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We have developed a method for in situ hybridization of adult bone tissue utilizing undecalcified sections and have used it to histologically examine the mRNA expression of non-collagenous bone matrix proteins such as osteocalcin (bone Gla protein, BGP), matrix Gla protein (MGP), and osteopontin in adult rats. Expression was compared with that in bone tissues of newborn rats. In the adult bone tissue, osteocalcin mRNA was strongly expressed in periosteal and endosteal cuboidal osteoblasts but not in primary spongiosa near the growth plate. Osteopontin mRNA was strongly expressed in cells present on the bone resorption surface, osteocytes, and hypertrophic chondrocytes, but not in cuboidal osteoblasts on the formation surface. Osteopontin and osteocalcin mRNAs were expressed independently and the distribution of cells expressing osteopontin mRNA corresponded with acid phosphatase-positive mononuclear cells and osteoclasts. Expression of MGP mRNA was noted only in hypertrophic chondrocytes. In newborn rat bone tissues, expression of osteocalcin mRNA was much weaker than in adult rat bone tissues. These results clearly indicate the differential expression of mRNAs of non-collagenous bone matrix proteins in adult rat bone tissues.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stroma contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) which are progenitor cells, at least for tissues arising from mesechyma. The study of MSC biology yields controversial data. Therefore further experiments are needed to characterize these cells. The aim of our research was to compare primary cultures and subcultures of stromal precursor cells isolated from rat bone marrow. Long-term cultures of these cells isolated from 5 animals have been obtained. Morphological, immunophenotypic, and functional (capacity to osteogenic differentiation) characteristics of the cells have been investigated. We show that the cell morphology in the cultures is highly heterogenic. Morphological cell types are described. Heterogeneity of stromal cells declines on late passages. Cell cultures isolated from different animals have the same immunophenotypic markers (CD90, CD44, CD54, CD106, CD45, CD11b) but different morphological characteristics and a different capacity to osteogenic differentiation during long-term cultivation. The data show that more specific markers and functional tests should be applied to identify MSC.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent staining of frozen sections of rat bone marrow for collagen types I and III revealed the presence of a distinctive, collagen-producing cell type. Morphologically, these cells closely resembled reticular cells. They were large, with branching cytoplasm and were closely related to an extensive intercellular matrix of collagenous material that surrounded the hematopoietic cells of the marrow. Biochemical studies demonstrated synthesis of collagen types I and III, in a ratio of 4:1, by fresh rat bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

Long-term recovery of mouse hemopoietic stem cells (CFU-S and CFU-S per colony), granulocyte-macrophage precursor cells (GM-CFC), and stromal colony-forming units (CFU-F) after doses up to 12.5 Gy was almost complete by 1 year when the dose rate was reduced to 0.0005 Gy/min compared to incomplete recovery after doses up to only 6.5 Gy given at greater than 0.7 Gy/min. This sparing effect of dose rate on long-term hemopoietic recovery is in contrast to the generally reported lack of dependence on dose rate for acute survival of hemopoietic progenitors after doses up to 5 Gy. The present results are compatible with the hypothesis that good recovery of the stroma should be reflected in the long-term recovery of hemopoiesis.  相似文献   

The authors attempted to cultivate frozen mouse bone marrow cells in a semisolid medium. They demonstrated that the stem haematopoietic cells of frozen mouse bone marrow were capable of proliferation and of colony formation on agar. The much smaller number of colonies from frozen mouse bone marrow (about 80% fewer) compared with fresh marrow is evidence that part of the stem haematopoietic cell population retains proliferative capacity even after freezing.  相似文献   

BackgroundRecently, proof-of-concept experiments have shown that genetically modified bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) carrying hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels were able to express the funny current (If) in vitro, which played a key role in the process of pacemaker generation for heart rate, and were capable of pacemaker function after transplantation into the host heart. Nevertheless, because of the lack of direct experimental access to the implanted cells in situ, the changes in electrophysiological characteristics and the mechanisms underlying the pacemaker function of engrafted HCN gene–transfected MSCs in vivo remain unclear.Methods and ResultsOn the basis of the improved preparation of ventricular slices, we successfully performed an in situ investigation of allografted mouse HCN4 gene (mHCN4)-transfected rat MSCs (rMSCs) with the use of patch-clamp recording in ventricular slices. We demonstrate that allografted mHCN4-transfected rMSCs survived in the host heart for >4 weeks; that they expressed If, which is generated by the mHCN4 channel, with a similar amplitude but greater negative activation compared with parallel cells cultured in vitro; that they did not express optical action potentials or depolarization-activated inward sodium or calcium currents; and that they exhibited a low incidence of gap-junctional coupling with host cardiomyocytes.ConclusionsThis study provides direct experimental access to investigate MSCs after transplantation into the host heart. We propose that mHCN4-transfected rMSCs survived in the host heart with altered electrophysiological characteristics of If and were accompanied by a low efficiency of connexin 43 expression at 4 weeks after transplantation, which may affect its pacemaker function in vivo.  相似文献   

The ability of rat skin fibroblasts (RSF) and human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPL) to inhibit the formation of mineralised bone nodules in rat bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) cultures was studied. Co-culture of HPL or RSF with BMSC resulted in a large reduction of bone nodule formation when compared with controls. Conditioned medium from HPL or RSF cultures inhibited bone nodule formation in a dose-dependent manner. HPL-conditioned medium depressed cell proliferation and alkaline phosphatase expression in BMSC cultures. These effects were not due to increased cytotoxicity or nutrient depletion. Inhibitory activity was recovered in a fraction of less than 1 kD following ultrafiltration and was insensitive to freeze-thawing. The inhibitory activity was blocked when HPL cultures were grown in the presence of 10(-5) M indomethacin. Dose-dependent inhibiton of bone nodule formation was also observed in cultures incubated with prostaglandins E2 (at 10(-6) M) or F2 alpha (at 10(-7) M). The results indicate that fibroblasts may inhibit osteoblast differentiation and function in part by release of soluble factors including prostaglandins.  相似文献   

Rat bone marrow stromal cells were cultured in vitro. At days 14-15 of culture, dense clusters of polygonal cells were formed, and they mineralized 2-3 days later. The cells resembling osteoblasts or young osteocytes were histologically observed to be embedded in mineralized or unmineralized extracellular matrices of the nodules. Next, these mineralized nodules were electron-microscopically examined. The osteoblastic cells associated with the nodules had a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an evident Golgi apparatus and some mitochondria as their intracellular organellae. Some lysosomes and microfilaments were also visible in the cytoplasms. Moreover, some cells protruded cell processes toward the neighboring cells through the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix consisted of numerous collagen fibrils which were striated with 60-70 nm axial periodicity and which was similar to bone tissue collagen. A large number of matrix vesicles were scattered among the collagen fibrils in the unmineralized area of the nodules. In contrast, in the mineralized area, numerous matrix vesicles at different stages of maturation and many calcified spherules were observed. That is the mineralization in this culture system was considered to be initiated in association with the matrix vesicles and to progress along the collagen fibrils. From these findings, it was confirmed by the present study that the mineralized nodules formed in this bone marrow stromal cell culture were ultrastructurally similar to bone and that the mineralization also proceeded by going through the normal calcification process. This culture system is considered to be available to study osteogenic differentiation and calcification mechanisms.  相似文献   

Gravitational field-flow fractionation is a relatively simple experimental technique. This method was used for the characterization of stem cells from mouse bone marrow. Because these cells are bigger than the other cells in bone marrow, it is possible to separate them from the mixture. The fractions collected after passing through the separation channel were characterized using a Coulter Counter and used for transplantation into irradiated mice.  相似文献   

Glutamyl aminopeptidase (GluAP, EC, ENPEP) is a 130-kDa homodimeric zinc metallopeptidase which specifically cleaves the N-terminal glutamate or aspartate residue of peptidic substrates such as cholecystokinin-8 or angiotensin (Ang) II, in vitro. We used a DNA microarray hybridization (Genechip Rat Expression Array 230A, Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) to demonstrate that GluAP was upregulated in osteogenic induced rat bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). To compare the expression of GluAP in the osteogenic differentiation and non-osteogenic differentiation of rat BMSCs in vitro, the cells were osteogenic induced in vitro. We also performed an MTT assay, alkaline phosphatase assay, alizarin red staining, and an immunohistochemical analysis to determine the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs. The expression of GluAP was examined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The real-time PCR results showed that GluAP was upregulated in osteogenic differentiated BMSCs in vitro, suggesting that GluAP may be correlated with the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs.  相似文献   

Purified mouse IL-1 at doses 15-100 mu/ml inhibits the growth of stromal clonogenic cells /CFU-f/ both in full bone marrow cell cultures /F-cultures/ and in adherent bone marrow cell cultures /A-cultures/. Rec. human TNF-alpha inhibits growth of these cells at doses greater than 50 u/ml, but stimulates it /in 1.5 fold increase/at low doses /0.1-20 u/ml/ in cultures of both types. Rec. mouse IL-3 at doses 0.8-50 mu/ml slightly increases/in 1.6 fold increase/the in vitro growth of CFU-f and inhibits it at low doses in F-cultures. In A-cultures this factor stimulates CFU-f growth at all doses tested, but this stimulating effect takes place if only explantation density of mouse bone marrow cells in sufficiently high.  相似文献   

Adult mouse bone marrow cell suspensions prepared by trypsinization were cultivated in gelatin sponges on millipore filters. When HAWP filters were used, multilayer bone structure was formed. It contained mineralized ground substance, incorporated bone cells and osteoblast layer. With the use of AUFS filters, bone tissue developed not only on the top surface, but also inside the filter.  相似文献   

The number of fibroblast colonies in bone marrow cultures depends on FCFC concentration in explanted cells and FCFC cloning efficiency. For mouse bone marrow the efficiency of fibroblast colony formation increases in the presence of the feeder (irradiated bone marrow of spleen cells). Colony-stimulating feeder activity does not depend on the presence of phagocytic and stromal cells in the feeder cell population. Trypsinization of the bone marrow leads to the release of additional FCFC and the increase of their concentration in bone marrow cell suspensions.  相似文献   

Before characterizing alloreactive cells of the bone marrow, it was necessary to reevaluate the alloantigen response in this tissue. The results of previous studies using the parental-F1 system in the mixed-lymphocyte reaction (MLR) are open to question because of the recently documented proliferation of F1 stimulator cells (W. H. Adler, T.Takiguchi, B. Marsh, and R. T. Smith,J. Immunol. 105, 984, 1970; P. F. Piguet, H. K. Dewey, and P. Vassalli, J. Exp. Med. 146, 735, 1977). The culture system was optimized for measuring the MLR of bone marrow lymphocytes enriched on sucrose density gradients. The proliferative response of the enriched fraction (BML) to 2000-R irradiated allogeneic spleen cells was three times as high as the response of unfractionated bone marrow. For maximal responses, antigen concentration had to be twice as high for the BML as for the lymph node, and in a time course study the highest [3H]TdR uptake occurred on Day 3 in BML cultures and on Day 5 in the LN. In lymph node semiallogeneic cultures stimulator cell proliferation can be disregarded, while semiallogeneic BML MLR err significantly on the high side. When BML were matched with allogeneic stimulator cells at the H-2 locus, they gave good MLR responses, provided there was a minor Mls histocompatibility locus difference, while in the lymph node the response was greatly diminished in similar mixtures. The differences in the BML and lymph node alloantigen responses with respect to antigen concentration, kinetics and susceptibility to F1 and Mls stimulation, suggest that the bone marrow alloantigen response is mediated by a cell population that is different than alloresponsive cells in the lymph node.  相似文献   

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