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A cDNA clone for the mouse 46-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR 46) was isolated from an embryonic mouse cDNA library. Its single open reading frame codes for a protein of 278 residues. It shows an over-all amino-acid identity of 93% with the human receptor. Nine non-conservative amino-acid exchanges are found in the luminal domain, one non-conservative exchange of hydrophobic amino acids is in the transmembrane domain, while the cytoplasmic receptor tails are identical. All five potential N-glycosylation sites are conserved as well as amino acids that are important for ligand binding (Arg 137 and His 131) and disulfide pairing (Cys 32 and 78, Cys 132 and Cys 167, Cys 145 and Cys 179). The absolute identity in the cytoplasmic MPR 46 tail suggests the importance of this amino-acid sequence for the intracellular routing of the MPR 46.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the surface polarity of both the cation-independent (CI-MPR) and the cation-dependent (CD-MPR) mannose 6-phosphate receptors in the epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line grown on polycarbonate filters. The surface localization was studied by plasma membrane domain-specific surface labeling methods and by confocal microscopy using MPR-specific antibodies. The CI-MPR was shown to be exclusively present on the basolateral cell surface. In contrast, the CD-MPR was expressed neither apically nor basolaterally. However, an intracellular pool of CD-MPR could be detected. In MDCKII-RCAr cells, cell surface CI-MPR was shown to recycle between the basolateral plasma membrane and the trans-Golgi network. After exogalactosylation, cell surface CI-MPR acquired sialic acid residues in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the basolateral CI-MPR was shown to be functional. Lysosomal enzymes, bearing the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker, were taken up from the basolateral medium and endocytosed into the cells. Uptake of lysosomal enzymes from the apical side was insignificant and not MPR mediated. These results extend previous immunoelectron microscopic studies on the intracellular polarity of the CI-MPR (Parton, R. G., Prydz, K., Bomsel, M., Simons, K., and Griffiths, G. (1989) J. Cell Biol. 109, 3259-3272) which showed that the CI-MPR was present in basolateral early endosomes and in late endosomes but absent from apical early endosomes.  相似文献   

The small GTPase rab4 is associated with early endosomes and regulates membrane recycling in fibroblasts. rab4 is present in epithelial cells; however, neither its localization nor function has been established in this cell type. We transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells with rab4, the GTPase-deficient mutant rab4Q67L, and the dominant negative mutant rab4S22N that poorly binds guanine nucleotides. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy showed that rab4 was concentrated on internal structures at the lateral side of the cell around the nucleus. Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the majority of rab4 was localized in the upper third of the cytoplasm. In cell surface binding experiments with (125)I-transferrin, we found a redistribution of transferrin receptor from the basolateral to the apical plasma membrane in cells expressing rab4 and rab4Q67L. After accumulation of transferrin at 16 degrees C in basolateral early endosomes, rab4 and rab4Q67L increased the amount of apically targeted transferrin receptor. A qualitatively similar effect was obtained in control cells treated with brefeldin A. The effects of brefeldin A and rab4 on apical targeting of transferrin receptor were not additive, suggesting that brefeldin A and rab4 may act in the same transport pathway from common endosomes.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the 2175-nucleotide, full-length cDNA for the mouse 46-kDa Man 6-P receptor (46MPR) and studied its functional properties in stably transfected mouse L cells which do not express the insulin-like growth factor-II receptor/mannose 6-phosphate receptor (IGF-IIR/MPR). The 278-amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA for the murine 46MPR shows 19 amino acid differences from that of the human 46MPR, none of which are found in the 68-amino acid cytoplasmic tail. Binding of ligand to the murine 46MPR in permeabilized cells showed a pH optimum of 6.5, was completely inhibited by Man 6-P, and was stimulated by divalent cations. Mn2+ was more effective than Ca2+ or Mg2+. Endocytosis was demonstrated at pH 6.5 and was stimulated 4-7-fold by Mn2+. In its responsiveness to divalent cations and its preference for Mn2+, the murine 46MPR resembled the bovine 46MPR more than the human 46MPR. It was even less efficient than the human receptor in its ability to mediate endocytosis in transfected murine cells. It was also no more efficient than the human 46MPR in correcting the sorting defect of IGF-IIR/MPR-deficient mouse L cells. We conclude that the previously observed relative inefficiency of the human 46MPR in sorting enzymes to lysosomes in murine cells is a property of the 46MPR itself and not a manifestation of studying its expression in a heterologous cell line.  相似文献   

It has already been reported that stably expressed exogenous human wild-type EPO (wtEPO) is preferentially secreted to the apical side and one of the three N-linked carbohydrate chains critically acts as an apical sorting determinant in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. It has been suggested that lipid rafts are involved in the apical sorting of membrane and secretory proteins. To investigate the involvement of lipid rafts in the apical sorting of wtEPO, we examined the effect of cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin on the secretion polarity of EPO and analyzed Triton X-100 insoluble cell extracts by sucrose density gradients centrifugation in MDCK cells. We found that wtEPO was shifted in non-polarized direction by cholesterol depletion. Most of the wtEPO was not detectable in the raft fractions by sucrose density gradients centrifugation analysis. These results indicate that apical secretion of EPO involves a cholesterol-dependent mechanism probably not involving lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Simultaneous determinations of water and antipyrine permeations in monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown on a permeant support were done to study the relationships between water transport and membrane fluidity in these epithelial cells. The changes in permeation of the lipophilic non-electrolyte antipyrine were used to probe the modifications in membrane fluidity. In controls, the apparent diffusional permeability coefficient for water (PDw) was three times higher than the antipyrine's one, PDAp (4.2.10(-5) vs. 1.4.10(-5) cm s-1). Addition of vasopressin or dibutyryl cyclic AMP to the monolayers induced a biphasic increase in antipyrine permeation with peak values at t = 2 min, 3-4-fold that of controls. Variations in water permeation were of similar amplitude and obeyed the same time course, leaving the water to antipyrine permeation ratios unchanged. Compound H7, an inhibitor of protein kinases, blunted the increase in permeation for both antipyrine and water. Finally, addition of the fluidizing agent benzyl alcohol to the monolayers resulted in a parallel increase in PDAp and PDw. These results suggest that the physical state of membrane lipids may control water permeation in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated cDNA clones encoding the entire sequence of the bovine 46 kd cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate (CD Man-6-P) receptor. Translation of CD Man-6-P receptor mRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes results in a protein that binds specifically to phosphomannan-Sepharose, thus demonstrating that our cDNA clones encode a functional receptor. The deduced 279 amino acid sequence reveals a single polypeptide chain that contains a putative signal sequence and a transmembrane domain. Trypsin digestion of microsomal membranes containing the receptor and the location of the five potential N-linked glycosylation sites indicate that the receptor is a transmembrane protein with an extracytoplasmic amino terminus. This extracytoplasmic domain is homologous to the approximately 145 amino acid long repeating domains present in the 215 kd cation-independent Man-6-P receptor.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed the behavior of antibody cross-linked raft-associated proteins on the surface of MDCK cells. We observed that cross-linking of membrane proteins gave different results depending on whether cross-linking occurred on the apical or basolateral plasma membrane. Whereas antibody cross-linking induced the formation of large clusters on the basolateral membrane, resembling those observed on the surface of fibroblasts (Harder, T., P. Scheiffele, P. Verkade, and K. Simons. 1998. J. Cell Biol. 929-942), only small ( approximately 100 nm) clusters formed on the apical plasma membrane. Cross-linked apical raft proteins e.g., GPI-anchored placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), influenza hemagglutinin, and gp114 coclustered and were internalized slowly ( approximately 10% after 60 min). Endocytosis occurred through surface invaginations that corresponded in size to caveolae and were labeled with caveolin-1 antibodies. Upon cholesterol depletion the internalization of PLAP was completely inhibited. In contrast, when a non-raft protein, the mutant LDL receptor LDLR-CT22, was cross-linked, it was excluded from the clusters of raft proteins and was rapidly internalized via clathrin-coated pits.Since caveolae are normally present on the basolateral membrane but lacking from the apical side, our data demonstrate that antibody cross-linking induced the formation of caveolae, which slowly internalized cross-linked clusters of raft-associated proteins.  相似文献   

The quaternary structure and binding activity of the murine 46-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor (46MPR) were studied in semi-intact murine cells that overexpress the murine receptor. Chemical cross-linking studies showed that the murine 46MPR exists in monomer, dimer, and tetramer forms in membranes of overexpressing murine cells. Treatment of permeabilized cells with Mn2+ increased the tetramer form of 46MPR, and this tetramerization was reversed by removal of Mn2+. Thus, the divalent cations affected the distribution of receptor among the three forms, favoring tetramerization at the expense of dimer and monomer. Low temperature (4 degrees C) also increases the fraction present as tetramer. The binding assay results show that Mn2+ is required for the 46MPR to achieve and retain the ability to bind ligand at 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C. Preincubation with Mn2+ produced a 3-fold increase in Man-6-P-specific binding of beta-glucuronidase which paralleled the 3-fold increase in tetramer seen during preincubation with Mn2+. The similarity of the effects of addition and removal of Mn2+ on enzyme binding to the effects of Mn2+ on favoring tetramer formation suggests that divalent cation-dependent tetramerization of the 46MPR contributes to the stimulation of ligand binding to the 46MPR by divalent cations.  相似文献   

Protein 4.1N was identified as a binding molecule for the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 (IP(3)R1) using a yeast two-hybrid system. 4.1N and IP(3)R1 associate in both subconfluent and confluent Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, a well studied tight polarized epithelial cell line. In subconfluent MDCK cells, 4.1N is distributed in the cytoplasm and the nucleus; IP(3)R1 is localized in the cytoplasm. In confluent MDCK cells, both 4.1N and IP(3)R1 are predominantly translocated to the basolateral membrane domain, whereas 4.1R, the prototypical homologue of 4.1N, is localized at the tight junctions (Mattagajasingh, S. N., Huang, S. C., Hartenstein, J. S., and Benz, E. J., Jr. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 30573-30585), and other endoplasmic reticulum marker proteins are still present in the cytoplasm. Moreover, the 4.1N-binding region of IP(3)R1 is necessary and sufficient for the localization of IP(3)R1 at the basolateral membrane domain. A fragment of the IP(3)R1-binding region of 4.1N blocks the localization of co-expressed IP(3)R1 at the basolateral membrane domain. These data indicate that 4.1N is required for IP(3)R1 translocation to the basolateral membrane domain in polarized MDCK cells.  相似文献   

Sun G  Zhao H  Kalyanaraman B  Dahms NM 《Glycobiology》2005,15(11):1136-1149
The 46 kDa cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) plays an essential role in the biogenesis of lysosomes by diverting newly synthesized mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P)-containing lysosomal enzymes from the secretory pathway to acidified endosomes. Previous crystallographic studies of the CD-MPR have identified 11 amino acids within its carbohydrate binding pocket. These residues were evaluated quantitatively by assaying the binding affinity of mutant receptors containing a single amino acid substitution toward a lysosomal enzyme. The results show that substitution of Gln-66, Arg-111, Glu-133, or Tyr-143 results in a >800-fold decrease in affinity, demonstrating these four amino acids are essential for carbohydrate recognition by the CD-MPR. Solution binding and surface plasmon resonance analyses demonstrated that the presence of Mn2+ enhanced the affinity of the CD-MPR for a lysosomal enzyme by 2- to 4-fold and increased the stoichiometry of the interaction between a heterogeneous population of a lysosomal enzyme and the receptor by approximately 3-fold. In contrast, substitution of Asp-103 results in a protein that no longer exhibits enhanced binding affinities or altered stoichiometry in the presence of cations, and electron spin resonance demonstrated that the D103S mutant exhibits a 6-fold lower affinity for Mn2+ than the wild-type receptor (Kd = 3.7 6 1.4 mM versus 0.6 6 0.1 mM). Chemical cross-linking revealed that Mn2+ influences the stoichiometry of interaction between the CD-MPR and lysosomal enzymes by increasing the oligomeric state of the receptor from dimer to higher order oligomers. Taken together, these studies provide the molecular basis for high affinity carbohydrate recognition by the CD-MPR. Furthermore, Asp-103 has been identified as the key residue which mediates the effects of divalent cations on the binding properties of the CD-MPR.  相似文献   

TIP47 (tail-interacting protein of 47 kDa) binds to the cytoplasmic domains of mannose 6-phosphate receptors and is required for their transport from endosomes to the trans- Golgi network in vitro and in living cells. TIP47 occurs in cytosol as an oligomer; it chromatographs with an apparent mass of ∼ 300 kDa and displays an S -value of ∼ 13. Recombinant TIP47 forms homo-oligomers that are likely to represent hexamers, as determined by chemical cross-linking. Removal of TIP47 residues 1–151 yields a protein that behaves as a monomer upon gel filtration, yet is fully capable of binding mannose 6-phosphate receptor cytoplasmic domains. The presence of an oligomerization domain in the N-terminus of TIP47 was confirmed by expression of N-terminal residues 1–133 or 1–257 in mammalian cells. Co-expression of full-length TIP47 with either of these fragments led to the formation of higher-order aggregates of wild-type TIP47. Furthermore, the N-terminal domains expressed alone also occurred as oligomers. These studies reveal an N-terminal oligomerization domain in TIP47, and show that oligomerization is not required for TIP47 recognition of mannose 6-phosphate receptors. However, oligomerization is required for TIP47 stimulation of mannose 6-phosphate receptor transport from endosomes to the trans- Golgi in vivo .  相似文献   

The envelope of vesicular stomatitis virus was fused with the apical plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells by low pH treatment. The fate of the implanted G protein was then followed using a protein A- binding assay, which was designed to quantitate the amount of G protein in the apical and the basolateral membranes. The implanted G protein was rapidly internalized at 31 degrees C, whereas at 10 degrees C no uptake was observed. Already after 15 min at 31 degrees C, a fraction of the G protein could be detected at the basolateral membrane. After 60 min 25-48% of the G protein was basolateral as measured by the protein A-binding assay. At the same time, 25-33% of the implanted G protein was detected at the apical membrane. Internalization of G protein was not affected by 20 mM ammonium chloride or by 10 microM monensin. However, the endocytosed G protein accumulated in intracellular vacuoles and redistribution back to the plasma membrane was inhibited. We conclude that the implanted G protein was rapidly internalized from the apical surface of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and a major fraction was routed to the basolateral domain.  相似文献   

The G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus was implanted in the apical plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells by low pH-dependent fusion of the viral envelope with the cellular membrane. The amount of fusion as determined by removal of unfused virions, either by tryptic digestion or by EDTA treatment at 0 degree C, was 22-24% of the cell- bound virus radioactivity. Upon incubation of cells after implantation, the amount of G protein as detected by immunofluorescence diminished on the apical membrane and appeared within 30 min on the basolateral membrane. At the same time some G protein fluorescence was also seen in intracellular vacuoles. The observations by immunofluorescence were confirmed and extended by electron microscopy. Using immunoperoxidase localization, G protein was seen to move into irregularly shaped vacuoles (endosomes) and multivesicular bodies and to appear on the basolateral plasma membrane. These results suggest that the apical and basolateral domains of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells are connected by an intracellular route.  相似文献   

The sorting of newly synthesized membrane proteins to the cell surface is an important mechanism of cell polarity. To identify more of the molecular machinery involved, we investigated the function of the small GTPase Rab10 in polarized epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. We find that GFP-tagged Rab10 localizes primarily to the Golgi during early cell polarization. Expression of an activated Rab10 mutant inhibits biosynthetic transport from the Golgi and missorts basolateral cargo to the apical membrane. Depletion of Rab10 by RNA interference has only mild effects on biosynthetic transport and epithelial polarization, but simultaneous inhibition of Rab10 and Rab8a more strongly impairs basolateral sorting. These results indicate that Rab10 functions in trafficking from the Golgi at early stages of epithelial polarization, is involved in biosynthetic transport to the basolateral membrane and may co-operate with Rab8.  相似文献   

BSEP, MDR1, and MDR2 ATP binding cassette transporters are targeted to the apical (canalicular) membrane of hepatocytes, where they mediate ATP-dependent secretion of bile acids, drugs, and phospholipids, respectively. Sorting to the apical membrane is essential for transporter function; however, little is known regarding cellular proteins that bind ATP binding cassette proteins and regulate their trafficking. A yeast two-hybrid screen of a rat liver cDNA library identified the myosin II regulatory light chain, MLC2, as a binding partner for BSEP, MDR1, and MDR2. The interactions were confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pulldown and co-immunoprecipitation assays. BSEP and MLC2 were overrepresented in a rat liver subcellular fraction enriched in canalicular membrane vesicles, and MLC2 colocalized with BSEP in the apical domain of hepatocytes and polarized WifB, HepG2, and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Expression of a dominant negative, non-phosphorylatable MLC2 mutant reduced steady state BSEP levels in the apical domain of polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Pulse-chase studies revealed that Blebbistatin, a specific myosin II inhibitor, severely impaired delivery of newly synthesized BSEP to the apical surface. These findings indicate that myosin II is required for BSEP trafficking to the apical membrane.  相似文献   

We have characterized the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in protooncogene induction mediated by insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) in the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line. These cells possess few, if any, insulin receptors, thus allowing determination of the effects of these growth factors in the absence of any secondary signal mediated through the insulin receptor. We found that IGF-I produced a specific stimulation of tyrosine kinase activity of the 97-kDa beta-subunit of the IGF-I receptor, resulting in autophosphorylation of the receptor and an increase in kinase activity toward a synthetic peptide substrate. This was associated with a gradual decrease in the level of phosphorylation of pp120, the major constitutive phosphotyrosine-containing protein of MDCK cells, and an increase in the ratio of serine to tyrosine phosphorylation. This was followed by a rapid, but transient, induction of c-fos gene expression, with no change in the levels of c-myc mRNA. Cycloheximide treatment resulted in a superinduction of both c-fos and c-myc and prevented any further stimulation by IGF-I. IGF-II did not stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of its own receptor, but was 25% as active as IGF-I in stimulating phosphorylation of the IGF-I receptor. Despite this, IGF-II did not significantly enhance the expression of either nuclear protooncogene. Insulin also produced a delayed stimulation of IGF-I receptor phosphorylation, but was unable to stimulate biological effects in these cells. Under these conditions neither of the IGFs nor insulin produced any significant stimulation of thymidine incorporation into DNA. These data indicate that the IGF-I receptor can be activated upon binding of IGF-I, and to a lesser extent IGF-II, in intact cells to mediate cellular events. The nature of the signal generated by the IGF-I receptor appears to vary depending on the ligand that occupies it.  相似文献   

Using monoclonal antibodies directed against the plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, we demonstrated previously that a glycoprotein with an Mr = 23,000 (gp23) had a non-polarized cell surface distribution and was observed on both the apical and basolateral membranes (Ojakian, G. K., Romain, R. E., and Herz, R. E. (1987) Am. J. Physiol. 253, C433-C443). However, in parallel studies on MDCK clonal lines (D11, D18) with high transepithelial electrical resistances and in kidney cells in vivo it was determined that gp23 had a polarized cell surface distribution, being localized only to the basolateral membrane. The cell surface distribution of other glycoproteins was identical in both MDCK and MDCK clonal lines, indicating that MDCK cells were not deficient in the ability to properly sort membrane glycoproteins. Metabolic labeling with radioactive substrates followed by immunopurification and gel electrophoresis demonstrated that gp23 from both MDCK and MDCK clone D11 had many biochemical similarities including electrophoretic mobility, glycosylation, and palmitate incorporation. However, proteolytic digestion of gp23 from MDCK and clone D11 cells produced unique peptide maps suggesting that these closely related glycoproteins may have different primary sequences. In this report, we present evidence that the differential targeting of gp23 may be due to differences between the primary sequences of the basolateral and non-targeted proteins. The possibility that the observed differences in gp23 targeting are due to the presence of a basolateral recognition signal in gp23 from clone D11 cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphomannosyl residues on lysosomal enzymes serve as an essential component of the recognition marker necessary for binding to the mannose 6-phosphate (Man 6-P) receptor and translocation to lysosomes. The high mannose-type oligosaccharide units of lysosomal enzymes are phosphorylated by the following mechanism: N-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphate is transferred to the 6 position of a mannose residue to form a phosphodiester; then N- acetylglucosamine is removed to expose a phosphomonoester. We examined the kinetics of this phosphorylation pathway in the murine lymphoma BW5147.3 cell line to determine the state of oligosaccharide phosphorylation at the time the newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes bind to the receptor. Cells were labeled with [2-(3)H]mannose for 20 min and then chased for various times up to 4 h. The binding of newly synthesized glycoproteins to the Man 6-P receptor was followed by eluting the bound ligand with Man 6-P. Receptor-bound material was first detected at 30 min of chase and reached a maximum at 60 min of chase, at which time approximately 10 percent of the total phosphorylated oligosaccharides were associated with the receptor. During longer chase times, the total quantity of cellular phosphorylated oligosaccharides decreased with a half-time of 1.4 h, suggesting that the lysosomal enzymes had reached their destination and had been dephosphorylated. The structures of the phosphorylated aligosaccharides of the eluted ligand were then determined and compared with the phosphorylated oligosaccharides of molecules which were not bond to the receptor. The major phosphorylated oligosaccharide species present in the nonreceptor-bound material contained a single phosphosphodiester at all time examined. In contrast, receptor-bound oligosaccharides were greatly enriched in species possessing one and two phosphomonoesters. These results indicate that binding of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes to the Man 6-P receptor occurs only after removal of the covering N- acetylglucosamine residues.  相似文献   

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