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Herpetomonas samuelpessoai has membrane-bound electrondense granules in its cytoplasm. The electron density independs on postfixation with osmium tetroxide and is enhanced by uranyl acetate staining. The granules contain iron, have basic proteins cytochemically detected by the silver ammoniacal method, and have a peroxidase activity as detected by the diaminobenzidine method. Some of the granules also have acid phosphatase activity. It is suggested that the granules may represent either lysosomes or a storage form of tetrapyrrole derivatives which are essential for the growth and metabolism of most Trypanosomatidae.  相似文献   

DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine and DL-alpha-monofluoromethyldehydroornithine methyl ester, inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase, blocked exoerythrocytic schizogony of Plasmodium berghei in mice and in cultured human hepatoma cells. These effects were reversed by exogenous administration of the polyamine, spermidine. The antimalarial drug, primaquine, the side chain of which is structurally analogous to a natural polyamine, did not enhance the activity of alpha-difluoromethylornithine or alpha-monofluoromethyldehydroornithine methyl ester. These results extend previous observations that polyamines influence the malaria parasite's schizogony outside the red blood cell but not within it.  相似文献   

Freshwater protozoa: biodiversity and ecological function   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The purpose of this article is to pull together various elements from current knowledge regarding the natural history of free-living protozoa in fresh waters. We define their functional role, set the likely limits of biodiversity, and explore how the two may be related. Protozoa are unicellular, phagotrophic organisms, and 16 phyla of protists contain free-living freshwater protozoan species. They are the most important grazers of microbes in aquatic environments and the only grazers of any importance in anoxic habitats. In sediments, ciliates are usually the dominant protozoans. Benthic ciliate biomass accounts for slightly less than 10% of total benthic invertebrate biomass, but ciliate production may equal or even exceed invertebrate production. Freshwater protozoan species are probably ubiquitous, although many may persist locally for long periods in a cryptic state – as potential rather than active biodiversity. As protozoa are among the largest and most complex of micro-organisms, it follows that bacteria and all other smaller, more numerous microbes are also ubiquitous. The number of protozoan species recorded in local surveys (232) is about 10% of the estimated global species richness (2390). The 'seedbank of protozoan (and microbial) species ensures that local microbial diversity is never so impoverished that it cannot play its full part in ecosystem functions such as carbon fixation and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Intact trophozoites of the virulent Entamoeba histolytica strain HM-1:IMSS (HM-1) destroyed a monolayer of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells at a higher rate and efficiency than trophozoites of the nonvirulent strain HK-9. The destructive effect could be partially attributed to the proteolytic activity of the amoeba, since quantitative differences were found in the enzymatic activity of the two strains tested. Crude extracts or secreted enzymes of HM-1 trophozoites digested Azocoll, as well as the bovine cold-insoluble globulin fraction, at a much higher rate than the corresponding preparations from HK-9. This proteolytic activity was found to be activated by free sulfhydryl groups. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the BHK cell proteins of pre- and postamoebic activities showed patterns similar to the trypsin effect on the same target cells. These enzymes were found to digest the proteins participating in the attachment of the target cells to the substrate and, consequently, cause detachment of these cells.  相似文献   

Abstract Most anoxic environments host populations of phagotrophic, eukaryote microorganisms. Many physiological properties of these anaerobic eukaryotes are still incompletely understood and their role in communities of anaerobic microorganisms has so far drawn little attention. Here we present theoretical considerations and experimental evidence to show that the net growth efficiency ([assimilated C]/[assimilated C + dissimilated C]) and gross growth efficiency (yield = [assimilated C]/[consumed C]) of anaerobic protozoa are about 20% and about 25%, respectively of those of their aerobic counterparts. This accords with the observation that the biomass ratios of predators and their prey is about one fourth of that foundin oxic environments. These fiedl data also suggest that bacterial numbers are controlled by protozoa grazing in at least some anoxic environments. Finally, the results explain whe phagotrophic food chains are short and eukaryote diversity is low in anaerobic habitats.  相似文献   

Ornithine induced more than 36-fold the ornithine decarboxylase activity in confined Ehrlich ascites tumour cells after 3.5 h of continuous perifusion with 0.5 mM ornithine; arginine and glutamine also induced the activity 3- and 4-fold, respectively. The addition of cycloheximide or actinomycin D antibiotics to the perifusion medium confirmed that the regulation of the enzyme synthesis takes place at the level of translation. Perifusion in the presence of 0.5. mM ornithine and 55, 25, and 10 μM histamine suppressed the induction by 91, 53, and 35%, respectively. Similar results were obtained in the presence of serotonin. Histidine also showed inhibitory effect but 5 mM histidine was required to produce 21% inhibition; other basic amino acids were ineffective.  相似文献   

The polyamine content of the skin of BALB/c and C3H mice was determined at intervals, after injecting Leishmania tropica major. In BALB/c mice, putrescine and spermidine levels increased three- to seven-fold; in C3H mice, spontaneous recovery occurred after 3 weeks, accompanied by a reduction in putrescine and spermidine levels. Ornithine decarboxylase activity was negligible in normal, uninfected skin of both BALB/c and C3H mice, but increased steadily during infection. Treatment with drugs that inhibit the growth of leishmanial amastigotes in the skin of mice also reduced polyamine levels and ornithine decarboxylase activity of previously infected skin. There was a close correlation between the therapeutic activity of the drugs and their effect on polyamine content and synthesis. The aminoglycoside paromomycin, which was chemotherapeutically more effective than pentamidine, also had a greater effect on polyamine levels. S-adenosyl-L-Methionine decarboxylase activity in the skin of BALB/c and C3H mice was only slightly affected by the parasites. Polyamine levels and ornithine decarboxylase activity could possibly serve as means for measuring the growth of leishmanial parasites in skin and other tissues and as a measure of the efficacy of anti-leishmanial chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   

The polyene antibiotic, filipin, was used as a probe for the detection of sterols in the freeze-fractured plasma membrane and the flagellar membranes of the pathogenic protozoa, Tritrichomonas foetus. A homogeneous distribution of filipin-sterol complexes was seen throughout the plasma membrane, and the membrane of the three anterior and the one recurrent flagella. No or very few filipin-sterol complexes were observed in some specialized regions such as the base of the flagella (necklace), the portion of the recurrent flagellum, and that part of the cell body to which the flagellum was attached. The density of filipin-sterol complexes varied from one cell to the other. In some cells, about 205 complexes/μm2 were seen. A larger number of filipin-sterol complexes were observed on both faces of the membrane of cytoplasmic structures, probably corresponding to vacuoles. No complexes were seen in the nuclear membrane and in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Very few or no complexes were observed in the membrane of the hydrogenosomes. Treatment of living cells with filipin induced aggregation of filipin-sterol complexes at some points of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania major were isolated from an infected mouse in two media, blood agar and Schneider's medium + 30% fetal calf serum, and maintained continuously for over 1 year. Infectivity studies in two strains of mice, outbred CD1 strain and inbred BALB/c strain, showed that promastigotes grown in Schneider's medium maintained infectivity to BALB/c mice throughout the period of cultivation. Infectivity to CD1 strain mice was progressively lost. Promastigotes grown in blood agar medium, however, lost infectivity to both strains of mice at a faster rate than promastigotes grown in Schneider's medium.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is the rate-limiting enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of polyamines essential for cell growth and differentiation. Aberrant upregulation of ODC, however, is widely believed to be a contributing factor in tumorigenesis. Antizyme is a major regulator of ODC, inhibiting ODC activity through the formation of complexes and facilitating degradation of ODC by the 26S proteasome. Moreover, the antizyme inhibitor (AZI) serves as another factor in regulating ODC, by binding to antizyme and releasing ODC from ODC-antizyme complexes. In our previous report, we observed elevated AZI expression in tumor specimens. Therefore, to evaluate the role of AZI in regulating ODC activity in tumors, we successfully down-regulated AZI expression using RNA interference technology in A549 lung cancer cells expressing high levels of AZI. Two AZI siRNAs, which were capable to generate a hairpin dsRNA loop targeting AZI, could successively decrease the expression of AZI. Using biological assays, antizyme activity increased in AZI-siRNA-transfected cells, and ODC levels and activity were reduced as well. Moreover, silencing AZI expression decreased intracellular polyamine levels, reduced cell proliferation, and prolonged population doubling time. Our results directly demonstrate that downregulation of AZI regulates ODC activity, intracellular polyamine levels, and cell growth through regulating antizyme activity. This study also suggests that highly expressed AZI may be partly responsible for increased ODC activity and cellular transformation.  相似文献   

原生动物与解磷微生物协同解磷作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
磷是农业生产重要的限制因素之一,土壤生物包括原生动物和微生物在土壤磷素转化过程中起着重要的作用。通过纯培养和土壤培养试验发现,供试的原生动物能够提高磷矿粉的有效磷,土壤有效磷含量也显著增加。所溶解出来的磷很大一部分以无机磷酸盐的形式贮藏在细胞内,熏蒸时才释放出来,少部分磷转化为生物量磷。原生动物与解磷菌之间没有显著的相互促进作用。  相似文献   

The effects of concurrent primary infection of the rat with Eimeria nieschulzi and Trichinella spiralis on the number of oocysts of E. nieschulzi shed by the host and on the number, distribution, and fecundity of adult T. spiralis were analyzed. When rats were initially infected with E. nieschulzi followed 9 days later by infection with T. spiralis there occurred a significant decrease in the total numbers of adult worms in the small intestine, a significant shift in the position of these worms along the length of the small gut, a decrease in the fecundity of adult female worms, and a decrease in muscle parasitism when compared with rats infected with T. spiralis alone. When rats were initially infected with T. spiralis, followed 9 days later by infection with E. nieschulzi, there occurred a significant decrease in the numbers of oocysts shed over 24 hr on Days 7, 9, and 11 postinfection below that seen with rats infected only with Eimeria. These changes are discussed in terms of the enteropathophysiologic lesions and enteric inflammation known to occur during infections with these two parasites.  相似文献   

A macromolecule-free semi-synthetic medium (F-81) was devised to culture Trypanosoma cruzi serially at room temperature. F-81 contains only one undefined substance, trypticase, which consists primarily of short-chain polypeptides. In F-81 medium T. cruzi will grow to a density of 35 to 43 × 106 organisms/ml, a density comparable to that obtainable in a serum-containing medium such as F-69. High concentrations of water-soluble vitamins appear to have a serum-replacing effect in the F-81 medium. A completely synthetic medium (F-84) was prepared by replacing trypticase in F-81 with Trager's amino acid mixture. T. cruzi epimastigotes could be serially cultured in F-84, with a maximum yield of 9.2 × 106 organisms/ml of medium after 3 to 4 weeks of incubation at 27 C.  相似文献   

The ring stages of Plasmodium falciparum within red blood cells cultured with complete medium stop growing when transferred to a basic medium containing RPMI plus fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin and dialyzable factors from human serum. Growth and multiplication can be partially restored by the addition of lipoprotein fractions prepared from human serum. No specificity was observed with subclasses of lipoproteins. Synthetic liposomes containing lecithin, oleic acid, and cholesterol mimic the effect of lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Lysates of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes were able to hydrolyze casein (Km = 2.5 mg/ml) as well as bovine and human hemoglobins (Km = 12.2 mg/ml); there was optimum activity was around pH 7.0. The proteinase activity detected with these substrates was enhanced by sodium diaminotetraacetate (EDTA) and reducing agents (SO2?3, mercaptoethanol, cysteine) and was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents, thus suggesting an SH-dependent enzyme. Purification (60×) of the proteinase was carried out as follows: (1) precipitation at ?20 C, pH 4.5, with 80% acetone, (2) gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, (3) affinity chromatography on Sepharose 4B covalently linked to p-aminophenyl mercuric acetate. Only a single component (with an estimated molecular weight of 60,000) was detected in purified preparations by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, in addition to the major component identified as a proteinase, crossed immunoelectrophoresis experiments indicated the presence of at least three other antigens that apparently were devoid of proteinase activity. Optimum pH activity of the purified preparations was around pH 6.0 for casein and pH 3.0 for hemoglobins, but these activities probably are due to the one enzyme since they were altered identically by the same agents.  相似文献   

We compared the properties of mammalian arginine decarboxylase (ADC) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in rat liver and brain. Mammalian ADC is thermally unstable and associated with mitochondrial membranes. ADC decarboxylates both arginine (Km = 0.75 mM) and ornithine (Km = 0.25 mM), a reaction not inhibited by the specific ODC inhibitor, difluoromethylomithine. ADC activity is inhibited by Ca2+, Co2+, and polyamines, is present in many organs being highest in aorta and lowest in testis, and is not recognized by a specific monoclonal antibody to ODC. In contrast, ODC is thermally stable, cytosolic, and mitochondrial and is expressed at low levels in most organs except testis. Although ADC and ODC are expressed in cultured rat C6 glioma cells, the patterns of expression during growth and confluence are very different. We conclude that mammalian ADC differs from ADC isoforms expressed in plants, bacteria, or Caenorhabditis elegans and is distinct from ODC. ADC serves to synthesize agmatine in proximity to mitochondria, an organelle also harboring agmatine's degradative enzyme, agmatinase, and a class of imidazoline receptor (I2) to which agmatine binds with high affinity.  相似文献   

The postformalin ammoniacal silver (AS) and the ethanolic phosphotungstic acid (E-PTA) techniques were used to localize basic proteins at the ultrastructural level in the protozoa, Tritrichomonas foetus. The periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate technique was used to localize carbohydrates. With the AS technique reaction product was seen only in the hydrogenosomes. With the E-PTA technique, reaction product was seen in the microtubules that form the basal bodies, flagella, pelta, and axostyle, in the costa, in the hydrogenosomes, and at the region of the recurrent flagellum's adhesion to the cell body. Previous acetylation of the cells under conditions that block most free amino groups abolished (AS technique) or greatly reduced (E-PTA technique) staining. Carbohydrates were localized on the cell surface; in the membranes of the hydrogenosomes, Golgi complex, and cytoplasmic vesicles; and in the glycogen particles. The specificity of the AS and E-PTA techniques to detect basic proteins is based on observations made with T. foetus as well as with other cell types.  相似文献   

Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, induces changes in morphology and motility of Herpetomonas samuelpessoai when incubated under nonproliferative conditions. The cells become rounded and immotile. These effects are dependent on time and temperature of incubation, concentration of lidocaine, and pH. Divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+) reversed the effect of lidocaine. Lidocaine also induces the formation of membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles as determined by morphometry applied to electron micrographs. Lidocaine had a dose-dependent effect on the growth of H. samuelpessoai in a chemically defined medium. At concentrations which did not interfere with cell growth, it induces the transformation of promastigote into opisthomastigote via paramastigote. It is suggested that lidocaine may be used as an inductor of differentiation in H. samuelpessoai opening the possibility of obtaining the three developmental stages of this trypanosomatid.  相似文献   

The polyanionic compound poly-d-glutamic acid was found to inhibit significantly the fusion of secondary lysosomes to phagosomes containing Leishmania mexicana mexicana amastigotes for at least 96 hr. This process was viewed both by dark-field vital fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In poly-d-glutamic acid-treated macrophages parasites multiplied at a significantly greater rate than in untreated macrophages. Conversely, the secondary amine chloroquine caused a marked reduction in parasite growth. When L. m. mexicana promastigotes were substituted for amastigotes these results were strikingly more pronounced.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain if there were biochemical differences in the autonomic nervous system of both C57BL/6-(resistant) and C3H/HeJ-(susceptible) mice infected with the “Brazil” strain of Trypanosoma cruzi we studied the depletion of the enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (EC in the hearts and brains of these infected mice. In the hearts of C3H/HeJ mice, a 30–35% depletion of choline acetyltransferase was evident by day 7 of infection, a time characterized by lack of obvious parasitemia and frank morphological changes in the myocardium or atrial ganglia. When these mice were moribund (day 25) the depletion of choline acetyltransferase was approximately 40%. Myocardial inflammation, necrosis, and increased pseudocyst numbers were evident as the infection proceeded and as the parasitemia rose. In addition, right atrial ganglia were involved with inflammatory cells but were devoid of amastigotes. In resistant (B6) mice choline acetyltransferase levels were not depleted during the course of infection. Brain choline acetyltransferase levels were significantly depleted in moribund C3H mice but there were no frank morphological changes. Extracts of T. cruzi were devoid of any substances capable of inhibiting choline acetyltransferase. Choline acetyltransferase depletion in the hearts of infected susceptible animals precedes morphological alteration. Depletion of this enzyme may be utilized as an early parameter of infection.  相似文献   

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