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Regulation of intracellular magnesium by Mg2+ efflux   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chicken erythrocytes were loaded with Mg2+ by incubation with the cation ionophore A 23187 in the presence of Mg2+. After removing A 23187 by intensive washing with serum albumin and reincubating the Mg2+-loaded cells, Mg2+ was transported out of the cells until the original Mg2+ content was achieved. The net Mg2+ efflux followed Michaelis-Menten-kinetics and was independent of extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ and calmodulin. The net Mg2+ efflux was not affected by adrenalin, isoproterenol, p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate, ouabain and tetrodotoxin, but was inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, KCN, iodoacetate, high extracellular concentrations of Mg2+, Mn2+ and when extracellular Na+ was substituted by choline or K+. The efflux of 1 Mg2+ was coupled with the uptake of 2 Na+. It is concluded that there exists an additional gating process at the inner cell surface becoming active only at increased concentrations of intracellular free Mg2+ regulating the exit of Mg2+ by the efflux system.  相似文献   

The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-activated channel, which is known to be blocked by extracellular Mg ions, is shown also to be blocked by intracellular Mg ions. The block by intracellular Mg can be explained by assuming that Mg ions from the intracellular side enter the membrane electrical field before binding to the blocking site. The dissociation constant of the binding site for intracellular Mg is 8 mM at 0 mV, which is close to the value previously calculated for the extracellular Mg blocking site. The unbinding rates of intracellular and extracellular Mg are different, and their effects are additive, suggesting that the corresponding binding sites are distinct. Both blocks occur at physiological concentrations of Mg, making the NMDA-activated channel a bidirectional rectifier.  相似文献   

1. Macroscopic and single-channel currents through several types of cloned rat brain Na+ channels, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, were measured using the patch-clamp technique. 2. For all cloned channel types and for endogenous Na+ channels in chromaffin cells, intracellular Mg2+ blocks outward currents in a voltage-dependent manner similar to that in rat brain type II Na+ channel (Pusch et al. 1989). 3. A sodium-channel mutant (cZ-2) with long single-channel open times was used to examine the voltage-dependent reduction of single-channel outward current amplitudes by intracellular Mg2+. This reduction could be described by a simple blocking mechanism with half-maximal blockage at 0 mV in 1.8 mM intracellular Mg2+ and a voltage-dependence of e-fold per 39 mV (in 125 mM [Na] i ); this corresponds to a binding-site at an electrical distance of 0.32 from the inside of the membrane. 4. At low Mg2+ concentrations and high voltages, the open-channel current variance is significantly elevated with respect to zero [Mg] i . This indicates that Mg2+ acts as a fast blocker rather than gradually decreasing current, e.g. by screening of surface charges. Analysis of the open-channel variance yielded estimates of the block and unblock rate constants, which are of the order of 2 · 108 M–1 s–1 and 3.6 · 105 s–1 at 0 mV for the mutant cZ-2. 5. A quantitative analysis of tail-currents of wild-type 11 channels showed that the apparent affinity for intracellular Mg2+ strongly depends on [Na] i . This effect could be explained in terms of a multi-ion pore model. 6. Simulated action potentials, calculated on the basis of the Hodgkin-Huxley theory, are significantly reduced in their amplitude and delayed in their onset by postulating Mg2+ block at physiological levels of [Mg] i .abbreviations [Na]i intracellular Na+ concentration - [K] i intracellular K+ concentration - [Mg] i intracellular Mg2+ concentration - HEPES N-2-hydroxylethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-[\-amino-ethyl ether] N,N-tetra acetic acid - TEA tetraethylammonium  相似文献   

Recordings of [Ca2+]i in single AR42J cells loaded with Fura 2 were used to study regulation of [Ca2+]i oscillation. Continuous stimulation with the cholecystokinin analogue, (t-butyloxycarbonyl-Tyr-(SO3)-norleucine-Gly-Trp-Nle-Asp-2-phenylethyl ester) or carbachol evoked long lasting oscillation in [Ca2+]i. Removal of CCK-JMV-180 after brief stimulation did not abruptly stop the oscillation. Rather, removal of CCK-JMV-180 resulted in time-dependent reduction in amplitude with little change in frequency of oscillation. The patterns of [Ca2+]i oscillation were affected by activation of protein kinase C and protein kinase A. However, down-regulation of protein kinase C activity did not prevent stimulation of [Ca2+]i oscillation. Hence, we conclude that an active protein kinase C pathway is not crucial for [Ca2+]i oscillation in this cell line. Variation in extracellular Ca2+ concentration (Ca2+out) was used to further characterize the oscillation. Reducing Ca2+out to approximately 10 microM resulted in a time dependent inhibition of [Ca2+]i oscillation. Subsequent step increases in Ca2+out up to 2-3 mM resulted in increased amplitude and frequency of oscillation. Further increase in Ca2+out or an increase in plasma membrane permeability to Ca2+, brought about by an increase in pHo, resulted in increased amplitude, decreased frequency, and modified shape of the [Ca2+]i spikes. These observations point to the existence of regulatory mechanisms controlling the duration of Ca2+ release and entry during [Ca2+]i oscillation.  相似文献   

We report the effects of ATP and Mg2+ on the activity of intracellular chloride channels. Mitochondrial and lysosomal membrane vesicles isolated from rat hearts were incorporated into bilayer lipid membranes, and single chloride channel currents were measured. The observed chloride channels (n = 112) possessed a wide variation in single channel parameters and sensitivities to ATP. ATP (0.5–2 mmol/l) modulated and/or inhibited the chloride channel activities (n = 38/112) in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition effect was irreversible (n = 5/93) or reversible (n = 15/93). The non-hydrolysable ATP analogue AMP-PNP had a similar inhibition effect as ATP, indicating that phosphorylation did not play a role in the ATP inhibition effect. ATP modulated the gating properties of the channels (n = 6/93), decreased the channels' open dwell times and increased the gating transition rates. ATP (0.5–2 mmol/l) without the presence of Mg2+ decreased the chloride channel current (n = 12/14), whereas Mg2+ significantly reversed the effect (n = 4/4). We suggest that ATP-intracellular chloride channel interactions and Mg2+ modulation of these interactions may regulate different physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

Uptake of Mg2+ by KB cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Regulation of vertebrate cellular Mg2+ homeostasis by TRPM7   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
TRPM7 is a polypeptide with intrinsic ion channel and protein kinase domains whose targeted deletion causes cells to experience growth arrest within 24 hr and eventually die. Here, we show that while TRPM7's kinase domain is not essential for activation of its channel, a functional coupling exists such that structural alterations of the kinase domain alter the sensitivity of channel activation to Mg(2+). Investigation of the relationship between Mg(2+) and the cell biological role of TRPM7 revealed that TRPM7-deficient cells become Mg(2+) deficient, that both the viability and proliferation of TRPM7-deficient cells are rescued by supplementation of extracellular Mg(2+), and that the capacity of heterologously expressed TRPM7 mutants to complement TRPM7 deficiency correlates with their sensitivity to Mg(2+). Overall, our results indicate that TRPM7 has a central role in Mg(2+) homeostasis as a Mg(2+) uptake pathway regulated through a functional coupling between its channel and kinase domains.  相似文献   

A nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activity appeared to be associated with a highly purified nuclear preparation from rat cardiac ventricles. Different nucleoside triphosphates (UTP > GTP > ITP > CTP) supported this enzymic activity, which was stimulated by Mg` but not by Call. The nuclear NTPase activity could be down regulated by endogenous phosphorylation of a 55,000 Mr protein. Maximal phosphorylation of the 55,000 Mr protein occurred in the presence of Mg2+-ATP. Addition of cAMP, cGMP, Ca2+, Ca2+/phospholipid, Ca2+/calmodulin, and catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase was not associated with any further phosphorylation of the 55,000 Mr protein. However, in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin or the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase additional proteins became phosphorylated, but these had no effect on the Mg2+-NTPase activity. These results indicate that a protein with Mr 55,000 may be involved in the regulation the Mg2+-NTPase activity associated with rat cardiac nuclei.Abbreviations Hg Hemoglobin - GAR Goat Anti-Rabbit antibody - SR Sarcoplasmic Reticulum - NTP Nucleoside Triphosphate - TCA Trichloroacetic acid - PAGE Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

目的:探讨血管内皮生长因子165(VEGF165)对人脐带静脉内皮细胞(HLNECs)内游离镁离子浓度([Mg^2+]i)的调节机制.方法:采用荧光指示剂mag-fura-2及运用PTi阳离子测定系统动态检测HUVECs的[Mg^2+].结果:经酪氨酸激酶阻断剂(tryrphostin A23和genistein),磷脂酰3激酶阻断剂(wortmannin和LY294002),磷脂酶Cγ阻断剂(U73122)预处理,均显著阻断VEGF165诱导的[Mg^2+]i增加.但经磷脂酶C阻断剂无活性的类似物(U73343)和增殖激活蛋白激酶阻断剂(SB202190和PD9S059)预处理,不能阻断VEGF165诱导的[Mg^2+]i增加:结论:VEGF165通过酪氨酸激酶/磷脂酰3激酶/磷脂酶口信号转导途径使细胞内的Mg^2+库释和Mg^2+,从而增加HUVECs的[Mg^2+]i.  相似文献   

The involvement of Mg2+ ions in the light-dependent regulation of the chloroplast H+-ATPase was studied in both type C and osmotically shocked type A chloroplasts. The following results were obtained. ATPase activity measured under dark, partially uncoupling conditions, following light activation with dithiothreitol and pyocyanine, was markedly enhanced by the presence of Mg2+ in the activation stage. This Mg2+ effect required concentrations in the millimolar range, was rather slow (time range of minutes), reversible, rather unspecific and did not involve changes in the affinity to dithiothreitol. Dark deactivation of the ATPase in the absence of substrate was accelerated by Mg2+. The dark effect of Mg2+ also required millimolar concentrations, but was fast (time range of seconds), highly specific for Mg2+, and did not involve thiol oxidation. The major effect of the absence of Mg2+ from the light-activation stage or of its presence in the dark interval between activation and assay was the induction of an 'abnormal' sensitivity to uncouplers: after these treatments ATP hydrolysis was not stimulated but rather inhibited by NH4Cl or other uncouplers. The pretreatments in the light without Mg2+ or dark with Mg2+ did not affect the membrane proton permeability, nor the proton pumping coupled to ATPase activity. The results are discussed in terms of Mg2+-dependent regulation of the enzyme complex at the level of subunit interaction and its effect on the affinity to protons.  相似文献   

Mg homeostasis is critical to eukaryotic cells, but the contribution of Mg transporter activity to homeostasis is not fully understood. In yeast, Mg uptake is primarily mediated by the Alr1 transporter, which also allows low affinity uptake of other divalent cations such as Ni(2+), Mn(2+), Zn(2+) and Co(2+). Using Ni(2+) uptake to assay Alr1 activity, we observed approximately nine-fold more activity under Mg-deficient conditions. The mnr2 mutation, which is thought to block release of vacuolar Mg stores, was associated with increased Alr1 activity, suggesting Alr1 was regulated by intracellular Mg supply. Consistent with a previous report of the regulation of Alr1 expression by Mg supply, Mg deficiency and the mnr2 mutation both increased the accumulation of a carboxy-terminal epitope-tagged version of the Alr1 protein (Alr1-HA). However, Mg supply had little effect on ALR1 promoter activity or mRNA levels. In addition, while Mg deficiency caused a seven-fold increase in Alr1-HA accumulation, the N-terminally tagged and untagged Alr1 proteins increased less than two-fold. These observations argue that the Mg-dependent accumulation of the C-terminal epitope-tagged protein was primarily an artifact of its modification. Plasma membrane localization of YFP-tagged Alr1 was also unaffected by Mg supply, indicating that a change in Alr1 location did not explain the increased activity we observed. We conclude that variation in Alr1 protein accumulation or location does not make a substantial contribution to its regulation by Mg supply, suggesting Alr1 activity is directly regulated via as yet unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ebel H  Günther T 《FEBS letters》2003,543(1-3):103-107
Mg(2+) efflux from rat erythrocytes was measured in NaCl, NaNO(3), NaSCN and Na gluconate medium. Substitution of extracellular and intracellular Cl(-) with the permeant anions NO(3)(-) and SCN(-) reduced Mg(2+) efflux via Na(+)/Mg(2+) antiport. After substitution of extracellular Cl(-) with the non-permeant anion gluconate, Mg(2+) efflux was not significantly reduced. In Na gluconate medium, an influence of the changed membrane potential and intracellular pH on Mg(2+) efflux could be excluded. The results indicate the existence of Cl(-)-independent Na(+)/Mg(2+) antiport and of Na(+)/Mg(2+) antiport stimulated by intracellular Cl(-). Intracellular Cl(-), as determined by means of (36)Cl(-), was found to stimulate Na(+)/Mg(2+) antiport through a cooperative effect according to a sigmoidal kinetics. The Hill coefficient for intracellular Cl(-) amounted to 1.4-1.8, indicating that two intracellular Cl(-) may be simultaneously active. With respect to specificity, Cl(-) was most effective, followed by Br(-), J(-), and F(-). Stimulation of Na(+)/Mg(2+) antiport by intracellular Cl(-) together with intracellular Mg(2+) may play a role during deoxygenation of erythrocytes and in essential hypertension.  相似文献   

We examined the concentration-dependent blocking effects of intracellular Mg2+ on L-type Ca2+ channels in cardiac myocytes using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. The increase of L-type Ca2+ channel current (I(Ca)) (due to relief of Mg2+ block) occurred in two temporal phases. The rapid phase (runup) transiently appeared early (<5 min) in dialysis of the low-Mg2+ solution; the slow phase began later in dialysis (>10 min). Runup was not blocked by intracellular GTP (GTP(i)). The late phase of the I(Ca) increase (late I(Ca)) was suppressed by GTP(i) (0.4 mM) and was observed in myocytes of the guinea pig or frog at higher (32 or 24 degrees C, respectively) rather than lower temperatures (24 or 17.5 degrees C, respectively). At pMg = 6.0, raising the temperature from 24 to 32 degrees C evoked late I(Ca) with a Q10 of 14.5. Restoring the temperature to 24 degrees C decreased I(Ca) with a Q10 of only 2.4. The marked difference in the Q10 values indicated that late I(Ca) (pMg = 5-6) is an irreversible phenomenon. Phosphorylation suppressed the intracellular [Mg2+] dependency of late I(Ca). This effect of phosphorylation together with the inhibitory action of GTP(i) on Mg2+-dependent blocking of I(Ca) are common properties of mammalian and amphibian cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential type V5 channel (TRPV5) is a Ca2+-selective TRP channel important for epithelial Ca2+ transport. Intracellular Mg2+ causes a fast voltage-dependent block of the TRPV5 channel by binding to the selectivity filter. Here, we report that intracellular Mg2+ binding to the selectivity filter of TRPV5 also causes a slower reversible conformational change leading to channel closure. We further report that PIP2 activates TRPV5. Activation of TRPV5 by PIP2 is independent of Mg2+. Yet, PIP2 decreases sensitivity of the channel to the Mg2+-induced slow inhibition. Mutation of aspartate-542, a critical Mg2+-binding site in the selectivity filter, abolishes Mg2+-induced slow inhibition. PIP2 has no effects on Mg2+-induced voltage-dependent block. Thus, PIP2 prevents the Mg2+-induced conformational change without affecting Mg2+ binding to the selectivity filter. Hydrolysis of PIP2 via receptor activation of phospholipase C sensitizes TRPV5 to the Mg2+-induced slow inhibition. These results provide a novel mechanism for regulation of TRP channels by phospholipase C-activating hormones via alteration of the sensitivity to intracellular Mg2+.  相似文献   

Li(+) transport, intracellular immobilisation and Li(+)/Mg(2+) competition were studied in Li(+)-loaded bovine chromaffin cells. Li(+) influx rate constants, k(i), obtained by atomic absorption (AA) spectrophotometry, in control (without and with ouabain) and depolarising (without and with nitrendipine) conditions, showed that L-type voltage-sensitive Ca(2+) channels have an important role in Li(+) uptake under depolarising conditions. The Li(+) influx apparent rate constant, k(iapp), determined under control conditions by (7)Li NMR spectroscopy with the cells immobilised and perfused, was much lower than the AA-determined value for the cells in suspension. Loading of cell suspensions with 15 mmol l(-1) LiCl led, within 90 min, to a AA-measured total intracellular Li(+) concentration, [Li(+)](iT)=11.39+/-0.56 mmol (l cells)(-1), very close to the steady state value. The intracellular Li(+) T(1)/T(2) ratio of (7)Li NMR relaxation times of the Li(+)-loaded cells reflected a high degree of Li(+) immobilisation in bovine chromaffin cells, similar to neuroblastoma, but larger than for lymphoblastoma and erythrocyte cells. A 52% increase in the intracellular free Mg(2+) concentration, Delta[Mg(2+)](f)=0.27+/-0.05 mmol (l cells)(-1) was measured for chromaffin cells loaded with the Mg(2+)-specific fluorescent probe furaptra, after 90-min loading with 15 mmol l(-1) LiCl, using fluorescence spectroscopy, indicating significant displacement of Mg(2+) by Li(+) from its intracellular binding sites. Comparison with other cell types showed that the extent of intracellular Li(+)/Mg(2+) competition at the same Li(+) loading level depends on intracellular Li(+) transport and immobilisation in a cell-specific manner, being maximal for neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that constantly undergo fission, fusion, and movement. Increasing evidence indicates that these dynamic changes are intricately related to mitochondrial function, suggesting that mitochondrial form and function are linked. Calcium (Ca2+) is one signal that has been shown to both regulate mitochondrial fission in various cell types and stimulate mitochondrial enzymes involved in ATP generation. However, although Ca2+ plays an important role in adult cardiac muscle cells for excitation–metabolism coupling, little is known about whether Ca2+ can regulate their mitochondrial morphology. Therefore, we tested the role of Ca2+ in regulating cardiac mitochondrial fission. We found that neonatal and adult cardiomyocyte mitochondria undergo rapid and transient fragmentation upon a thapsigargin (TG)- or KCl-induced cytosolic Ca2+ increase. The mitochondrial fission protein, DLP1, participates in this mitochondrial fragmentation, suggesting that cardiac mitochondrial fission machinery may be regulated by intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Moreover, the TG-induced fragmentation was also associated with an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, suggesting that activation of mitochondrial fission machinery is an early event for Ca2+-mediated ROS generation in cardiac myocytes. These results suggest that Ca2+, an important regulator of muscle contraction and energy generation, also dynamically regulates mitochondrial morphology and ROS generation in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase and its complexes have been studied by fluorescence and circular dichroism. NADPH, trimethoprim, pyrimethamine, or Methotrexate binding causes small changes in the enzyme far ultraviolet CD which possibly arise from alterations in polypeptide backbone of the enzyme; however, their effects on enzyme far ultraviolet CD are also explained as the result of ligand interactions with enzyme aromatic groups. In ternary complexes of the enzyme, fluorescence properties of bound NADPH are surprisingly sensitive to the type of inhibitor bound nearby. The effect of temperature on the enzyme and its complexes is clearly shown by changes in enzyme fluorescence and CD. At temperatures near 45 degrees C, the enzyme undergoes an irreversible denaturation, as shown by major alterations in enzyme far ultraviolet CD and by an increased rate of fluorescence quenching. Binary complexes with NADPH or Methotrexate stabilize the enzyme towards this heat denaturation, whereas bound trimethoprim and pyrimethamine do not. Ternary complexes with NADPH and any of the ligands are more stable than the enzyme itself toward heat denaturation. Fluorescence-temperature and fluorescence polarization studies show that near 30 degrees C the enzyme undergoes a reversible transition that is modified by NADPH or methotrexate.  相似文献   

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