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Visiting breeding patches can allow prospecting individuals to gather information on local patch quality to make optimal decisions about selecting a breeding habitat in the following year. This prospecting behaviour has been described in many bird species. However, the nature of the information gathered by prospectors often remains unknown. We collected data on prospecting behaviour in the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis, a small hole-nesting passerine bird, to investigate whether prospectors could gather information on their conspecifics' reproductive success, that is, ‘public information’. If they could, they would be expected to inspect conspecific nests, prospect at the time when public information is reliable, and be attracted to, and spend time at, successful sites. Prospecting at conspecific nests was frequent. Prospectors were mainly males, and prospecting activity closely matched the peak of nesting activity. The probability of observing a prospector at a nest increased with parental activity, measured by feeding rate and vigilance behaviour, but did not depend on direct measures of success of the inspected nest (nestling number and condition), or on female characteristics. Because feeding rate and vigilance behaviour were predictors of breeding success at fledging, prospectors were attracted to the most successful nests when cueing on conspicuous parental activity. Therefore, prospectors could gather accurate information on local conspecific reproductive success that may be used for breeding patch choice in the following year. We discuss alternative explanations for our results, and the need to test experimentally whether prospectors gather public information. We also discuss the role of breeding constraints on, and the origin of sex differences in, prospecting.  相似文献   

Unusually high intra-specific floral trait variability has often been described within deceptive orchid populations, as opposed to rewarding ones. Such variability is traditionally thought to have consequences on reproduction in this orchid group, i.e. phenotypically variable deceptive species may have a reproductive success advantage compared to those with a constant floral display. The proposed reason for this hypothetic pattern is that floral trait variability decreases pollinator avoidance learning in dealing with nectarless flowers, hence increasing their visitation rate. However, despite an intuitive and appealing hypothesis and a possible mechanism to explain it, the often-cited higher reproductive success induced by floral trait variability still remains unsupported.Here, we review the literature and consider eight studies that have experimentally or correlatively tested this hypothesis in deceptive orchids. In all these experiments, we have found no difference in average reproductive success between populations with high versus low flower trait variability, either in scent variable or colour polymorphic species. We discuss possible explanations for the lack of this pattern including the incapability of pollinators in perceiving the variability, the scarce relevance of polymorphic traits in the choice of species to forage on, or a different pollinator behaviour than the one proposed. We suggest that the high phenotypic variability is not likely to enhance deceptive orchids’ reproductive success, but is more likely to be a consequence of relaxed selection by pollinators. Nonetheless, information regarding orchid pollination strategy or pollinator cognitive abilities is often superficial, hence calling researchers for additional investigations that can contribute to a better understanding of this debated and yet unsupported hypothesis.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1995,50(6):1433-1440
Two experiments were performed to determine the effect of past territoriality and mating success on subsequent dominance and ability to attract females. First, in 14 staged, pair-wise encounters, the development of nuptial coloration and agonistic behaviour was examined in two types of males: previously territorial (PT) and previously non-territorial (PNT) males. Previously territorial males developed a more intense nuptial coloration and won all contests. Second, to test the males' ability to attract females, other factors were controlled that could have affected female mate choice, such as male size, quality of breeding substrate and male-male interactions. In 40 trials, PT males were more active, developed a more intense nuptial coloration, courted females more vigorously, spawned sooner and had a higher mating success than PNT males. Thus, in pupfish, Cyprinodon pecosensis, previous reproductive history is a good indicator of both dominance and mating success. Only males in good physical condition achieve high mating success, and both intra- and inter-sexual selection are important in maintaining the close correlation between expression of nuptial coloration, a second sexual trait, and other male attributes, such as physical condition and vigour, that allow a male to secure and defend a territory against rivals and to attract and spawn with females.  相似文献   

The contribution of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca male in parental care was studied to examine why some females mate with already-mated males. No difference in feeding rate was found between older and yearling monogamous males, when comparing nests at the same time. Monogamous and primary females were helped significantly more in parental care by the male than were secondary females of polygynous males. Females could only partly compensate for the absence of a male and of nestlings were reduced in nests with low male assistance. Differences in mate and territory quality were far too slight to make it advantageous for females to choose already-mated males instead of mating with monogamous males. We suggest that males, by being polyterritorial, deceive females into accepting polygyny; and females can be deceived since they do not have time to find out the marital status of males.  相似文献   

Reproduction ofVarroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) and the number ofVarroa mites that were found dead on the bottom board of the hive, were studied in relation to the period the mites spent on adult honey bees,Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), prior to invasion into brood cells. The maximum period on adult bees was 23 days. To introduce mites, combs with emerging worker brood, heavily infested with mites, were placed into a colony and removed the next day. At the beginning of the first day following emergence from brood cells, 18% of the mites introduced into the colony was found on the bottom of the hive. Part of these mites may already have died inside the capped brood cells, and then fallen down after cleaning of cells by the bees. At the second and third day following emergence, respectively 4% and 2% of the mites on adult bees at the previous day was recovered on the bottom, whereas from the fourth day on only 0.6% of the mites on adult bees was recovered on the bottom per day. After invasion into brood cells, 8–12% of the mites did not produce any offspring. Of the mites that did reproduce, the total number of offspring was 4.0–4.4 per mite during one reproductive cycle, part of which may reach maturity resulting in 1.2–1.3 viable daughters, and 8–10% of the mites produced only male offspring. Reproduction was independent of the period the mites had spent on adult bees prior to invasion into brood cells.  相似文献   

Du W  Ji X  Shine R 《Biology letters》2005,1(1):98-100
The numbers and sizes of eggs produced by adult females ultimately determine the viability of populations, as well as the evolutionary fitness of the females themselves. Despite an enormous amount of literature on the adaptive significance of fecundity variation within and among populations, simpler questions--such as the proximate mechanisms by which a female determines her clutch size--have attracted less attention. Our surgical manipulations show that the amount of space available to hold eggs within a female's abdomen influences her total reproductive allocation, enabling her to flexibly modify her reproductive output as she grows larger.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin haplotypes are highly polymorphic and are useful for analyses of both macro- and microdifferentiation of populations. The origins of this diversity are not known, but recent reports suggest strong selection at this locus. Increased rates of first-trimester spontaneous abortions have been reported when parents share GM phenotypes. Reduced fertility has been observed in mixed European descent white and Hutterite populations when both parents share immunoglobulin haplotypes. Population samples with completed family information and GM haplotype data are rare; the objective here is to provide this information on another sample. A sample of 242 Mennonite couples with mothers older than 40 years was divided into 3 groups of matings based on how many haplotypes were shared: 0, 1, or 2. The distribution of mean completed family sizes for the three groups were 3.35 +/- 1.85 (n = 23), 3.47 +/- 1.69 (n = 128), and 3.37 +/- 1.60 (n = 91), respectively; these values were not significantly different (F = 0.145, p = 0.865). The log-rank test was used to compare the time-to-next-birth curves. The intervals between first and later births (2-4 births) were not significantly different for the three subgroups either. There is also only limited evidence for segregation distortion in another sample of 923 offspring (in which at least one parent is heterozygous.  相似文献   

Offspring sex ratios at the termination of parental care should theoretically be skewed toward the less expensive sex, which in most avian species would be females, the smaller gender. Among birds, however, raptors offer an unusual dynamic because they exhibit reversed size dimorphism with females being larger than males. And thus theory would predict a preponderance of male offspring. Results for raptors and birds in general have been varied although population‐level estimates of sex ratios in avian offspring are generally at unity. Adaptive adjustment of sex ratios in avian offspring is difficult to predict perhaps in part due to a lack of life‐history details and short‐term investigations that cannot account for precision or repeatability of sex ratios across time. We conducted a novel comparative study of sex ratios in nestling Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii) in two study populations across breeding generations during 11 years in Wisconsin, 2001–2011. One breeding population recently colonized metropolitan Milwaukee and exhibited rapidly increasing population growth, while the ex‐Milwaukee breeding population was stable. Following life‐history trade‐off theory and our prediction regarding this socially monogamous species in which reversed sexual size dimorphism is extreme, first‐time breeding one‐year‐old, second‐year females in both study populations produced a preponderance of the smaller and cheaper sex, males, whereas ASY (after‐second‐year), ≥2‐year‐old females in Milwaukee produced a nestling sex ratio near unity and predictably therefore a greater proportion of females compared to ASY females in ex‐Milwaukee who produced a preponderance of males. Adjustment of sex ratios in both study populations occurred at conception. Life histories and selective pressures related to breeding population trajectory in two age cohorts of nesting female Cooper's hawk likely vary, and it is possible that these differences influenced the sex ratios we documented for two age cohorts of female Cooper's hawks in Wisconsin.  相似文献   

The seasonal decline in offspring performance is a frequently reported phenomenon in species breeding in a temperate zone, but the potential effect of brood sex ratio on such declines has not been studied. Here, we predicted that this decline may occur if the sex that exhibits the lower immune response or lower survival rate tends to be more frequent among late broods. The seasonal patterns of four performance parameters of collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis nestlings have been examined during 4 years. Sex was assigned to all studied individuals using molecular techniques. We found significant seasonal decline in cell-mediated immune response, tarsus length and survival of the chicks. The lack of interactions between gender and hatching date revealed that both sexes contributed equally to the observed decline. The brood sex ratio did not vary with the laying date. On the basis of available data, we suggest that the breeding date may only exceptionally induce female-driven sex allocation in species with only slight sexual size dimorphism. In consequence, we suggest that seasonal sex ratio shifts do not account for seasonally declining fitness of nestlings in passerines.  相似文献   

In order to test the assumption that female attractiveness relates to reproductive success, photographs of 47 rural Polish women taken in their youth were rated for attractiveness, and BMI at age 18 was recorded; these measures of attractiveness were then compared with their subsequent life histories. Facial attractiveness did not relate to number of children or grandchildren. It also did not relate to age of marriage or husband's education. It did relate to number of marriages and husband's height. BMI at age 18 did not relate significantly to any of the outcome variables. These results suggest that although more attractive women may have married higher quality (taller) husbands and may in ancestral population have achieved greater reproductive success this way, there is no evidence in a modern, European Catholic society for their having greater reproductive success.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence from many hunter-gatherer societies suggests that successful hunters experience higher prestige and greater reproductive success. Detailed quantitative data on these patterns are now available for five widely dispersed cases (Ache, Hadza, !Kung, Lamalera, and Meriam) and indicate that better hunters exhibit higher age-corrected reproductive success than other men in their social group. Leading explanations to account for this pattern are: (1) direct provisioning of hunters’ wives and offspring, (2) dyadic reciprocity, (3) indirect reciprocity, (4) costly signaling, and (5) phenotypic correlation. I examine the qualitative and quantitative evidence bearing on these explanations and conclude that although none can be definitively rejected, extensive and apparently unconditional sharing of large game somewhat weakens the first three explanations. The costly signaling explanation has support in some cases, although the exact nature of the benefits gained from mating or allying with or deferring to better hunters needs further study. For comments on earlier drafts, I thank Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Mike Gurven, Ray Hames, Kristen Hawkes, Kim Hill, Robert Kelly, Frank Marlowe, John Patton, and Polly Wiessner. Rebecca Bliege Bird and Douglas W. Bird invited me to collaborate in the Meriam research and (along with Del Passi of Mer) collected the data on Meriam demography. Geoff Kushnick and Matt Wimmer ably assisted with coding and statistical analysis of these data. Eric Alden Smith (PhD 1980, Cornell University) is a professor of anthropology at the University of Washington, Seattle. His research interests include the links between production and reproduction, the ecology and evolution of collective action, and politics in small-scale societies. He has conducted fieldwork among Inuit on Hudson Bay, Meriam in Torres Strait, and Mardu Aborigines in the Australian Western Desert.  相似文献   

Classical models of grooming predict that subordinate primates will direct grooming towards dominants to receive coalitionary support from them. In contrast, recent reviews suggest that grooming asymmetries can change with social system and ecological conditions and should reflect asymmetries in services provided by different members of the dyad. We studied grooming patterns between females in six wild groups of common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, to investigate the relation between social structure and grooming between females in a cooperatively breeding species. We observed grooming frequently and consistently in all study groups. Breeding females groomed nonbreeding females more than vice versa, and grooming between breeding and nonbreeding females was not related to agonistic behaviour. Our results provide some support to the hypothesis that grooming asymmetries are related to differences in services provided by different group members. We suggest that, in cooperatively breeding systems, breeding females may use grooming as an incentive for helper females to stay in the group.  相似文献   

Genetic introgression has been suggested as a management tool for mitigating detrimental effects of inbreeding depression, but the role of introgression in species conservation has been controversial, partly because population-level impacts of genetic introgressions are not well understood. Concerns about potential inbreeding depression in the endangered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) led to the release of eight female Texas pumas (P. c. stanleyana) into the Florida panther population in 1995. We used long-term reproductive data (1995–2008) collected from 61 female Florida panthers to estimate and model reproduction probability (probability of producing a litter) and litter size, and to investigate the influence of intentional genetic introgression on these parameters. Overall, 6-month probability of reproduction (±1SE) was 0.232 ± 0.021 and average litter size was 2.60 ± 0.09. Although F1 admixed females had a lower reproduction probability than females with other ancestries, this was most likely because kittens born to F1 females survive better; consequently, these females are unavailable for breeding until kittens are independent. There was no evidence for the effect of ancestry on litter size or of heterozygosity on probability of reproduction or litter size. In contrast, earlier studies have shown that genetic introgression positively affected Florida panther survival. Our results, along with those of earlier studies, clearly suggest that genetic introgression can have differential effects on components of fitness and highlight the importance of examining multiple demographic parameters when evaluating the effects of management actions.  相似文献   

Although females are traditionally thought of as the choosy sex, there is increasing evidence in many species that males will preferentially court or mate with certain females over others when given a choice. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, males discriminate between potential mating partners based on a number of female traits, including species, mating history, age, and condition. Interestingly, many of these male preferences are affected by the male''s previous sexual experiences, such that males increase courtship toward types of females that they have previously mated with and decrease courtship toward types of females that have previously rejected them. Dmelanogaster males also show courtship and mating preferences for larger females over smaller females, likely because larger females have higher fecundity. It is unknown, however, whether this preference shows behavioral plasticity based on the male''s sexual history as we see for other male preferences. Here, we manipulate the sexual experience of Dmelanogaster males and test whether this manipulation has any effect on the strength of male mate choice for large females. We find that sexually inexperienced males have a robust courtship preference for large females that is unaffected by previous experience mating with, or being rejected by, females of differing sizes. Given that female body size is one of the most common targets of male mate choice across insect species, our experiments with Dmelanogaster may provide insight into how these preferences develop and evolve.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of short-term (7 days) oral creatine supplementation (0.3 g.kg(-1)) in elderly women during exercise tests that reflect functional capacity during daily living tasks. We assessed several indices of endurance capacity (1-mile walk test, gross mechanical efficiency, ventilatory threshold, and peak oxygen intake determined during cycle-ergometry) and lower-extremity functional performance (time to complete sit-stand test). Subjects were assigned to a creatine (n = 10; age 67 +/- 6 years) or placebo (n = 6; age 68 +/- 4 years) group. We found a significant improvement only after creatine loading in the sit-stand test (placebo: 9.7 +/- 0.9 seconds for pretest and 9.3 +/- 0.7 seconds for posttest, p > 0.05; creatine: 10.0 +/- 0.7 seconds for pretest and 8.8 +/- 1.1 seconds for posttest). Significance was recorded at p < 0.05 for the interaction effect (group [creatine, placebo] x time [pretest, posttest]). In elderly women, short-term oral creatine supplementation does not improve endurance capacity but increases the ability to perform lower-body functional living tasks involving rapid movements.  相似文献   

Oecologia - Plant reproduction is highly sensitive to stress from severe weather. While facilitation has been shown to buffer negative impacts along stress gradients, less is known about...  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory predicts that predators prefer those prey species that are most rewarding in terms of reproductive success, which is dependent on prey quality and prey availability. To investigate which selection pressures may have moulded prey preference in an acarine system consisting of two prey species and three predator species, we tested whether prey preference of the predators is matched by the associated reproductive success.The predators involved areAmblyseius finlandicus (Oudemans),Am. potentillae (Garman) andTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten. The prey species are the apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa)) and the fruit-tree red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)).Reproductive success was assessed in terms of intrinsic rate of increase and for one predator also in terms of diapause induction. All three predator species reached highest reproductive success on the same prey species: apple rust mite. This was most pronounced for the predatorAm. finlandicus, because its larval stage suffered severe mortality when feeding onP. ulmi.An independent study on prey preference of the three predator species (Dicke et al., 1988) revealed thatAm. finlandicus prefersAc. schlechtendali toP. ulmi, whereas the other two predator species have the reverse preference.Thus, on the basis of current data, prey preference ofAm. finlandicus can be understood in terms of reproductive success. However, this is not so for prey preference ofT. pyri andAm. potentillae. Investigations needed for a better understanding of prey preference of the last-named two predator species are discussed.  相似文献   

Children with phenylketonuria (PKU) have a restricted protein intake and thus low dietary intakes of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), which may cause subtle neurological deficits. We measured plasma phospholipid fatty acids and visual evoked potential (VEP) in 36 children with well-controlled PKU (6.3±0.6 years, 19 girls), before and after 3 months of supplementing fish oil capsules providing 15 mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/kg daily. The motometric Rostock-Oseretzky Scale (ROS) was performed before and after supplementation in the 24 PKU children aged >4 years. VEP latencies and ROS were also assessed in omnivorous, age-matched controls without fish oil supply at baseline and after 3 months. Fish oil supply increased plasma phospholipid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (0.40±0.03 vs 3.31±0.19%, p<0.001) and DHA (2.37±0.10 vs 7.05±0.24%, p<0.001), but decreased arachidonic acid (AA) (9.26±0.23 vs 6.76±0.16%, p<0.001). Plasma phenylalanine was unchanged. VEP latencies and ROS results significantly improved after fish oil in PKU children, but remained unchanged in controls. The improvements of VEP latencies, fine motor and coordination skills indicate that preformed n-3 LC-PUFA are needed for neural normalcy in PKU children. The optimal type and dose of supply still needs to be determined. Since PKU children are generally healthy and have normal energy and fatty acid metabolism, these data lead us to conclude that childhood populations in general require preformed n-3 LC-PUFA to achieve optimal neurological function.  相似文献   

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