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Glycogen, phosphorylase, and adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) were determined in rat heart following an acute exercise bout. Intensity and duration of exercise were varied to gain further insights into the mechanism regulating myocardial glycogenolysis during exercise. Groups of rats were run at either 15 or 30 m/min for 0, 5, 10, 15, or 30 min and immediately killed. Heart glycogen degradation was influenced by intensity and duration of exercise and was independent of cAMP levels and activation of phosphorylase to its a form. cAMP levels were increased in the heart, dependent on intensity and duration of exercise. Phosphorylase in the a form increased at the onset of exercise, independent of intensity, and remained elevated throughout the exercise despite little or no glycogenolysis. Absolute phosphorylase a activity was also increased with exercise and was independent of intensity of exercise. Compared with resting levels, total phosphorylase activity was decreased at all times at the lower exercise intensity, whereas total phosphorylase activity declined at the higher intensity only after glycogenolysis had occurred. These data suggest that myocardial glycogen degradation during exercise can occur independently of cAMP and that the percentage of phosphorylase in the a form is not a good indicator of glycogenolytic rate.  相似文献   

The present study examined the acute effects of hypoxia on the regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism at rest and during 15 min of submaximal exercise. Subjects exercised on two occasions for 15 min at 55% of their normoxic maximal oxygen uptake while breathing 11% O(2) (hypoxia) or room air (normoxia). Muscle biopsies were taken at rest and after 1 and 15 min of exercise. At rest, no effects on muscle metabolism were observed in response to hypoxia. In the 1st min of exercise, glycogenolysis was significantly greater in hypoxia compared with normoxia. This small difference in glycogenolysis was associated with a tendency toward a greater concentration of substrate, free P(i), in hypoxia compared with normoxia. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity (PDH(a)) was lower in hypoxia at 1 min compared with normoxia, resulting in a reduced rate of pyruvate oxidation and a greater lactate accumulation. During the last 14 min of exercise, glycogenolysis was greater in hypoxia despite a lower mole fraction of phosphorylase a. The greater glycogenolytic rate was maintained posttransformationally through significantly higher free [AMP] and [P(i)]. At the end of exercise, PDH(a) was greater in hypoxia compared with normoxia, contributing to a greater rate of pyruvate oxidation. Because of the higher glycogenolytic rate in hypoxia, the rate of pyruvate production continued to exceed the rate of pyruvate oxidation, resulting in significant lactate accumulation in hypoxia compared with no further lactate accumulation in normoxia. Hence, the elevated lactate production associated with hypoxia at the same absolute workload could in part be explained by the effects of hypoxia on the activities of the rate-limiting enzymes, phosphorylase and PDH, which regulate the rates of pyruvate production and pyruvate oxidation, respectively.  相似文献   

The activities of glycogen synthase (I and total) and phosphorylase (a and total) in crude extracts of isolated extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles of the rat incubated in vitro in the absence or presence of methadone were very low. Addition of glycogen during homogenization increased the activities of both enzymes in control muscles. Even at optimal concentrations of glycogen, however, the activities of both enzymes from methadone-treated muscles were significantly lower than their activities in control muscles. The activity of phosphoglucomutase was not altered by incubation with methadone or by homogenization with glycogen. It is suggested that the addition of optimal amounts of glycogen during extraction of the enzymes enhances the extractability of glycogen synthase and increases the activity of phosphorylase by some other mechanism and that these processes are interfered with when the muscles are pretreated with methadone.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase stimulated the autophosphorylation and autoactivation of phosphorylase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle. This stimulation was additive to that by glycogen and the reaction was dependent on Ca2+. The effect by glycogen synthase was maximum within the activity ratio (the activity of enzyme without glucose-6-P divided by the activity with 10 mM glucose-6-P) of 0.3 and over 0.3 it was rather inhibitory. The results suggest that autophosphorylation of phosphorylase kinase in the presence of glycogen synthase on glycogen particles may be an important regulatory mechanism of glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A new approach to the purification of skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase is described. The purification scheme is particularly suited to preparation of the enzyme from small amounts of tissue. A combination of dye-ligand chromatography and hydrophobic chromatography yields homogenous enzyme with good recoveries. The purification is rapid and may be completed in a working day.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal phosphate, the cofactor of glycogen phosphorylase, fulfils the criteria needed of a turnover label for this enzyme. The decay of protein-bound label following administration of [3H]pyridoxine is a good index of the rate of degradation of the enzyme in vivo. This method has been applied to the study of catabolism of the enzyme in normal, denervated and dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle. In both of the pathological conditions the enzyme is degraded more rapidly than normal.  相似文献   

The effects of glycogen on the non-activated and activated forms of phosphorylase kinase were studied. It was found that in the presence of glycogen the activity of non-activated kinase at pH 6.8 and 8.2 and that of the activated (in the course of phosphorylation) form are enhanced. The degree of activation depends on glycogen concentration. At saturating concentrations, this enzyme activity increases 2-3-fold; the enzyme affinity for the protein substrate, phosphorylase b, also shows an increase. The polysaccharide has no effect on the activity of phosphorylase kinase stimulated by limited proteolysis. In the presence of glycogen, the rate of autocatalytic phosphorylation of the enzyme is increased. Glycogen stabilizes the enzyme activity upon dilution. The experimental results suggest that the polysaccharide directly affects the phosphorylase kinase molecule. The maximal binding was shown to occur at the enzyme/polysaccharide ratio of 1:10 (w/w) in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the interaction of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase kinase with glycogen was studied by the turbidimetric method at pH 6.8 and 8.2. Binding of phosphorylase kinase by glycogen occurs only in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+. The initial rate of complex formation is proportional to the enzyme and polysaccharide concentration; this suggests the formation of a complex with 1:1 stoichiometry in the initial step of phosphorylase kinase binding by glycogen. The kinetic data suggest that phosphorylase kinase substrate--glycogen phosphorylase b--favors the binding of phosphorylase kinase with glycogen. This conclusion is supported by direct experiments on the influence of phosphorylase b on the interaction of phosphorylase kinase with glycogen using analytical sedimentation analysis. The kinetic curves of the formation of the complex of phosphorylase kinase with glycogen obtained in the presence of ATP are characterized by a lag period. Preincubation of phosphorylase kinase with ATP in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ causes the complete disappearance of the lag period. On changing the pH from 6.8 to 8.2, the rate of phosphorylase kinase binding by glycogen is appreciably increased, and complex formation becomes possible even in the absence of Mg2+. A model of phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase b adsorption on the surface of the glycogen particle explaining the increase in the strength of phosphorylase kinase binding with glycogen in the presence of phosphorylase b is proposed.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase b was characterized using enzymological inactivation studies, differential scanning calorimetry, and analytical ultracentrifugation. The results suggest that denaturation proceeds by the dissociative mechanism, i.e., it includes the step of reversible dissociation of the active dimer into inactive monomers and the following step of irreversible denaturation of the monomer. It was shown that glucose 1-phosphate (substrate), glucose (competitive inhibitor), AMP (allosteric activator), FMN, and glucose 6-phosphate (allosteric inhibitors) had a protective effect. Calorimetric study demonstrates that the cofactor of glycogen phosphorylase-pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-stabilizes the enzyme molecule. Partial reactivation of glycogen phosphorylase b preheated at 53 degrees C occurs after cooling of the enzyme solution to 30 degrees C. The fact that the rate of reactivation decreases with dilution of the enzyme solution indicates association of inactive monomers into active dimers during renaturation. The allosteric inhibitor FMN enhances the rate of phosphorylase b reactivation.  相似文献   

Jiao Y  Shashkin P  Katz A 《Life sciences》2001,69(8):891-900
It was recently reported that MnSO4 stimulates glycogen synthase-dependent glucose transfer from UDPglucose into trichloroacetic acid precipitable endogenous glycoproteins (GSMn(T)) in human muscle extracts. To determine the physiologic significance of this reaction, we compared a new GS activity ratio, GSMn(T)/GSH(E) (where GSH(E) represents the usual glucose transfer to ethanol precipitable exogenous glycogen by GS at 7.2 mM glucose 6-phosphate), with the generally used GSL(E)/GSH(E) ratio (where GSL(E) represents glucose transfer at 0.17 mM glucose 6-P concentration). Biopsies were obtained from the quadriceps femoris muscle of healthy subjects at rest, after 40 min of bicycle exercise at approximately 65% of maximal oxygen uptake and after isometric contraction at 2/3 maximal force to fatigue (approximately 1 min). GSMn(T)/GSH(E) increased from 0.012+/-0.002 at rest to 0.054+/-0.008 (P<0.01) after 40 min of bicycle exercise and the increase in GSMn(T) activity was strongly related to the decrease in endogenous glycogen (i.e.. increase in short-chain endogenous glycoproteins) (r=0.90; P<0.05). On the other hand, GSL(E)/GSH(E) did not change significantly after bicycle exercise (rest = 0.49+/-0.04; exercise = 0.58+/-0.08, P>0.05). GSMn(T)/GSH(E) increased from 0.010+/-0.001 at rest to 0.016+/-0.002 (P<0.05) after isometric exercise, whereas GSL(E)/GSH(E) decreased from 0.27+/-0.04 to 0.20+/-0.02 (P<0.05) under corresponding conditions. Last, insulin, which stimulates glycogen synthesis, also increased GSMn(T)/GSH(E) (1.8-fold, P<0.05), as well as GSL(E)/GSH(E) (1.4-fold, P<0.05), in isolated rat soleus muscle. These data indicate that GSMn(T)/GSH(E) is influenced by endogenous substrate availability and covalent modification. Therefore, GSMn(T)/GSH(E) ratio may prove to be a useful alternative to other GS activity ratios that only reflect changes in the phosphorylation state of GS.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify calpain substrates in muscle cells. Our hypothesis was that the yeast two-hybrid method could be used to identify novel calpain substrates. To accomplish this, native mu- and m-calpains, as well as a variety of calpain DNA fragments, were expressed in yeast cells and used to screen for binding proteins in a human skeletal muscle cDNA library. Calpain constructs that were used in the screening process included native mu- and m-calpains, a dominant negative (DN) m-calpain (i.e. active site modified), N-terminal truncated DN m-calpain (i.e. autolyzed DN-m-calpain) and, finally, an N- and C-terminal truncated m-calpain (i.e. autolyzed DN-m-calpain lacking a calcium-binding domain). Yeast cells were transformed using yeast two-hybrid expression vectors containing the different calpain constructs as "baits". Beta-galactosidase activity was assayed as an index of interaction between calpain and its potential target proteins. From this analysis, four clones (Ca2+-ATPase, novel nebulin-related protein (N-RAP), creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase) were recovered. Two of these, creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase, were selected for further study. In in-vitro assays, calpain was able to partially digest both proteins, suggesting that both creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase are natural calpain substrates.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase activation reverses during prolonged contractile activity. Our first experiment was designed to determine whether this loss of ability to activate phosphorylase by stimulation of muscle contraction persists following exercise. Phosphorylase activation by stimulation of muscle contraction was markedly inhibited in rats 25 min after exhausting exercise. To evaluate the role of glycogen depletion, we accelerated glycogen utilization by nicotinic acid administration. A large difference in muscle glycogen depletion during exercise of the same duration did not influence the blunting of phosphorylase activation. Phosphorylase activation by stimulation of contraction was more severely inhibited following prolonged exercise than after a shorter bout of exercise under conditions that resulted in the same degree of glycogen depletion. A large difference in muscle glycogen repletion during 90 min of recovery was not associated with a significant difference in the ability of muscle stimulation to activate phosphorylase, which was still significantly blunted. Phosphorylase activation by epinephrine was also markedly inhibited in muscle 25 min after strenuous exercise but had recovered completely in glycogen-repleted muscle 90 min after exercise. These results provide evidence that an effect of exercise other than glycogen depletion is involved in causing the inhibition of phosphorylase activation; however, they do not rule out the possibility that glycogen depletion also plays a role in this process.  相似文献   

After sciatectomy of the left hind-limb of C57BL/J mice, a denervation-induced muscular atrophy ensued and was accompanied by a decrease in the specific activity of glycogen phosphorylase to approx. 25% of control values. The cofactor of phosphorylase, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, was used as a specific label in the determination of the degradation rate of the enzyme following nerve section. After a delay of 3-4 days, phosphorylase was degraded approx, twice as rapidly in the denervated gastrocnemius (0.20 day-1) as in the control muscle (0.12 day-1). The effect of denervation on phosphorylase mRNA was measured by quantitative Northern-blot analysis using a rat skeletal-muscle phosphorylase cDNA probe. After an initial rapid decline, phosphorylase mRNA levels stabilized in denervated muscle at 50% of the value measured in the contralateral control muscle.  相似文献   

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