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Marine birds are useful as bioindicators of environmental pollution in estuarine and marine environments because they are often at the top of the food chain, ubiquitous, and many are abundant and common, making collecting possible. Seabirds have the advantage of being large, wide-ranging, conspicuous, abundant, long-lived, easily observed, and important to people. Many species are at the top of the food chain where they bioaccumulate contaminants with age. One disadvantage is that many species are migratory, making it difficult to determine where exposure occurred. This can be eliminated by using sedentary species or young birds that obtain all their food from parents. Further, noninvasive collection of feathers can be used to assess heavy metal levels, both from current collections and from historical collections in museums dating back centuries. Marine birds can be used as bioindicators in many ways, including tissue levels of contaminants, epidemiological field studies of effects, and experimental and laboratory studies of dose and effects. Examples from our research indicate some of the ways marine birds can be useful as indicators and sentinels of contamination, particularly by using young birds and feathers.  相似文献   

Linking human health risk to environmental factors can be a challenge for clinicians, public health departments, and environmental health researchers. While it is possible that nonhuman animal species could help identify and mitigate such linkages, the fields of animal and human health remain far apart, and the prevailing human health attitude toward disease events in animals is an “us vs. them” paradigm that considers the degree of threat that animals themselves pose to humans. An alternative would be the development of the concepts of animals as models for environmentally induced disease, as well as potential “sentinels” providing early warning of both noninfectious and infectious hazards in the environment. For such concepts to truly develop, critical knowledge gaps need to be addressed using a “shared risk” paradigm based on the comparative biology of environment–host interactions in different species.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), as long-lived, long-term residents of bays, sounds, and estuaries, can serve as important sentinels of the health of coastal marine ecosystems. As top-level predators on a wide variety of fishes and squids, they concentrate contaminants through bioaccumulation and integrate broadly across the ecosystem in terms of exposure to environmental impacts. A series of recent large-scale bottlenose dolphin mortality events prompted an effort to develop a proactive approach to evaluating risks by monitoring living dolphin populations rather than waiting for large numbers of carcasses to wash up on the beach. A team of marine mammal veterinarians and biologists worked together to develop an objective, quantitative, replicable means of scoring the health of dolphins, based on comparison of 19 clinically diagnostic blood parameters to normal baseline values. Though the scoring system appears to roughly reflect dolphin health, its general applicability is hampered by interlaboratory variability, a lack of independence between some of the variables, and the possible effects of weighting variables. High score variance seems to indicate that the approach may lack the sensitivity to identify trends over time at the population level. Potential solutions to this problem include adding or replacing health parameters, incorporating only the most sensitive measures, and supplementing these with additional measures of health, body condition, contaminant loads, or biomarkers of contaminants or their effects that can also be replicated from site to site. Other quantitative approaches are also being explored.  相似文献   

Residents of environmental justice (EJ) communities may bear a disproportionate burden of environmental health risk, and often face additional burdens from social determinants of health. Accounting for cumulative risk should include measures of risk from both environmental sources and social determinants. This study sought to better understand cumulative health risk from both social and environmental sources in a disadvantaged community in Texas. Key outcomes were determining what data are currently available for this assessment, clarifying data needs, identifying data gaps, and considering how those gaps could be filled. Analyses suggested that the traditionally defined EJ community in Port Arthur may have a lower environmental risk from air toxics than the rest of the City of Port Arthur (although the entire city has a higher risk than the average for the state), but may have a larger burden from social determinants of health. However, the results should be interpreted in light of the availability of data, the definitions of community boundaries, and the areal unit utilized. Continued focus on environmental justice communities and the cumulative risks faced by their residents is critical to protecting these residents and, ultimately, moving toward a more equitable distribution and acceptable level of risk throughout society.  相似文献   

Existing theory and research suggests that understanding the nuances of particular instantiations of human–animal relationships is important in promoting positive, mutually beneficial relationships between people and animals. One such aspect of human–animal interaction (HAI) involves species of animal involved in the relationship, and how various types of HAI may impact individuals' attitudes about animals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore if species and/or types of animal ownership were associated with feelings of emotional attachment, commitment, and moral orientation toward animals. A sample of young adults (n = 567) from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development completed a survey which included questions about animal ownership and attitudes about animals. Regression analyses demonstrated that the species of animal(s) a person owned significantly predicted all three dimensions of attitudes about animals. In addition, latent class analyses identified three prevalent types of animal interaction (no/few animals, small animals only, large and small animals), and multinomial logistic regression within the mixture model indicated that individuals in these subgroups significantly differed in moral orientation scores. Overall, the analyses strengthen support for the notion that species of animal involved in the interaction matters, and that relationships with various species of animals may differ qualitatively. These findings have implications for understanding the role of the relationship between types of animal ownership and attitudes about animals. Exploring the multifaceted nature of human–animal relationships is important in understanding how to optimize the person and animal characteristics that are associated with adaptive, mutually beneficial human–animal relationships.  相似文献   

This study first explores the physical and psychological health effects of residence near industrial hog farms. The study compares differences in specific health symptoms, psychological distress, and perceived control between a group of 48 nearby residents and a control group (n = 34) with no exposure to hog farms. The process through which nearby residence affects psychological distress is then explored by examining for mediating effects of either physical health symptoms or perceived control. Findings suggest that nearby residence is associated with increases in 12 of the 22 reported physical symptoms. Most of these significantly different symptoms are related to respiratory, sinus, and nausea problems. Nearby residence is also associated with increased psychological distress and decreased perceptions of control. Nearby residence appears to affect psychological distress by increasing physical health symptoms. Although nearby residents report significantly lower perceived control, perceived control does not play a significant role in the process through which nearby residence affects psychological distress.  相似文献   

Managers, management scholars, regulators, nonprofit organizations, and the media are increasingly using emissions inventory data to measure organizations' environmental performance. Whereas some analysts use total mass emitted, others have applied one or more of the growing number of toxicity-weighting databases aimed at predicting the environmental and health impacts of emissions. Little research is available to guide analysts in selecting among these databases. This article compares 13 methods in terms of their sophistication, complexity, and comprehensiveness. Seven of these methods are then evaluated as to their usefulness in weighting emissions data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA's) toxic release inventory, and three pair-wise comparisons are conducted. We recommend the U.S. EPA's Risk Screening Environmental Indicators for estimating impacts to human health. We recommend the Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical Impacts for estimating impacts to human health and the environment.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to assess health, safety, and environmental risks of a gas power plant in southern Iran. In order to identify the subject risks of the power plant at operational phase a questionnaire was designed using the Delphi method. The questionnaires were put at the disposal of 99 electricity industry experts. Risk assessment was done using multicriteria decision-making methods such as technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), entropy, and Eigenvector technique. Following prioritization of risks at each power plant unit, top-priority risks were determined by one-way ANOVA. The obtained results indicated that the risk of working with medium voltage boards with a weight of 0.879 at the power plant's Electricity Unit is the most important safety and health risk in the studied power plant while risk of servicing the unit with fuel of gas weighting 0.807 and delivery of gas fuel with weight of 0.630 in the Exploiting Unit and work on liquid fuel clutch with weight of 0.603 in the Mechanical Unit are the most important environmental risks in the gas power plant. In conclusion, this study concludes that health, safety, and environmental risk assessment can be a structured and used as a systematic approach to plan for environmental protection and personnel health.  相似文献   

Metallic elements in hair were assessed in human subjects randomly sampled from six villages in Hubei province, PR China, known to differ in industrial pollution. Metallic elements assessed included copper, zinc, lead, and cadmium. Subjects sampled included adults and children of both sexes. Soil and rice samples from the villages were also examined for contents of metallic elements. Soil and rice contents of copper, lead, and cadmium were higher in the villages closer to the pollution source (copper smeltery). Hair contents of copper, lead, and cadmium were higher in subjects from the polluted villages compared with subjects from the nonpolluted areas. No differences were found in hair zinc content among the villagers. Cadmium contents in rice and human hair were linearly correlated. For lead and copper a logarithmic relation was found. No difference was found between the two genders with respect to hair metallic contents. With regard to age, hair cadmium content was highest in the older age groups in the polluted villages and may reflect chronic exposure. No other systematic age effects were observed. It was concluded that contents of cadmium, lead, and copper in human hair do reflect the degree of environmental pollution.  相似文献   


In many arid and semi-arid regions, farmers are often obligated to informally use raw wastewater for irrigating their crops. The impacts of wastewater irrigation on soil, crops, and human health were investigated, regarding trace metals and bacteria. Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn were detected in wastewater. Cr, Cu, and Zn accumulated in soil and crops in the order rocket?>?clover?>?cabbage. The Health Risk Index reported risk from Cr and Zn in rocket. Fecal coliforms in wastewater and crops were detected along with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The frequency (%) was 86.7% (cabbage), 66.7% (rocket), and 43.3% (clover). The multiple antibiotic resistance index (0.503) rendered crops high risk source for contamination. The comprehensive pollution index classified wastewater severely polluted (≥2.01). Conclusions deduced crops alternative reservoirs for trace metals and human pathogens. Recommendations included implementation of low cost treatment methods, holding irrigation 5–15?days before harvest, assuming citric and acetic acids reducing solutions for trace metals, and suggested ofloxacin, amoxycillin/clavulanate, and amikacin antibiotics against reported bacteria.  相似文献   

Human and animal footprints found in the Valsequillo Basin were formed on the upper bedding planes surfaces of a volcanic ash (Xalnene Ash) deposited by a subaqueous volcano along the shores of a Pleistocene lake. The footprints were made on lake shorelines and the exposed lake floor during low stands associated, either with water displacement during the volcanic eruption, or due to climatically-driven fluctuations in the water balance. The Xalnene Ash has been dated to at least 40 K BP and consequently the human footprints provide evidence for much earlier colonization of the Americas than is often accepted. The methodology used to record, analyze and conserve these footprints used three-dimensional laser scanning, with sub-millimeter precision. This data were used to reproduce polymer models of individual footprints using the application of rapid-prototyping technology. This technology has wide significance for the study of ichnofacies in general. The characteristics of the human footprints and some problems associated with the volcanic ash as a molding medium for the clarity of these characteristics are given. These human footprints and their dating resolve the controversy related to the age of the archaeological and associated megafaunal remains that were reported in the Valsequillo Gravels in the 1960s and 1970s.  相似文献   

Recent reports in the scientific literature and the media, related to elevated levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs) in farmed and wild salmon have had significant impacts on public opinion and consumer behavior, influencing the sales of farmed salmon in North America and Europe. The assessment of contaminants in fatty fish, an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, is therefore an exercise in balancing risks and benefits. Human health risk assessors and risk managers will benefit from an understanding of the level of uncertainty that is integrated into all aspects of evaluating risk in this context. Significant variability exists in the way in which analyses are conducted, how data are reported, and how they are used in risk assessments. We conducted an analytical review of PCB and PBDE data in farmed and wild salmon, and identified critical issues having implications on human health risk assessment from fish consumption. These issues include: analytical methodologies used, quantification issues, reporting of QA/QC information, tissue sampling, nature of tissue analyzed, and laboratory competence. This article reviews and outlines these issues, discusses their implications for human health risk assessment, and recommends the consistent application of analytical fish tissue data in human health risk assessment.  相似文献   

Alcoa recently constructed the Fjarðaál aluminum smelter in Reyðarfjörður, East Iceland. The smelter is designed to produce a maximum of 346,000 metric tons per year of aluminum. A risk assessment was conducted to evaluate the differential human health risk related to estimated potential air emissions from the planned Fjarðaál smelter with and without seawater scrubbers. Air-dispersion modeling results provided for particulate matter (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen fluoride (HF), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were compared to ambient air standards or air quality guidelines from Norway, Iceland, or European directives and from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Risk estimates were calculated for PAHs. Modeled air estimates were mapped geospatially, to identify potential receptors, including onsite outdoor worker, seagoing worker, hypothetical fence-line resident, future hypothetical resident, closest current resident, residents in neighboring villages, closest farmer, and a visitor to the nearby Holmanes Nature Reserve. Both with and without seawater scrubbers, the predicted exceedances of standards per year for SO2 were well below the maximum number allowed. Use of seawater scrubbers was predicted to decrease average SO2 air concentration estimates in the short term; however, annual estimates were lower without seawater scrubbers. Risk estimates for carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic PAHs, and modeled air concentrations of HF and PM10, were well within acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background In the first part of this paper, we developed a methodology to incorporate exposure and risk concepts into life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). We argued that both risk assessment and LCIA are needed to consider the impacts of increasing insulation for single-family homes in the US from current practice to the levels recommended by the 2000 International Energy Conservation Codes. In this analysis, we apply our model to the insulation case study and evaluate the benefits and costs of increased insulation for new housing. Results and Discussion The central estimate of impacts from the complete insulation manufacturing supply chain is approximately 14 premature deaths, 400 asthma attacks, and 7000 restricted activity days nationwide for one year of increased fiberglass output. Of the health impacts associated with increased insulation manufacturing, 83% is attributable to the supply chain emissions from the mineral wool industry, which is mostly associated with the direct primary PM2.5 emissions from the industry (98%). Reduced energy consumption leads to 1.2 premature deaths, 33 asthma attacks, and 600 restricted activity days avoided per year, indicating a public health “payback period” on the order of 11 years. Over 90% of these benefits were associated with direct emissions from power plants and residential combustion sources. In total, the net present value of economic benefits over a 50-year period for a single-year cohort of new homes is $190 million with a 5% discount rate, with 49 fewer premature deaths in this period. Conclusion Recommendation and Outlook. We have developed and applied a risk-based model to quantify the public health costs and benefits of increased insulation in new single-family homes in the US, demonstrating positive net economic and public health benefits within the lifetimes of the homes. More broadly, we demonstrated that it is feasible to incorporate exposure and risk concepts into I-O LCA, relying on regression-based intake fractions followed by more refined dispersion modeling. The refinement step is recommended especially if primary PM2.5 is an important source of exposure and if stack heights are relatively low. Where secondary PM2.5 is more important, use of regression-based intake fractions would be sufficient for a reasonable risk approximation. Uncertainties in our risk-based model should be carefully considered; nevertheless, our study can help decision-makers evaluate the costs and benefits of demand-side management policy options from a combined public health and life cycle perspective.  相似文献   

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