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Lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP)-1, one of the major protein components of the lysosomal membrane, is upregulated in the human glioblastoma cell lines, U-373 MG and LN-Z308, which undergo cisplatin-induced apoptosis. These human brain tumor cell lines demonstrated apoptosis in response to cisplatin/nifedipine treatment. Both cell lines demonstrated an apoptotic response by more than one criterion. Apoptosis was demonstrated by DNA fragmentation techniques such as DNA laddering, ApopTag in situ labeling, and an ELISA-based method of detecting liberated oligosomes. These cells also had characteristic morphologic changes and upregulation of bax consistent with apoptosis. LAMP-1 expression at the protein and mRNA level was examined and found to increase with cisplatin/nifedipine treatment. LAMP-1 expression was examined using indirect immunofluorescent staining, Northern blot analysis and Western blot analysis. The finding of an augmentation of LAMP-1 in these cells induced to die is enigmatic. These findings raise the possibility of LAMP-1 involvement in the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

In acute pancreatitis, ICAM-1 is upregulated in various organs and contributes to the development of organ injury. To investigate the effects of pancreatic proteases on ICAM-1 expression and their role in the early process of leukocyte migration, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were incubated with serum subjected to limited trypsin digestion and Wistar rats were injected with trypsin. Significant upregulation of membrane-bound ICAM-1 was seen on HUVECs incubated with trypsinated serum. Likewise, soluble ICAM-1 increased in the supernatant of HUVECs. Changes of membrane-bound ICAM-1 and soluble ICAM-1 were maximal with high concentrations of trypsin. HUVECs incubated with TNF-alpha (positive control) showed similar changes. In the pancreas and lungs of animals infused with trypsin, ICAM-1 and leukocyte sequestration were increased compared with controls. Reflecting the relevance of protease-induced ICAM-1 expression in leukocyte migration, leukocyte-endothelium interaction, as assessed by intravital microscopy, was markedly increased by trypsin. Inhibition of ICAM-1 ameliorated these changes significantly. In conclusion, trypsinated serum induces the upregulation of both membrane-bound ICAM-1 on endothelial cells and soluble ICAM-1. These changes contribute to the early steps of leukocyte migration in acute pancreatitis. The role of soluble ICAM-1 remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

To assess the role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1/CCL2) in the development of fatty liver, we have used LDLr−/− mice as an animal model of high-fat, high-cholesterol diet-induced liver steatosis. The rapid dietary induction of hepatic mRNA MCP-1 expression was paralleled by a concomitant increase in plasma MCP-1 that was strongly associated with the degree of liver steatosis. Hepatocytes showed an intense immunoreactivity for MCP-1 that was mainly located surrounding the hepatic lipid droplets. The intake of cholesterol also increased the concentration of MCP-1 in liver homogenates. This was accompanied by a differential expression of members of the PPAR family. Additionally, complete MCP-1 deficiency prevents the development of liver steatosis in LDLr−/− mice and partial deficiency is accompanied by a certain protective effect. Our data also suggest that MCP-1 may be important in the regulation of hepatic insulin resistance and may represent a link between inflammation and metabolic diseases. We conclude that dietary cholesterol upregulation of hepatic MCP-1 may help to understand the role of circulating MCP-1 in conditions where liver derangements are clinically important and in the association of liver steatosis with the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Autotaxin (ATX) is a multifunctional phosphodiesterase originally isolated from melanoma cells as a potent cell motility-stimulating factor. ATX is identical to lysophospholipase D, which produces a bioactive phospholipid, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), from lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). Although enhanced expression of ATX in various tumor tissues has been repeatedly demonstrated, and thus, ATX is implicated in progression of tumor, the precise role of ATX expressed by tumor cells was unclear. In this study, we found that ATX is highly expressed in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most malignant glioma due to its high infiltration into the normal brain parenchyma, but not in tissues from other brain tumors. In addition, LPA1, an LPA receptor responsible for LPA-driven cell motility, is predominantly expressed in GBM. One of the glioblastomas that showed the highest ATX expression (SNB-78), as well as ATX-stable transfectants, showed LPA1-dependent cell migration in response to LPA in both Boyden chamber and wound healing assays. Interestingly these ATX-expressing cells also showed chemotactic response to LPC. In addition, knockdown of the ATX level using small interfering RNA technique in SNB-78 cells suppressed their migratory response to LPC. These results suggest that the autocrine production of LPA by cancer cell-derived ATX and exogenously supplied LPC contribute to the invasiveness of cancer cells and that LPA1, ATX, and LPC-producing enzymes are potential targets for cancer therapy, including GBM.  相似文献   

Channelling of glucose via glycogen, known as the glycogen shunt, may play an important role in the metabolism of brain tumours, especially in hypoxic conditions. We aimed to dissect the role of glycogen degradation in glioblastoma (GBM) response to ionising radiation (IR). Knockdown of the glycogen phosphorylase liver isoform (PYGL), but not the brain isoform (PYGB), decreased clonogenic growth and survival of GBM cell lines and sensitised them to IR doses of 10–12 Gy. Two to five days after IR exposure of PYGL knockdown GBM cells, mitotic catastrophy and a giant multinucleated cell morphology with senescence-like phenotype developed. The basal levels of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-acid glucosidase (GAA), essential for autolysosomal glycogen degradation, and the lipidated forms of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein-like (GABARAPL1 and GABARAPL2) increased in shPYGL U87MG cells, suggesting a compensatory mechanism of glycogen degradation. In response to IR, dysregulation of autophagy was shown by accumulation of the p62 and the lipidated form of GABARAPL1 and GABARAPL2 in shPYGL U87MG cells. IR increased the mitochondrial mass and the colocalisation of mitochondria with lysosomes in shPYGL cells, thereby indicating reduced mitophagy. These changes coincided with increased phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2, slower ATP generation in response to glucose loading and progressive loss of oxidative phosphorylation. The resulting metabolic deficiencies affected the availability of ATP required for mitosis, resulting in the mitotic catastrophy observed in shPYGL cells following IR. PYGL mRNA and protein levels were higher in human GBM than in normal human brain tissues and high PYGL mRNA expression in GBM correlated with poor patient survival. In conclusion, we show a major new role for glycogen metabolism in GBM cancer. Inhibition of glycogen degradation sensitises GBM cells to high-dose IR indicating that PYGL is a potential novel target for the treatment of GBMs.Subject terms: Cancer metabolism, CNS cancer  相似文献   

Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive adult primary brain tumor with poor prognosis. GBM patients develop resistance to the frontline chemotherapy, temozolomide (TMZ). As the connexins (Cx) have been shown to have a complex role in GBM, we investigated the role of Cx43 in TMZ resistance. Cx43 was increased in the TMZ-resistant low passage and cell lines. This correlated with the data in The Cancer Genome Atlas. Cx43 knockdown, reporter gene assays, chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, real-time PCR and western blots verified a role for Cx43 in TMZ resistance. This occurred by TMZ-resistant GBM cells being able to activate epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). In turn, EGFR activated the JNK-ERK1/2-AP-1 axis to induce Cx43. The increased Cx43 was functional as indicated by gap junctional intercellular communication among the resistant GBM cells. Cell therapy could be a potential method to deliver drugs, such as anti-EGF to tumor cells. Similar strategies could be used to reverse the expression of Cx43 to sensitize GBM cells to TMZ. The studies showed the potential for targeting EGF in immune therapy. These agents can be used in conjunction with stem cell therapy to treat GBM.  相似文献   

Microglia, the resident microphages of the CNS, are rapidly activated after ischemic stroke. Inhibition of microglial activation may protect the brain by attenuating blood-brain barrier damage and neuronal apoptosis after ischemic stroke. However, the mechanisms by which microglia is activated following cerebral ischemia is not well defined. In this study, we investigated the expression of PI3Kγ in normal and ischemic brains and found that PI3Kγ mRNA and protein are constitutively expressed in normal brain microvessels, but significantly upregulated in postischemic brain primarily in activated microglia following cerebral ischemia. In vitro, the expression of PI3Kγ mRNA and protein was verified in mouse brain endothelial and microglial cell lines. Importantly, absence of PI3Kγ blocked the early microglia activation (at 4 h) and subsequent expansion (at 24-72 h) in PI3Kγ knockout mice. The results suggest that PI3Kγ is an ischemia-responsive gene in brain microglia and contributes to ischemia-induced microglial activation and expansion.  相似文献   

The rate of entry of Magnaporthe oryzae into Arabidopsis pen2 sobir1 plants was significantly higher than that into pen2 plants. The length of the infection hyphae in pen2 sobir1 plants was significantly longer than that in pen2 plants. These results suggest that SOBIR1 is involved in both penetration and post-penetration resistance to M. oryzae in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   


Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most frequent primary brain tumors. Limited therapeutic options and high recurrency rates lead to a dismal prognosis. One frequent, putative driver mutation is the genomic amplification of the oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase EGFR. Often accompanied by variants like EGFRvIII, heterogenous expression and ligand independent signaling render this tumor subtype even more difficult to treat, as EGFR-directed therapeutics show only weak effects at best. So EGFR-amplified GBM is considered to have an even worse prognosis, and therefore, deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms and detection of potential targets for novel therapeutic strategies is urgently needed. In this study, we looked at the level of microRNAs (miRs), small non-coding RNAs frequently deregulated in cancer, both acting as oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Comparative analysis of GBM with and without EGFR amplification should give insight into the expression profiles of miRs, which are considered both as potential targets for directed therapies or as therapeutic reagents. Comparison of miR profiles of EGFR-amplified and EGFR-normal GBM revealed an upregulation of the miR-183/96/182 cluster, which is associated with oncogenic properties in several tumor entities. One prominent target of this miR cluster is FOXO1, a pro-apoptotic factor. By observing FOXO1 downregulation in EGFR-amplified tumors, we can see a significant correlation of EGFR amplification, miR-183/96/182 cluster upregulation, and repression of FOXO1. Although no significant difference in overall survival is shown, these data may contribute to the molecular understanding of this tumor subtype and offer potential targets for miR-based therapies.


Malignant gliomas are the most common primary brain tumor and have a poor clinical prognosis. 1, 3-Bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) is an alkylating agent that is commonly used in glioma therapy. However, BCNU chemotherapy often fails due to drug resistance. To gain better understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying the drug resistance of glioma, a BCNU-resistant variant (C6R) of C6 rat glioma cells was selected and characterized. The established C6R cells were resistant to BCNU-induced cell death and cell cycle arrest as confirmed by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction assay and flow cytometric analysis of DNA content. C6R cells showed an increased expression of common drug resistance-related genes such as O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase and multiple drug resistance 1. In contrast, C6R cells showed a decreased expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein, therefore, displaying shorter cellular processes compared with parental C6 cells. More importantly, in conjunction with the morphological changes, the expression of lipocalin-2 (lcn2), a 25-kDa secreted proapoptotic protein, was markedly reduced in the BCNU-resistant C6R cells. However, there was no significant change in the expression of lcn2 receptors. Addition of recombinant LCN2 protein or introduction of lcn2 cDNA significantly increased the sensitivity of C6 cells and human glioma cells to BCNU or other anticancer drugs, while knockdown of lcn2 expression by antisense cDNA transfection decreased the sensitivity. When lcn2 was re-expressed in C6R cells, the BCNU sensitivity was restored. Lcn2 enhanced BCNU-induced Akt dephosphorylation providing a molecular basis of apoptosis sensitization. These results suggest that LCN2 protein may be involved in glioma drug resistance and may provide a new approach to sensitizing glioblastoma to chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Recent studies from our laboratory indicate that pulmonary vasodilatory responses to exogenous nitric oxide (NO) are attenuated following chronic hypoxia (CH) and that this NO-dependent vasodilation is mediated by cGMP. Similarly, we have demonstrated that CH attenuates vasodilatory responses to the cGMP analog 8-bromoguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-BrcGMP). We hypothesized that attenuated pulmonary vasodilation to 8-BrcGMP following CH is mediated by decreased protein kinase G-1 (PKG-1) expression/activity. Therefore, we examined vasodilatory responses to 8-BrcGMP (1 microM) in isolated, saline-perfused lungs from control and CH (4 wk at barometric pressure of 380 mmHg) rats in the presence of the competitive PKG inhibitor Rp-beta-phenyl-1, N2-etheno-8-bromoguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothionate (30 microM) or the highly specific PKG inhibitor KT-5823 (10 microM). PKG-1 expression and activity were determined in whole lung homogenates from each group, and vascular PKG-1 levels were assessed by quantitative immunohistochemistry. PKG inhibition with either Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or KT-5823 diminished vasodilatory responses to 8-BrcGMP in lungs from both control and CH rats, thus indicating a role for PKG in mediating reactivity to 8-BrcGMP in each group. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, PKG-1 levels were approximately twofold greater in lungs from CH rats vs. controls, and furthermore, this upregulation was localized to the vasculature. This correlates with an increase in PKG activity following CH. We conclude that PKG-1 is involved in 8-BrcGMP-mediated vasodilation; however, attenuated pulmonary vasodilation following CH is not associated with decreased expression/activity of PKG-1.  相似文献   

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the most aggressive lung cancer with high heterogeneity.Mouse SCLC cells derived from the Rb1~(L/L)/Trp53~(L/L)(RP) autochthonous mouse model grew as adhesion or suspension in cell culture,and the adhesion cells are defined as non-neuroendocrine (non-NE) SCLC cells.Here,we uncover the heterogenous subpopulations within the non-NE cells and referred to them as mesenchymallike (Mes) and epithelial-like (Epi) SCLC cells.The Mes cells have increased capability to form colonies in soft agar and harbored stronger metastatic capability in vivo when compared with the Epi cells.Gene Set Enrichment Analysis reveals that the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling is enriched in the Mes cells.Importantly,inhibition of the TGF-β signaling through ectopic expression of dominant-negative Tgfbr2(Tgfbr2-DN) or treatment with Tgfbr1 inhibitor SD-208 consistently abrogates tumor metastasis in nude mouse allograft assays.Moreover,genetic deletion of Tgfbr2 or Smad4,the key components of the TGF-β signaling pathway,dramatically attenuates SCLC metastasis in the RP autochthonous mouse model.Collectively,our results uncover the high heterogeneity in non-NE SCLC cells and highlight an important role of TGF-β signaling in promoting SCLC metastasis.  相似文献   

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