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The biosynthesis and maturation of the three subunits alpha (Mr = 37,000), beta (Mr = 32,000), and gamma (Mr = 27,000) of the mouse Lyt-2/3 antigenic complex have been studied by using two monoclonal antibodies directed against a monomorphic determinant of the Lyt-2 antigen. Short time-pulse labeling of thymocytes reveals three different high mannose intermediates that give rise upon endo-beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase H digestion to three distinct precursor polypeptides of Mr = 22,000 (alpha P), Mr = 18,000 (beta P), and Mr = 19,500 (gamma P). Pulse-chase analysis indicates rapid posttranslational processing, because mature forms already appear after 10 min of chase. The half-life of the endo-H-sensitive early forms are in the range of 20 to 30 min. Both the alpha and beta subunits are suggested to contain three N-asparagine-linked oligosaccharides, one of which is of the high mannose type. In contrast, the gamma-chain contains only one such glycan unit of the complex type. Moreover, the results presented show that all three chains undergo additional posttranslational modifications. Finally, the data suggest that the cytoplasmic domains of these chains are of different size.  相似文献   

Antiserum prepared in rhesus monkeys against purified mouse alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) was labeled with peroxidase and incubated with both living and formalin-fixed S. mansoni adults (perfused from mice or rhesus monkeys) in order to test for the presence of mouse alpha2M antigenic determinants on their surfaces. Following standard cytochemical processing with the appropriate controls, adult worms of both murine and primate origin were found to have mouse alpha2M-like determinants on their surfaces. Earlier observations by other methods on the presence, approximate distribution, and quantitative difference of alpha2M antigenic determinants on adult worms of mouse or rhesus origin were confirmed.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay specific for the H type 1 antigenic determinant demonstrated that the H type 1 antigen is under the strict control of the Se gene in both serum and saliva. Similar amounts of H type 1 antigenic determinants were found in saliva from Se/-, le/le donors and in saliva from Se/-, Le/- donors. However, sera from Se/-, le/le donors were about 100 times more efficient in inhibiting the H type 1 assay than were sera from Se/-, Le/- donors. A radioimmunoassay, based on the binding of Ulex europaeus with the H type 2 antigenic determinant, showed that all the H type 2 antigen in saliva is under the control of the Se gene, while only one-third of the H type 2 antigen present in serum is under the control of this gene. The remaining two-thirds of H type 2 antigen in sera is independent of the ABH secretor status of the donor. The amount of H type 2 antigen in both serum and saliva is independent of the Le gene. These results are compatible with the existence of two alpha (1 leads to 2) fucosyl-transferases but suggest that the enzyme of epithelial origin, coded by the Se gene, should be able to transform both type 1 and type 2 natural substrates, while the enzyme of mesodermic origin, coded by the H gene, would work preferentially on the natural type 2 substrates.  相似文献   

Rabbit, mouse, and guanaco cytochromes c differ from each other by only two amino acid residues. The identification is described of all of the antigenic determinants of mouse and guanaco cytochrome c that elicit an antibody response in rabbits, and those of the rabbit and guanaco proteins that elicity antibodies in the mouse. All except one of these sites center around single amino acid residue differences between the antigen and the host cytochrome c. The corresponding antibody popylations bind only to the areas of the protein in which the substitutions occur. Such antigenic determinants manifested in rabbits by quanaco and mouse cytochromes c are centered around residues 62 and 89, and residues 44 and 89, respectively. Similarly, the mouse recognizes sites containing residues 44 and 62 in guanaco cytochrome c, and residues 44 and 89 in rabbit cytochrome c. In none of these instances has a change in sequence failed to produce an antibody response. Each of these determinants appears to elicit and bind to its antibody, independently of other determinants present on the protein. In addition, two different autoantigenic responses have been detected. The antibodies produced against the determinant formed by glutamyl residue 62 of the guanaco protein in both rabbits and mice, the cytochromes c of which carry an aspartyl residue in that position, also bind to the aspartyl-containing region but with lower affinity. However, mouse and rabbit cytochrome c also elicit antibodies to the area of residue 62 in rabbits and mice, respectively, and these antibodies still bind more strongly to the glutamyl-than to the aspartyl-containing determinant. This last response occurs only when there are residue substitutions elsewhere in the molecule, because mice and rabbits fail to respond to their own cytochrome c. Antibodies produced in mice against the change from alanyl to valyl residue 44 by rabbit and guanaco cytochromes c also bind to the alanyl-containing determinant, except less tightly than to the valyl region. Conversely, antibodies raised in rabbits against the change from valyl to alanyl residue 44 only bind to this region when it carries an alanine. It is suggested that antigenic determinants that arise as a result of amino acid residue substitutions between the immunizing and the corresponding host protein, without a change in the spatial arrangement of the polypeptide backbone, be termed topographic determinants.  相似文献   

The antigenic determinants of bovine beta-casein (beta-CN) were localized by using twenty overlapping peptides encompassing the entire sequence of beta-CN and anti-beta-CN antisera from outbred mouse, rabbit and goat. The profile of the reactions was characteristic to the species, the dominant antigenic regions being 80-95, 143-158 and 195-209 in mouse, 1-16 in rabbit and 100-115 in goat. Regions 1-16, 100-115, 121-136 and 143-158 were antigenic in all three species. The number of antigenic regions recognized by goat was much fewer than that by mouse and rabbit, possibly because of the homology between bovine and goat beta-CN. A mixture of the twenty peptides could absorb about 50-60% of beta-CN specific antibodies from each species. Furthermore, the mouse and rabbit anti-beta-CN antibodies were also specific to the phosphorylated regions. We therefore conclude that the major antigenic determinants on beta-CN would be largely sequential and include the phosphorylated sites.  相似文献   

Murine allogeneic cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs), including long-term bulk CTL lines, were induced in I-region-incompatible combinations of strains in vitro in order to study the phenotypes of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-specific CTLs, as well as the possible functional involvement of accessory cell interaction molecules such as Lyt-2 and L3T4. This report shows that class II-specific allogeneic CTL populations consist of two types of T cells. Lyt-2+L3T4- (2+4-) and Lyt-2-L3T4+ (2-4+), in variable proportions depending on the strain combination, that in vitro bulk CTL lines with each of these phenotypes can be established, that the killing function of 2-4+ CTL is sensitive to the blocking effect of anti-L3T4 antibodies, suggesting functional involvement of this molecule in the CTL-target interaction, that anti-Lyt-2 antibodies fail to block killing by 2+4- cells, suggesting that such CTLs do not utilize this molecule in their killing function, and that while I-A-specific CTLs of both phenotypes are detectable, 2-4+ cells could not be detected among I-E-specific CTL populations.  相似文献   

In the complexity of host tumor relations, the regeneration of the tissue in which the tumor is growing, or in some other tissue in the organism, could influence the maturation of tumor cells, i.e. tumor reversion. Clinical observations and experiments on plants, lower animals, or animal embryos, performed by several authors, and our results on the influence of regenerating mouse liver on the abilities of tumor transplanted there or elsewhere in the organism led us to study the in vitro growth of different cells or bacteria exposed to the extracts of normal or regenerating liver and/or sera from these animals. Further, sterile used bacterial media were added to bacterial or cell cultures, respectively. Depending on the model, liver extracts-particularly extracts and sera from mice with regenerating liver-were shown to inhibit radioactive thymidine incorporation in the cells. In these experiments, the number of bacteria or cells per culture was lower than in otherwise treated corresponding cultures. Further, used sterile media of bacterial cultures stimulated the growth of bacteria but inhibited thymidine incorporation into fibrosarcoma cells in vitro. Whether this means that one or several common regulators exist in nature appears as an intriguing, but still completely open question. The idea of controlling tumor growth by using such regulatory growth factors seems very provocative.  相似文献   

An interspecies class I MHC molecule, Kb1+2/A2 (in which the alpha-1 and alpha-2 domains of the H-2Kb molecule have been linked to the alpha-3, transmembrane and intracytoplasmic domains of the HLA-A2 molecule) has been expressed on both human and mouse target cells by gene transfer. Maintenance of serologic determinants has been demonstrated. However, decreased lysis by allospecific CTL populations of cell lines that expressed a hybrid interspecies class I molecule, Kb1+2/A2, as compared with lines that expressed the native Ag, H-2Kb, has been described. An analysis with a limited panel of H-2Kb allospecific clones demonstrated that not all H-2Kb-specific CTL can lyse cells that express Kb1+2/A2 Ag. This suggested that the reduction of lysis by CTL populations was due to the loss of specific alloreactive clones in the population. Each clone used in this study was then defined as having high or low affinity characteristics. No correlation between the affinity of the CTL and the ability to recognize the interspecies hybrid molecule could be shown. Rather, these data suggest that antigenic determinants that are located within the polymorphic domains, alpha-1 and alpha-2, may be conformationally influenced by the alpha-3 domain.  相似文献   

Antigenic variants of influenza A/Hong Kong/1/68 (H3N2) were obtained in vitro by letting virus multiply in the allantosis-on-shell system in the presence of anti-haemagglutinin antibodies, prepared from immune goat serum to purified haemagglutinin antigen, and in vivo by giving mice antibody intraperitoneally one day before challenge with a sublethal dose of live virus. In both systems it was shown that the most narrowly reacting strain-specific antibodies selected antigenic variants at an apparently higher rate than a more cross-reactive preparation of antibodies.  相似文献   

Sialic acid has been shown to be part of the antigenic determinant of the Thy-1.2 alloantigen as expressed by the murine cell line S-49.1 TB-2-3 (S-49). This conclusion is based on the loss of cytotoxic inhibitory activity by the action of neuraminidase on the Thy-1.2 alloantigen. Also, sialic acid has the ability to inhibit the cytotoxic assay of AKR anti-C3H Thy-1.2 serum for S-49 cells. Further evidence for the protein nature of the Thy-1.2 alloantigen is apparent by trypsin digestion. Possibly the Thy-1.2 alloantigen as expressed on S-49 cells is a glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) serves as an important mineral element affecting plant productivity and nutritional quality. However, few studies have addressed the interactive effects of elevated CO2 and precipitation change on leaf N of dominant grassland genera such as Stipa L. This has restricted our understanding of the responses of grassland to climate change. We simulated the interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration and varied precipitation on leaf N concentration (Nmass) of four Stipa species (Stipa baicalensis, Stipa bungeana, Stipa grandis, and Stipa breviflora; the most dominant species in arid and semiarid grassland) using open-top chambers (OTCs). The relationship between the Nmass of these four Stipa species and precipitation well fits a logarithmic function. The sensitivity of these four species to precipitation change was ranked as follows: S. bungeana S. breviflora > S. baicalensis S. grandis. The Nmass of S. bungeana was the most sensitive to precipitation change, while S. grandis was the least sensitive among these Stipa species. Elevated CO2 exacerbated the effect of precipitation on Nmass. Nmass decreased under elevated CO2 due to growth dilution and a direct negative effect on N assimilation. Elevated CO2 reduced Nmass only in a certain precipitation range for S. baicalensis (163–343 mm), S. bungeana (164–355 mm), S. grandis (148–286 mm), and S. breviflora (130–316 mm); severe drought or excessive rainfall would be expected to result in a reduced impact of elevated CO2. Elevated CO2 affected the Nmass of S. grandis only in a narrow precipitation range. The effect of elevated CO2 reached a maximum when the amount of precipitation was 253, 260, 217, and 222 mm for S. baicalensis, S. bungeana, S. grandis, and S. breviflora, respectively. The Nmass of S. grandis was the least sensitive to elevated CO2. The Nmass of S. breviflora was more sensitive to elevated CO2 under a drought condition compared with the other Stipa species.  相似文献   

Breast cancer may be initiated by environmental/dietary agents and human milk may act as an ex vivo indicator of in vivo exposure of mammary epithelial cells to genotoxins. Extracts of human milk from UK-resident women (n=7) were tested for their abilities to morphologically transform C3H/M2 mouse fibroblasts. Genotoxicities were assessed in the Salmonella typhimurium reverse-mutation assay in the presence of S9 using strains TA1538 and YG1019, and in metabolically-competent human MCL-5 cells with the micronucleus and with the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assays. Two of the seven extracts were inactive in the transformation assay both in the presence or absence of S9, two appeared to be equally transforming either in the presence or absence of S9, and two other extracts induced increased transformation frequencies in the presence of S9. A seventh extract, tested only in the absence of S9, was inactive. Extracts were either active or inactive in at least three of the four tests applied. Four extracts were active or inactive in all four tests. The results suggest that human milk could be used as a resource for investigations of the as-yet-unidentified transforming agents previously detected in mammary lipid.  相似文献   

Lyt-1+2+ hapten-specific T suppressor cells (Ts) from mice injected and then painted with picryl or oxazolone derivatives produce hapten-specific T suppressor factors (TsF) in vitro. Stimulation by painting with contact sensitizer (which need not be specific) gives rise to Lyt-1-2+, I-J+, cyclophosphamide-sensitive T acceptor cells (Tacc). When the Tacc population is armed with TsF and then is exposed to specific antigen in the context of I-J-controlled determinants (antigen-presenting, haptenized spleen cells and Ts sharing the same I-J subregion), a nonspecific inhibitor of DNA synthesis (nsINH) appears in the supernatant. This inhibitor suppresses the primary DNA synthetic response to concanavalin A, lipopolysaccharide, and alloantigens in both syngeneic and allogeneic lymphocytes. The nsINH is only effective when added to lymphocyte cultures less than 8 hr after the stimulation with concanavalin A. The nsINH, however, affects neither primary nor secondary cytotoxicity in vitro. These data suggest the mouse immune system is capable of selective regulation of the response to specific antigen by the production of nonspecific soluble suppressor factor(s).  相似文献   

The antigenicity of the peptido-phosphogalactomannan (PPGM) of Cladosporium werneckii and the carbohydrate and peptide moieties isolated from it were studied in rabbits and guinea pigs. In rabbits, the antisera produced against whole C. werneckii cells reacted only with the carbohydrate portions of the antigen. The major portion of the antibody was directed towards the long phosphogalactomannan carbohydrate chains. O-Acetyl substituents were shown to play important roles in the determinants on these chains since selective removal of these groups eliminated their reactivity with antibody. A relatively small amount of the antibody response was directed towards the more numerous, short, mannose-containing chains. Concanavalin A, on the other hand, precipitated the polymer by virture of its reactivity with these units and not with the phosphogalactomannan chains.Delayed type (cell-mediated) immunity to C. werneckii was studied in guinea pigs. PPGM was able to elicit strong delayed skin-tests as was a peptide-rich fraction derived from PPGM by mild acid hydrolysis. Pure carbohydrate chains of PPGM were completely inactive. In contrast, two of the modified peptides derived from PPGM were able to elicit a response although they were less active than PPGM. It was concluded that the determinants responsible for delayed hypersensitivity reside in the peptide portion of the antigen but that the technique used to isolate the peptides (alkaline β-elimination) partially destroyed the determinants.  相似文献   

A method of high-performance liquid chromatography-fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (HPLC/FAB/MS) for the structural characterization of glycosphingolipids was developed, which involves a frit interface between the HPLC and the MS. The molecular species of glucosylceramide (GlcCer) purified from the spleen of a patient with Gaucher's disease and galactosylglobotetraosylceramide (IV3 beta Gal-Gb4Cer) from mouse kidney were analyzed using this system on a reversed-phase column, with methanol containing 1% glycerol as the elution solvent. The injection of 1 microgram of GlcCer gave the mass spectra of seven major molecular species, the pseudo-molecular ion for each of the seven molecular species being observed at m/z 698, 726, 754, 782, 808, 796, and 810, respectively. The injection of 200 pg of synthetic N-stearoyl glucosylsphingosine (d18:1) gave a clear peak with the single ion monitoring method detecting the pseudo-molecular ion at m/z 726. The injection of 5 micrograms of IV3 beta Gal-Gb4Cer gave the mass spectra of six major molecular species, the pseudo-molecular ions being observed at m/z 1,489, 1,471, 1,515, 1,497, 1,517, and 1,499. This report deals with a new HPLC/FAB/MS system, which was successfully applied to the structural characterization of the molecular species of neutral glycosphingolipids, and the system is a quite promising for development into a quantitative method for glycosphingolipids with high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

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