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Robertsonian translocations are the most frequent structural chromosomal abnormalities in humans and can affect fertility, with various degrees of sperm alterations in men; or the pregnancy outcome of the carriers. The studies on meiotic segregation of chromosomes in sperm of Robertsonian translocation males find a majority of normal or balanced spermatozoa for the chromosomes related to the translocation (mean 85.42%; range 60-96.60%). Furthermore, recent studies suggest an interchromosomal effect. Studies on spermatozoa from translocation carriers, and in mouse models help the comprehension of the meiotic segregation mechanisms. Results of meiotic segregation analysis in man could be integrated in genetic counselling especially when assisted reproductive technology is required.  相似文献   

The effect of the 1;29 Robertsonian translocation on fertility was studied using embryos resulting from matings of nine carrier cows and two carrier bulls. Embryos were collected from the following three mating groups utilizing superovulation: normal bull cross normal cow, normal bull cross translocation carrier cow, and translocation carrier bull cross normal cow. The proportion of ova which were fertilized did not vary among the groups, indicating that fertilization rates were not affected by the translocation. The translocation cows did yield fewer embryos on average than did cows with normal karyotypes, which may suggest ovulation rates are reduced (at least after superovulation attempts) in cattle carrying the 1;29 translocation. Twenty of 39 embryos successfully karyotyped had abnormal chromosome complements. All four of the theoretically predicted karyotypes and two additional abnormal combinations were found. Eight of 39 (20.5%) embryos karyotyped had unbalanced karyotypes which would have resulted in embryonic loss. The proportion of embryos with unbalanced karyotypes, was slightly higher when the cow (36%) carried the translocation than when the bull (19%) did. Results of this study indicate that fertility is impaired due to the presence of this translocation. The major loss in reproductive potential appears to be due to embryonic loss rather than fertilization failure.  相似文献   

In 1964, Gustavsson and Rockborn first described the 1/29 Robertsonian translocation in cattle. Since then, several studies have demonstrated the negative effect of this particular chromosomal rearrangement on the fertility of carrier animals. During the last decade, meiotic segregation patterns have been studied on human males carrying balanced translocations using FISH on decondensed sperm nuclei. In this work, we have applied the 'Sperm-FISH' technique to determine the chromosomal content of spermatozoa from two bulls heterozygous for the 1/29 translocation and one normal bull (control). 5425 and 2702 sperm nuclei were scored, respectively, for the two heterozygous bulls, using whole chromosome painting probes of chromosomes 1 and 29. Very similar proportions of normal (or balanced) spermatozoa resulting from alternate segregation were observed (97.42% and 96.78%). For both heterozygous bulls, the proportions of nullisomic and disomic spermatozoa did not follow the theoretical 1:1 ratio. Indeed, proportions of nullisomic spermatozoa were higher than those of disomic sperma tozoa (1.40% vs 0.09% (bull 1) and 1.29% vs 0.15% (bull 2) for BTA1, and 0.65% vs 0.40% (bull 1) and 1.11% vs 0.63% (bull 2) for BTA29). The average frequencies of disomic and diploid spermatozoa in the normal bull were 0.11% and 0.05%, respectively.  相似文献   

Heterozygous carriers of Robertsonian translocations generally have a normal phenotype but present reproductive failure. In cattle, the t(1;29) Robertsonian translocation is very common and carriers show a 3-5% decrease in fertility. Some data suggest that female carriers have a higher decrease than male carriers but no direct studies of the chromosome content of oocytes from a t(1;29) carrier cow have been performed so far. Four heterozygous carrier cows underwent hormonal stimulations and follicles punctions and about 800 oocytes were matured in vitro. Six hundred metaphase II preparations were obtained and analysed by fluorescent in situ hybridization with bovine chromosome 1 and 29 painting probes. Proportions of different kinds of oocytes were assessed: 74.11% (292/394) were normal and balanced, 4.06% (16/394) unbalanced and 21.83% (86/394) diploid. For all cows, the number of normal oocytes was not significantly different from the number of translocated oocytes but the diploidy and unbalanced rate were significantly different between them. As found in bulls, the meiotic segregation pattern in cows has shown a preponderance of alternate products. However, the frequency of unbalanced gametes determined in females (4.06%) was significantly higher than the frequency observed in males (2.76%). The divergence in the rate of diploid gametes (0.04% vs. 21.83%) is mainly explained by the difference between males and females.  相似文献   

Meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin (MSUC) occurs in the germ cells of translocation carriers and may cause meiotic arrest and infertility. We hypothesized that if bypassing meiotic checkpoints MSUC may cause epigenetic defects in sperm. We investigated the meiotic behavior of the Robertsonian translocation Rb (8.12) in mice. The unsynapsed 8 and 12 trivalent was associated with the XY body during early and mid-pachynema in heterozygous Rb (8.12) carriers, suggesting possible silencing of pericentromeric genes, such as the Dnmt3a gene. In wild-type mice, DNMT3A protein showed a dramatic accumulation in the nucleus during the mid-pachytene stage and distinct association with the XY body. In translocation carriers, DNMT3A was less abundant in a proportion of pachytene spermatocytes that also had unsynapsed pericentromeric regions of chromosomes 8 and 12. The same mice had incomplete methylation of the imprinted H19 differentially methylated region (DMR) in sperm. We propose that impaired H19 imprint establishment results from lack of synapsis in chromosomes 8 and 12 probably through transient silencing of a chromosome 8 or 12 gene during pachynema. Furthermore, our findings support the notion that imprint establishment at the H19 locus extends into pachynema.  相似文献   

Wilson TD 《Theriogenology》1991,36(5):789-793
Mature cows (n = 37) were superovulated and inseminated with semen from either bulls heterozygous for the 1 29 Robertsonian translocation or bulls with a normal karyotype. A total of 163 embryos was recovered, and preparations suitable for cytogenetic analysis were obtained from 67 (41.1%) of these. The karyotype was unbalanced in three (4.5%) of the embryos sired by semen from a bull carrying the translocation, whereas no karyotypic imbalance was recognized in the control group of embryos. Two of the unbalanced embryos were monosomic, while the third embryo was trisomic.  相似文献   

13/17罗伯逊易位猪POU1F1基因多态性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜丽花  赵雯  何晓波  张廷荣  孙金海 《遗传》2008,30(8):1015-1020
采用外周血淋巴细胞培养制备染色体标本, 对13/17罗伯逊易位猪的3种杂交组合的394头后代进行核型分析, 出现3种核型猪:13/17易位纯合子猪[2n=36, XY或XX, rob(13;17)]、13/17易位杂合子猪[2n=37, XY或XX, rob(13;17)]和正常核型猪[2n=38, XY或XX]。应用PCR-RFLP技术在POU1F1基因的1 746 bp扩增片段中检测到1个RsaⅠ限制性内切酶的多态位点。应用PCR-SSCP技术检测POU1F1基因第4外显子, 在3种杂交后代群中均未检测到突变。遗传多态性分析结果表明:RsaⅠ酶切多态位点的突变在3种杂交后代群中A等位基因和AA基因型频率占优势, 在3种核型群体中也是A等位基因和AA基因型频率占优势, 其中AB基因型频率在易位杂合型群体中较高。各杂交后代群均未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡, 不同核型群亦处于非平衡状态。13/17易位杂合子猪×13/17易位杂合子猪和13/17易位杂合子猪×约克两杂交后代群的PIC表现为中度多态, 而13/17易位杂合子猪×皮杜杂交后代群表现为低度多态; 易位杂合型群体表现为中度多态, 正常核型和易位纯合型群体表现低度多态性。  相似文献   

Transmission ratio distortion (TRD) is defined as a significant departure from expected Mendelian ratios of inheritance of an allele or chromosome. TRD is observed among specific regions of the mouse and human genome and is frequently associated with chromosome rearrangements such as Robertsonian (Rb) chromosomes. We intercrossed mice heterozygous for a (7.18) Rb translocation and genotyped chromosomes 7 and 18 in 1812 individuals, 47% of which were informative for chromosome segregation. We substantiated previous findings that females were less likely than expected to transmit the Rb chromosome to their offspring. Surprisingly, however, we report that heterozygous males transmitted the Rb translocation chromosome significantly more frequently than the acrocentrics. The transmission of the Rb chromosome was not significantly influenced by either the sex of the Rb grandparent or the strain of the Rb.  相似文献   

Karyotypes were prepared for ten Rahaji bulls using cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes. C-banded metaphases were prepared to identify the sex chromosomes and possible translocations. Out of the ten bulls, studied one bull had a 2n number of 59 chromosomes and carried a Robertsonian translocation. The possible importance of the Robertsonian translocation in Zebu cattle in Nigeria is discussed.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the Robertsonian 1/29 translocation in the Sykia Chalkidiki cattle breed. The characteristics of this endangered breed are described, and the possibilities of rescuing and exploiting the breed in a zootechnical sense are examined.  相似文献   

J McWhir  R B Church  G H Coulter  C C Lin 《Génome》1987,29(3):504-509
Metaphase chromosomes were prepared from peripheral leukocyte cultures of 253 beef animals representing 21 breeds. A total of 10 Robertsonian translocations were identified. Nine were 1/29 fusions and one was a stable 14/20 fusion identified in several Simmentals. To our knowledge, the only other case of this translocation reported was also in the Simmental breed, suggesting that this fusion may be unique to the breed. A further 54 relatives of known 1/29 and 14/20 carriers were examined, revealing that both fusions were inherited by 50% of offspring of the heterozygous carrier. Heterozygous male 1/29 carriers left fewer calves than karyotypically normal bulls when used in natural service.  相似文献   

A case of translocation heterozygosity has been discovered in gardenCanna. Morphologically the heterozygote is distinctive, being a pygmy type with small flowers which do not open. Cytologically it shows a ring or a chain of 4 plus 7 bivalents. The present observations reveal that rings disjunct usually in adjacent, and chains in an alternate manner. The subsequent course of meiosis is normal. The variety is totally sterile both after self and cross pollination. It has very likely arisen as a hybrid between two parents differing in one interchange.  相似文献   

In this report some data concerning the male meiotic system of mice heterozygous for Rb(11.13)4Bnr are presented and compared with those of a chromosomally normal Swiss random-bred stock. Change of the genetic background from a C3H/Swiss hybrid situation to the fourth backcross generation (to the Swiss random-bred stock), did not alter the average frequency of aneuploid secondary spermatocytes. This was confirmed by studies on post-implantation loss. Spermatogenic characteristics of Rb4/+ mice, such as testis weight, sperm production and the number of diplotene-metaphase-I figures found in stage XII of the seminiferous epithelium, suggest delay and cell death during this period. These data support our working hypothesis that such an aberrant chromosome system may be more prone to radiation effects and therefore is promising in our cytological studies into the causes of spontaneous and in our cytological studies into the causes of spontaneous and induced autosomal non-disjunction during meiosis in the mouse.  相似文献   



Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is now widely used to select embryos free of chromosomal copy number variations (CNV) from chromosome balanced translocation carriers. However, it remains a difficulty to distinguish in embryos between balanced and structurally normal chromosomes efficiently.


For this purpose, genome wide preimplantation genetic haplotyping (PGH) analysis was utilized based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray. SNPs that are heterozygous in the carrier and, homozygous in the carrier’s partner and carrier’s family member are defined as informative SNPs. The haplotypes including the breakpoint regions, the whole chromosomes involved in the translocation and the corresponding homologous chromosomes are established with these informative SNPs in the couple, reference and embryos. In order to perform this analysis, a reference either a translocation carrier’s family member or one unbalanced embryo is required. The positions of translocation breakpoints are identified by molecular karyotypes of unbalanced embryos. The recombination of breakpoint regions in embryos could be identified.


Eleven translocation families were enrolled. 68 blastocysts were analyzed, in which 42 were unbalanced or aneuploid and the other 26 were balanced or normal chromosomes. Thirteen embryos were transferred back to patients. Prenatal cytogenetic analysis of amniotic fluid cells was performed. The results predicted by PGH and karyotypes were totally consistent.


With the successful clinical application, we demonstrate that PGH was a simple, efficient, and popularized method to distinguish between balanced and structurally normal chromosome embryos.

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