen concentrations inselected Polish cities and for Kraków torelate it to some meteorological factors.Sampling was carried out in Kraków in1982–1997 and in Rabka in 1992–1996 with theuse of the gravimetric method. In Zakopane,Kraków, Ostrowiec witokrzyski,Warszawa and Pozna in 1995–1996 both thegravimetric and volumetric methods (Burkardtrap) were employed. In Kraków themonitoring has been performed since 1994 usingthe volumetric method. The results show theragweed pollen presence in August and Septemberwith the tendency to appear more frequently inAugust in some years. In Kraków (1994–1999)Ambrosia pollen was found either in thelast two weeks of August or in the first twoweeks of September which seems to be a regularand repeatable pattern every two years.Seasonal fluctuations of Ambrosia pollenconcentration do not show a clear increasingtendency except at Warszawa and Ostrowiecwitokrzyski in 1996 and at Krakówin 1999. Percentage of Ambrosia pollen inannual sums of total pollen is very low anddoes not exceed 1% except at Ostrowiecwitokrzyski in 1996 (1.2%) and atKraków in 1999 (2%). For Kraków theanalysis of some meteorological factors (Tmax,Tmin, precipitation, wind direction) wasperformed. High temperature and lack of rain orlow precipitation correlate well with ragweedpollen concentrations. During the Ambrosia pollen seasons ESE, E, S, SE, WSW, SWwind directions prevailed which could suggest along-distance transport from Ukraine, the CzechRepublic, Slovakia and also from Hungary, one ofthe most ragweed-polluted countries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to supply detailed information about oak (Quercus sp.) pollen seasons in Poznań, Poland, based on a 16-year aerobiological data series (1996–2011). The pollen data were collected using a volumetric spore trap of the Hirst design located in Poznań city center. The limits of the pollen seasons were calculated using the 95 % method. The influence of meteorological parameters on temporal variations in airborne pollen was examined using correlation analysis. Start and end dates of oak pollen seasons in Poznań varied markedly from year-to-year (14 and 17 days, respectively). Most of the pollen grains (around 75 % of the seasonal pollen index) were recorded within the first 2 weeks of the pollen season. The tenfold variation was observed between the least and the most intensive pollen seasons. These fluctuations were significantly related to the variation in the sum of rain during the period second fortnight of March to first fortnight of April the year before pollination (r = 0.799; p < 0.001). During the analyzing period, a significant advance in oak pollen season start dates was observed (?0.55 day/year; p = 0.021), which was linked with an increase in the mean temperature during the second half of March and first half of April (+0.2 °C; p = 0.014). Daily average oak pollen counts correlated positively with mean and maximum daily temperatures, and negatively with daily rainfall and daily mean relative humidity.  相似文献   

Primate species, by and large, are culturally significant icons across their habitat. One of the more prominent expressions of this lies in the revered status of macaques and langurs in South and Southeast Asia, largely because of their religious status in Hinduism. People’s belief in these species’ sanctity often serves to protect them from physical harm or retaliation in conflict situations and thus strongly mediates their conservation. The nature of this interface has changed over the years of mutual interactions between the two groups. Trends in literature are useful markers of sociocultural developments in human life and reflect changes in human views with respect to the world around them. I investigated Tamil language poetical works from southern India to analyze people’s attitudes toward primates and changes in their views of primates over time. My findings suggest that sacredness was not a defining characteristic of human–primate relations in ancient times. The deification of monkeys occurred later and was largely driven by the growing popularity of Ramayana, the Hindu epic. The growing importance of religion in the daily lives of people and increasing urbanization subsequently led to the peripheralization of monkeys in people’s lives and narratives. Monkeys, once considered coinhabitants of a shared landscape, slowly began to be seen as animals with some human-like qualities that represent wild nature. The literary lens is thus a useful tool to map and understand changes in human perceptions of primate species over time and can be a powerful method in ethnoprimatology.  相似文献   

Echinococcosis: an emerging or re-emerging zoonosis?   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The aim of this review is a critical discussion of factors actually or potentially contributing to persistence or emergence of echinococcosis in humans. Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), a life-threatening infection of humans, is caused by a larval stage of Echinococcus multilocularis. The adult parasite inhabits the intestine of foxes and other carnivores and has a wide distribution in the northern hemisphere (North America and northern and central Eurasia). Recent surveys in central Europe have extended the known geographical occurrence of E. multilocularis in foxes from four countries at the end of the 1980s to at least 11 countries in 1999. Cases of human AE previously regularly reported from only four countries are now recorded from seven countries, but the annual incidences are low. Since adequate information from earlier surveys is not available, it is not possible to conclude if the new findings reflect a recent extension of the parasite's range or just the first identification of hitherto unnoticed endemic areas. Evidence of parasite spreading has been reported from North America and Japan. Factors with the potential of enhancing the infection risk for humans in the future include increasing fox populations and parasite prevalences, progressing invasion of cities by foxes, the establishment of urban cycles of the parasite, and the spill-over of the E. multilocularis infection from wild carnivores to domestic dogs and cats. In view of the potential severity and fatality of AE in humans health authorities should initiate internationally coordinated countermeasures. Although control programmes against human cystic echinococcosis (CE), caused by E. granulosus, have been established in some countries and effective control strategies are available, the parasite has still a wide geographical distribution affecting many countries of all continents. Thus, human CE is persisting in many parts of the world with high incidences, and in some areas it is a re-emerging problem. For example, alarming increases of the number of human cases have been reported from Bulgaria and Kazakhstan, and the People's Republic of China. Progress in control can only be expected if health authorities attribute a higher priority to this disease and if all modern diagnostic and control options (for example vaccination of intermediate host animals) can be used.  相似文献   

The Caucasus, at the border of Europe and Asia, is important for migration and over-wintering of wild waterbirds. Three flyways, the Central Asian, East Africa-West Asia, and Mediterranean/Black Sea flyways, converge in the Caucasus region. Thus, the Caucasus region might act as a migratory bridge for influenza virus transmission when birds aggregate in high concentrations in the post-breeding, migrating and overwintering periods. Since August 2009, we have established a surveillance network for influenza viruses in wild birds, using five sample areas geographically spread throughout suitable habitats in both eastern and western Georgia. We took paired tracheal and cloacal swabs and fresh feces samples. We collected 8343 swabs from 76 species belonging to 17 families in 11 orders of birds, of which 84 were real-time RT-PCR positive for avian influenza virus (AIV). No highly pathogenic AIV (HPAIV) H5 or H7 viruses were detected. The overall AIV prevalence was 1.6%. We observed peak prevalence in large gulls during the autumn migration (5.3–9.8%), but peak prevalence in Black-headed Gulls in spring (4.2–13%). In ducks, we observed increased AIV prevalence during the autumn post-moult aggregations and migration stop-over period (6.3%) but at lower levels to those observed in other more northerly post-moult areas in Eurasia. We observed another prevalence peak in the overwintering period (0.14–5.9%). Serological and virological monitoring of a breeding colony of Armenian Gulls showed that adult birds were seropositive on arrival at the breeding colony, but juveniles remained serologically and virologically negative for AIV throughout their time on the breeding grounds, in contrast to gull AIV data from other geographic regions. We show that close phylogenetic relatives of viruses isolated in Georgia are sourced from a wide geographic area throughout Western and Central Eurasia, and from areas that are represented by multiple different flyways, likely linking different host sub-populations.  相似文献   

In Brazil, epizootics among New World monkey species may indicate circulation of yellow fever (YF) virus and provide early warning of risk to humans. Between 1999 and 2001, the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul initiated surveillance for epizootics of YF in non-human primates to inform vaccination of human populations. Following a YF outbreak, we analyzed epizootic surveillance data and assessed YF vaccine coverage, timeliness of implementation of vaccination in unvaccinated human populations. From October 2008 through June 2009, circulation of YF virus was confirmed in 67 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul State; vaccination was recommended in 23 (34%) prior to the outbreak and in 16 (24%) within two weeks of first epizootic report. In 28 (42%) municipalities, vaccination began more than two weeks after first epizootic report. Eleven (52%) of 21 laboratory-confirmed human YF cases occurred in two municipalities with delayed vaccination. By 2010, municipalities with confirmed YF epizootics reported higher vaccine coverage than other municipalities that began vaccination. In unvaccinated human populations timely response to epizootic events is critical to prevent human yellow fever cases.  相似文献   

A critical survey is made of human mycoses diagnosed in European Portugal and in the Portuguese Overseas Provinces. Dermatophyte infections and pityriasis versicolor are commom in the entire territory. The more frequently isolated dermatophytes in Continental Portugal wereTrichophyton violaceum, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton tonsurans andTrichophyton schoenleinii, in the scalp andTrichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton megninii andEpidermophyton floccosum in the other body sites. In the Overseas Provinces the species found in white people were very much the same, whereas in negroes mainlyMicrosporum audouinii andT. violaceum in Mozambique,M. audouinii in Angola, andTrichophyton soudanense, M. audouinii andT. rubrum in Guinea were identified.In Continental Portugal cases of candidiasis, mycetoma, aspergillosis, sporotrichosis and cryptococcosis were described in patients who had never been outside Europe; and tinea nigra, African histoplasmosis and South-American blastomycosis in individuals who live or lived in India, Africa and Brazil.The first case of North-American blastomycosis was reported in Mozambique.  相似文献   

Understanding how human presence influences animal behavior, specifically the behavior of nonhuman primates, has important implications for methodology in cognitive and behavioral studies, for our understanding of human–animal relationships and for animal welfare in captive settings. Conducted in the San Diego Zoo, this study partially replicates an existing study on human–animal relationships, which focused on familiarity effects on the human-directed behavior of great apes residing in the Toronto Zoo. Such a replication in a new location and with different individuals is necessary to expand sample size and to better understand how ontogeny and living environment influence human-directed ape behavior. All-occurrence sampling of human-directed behavior was used to gather data on two gorilla groups and one orangutan group, all housed at the San Diego Zoo. The aim was to compare ape-initiated behaviors toward zoo staff with apeinitiated visitor-directed behavior, in accordance with predictions of the Human–Animal Relationship (HAR) model. Overall, human-directed behaviors were more frequent toward visitors than toward staff, mainly caused by increased visitor-directed visual behavior, specifically brief glances. Given that visual monitoring has been seen as fearful behavior, potentially related to predator monitoring, this would confirm the expectation that lack of familiarity will lead to increased visual vigilance. However, the visitor-directed visual behaviors may not be antagonistic or fearful. Considering the specific behaviors and exhibit designs, curiosity may be an equally likely explanation in this context. Aiming to also understand whether these groups exhibited species differences in human-directed behavior, it was found that orangutans engaged in more affiliative behavior overall than gorillas. Comparing our results with the previous study, we conclude that while effects of familiarity are present, those effects are modulated by both individual ontogeny and exhibit design. While the HAR model is partially supported, additional factors may need to be included to fully interpret the observed behavior. Additional research is needed to further understand the effects of species, sex, and ontogeny on the predictions of the HAR model.  相似文献   

The paper gives a bibliographical review of the finite element modelling and simulations in dentistry from the theoretical as well as practical points of view. The bibliography lists references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations that were published between 1990 and 2003. At the end of this paper, more than 700 references are given dealing with subjects such as: dental materials; oral and maxillofacial mechanics and surgery; orthodontics, tooth movement, orthodontic appliances; root canals, filling and therapy; dental restorations and other topics.  相似文献   

Grey partridge Perdix perdix populations were monitored in the years 1991–2004 in ten agricultural areas (100–200 km2 each) located in various regions of Poland. Spring density (call counts in March/April) and parameters describing reproductive success (counts of adult and young birds in coveys found in August) were estimated, and annual survival rate of adult birds was calculated. In the 1990s, the mean spring density of grey partridge in Poland showed a threefold decrease. In 1993 (the year of the highest mean density), from 4.6 pairs/km2 to 20.0 pairs/km2 were found in individual areas; whereas in 2004, there were from 0.4 pairs/km2 to 8.3 pairs/km2. The mean brood-production rate in individual years ranged from 29% to 49% (overall mean 36.8%), the chick-survival rate from 31% to 56% (43.1%), the young production from 1.6 to 2.8 young per adult (2.32 young/adult) and the annual survival rate of adult birds from 25% to 33% (28.3%). The population decrease in the 1990s was connected with the drop of reproductive success, including both the brood-production rate and the chick-survival rate, as well as with the decline of annual survival rate of adult birds. The decrease of brood-production rate and adult-survival rate probably resulted mainly from increased abundance of nest and incubating female predators (particularly foxes). Fluctuations in chick-survival rate were related to weather conditions, but also slight long-term decline was recorded, probably due to more intensive pesticide use.  相似文献   

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