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The work on the realization of the Project on the Prevention of HIV infection, carried out by the Charity Fund "Hope and Salvation" in 1998-1999 in the Crimea is described. As shown by the analysis of the results of behavioral reactions, the forms of behavior used by drug-dependent persons contribute to the spread of HIV infection. Since November 1999 the realization of the pilot project on the reduction of HIV infection among injecting drug users has been started in Simferopol (with the financial support to the Pasteur Institute and the advisory support of the UN Representation in the Ukraine). The necessity of the development of the Project "Decrease of Spread of HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases among Female Sex Workers in Simferopol" is substantiated.  相似文献   

The analysis of the dynamics of the epidemic process for 10 years made it possible to find out the presence of two separate epidemic waves of HIV infection. The first wave (1987-1994) was manifested as the slow type of the development of the epidemic, characterized mainly by sexual transmission. During this period 398 persons with HIV infection were detected, 24 persons were found to have AIDS; of these, 13 persons died. The second epidemic wave began in 1995 and was due to the spread of HIV among users of drugs introduced by injection. By the end of 1995 the number of HIV carriers was 34 times greater than that of 1994, reaching 1490 persons. In 1996-1997 this figure increased 8 times (annually). The number of AIDS patients rose to 420 persons. The most unfavorable regions with respect to HIV infection and AIDS morbidity were determined. The western regions of the Ukraine were noted to be in a more favorable situation in this respect with infection indices being lower more than 30 times. Up to 80% of all infected persons were found to be addicts introducing drugs intravenously. Growing morbidity in sexually transmitted disease, particularly in syphilis, contributed to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. The conclusion was made on the necessity of introducing new prophylactic programs and expanding current ones. The signs of stabilization in Odessa and Nikolayev were observed; in these cities pilot programs aimed at the strategy of the "decrease of harm" have been introduced (in collaboration with UNAIDS) since 1996.  相似文献   

The development of the epidemic of HIV infection among the intravenous injecting users of psychotropic substances in Russia in 1994-1999 is described on the basis of the data provided by territorial centers for the prevention and control of AIDS. In addition, the results of the screening in individual groups of the population of Russia for antibodies to HIV, carried out at the period of 1994 to the first half of 1999, are presented. In 1999 a considerable rise in the number of newly detected cases of HIV infection, mainly among persons injecting psychotropic drugs intravenously for non-medical purposes, was noted. The conclusion was made that the spread of HIV among drug addicts led to its passage to other groups of the population, mainly by heterosexual transmission.  相似文献   

The growth of drug addiction has been noted in Nikolaev. This growth has not been stopped by methods based on the use of force. The results of work in accordance with the program "Harm Reduction" are presented. The program functions on the basis of the Charity Fund "Blahodiinist" and is intended for the prevention of the spread of HIV infection in groups of risk among injecting drug users and in other groups. The realization of the program includes provision of information material, reduction of harm in connection with the use of drugs by injection and the risk of getting HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. The analysis of the results has shown the effectiveness of the program (the frequency of using condoms has increased, the number of sex partners and the number of casual liaisons have dropped, the custom of using sterile syringes has been formed). Considering that during epidemics the coverage of not less than 70% of the representative of risk groups is necessary, the program should be realized on a greater scale to increase its effectiveness.  相似文献   

High risk populations and HIV-1 infection in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhu TF  Wang CH  Lin P  He N 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):852-857
China is currently experiencing one of the most rapidly expanding HIV epidemics in the world. Although the overall prevalence rate is still low, with a population of 1.3 billion, high-risk factors which have contributed to the HIV/AIDS epidemics worldwide continue to prevail in China, including a high rate of injecting drug use and needle sharing, commercial sex with low rates of condom use, and concurrent sex with both commercial sex workers and non-commercial casual or steady sex partners. In addition, there are increasing "double risk" populations overlapping drug users and sex workers, as well as increasing rates of STDs and HIV among high-risk populations. Sexual transmission, therefore, may serve as a bridge connecting high-risk populations with general populations. There is an urgent need to prevent the spread of HIV from these high-risk populations into the general population of China.  相似文献   

The data on the realization of the program of the prevention of HIV infection among intravenously injecting drug users in the South-Western administrative district of Moscow are presented. In the course of the realization of the project drawn up in accordance with this program the information package permitting the collection, analysis and transmission of the necessary information on the epidemic situation and leading risk factors in the zone of the action of the project has been compiled, and on the basis of this information the tactics and strategy of preventive measures have been worked out. The main advantage of the information system thus developed is the possibility of its use in computers of any class, in any operational system, as well as its use in Internet.  相似文献   

Drug misuse (injecting drug users-IDU) has been recognized to have a significant effect on the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic. A deterministic model to assess the contribution of drug misuse and sex in the spread of HIV/AIDS is investigated. The threshold parameters of the model are determined and stabilities are analysed. Analysis of the reproduction number has shown that increase in drug misuse results in an increase in HIV infections. Furthermore, numerical simulations of the model show that drug misuse enhances HIV transmission and progression to AIDS. Thus, in a population with intravenous drug users, advocating for safe sex alone will not be enough to control the HIV/AIDS epidemic.  相似文献   

During the period of 1987-1999 altogether 7,800 cases of HIV infection were detected among the prisoners of the penitentiary institutions of the Ukraine. In 1997 the penitentiary system of the Ukraine abolished the mandatory testing and isolation of HIV-positive persons. In April 1998 the realization of measures aimed at reducing the spread of HIV infection started in the penitentiary system. The main trends in the activities aimed at the realization of the Project were information and educational work among prisoners both during investigative detention and after conviction, as well as among the personnel of penitentiary institutions; availability of condoms and disinfectants; ensuring the possibilities of voluntary testing for HIV, as well as pre- and post-test counselling.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS pandemic data in Nigeria indicates that 3.5 million Nigerians have HIV/AIDS. The Obasanjo administrations National Action Committee on AIDS is uncoordinated and lacks commitment as indicated by the shortage of antiretroviral drugs, corruption and administration of expired drugs. NGOs combating the spread of HIV in Nigeria attempt to reach many community groups, religious, womens, youth and mens organizations. The increased awareness about HIV/AIDS through promotion of public discourse has helped people to take positive action toward prevention of HIV infection.  相似文献   

By the present moment cases of HIV infection among injecting narcotic users (INU) have been registered in more than 100 countries. To prevent HIV infection, the program "Harm Reduction" has been developed in Britain; the program states that the prevention of HIV infection must be considered more important than the prevention of the use of narcotic drugs, as this infection is a growing danger for both drug users and public health in general. Breaking drug dependence must not be the only aim of services working with drug addicts, because this will exclude persons decisively disposed to the mode of life including the prolonged use of drugs from the sphere of their activity. Active INU having no contacts with organizations which must give them treatment and assistance find themselves in dangerous situations more often than INU maintaining contacts with such organizations. Penetration into such hidden group and its education must be the primary task. Propaganda plays a decisive role in this process, as the only way to penetrate into such group is to develop work in its territory, so that drug addicts, supplied with the necessary means could change their behavior in the desired direction. In the Russian Federation work on the project "Harm Reduction" has been carried out in 50 regions. This work has contributed to conducting teaching seminars, working out teaching programs, as well as to augmenting the interest among specialists of different professions to the problem of decreasing the spread of HIV infection. The importance of information distributed by the narcological service and the probability that very responsible persons take correct decisions on the basis of their understanding the situation have increased. The rating of public organization has risen.  相似文献   

In 1993 the Youth Social Service, aimed at the creation of favorable conditions for the development of young people, the realization of their rights, the preservation of their individuality, their self determination and self expression, the support of their innovative activities, was created in Kiev. The work on the prevention of the spread if HIV infection and injection drug use should be considered only in the aspect of the involvement of young people in the work on the prevention of negative phenomena. The prerequisite for these programs was the tendency to an increase in the number of manifestations of negative phenomena among young people in Kiev. One of the most complicated programs was the program "Harm Reduction" among injecting drug users. The main prospect in the realization of this program was the involvement of a large number of volunteers and training by the method "Per Education".  相似文献   



China is experiencing a dynamic HIV/AIDS epidemic. While serology based surveillance systems have reported the spread of HIV/AIDS, detailed tracking of its transmission in populations and regions is not possible without mapping it at the molecular level. We therefore conducted a nationwide molecular epidemiology survey across the country.


HIV-1 genotypes were determined from 1,408 HIV-positive persons newly diagnosed in 2006. The prevalence of each genotype was estimated by weighting the genotype’s prevalence from each province- and risk-specific subpopulation with the number of reported cases in the corresponding subgroups in that year.


CRF07_BC (35.5%), CRF01_AE (27.6%), CRF08_BC (20.1%), and subtype B'' (9.6%) were the four main HIV-1 strains in China. CRF07_BC and CRF08_BC were the primary drivers of infection among injecting drug users in northeastern and southeastern China, respectively, and subtype B'' remained dominant among former plasma donors in central China. In contrast, all four strains occurred in significant proportions among heterosexuals nationwide, pointing to an expansion of the HIV-1 epidemic from high-risk populations into the general population. CRF01_AE also replaced subtype B as the principal driver of infection among men-who-have-sex-with-men.


Our study provides the first comprehensive baseline data on the diversity and characteristics of HIV/AIDS epidemic in China, reflecting unique region- and risk group-specific transmission dynamics. The results provide information critical for designing effective prevention measures against HIV transmission.  相似文献   

The Altai Territory belongs at present to regions with the insignificant level of the spread of HIV infection. By December 1, 1999, the Altai Territory had 31 registered cases of HIV infection, which constituted 1.33 per 10,000 of the population (the corresponding figure for the whole of Russia being 14.92). But the situation with HIV/AIDS showed the general tendency to the development of the epidemic of HIV infection due to steady growth and the wide involvement of injecting drug users in the epidemic process. Before 1999 all cases of HIV infection registered in the Altai Territory were imported. Out of 31 HIV infected persons detected in the territory, 18 were injecting drug users. In 1999 local foci of HIV infection were formed among drug users in two big cities of the Altai Territory, which was indicative of the gradual transition of HIV infection from the phase of the registration of individual cases to the phase of the formation of local foci among some groups of the population.  相似文献   

In September 1997, Médecins sans Frontières-Holland (MSF-H) began a project to provide training and support for HIV/AIDS prevention among injecting drug users in the Russian Federation. The training course is based on the use of the Rapid Assessment Methodology developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) Programme on Substance Abuse (WHO, 1997) and the European Peer Support Manual (Trautmann and Barendregt, 1994) developed by the Trimbos Institute for the European Commission (both of which have been translated into Russian and, where necessary, adapted for use in Russia), as well as significant articles and books. The training programme also receives advice from the reports to UNAIDS Task Force on HIV Prevention among injecting drug users in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. MSF-H is a permanent member of this Task Force.  相似文献   

This study investigates current contraceptive use among Malawi couples. The data examined are from the 2001 Malawi Diffusion and Ideational Change Project (MDICP). The aim of the study is to explore whether contraceptive use among married couples is affected by the couple's concerns about HIV/AIDS and couple's age difference. Contraceptive use was found to be associated with the couple's HIV concern and family planning goals. There is no significant association between spousal age difference and contraceptive use. The findings are important for future work on the connection of marital concerns about HIV/AIDS with contraceptive behaviours, especially the use of condoms, and for informing HIV preventive strategies in marriage.  相似文献   

The main tendencies in the development of drug addiction in the Ukraine, the dynamics of the spread of HIV among drug addicts introducing drugs intravenously, epidemiological data on HIV, AIDS and drug addiction, as well as prognoses on the development of HIV infection are presented. Since 1995 the number of HIV-infected persons grew 34-fold, the number of cases of HIV infection resulting from the intravenous use drugs rose to 70% simultaneously with the rise (about 34-fold) of the number of persons infected with HIV through sexual contacts (about 13 fold). In 1996-1997 such tendency increased. On the whole, the proportion of drug addicts introducing drugs by intravenous injection was 83% in the Ukraine. By April 1, 1998, official registration covered 18,800 HIV-infected persons, including 270 foreign nationals, as well as 499 AIDS patients, including 487 Ukrainian citizens, among them 28 children. Out of 18,800 HIV-infected persons, 78.3% were drug addicts, most of them young people aged 15-30 years; about 18% were young people under 20 years of age, 80% being males. According to the model the rapid spread of HIV from the group of drug addicts to the heterosexual population, the total number of HIV-infected persons reaching 1,500,000 is expected in the country by 2014.  相似文献   

The importance of making plans on projects and measures, aimed at the prevention of HIV infection and the social development of female sex workers (FSW) with due regard to observing the principles of human rights protection, is discussed. The materials and resolutions of the First International Conference "Social Development of HIV-Vulnerable Groups of Population", held of Kiev on December 26, 1998, are presented. The conference was attended by representatives of state and public organizations, specialists on the organization of the prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases among FSW, lawyers, physicians and representatives of the HIV-vulnerable target group (FSW) from 7 Ukrainian cities and from Belarus. All these activities contributed to the implementation of the Project "FSW Network Initiative with NGOs" in 11 Ukrainian cities, starting from September 1999, with the support of UNAIDS. The possibility of the mobilization of FSW for organizing self-support groups with a view to protect their rights and to take themselves measures for HIV/AIDS prevention among FSW is shown.  相似文献   

The medico-demographic situation in Voronezh, characterized by a decrease in the birth rate, a rise in the mortality rate, the prevalence of pensioners (38%) in the structure of the population, is presented. The negative influence of the deterioration of socio-economic conditions on the social health of the population, especially on the situation with drug addiction, is pointed out. The extent of the misuse of narcotic and toxic substances among adolescents essentially increased. The rapid assessment of the situation with the intravenous use of drugs in Voronezh was carried out, following the WHO methodology. The conclusion was made concerning the necessity of complex sociological monitoring with a view to obtaining more reliable data on the number of drug addicts. The calculation of the supposed number of users in Voronezh among persons aged 15-30 years, made by three modules of assessment, revealed this number reached 61,374 persons, i.e. every fifth or sixth young person used some narcotic substances. The necessity of taking drastic measures on the primary prophylaxis of HIV infection among injecting drug users by creating conditions for the realization of the programs "Harm Reduction" and "Equal Helps Equal" which proved to be effective in other regions of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

Injection drug use and HIV/AIDS transmission in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chu TX  Levy JA 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):865-869
After nearly three decades of being virtually drug free, use of heroin and other illicit drugs has re-emerged in China as a major public health problem. One result is that drug abuse, particularly heroin injection, has come to play a predominant role in fueling China's AIDS epidemic. The first outbreak of HIV among China's IDUs was reported in the border area of Yunnan province between China and Myanmar where drug trafficking is heavy. Since then drug-related HIV has spread to all 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. This paper provides an overview to HIV/AIDS transmission through injection drug use in China. It begins with a brief history of the illicit drug trade in China, followed by a discussion of the emergence of drug related AIDS, and a profile of drug users and their sexual partners who have contracted the virus or who are vulnerable to infection. It ends by summarizing three national strategies being used by China to address both drug use and AIDS as major health threats.  相似文献   

X Gao  Y Wu  Y Zhang  N Zhang  J Tang  J Qiu  X Lin  Y Du 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44881


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are among the most complex health problems in the world. Young people are at high risk of HIV and AIDS infections and are, therefore, in need of targeted prevention. School-based HIV/AIDS health education may be an effective way to prevent the spread of AIDS among adolescents.


The study was a school-based intervention conducted in three middle schools and two high schools in Wuhan, China, which included 702 boys and 766 girls, with ages from 11 to 18 years old. The intervention was a one-class education program about HIV/AIDS for participants. HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude, and high-risk behaviors were investigated using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire before and after the education intervention. Chi-square test was used to compare differences before and after the intervention. Non-conditional logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors that affect HIV/AIDS knowledge.


Misconceptions about basic medical knowledge and non-transmission modes of HIV/AIDS among all the students prevail. Approximately 10% to 40% of students had negative attitudes about HIV/AIDS before the intervention. After the intervention, all of the students had significant improvements in knowledge and attitude about HIV/AIDS (P<.05), indicating that educational intervention increased the students’ knowledge significantly and changed their attitudes positively. Logistic regression analyses indicated that before the intervention the students’ level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS was significantly associated with grade, economic status of the family, and attitudes toward participation in HIV/AIDS health information campaigns.


HIV/AIDS education programs were welcomed by secondary students and positively influenced HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes. A systematic and long-term intervention among secondary school students must be conducted for the prevention of HIV.  相似文献   

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