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Mating system and reproductive skew in the black rhinoceros   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Only approximately 2600 black rhinoceros survive today, mainly in small, isolated populations of < 100 animals. The management of remaining black rhinoceros populations aims at preserving natural levels of genetic relatedness and optimizing breeding success, which requires an accurate knowledge of the mating system, reproductive skew and effective population size. DNA was extracted from faecal samples from a community of 35 wild black rhinoceros, and microsatellites were used to characterize patterns of paternity of 19 offspring born from eight females in this community. Paternity could be ascribed unequivocally for each offspring. Although our conclusions must be considered tentative, we present the first genetic evidence that black rhinoceros males are polygynous, with a high variance in reproductive success. We also describe a noninvasive management tool that can be used for the genetic management of this critically endangered species, both in the wild and in captivity.  相似文献   

The sexy-sperm hypothesis predicts that females obtain indirect benefits for their offspring via polyandy, in the form of increased fertilization success for their sons. I use a quantitative genetic approach to test the sexy-sperm hypothesis using the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Previous studies of this species have shown considerable phenotypic variation in fertilization success when two or more males compete. There were high broad-sense heritabilities for both paternity and polyandry. Patterns of genotypic variance were consistent with X-linked inheritance and/or maternal effects on these traits. The genetic architecture therefore precludes the evolution of polyandry via a sexy-sperm process. Thus the positive genetic correlation between paternity in sons and polyandry in daughters predicted by the sexy-sperm hypothesis was absent. There was significant heritable variation in the investment by females in ovaries and by males in the accessory gland. Surprisingly there was a very strong genetic correlation between these two traits. The significance of this genetic correlation for the coevolution of male seminal products and polyandry is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied patterns of genetic relatedness and paternity in moustached tamarins, small Neotropical primates living in groups of 1–4 adult males and 1–4 adult females. Generally only one female per group breeds, mating with more than one male. Twin birth are the norm. In order to examine the genetic consequences of this mating pattern, DNA was extracted from fecal samples collected from two principal and six neighboring groups. DNA was characterized at twelve microsatellite loci (average: seven alleles/locus). We addressed the following questions: Do all adult males have mating access to the reproductive female of the group? How is paternity distributed across males in a group? Can polyandrous mating lead to multiple paternity? Are nonparental animals more closely related to the breeders than to the population mean? And, are mating partners unrelated? Breeding females mated with all nonrelated males. In at least one group the father of the older offspring did not sire the youngest infant although he was still resident in the group. We also found evidence for multiple paternity in a supposed twin pair. Yet, within each group the majority (67–100%) of infants had the same father, suggesting reproductive skew. Relatedness within groups was generally high (average R = 0.31), although both nonrelated males and females occurred, i.e., immigrations of both sexes are possible. Mating partners were never found to be related, hence inbreeding seems to be uncommon. The results suggest that while the social mating system is polyandry, paternity is often monopolized by a single male per group. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The incidence and magnitude of multiple paternity were estimated for a natural, unmanipulated spawning population of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Egg nests were surveyed in the autumn and sub‐samples were excavated the following spring. Parentage data derived from microsatellite DNA revealed an unexpectedly high level of multiple paternity. Within a single redd, females may mate with as many as 16 different males, including small mature male parr and large anadromous males. Multiple paternity was most pronounced in areas of highest redd density, corresponding with increased abundances of mature male parr. In addition, there was considerable variation in success among males, although this variability did not depend upon the number of males participating in spawning. This work underscores the value of undertaking genetic studies on the mating systems of fishes in unmanipulated, natural environments.  相似文献   

The optimal number of mate partners for females rarely coincides with that for males, leading to a potential sexual conflict over multiple-partner mating. This suggests that the population sex ratio may affect multiple-partner mating and thus multiple paternity. We investigate the relationship between multiple paternity and the population sex ratio in the polygynandrous common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). In six populations the adult sex ratio was biased toward males, and in another six populations the adult sex ratio was biased toward females, the latter corresponding to the average adult sex ratio encountered in natural populations. In males the frequency and the degree of polygyny were lower in male-biased populations, as expected if competition among males determines polygyny. In females the frequency of polyandry was not different between treatments, and polyandrous females produced larger clutches, suggesting that polyandry might be adaptive. However, in male-biased populations females suffered from reduced reproductive success compared to female-biased populations, and the number of mate partners increased with female body size in polyandrous females. Polyandrous females of male-biased populations showed disproportionately more mating scars, indicating that polyandrous females of male-biased populations had more interactions with males and suggesting that the degree of multiple paternity is controlled by male sexual harassment. Our results thus imply that polyandry may be hierarchically controlled, with females controlling when to mate with multiple partners and male sexual harassment being a proximate determinant of the degree of multiple paternity. The results are also consistent with a sexual conflict in which male behaviors are harmful to females.  相似文献   

We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to determine paternity in two groups of brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus mayottensis). We analyzed the results in relation to behavioral data on observed copulations, dominance relationships among adult males, and female behavior. The association between paternity determination and behavioral sampling shows that paternity determination is a crucial tool for understanding the mating strategies and reproductive success in the studied species. In brown lemurs, dominance relationships between males are correlated with reproductive success, but male social dominance could be altered by female choice as suggested by the ability of subordinate males to sire offspring in the presence of a dominant male.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy exists concerning possible effects of sexually selected phenotypes via intermale competition on reproductive success. The mandrill ( Mandrillus sphinx ) is an extreme example of evolution by sexual selection, and hence we have studied a semi-free-ranging colony of mandrills in Gabon to gather information on male rank, mating success and paternity, as determined by DNA fingerprinting. Two morphological variants or adult male were identified; 'fatted' males, with maximum secondary sexual coloration, which occupied dominant positions in the social group, and 'non-fatted' males, with muted secondary sexual adornments, smaller testes and lower plasma testosterone levels, which lived as peripheral/solitary individuals. DNA fingerprinting analyses on infants born over five successive years showed that only the two most dominant, fatted males in the group had fathered off spring. Throughout the annual mating season these males attempted to mate-guard and copulate with females during periods of maximal sexual skin tumescence. Male rank and mating success were strongly positively related and the alpha male sired 80–100% of the resulting offspring during three consecutive years. Non-fatted adult males and group associated subadult males engaged in infrequent, opportunistic matings and did not guard females. Loss of alpha status resulted in a fall in reproductive success, but the effect was gradual; the deposed alpha male continued to father 67% and 25% of infants born during the next two years. Thus these results of behavioural and genetic studies on mandrills demonstrate unequivocally that clear-cut relationships exist between male secondary sexual development, social dominance, copulatory behaviour and reproductive success in the social group.  相似文献   

The relationship between social rank and reproductive success is one of the key questions for understanding differences in primate social group structures. We determined the paternity of 18 infants in a social group of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) born over a period of 6 yr in the provisioned, free-ranging colony in Gibraltar. We successfully used 13 pairs of primers of variable microsatellite loci to amplify DNA from blood and hair samples and applied the computer programs CERVUS 2.0 and KINSHIP 1.3 to assign paternity to 13 candidate males. We collected data for 19 females that had given birth to 66 infants over a period of 7 yr. We used paternity analyses and female birth records to test the hypothesis that social rank is correlated with reproductive success. Results showed that numbers of paternities and maternities were equally distributed among all reproducing individuals in the social group regardless of rank. Subadult males reproduced as often as adult males. High-ranking females did not start to reproduce earlier than low-ranking females. Interestingly, there was a tendency toward a positive correlation between the ranks of mothers and the ranks of the corresponding fathers. It might be concluded either that a correlation between social rank and reproductive success is generally absent in Barbary macaques or that artificially favorable environmental conditions in Gibraltar preclude any correlation between social rank and reproductive success.  相似文献   

Paternity success of high-ranking primate males is affected by the number of males and the number of fertile females and their cycle synchrony. Female vervets in the wild show strong reproductive seasonality and do not advertise the ovulatory period with conspicuous signals or behavior. Because this makes it difficult for males to monopolize fertile females, it can be expected that male reproductive skew in this species is lower than in other cercopithecines living in multimale groups that advertise the ovulatory period. We assessed male reproductive success in a captive vervet group, initially consisting of 4 males and 12 unrelated females. Besides a general low reproductive skew, we predicted paternity success of the alpha males to be dependent on the overlap of synchronously fertile females, month into alpha male tenure, and housing conditions (the subjects were kept in a large park but had to be locked in a small indoor compartment during the winter months). Further, because the number of males reaching their prime increased over time, we predicted a decrease in reproductive success of the alpha male with increasing tenure length of the alpha male. To assess this we collected genetic samples from 27 of 32 offspring born into the group during 3 yr, using 7 polymorphic human microsatellite markers. Contrary to our predictions, reproductive success of the males occupying the alpha position during the study was among the highest found in cercopithecines, with the alpha males siring 78% of all offspring. The degree of overlapping fertile periods did not affect paternity success, nor did paternity success of the alpha male differ between the 2 housing conditions. Only the alpha male’s tenure length had an effect. Alpha male reproductive success decreased over time, which we attribute to either a shift in female mate choice toward younger males or to increased competition among the males in the later stage of the alpha male’s tenure. This study demonstrates the importance of assessing reproductive success of males throughout >1 season and should spawn more research into the role of female choice and postcopulatory mechanisms in this species.  相似文献   

1. Determining the extent of variation in male mating strategies and reproductive success is necessary to understand the fitness benefits of social and cooperative behaviour. 2. This study assesses the reproductive success of male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in a small embayment population where different behavioural strategies of males have previously been identified. Parentage for 44 sampled calves was examined using 23 microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA marker. Our candidate parent pool of 70 males and 64 females contained individuals sampled from both the embayment and adjacent coastal populations. 3. A moderate level of polygyny was detected in our sample. We assigned paternity of 23 calves to 12 males at the strict 95% confidence level and an additional nine calves to two males at the 80% confidence level. The majority (92%) of successful males were identified as residents to the embayment, and 46% of offspring were located within the same social group or community as their father. 4. Our results suggest that the size of alliances was the best predictor of reproductive success for males in this population, while the strength of association among allied males, alliance stability and male ranging patterns had little influence. In line with predictions for male alliances formed between unrelated individuals, we found that reproductive skew within alliances was not large. 5. Together, our genetic and behavioural analyses demonstrate that alliance formation between male dolphins is a successful strategy to enhance reproductive output.  相似文献   

A potential benefit to females mating with multiple males is the increased probability that their sons will inherit traits enhancing their pre‐ or post‐mating ability to obtain fertilizations. We allowed red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) females to mate on three consecutive days either repeatedly to the same male or to three different males. This procedure was carried out in 20 replicate lines, 10 established with wild‐type, and 10 with the Chicago black morph, a partially dominant phenotypic marker. The paternity achieved by the sons of females from polyandrous vs. monandrous lines of contrasting morph was assessed in the F1, F2 and F3 generation by mating wild‐type stock females to two experimental males and assigning the progeny to either sire based on phenotype. The sons of polyandrous wild‐type females achieved significantly higher paternity when mating in the second male role than the sons of monandrous wild‐type females. By contrast, when mating in the first male role, males produced by females from polyandrous lines tended to have lower paternity than males from monandrous lines. Both effects were independent of the number of mates of the black competitor’s mother, and interacted significantly with the number of progeny laid by the female. These results provide the first evidence that manipulating the number of mates of a female can influence her sons’ mating success and suggest a potential trade‐off between offence and defence in this species.  相似文献   

Parentage analyses of baleen whales are rare, and although mating systems have been hypothesized for some species, little data on realized male reproductive success are available and the patterns of male reproductive success have remained elusive for most species. Here we combine over 20 years of photo-identification data with high-resolution genetic data for the majority of individual North Atlantic right whales to assess paternity in this endangered species. There was significant skew in male reproductive success compared to what would be expected if mating was random (P < 0.001). The difference was due to an excess of males assigned zero paternities, a deficiency of males assigned one paternity, and an excess of males assigned as fathers for multiple calves. The variance in male reproductive success was high relative to other aquatically mating marine mammals, but was low relative to mammals where the mating system is based on resource- and/or mate-defence polygyny. These results are consistent with previous data suggesting that the right whale mating system represents one of the most intense examples of sperm competition in mammals, but that sperm competition on its own does not allow for the same degree of polygyny as systems where males can control access to resources and/or mates. The age distribution of assigned fathers was significantly biased towards older males (P < 0.05), with males not obtaining their first paternity until approximately 15 years of age, which is almost twice the average age of first fertilization in females (8 years), suggesting that mate competition is preventing younger males from reproducing. The uneven distribution of paternities results in a lower effective population size in this species that already has one of the lowest reported levels of genetic diversity, which may further inhibit reproductive success through mate incompatibility of genetically similar individuals.  相似文献   

In chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), high-ranking males are expected to have high reproductive success and females typically emigrate upon reaching maturity. Although high average relatedness among males in the same social groups has been assumed, previous reports have indicated that relatedness among males is not necessarily significantly higher than that among females. The paternity of 11 offspring and the relatedness of 50 individuals in the M group of chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, were investigated using DNA analyses. We determined the fathers of 10 offspring. Two different alpha males sired a total of five offspring, whereas the other males had low reproductive success. The proportion of paternal half-sibling pairs among the 10 offspring was 15.6%. The average relatedness among mature males was significantly higher than that among mature females. The existence of an old male and the long tenure of one alpha male may have contributed to this significant difference. The average dyadic relatedness among mature natal individuals was significantly higher than that in natal-immigrant pairs in which the individuals came from different groups. The average relatedness among immigrant females was similar to that in pairs of natal and immigrant females, suggesting that the immigrants came from various groups. Thus, female transfer acts to maintain low average relatedness within the group. A comparison of our results to those from other study sites suggests that although the average relatedness among adult males does not reach the level of half-siblings, under some circumstances it can exceed the relatedness of females.  相似文献   

We studied determinants of breeding dispersal (the distance that an animal shifts its mean home range co-ordinate between reproductive events) in an individually marked population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) in south west Sweden during 1987–1991. Female breeding dispersal was not determined by age, size, body condition, or number of partners, and females and males that dispersed further did not experience a higher mortality. However, females with a low reproductive output dispersed further than females that reproduced more successfully, and males that lost in bodily condition dispersed further than males that better maintained body condition. We also looked for relationships between age-differences and band-sharing similarity (DNA fingerprinting = DFP) in three categories of lizards — all females, all males, and males and females — to establish whether males would be likely to mate with close kin. Age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing in only one category, males and females. When males were older than females this relationship was not significant. However, when females were older than males, age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing. Furthermore, females that were old enough to be the mothers of the courting males shared significantly more bands with these males than did the younger females, including the females of the same age as the males. Although parental-specific DFP bands necessary for establishing paternity among our adult lizards were inaccessible to us, we suggest that our circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that some males mate with their mothers. Males that were more closely related with their neighbours also moved further when we controlled statistically for age and mating success. We suggest that by mating with many partners males not only increase their mating success, but also increase the probability of mating with females with ‘good genes’: mean heterozygosity of parents (as revealed by micro-satellites) were strongly correlated with offspring survival.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity in relation to male age in Bullock's orioles   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Single-locus minisatellite DNA profiling was used to assign paternity in a population of Bullock's orioles, Icterus galbula bullockii, and to determine the contribution of age to a male's success in obtaining extra-pair paternity. There was a very low rate of intraspecific brood parasitism (2/202 = 1.0% of chicks). Older adult males lost less within-pair paternity and gained more extra-pair fertilizations than did yearling subadult males. This resulted in adult males benefiting from an annual reproductive success more than double that of subadult males. Behavioural observations, used to determine the role of female choice in extra-pair copulations (EPCs), indicated that females actively participate in EPCs and that they prefer to obtain them from older males. While it was possible that females obtained EPCs as an insurance against the possible infertility of their social mate, the results of this study fit best with the hypothesis that females were attempting to obtain better-quality genes for their offspring by obtaining EPCs with older, better-quality males.  相似文献   

Abstract. When females are inseminated by multiple males, male paternity success (sperm precedence) is determined by the underlying processes of sperm storage and sperm utilization. Although informative for many questions, two-male sperm competition experiments may offer limited insight into natural mating scenarios when females are likely to mate with several males. In this study, genetic markers in Tribolium castaneum are used to trace paternity for multiple sires, and to determine whether displacement of stored sperm that occurs after a third mating equally affects both previous mates, or if fertilizations are disproportionately lost by the female's most recent mate. For 20 days after triple-matings, first males retain significantly higher paternity success (relative to first male paternity in double-matings) compared with second males. These results demonstrate that when females remate before sperm mixing occurs, sperm stratification results in differential loss of sperm from the most recent mate. This study provides insight into the mechanisms underlying sperm precedence in a promiscuous mating system, and suggests that T. castaneum females could limit paternity success of particular mates by remating with more highly preferred males.  相似文献   

Kin selection affects many aspects of social behaviour, especially in gregarious animals in which relatives are permanently associated. In most group-living primates with complex social behaviour, females are philopatric and organized into matrilines. Models of primate social evolution assume that females in solitary primates are also organized into matrilines. We examined the genetic structure and the mating system of a population of Coquerel's dwarf lemur (Mirza coquereli), a solitary primate from Madagascar, to test this assumption. Our genetic and behavioural analyses revealed that this population of solitary individuals is indeed structured into matrilines, even though this pattern was not predicted by behavioural data. Specifically, females sharing a mitochondrial DNA haplotype were significantly clustered in space and the average genetic and geographical distances among them were negatively correlated. Not all females were philopatric, but there is no evidence for the successful settlement of dispersing females. Although not all adult males dispersed from their natal range, they were not significantly clustered in space and all of them roamed widely in search of oestrous females. As a result, paternity was widely spread among males and mixed paternities existed, indicating that scramble competition polygyny is the mating system of this species. Our data therefore revealed facultative dispersal in both sexes with a strong bias towards female philopatry in this primitive primate. We further conclude that complex kinship structures also exist in non-gregarious species, where their consequences for social behaviour are not obvious.  相似文献   

One of the original goals of phylogeography was to use genetic data to identify historical events that might contribute to breaks among communities. In this study, we examine the phylogeography of a common livebearing fish ( Poecilia gillii ) from Costa Rica. Our goal was to determine if phylogeographical breaks in this species were congruent with previously defined boundaries among four fish community provinces. We hypothesized that if abiotic factors influence both community boundaries and genetic structuring in P. gillii then we might find four clades within our focal species that were geographically separated along community boundary lines. Similarly, we expected to find most of the genetic variation in P. gillii partitioned among these four geographical regions. We generated DNA sequence data (mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear S7 small ribosomal subunit) for 260 individuals from 42 populations distributed across Costa Rica. We analysed these data using phylogenetic (parsimony and likelihood) and coalescent approaches to estimate phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes, patterns of gene flow and effective population size . Contrary to our expectations, we did not find four monophyletic groups that mapped cleanly to our geographical community provinces. However, one of our clades was restricted to a single province, suggesting that common earth history events could be responsible for both genetic structuring in P. gillii and fish community composition in this area. However, our results show a complex pattern of gene flow throughout other regions in Costa Rica where genetic structuring is not predicted by community province boundaries.  相似文献   

We take advantage of an array of hybrid baboons (Papio anubis x Papio hamadryas) living in the same social group to explore the causes and consequences of different male mating strategies. Male hamadryas hold one-male units and exhibit a sustained, intense interest in adult females, regardless of the latter's reproductive state. Anubis baboons, by contrast, live in multi-male, multi-female groups where males compete for females only when the latter are estrous. These two taxa interbreed to form a hybrid zone in the Awash National Park, Ethiopia, where previous work has suggested that hybrid males have intermediate and ineffective behavior. Here, we first examine male mating strategies with respect to morphological and genetic measures of ancestry. We found significant relationships between behavioral measures and morphology; males with more hamadryas-like morphology had more hamadryas-like behavior. However, genetic ancestry was not related to behavior, and in both cases intermediates displayed a previously unreported level of behavioral variation. Furthermore, male behavior was unrelated to natal group. Second, we evaluated reproductive success by microsatellite-based paternity testing. The highest reproductive success was found for individuals exhibiting intermediate behaviors. Moreover, over nine years, some genetically and morphologically intermediate males had high reproductive success. We conclude that the behavior of hybrid males is therefore unlikely to be an absolute barrier to admixture in the region.  相似文献   

Flowering plants rely on vectors for pollen transfer, and cannot choose their mates. Although recipient plants are unable to choose which pollen they receive, post‐pollination selection (acting pre‐ or post‐zygotically) may modify the outcome of pollination. Here we show that genetic variation among pollen recipients can predict the outcome of pollen competition (seed paternity) in the dioecious white campion. To investigate whether genetic variation among pollen recipients affects paternity, we applied the same pollen mixture from two males to three females, two of which full sisters and the third one chosen at random (unrelated). To control for maternal environmental effects, the plants used for these crosses were greenhouse‐reared F1. We replicated this in two populations, for a total of 51 crosses, and genotyped a total of 772 offspring to assign paternity. If genetic variation affects paternity, we expected greater similarity of paternity success of the focal male with the sisters, compared to the unrelated female. Paternity of the focal male was significantly more repeatable over sisters, compared to repeatability over the mean of sisters and the unrelated females. When populations were analyzed separately, this was significant in one of the two populations. Paternity was not significantly correlated with stigma size. This provides evidence that in at least one population, genetic variation among individual plants influences the donors’ paternity success, as assessed through genetic analysis of the seedling. Since due to gravity‐dispersed seeds natural patches may often consist of related plants, the observed effect may contribute to variation in male reproductive success.  相似文献   

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