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The metabolism of testosterone in the uropygial gland of the quail principally results in the production of 17 alpha, 5 beta derivatives. Moreover, an unusually small amount of testosterone is converted to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone. These results question the role played by intracellular 5 alpha-reduction in the response of the gland to testosterone stimulation.  相似文献   

Formation of the uropygial papilla and glandular lumena was inhibited when the uropygial rudiment of a day 8 1/3 quail embryo was cultured for 2 days in a chemically defined medium in the presence of 50 ng/mL of epidermal growth factor (EGF). The epithelium of EGF-treated explants remained at the placode stage, or underwent minor invagination into the mesenchyme and became stratified like that of a 12- or 13-day-old embryo. EGF promoted cellular proliferation in the uropygial epithelium and the epidermis adjacent to the gland and it shortened the lag phase of proliferation and markedly stimulated epithelial DNA synthesis, detected immunocytochemically by labeling explants with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The maximal labeling index in EGF-treated uropygial epithelium was 55% higher than in the control. Electron microscopic observation revealed that the basal lamina had become irregular in the EGF-treated explants and that epithelial cytoplasmic processes penetrated through the basal lamina toward the mesenchyme. These same phenomena are observed in vivo when the glandular buds are formed during day 12–13. Some precocious changes occurred in the uropygial epithelium when the rudiment was cultured in the presence of EGF.  相似文献   

The uropygial gland of the quail, a sebaceous-like gland, has been proven to be androgen-dependent. Waxes secreted by this gland consist of fatty acids esterified by alkane-2,3-diols [12]. In castrated quails, the relative concentration of dodecane diol was enhanced after testosterone treatment; but 5 alpha-DHT could not evoke any increase in the relative concentration of dodecane diol. It is not possible from our present results to know if this lack of gland response to DHT administration is related to a high level of DHT metabolism in the gland cells or to a decreased affinity of the androgen receptor for DHT. However, because of the high similarity existing between uropygial gland of birds and mammalian sebaceous glands, these results give rise to the question of the true role of DHT in mammalian sebaceous glands.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the uropygial gland of the male quail was compared to that of the sebaceous gland of the male rat after castration and testosterone treatment of both species. In intact animals, the differentiating cells of these glands displayed almost the same pattern as regards their smooth endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle involved in lipogenesis in both cases. Castration reduced the volume of this organelle, while testosterone administration restored cell morphology to a normal or supranormal level. Finally, this study showed that at ultrastructural level, there is a close functional analogy between the uropygial gland of quail and the sebaceous glands of rats as regards their androgen dependency. Consequently, the uropygial gland might be an attractive model for study of action of androgens on sebaceous-like glands.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes were studied in the cells undergoing secretory differentiation in zone I of the tubules of the uropygial gland of White Plymouth Rock chickens. A layer of basal cells and four secretory stages are recognized as the cells migrate from the periphery to the lumen of tubules and progressively elaborate a secretion product. Basal cells, containing rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes, rest on the basement membrane and are the source from which secretory cells arise. Dilated perinuclear cisternae and the proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the form of vesicles, invaginated sacs and cusp-shaped cisternae indicate the onset of lipgenesis in stage I cells. The perinuclear cisternae are more dilated and the endoplasmic reticulum is composed on saccules and cisternae in stage II cells. Stage III cells are characterized by concentric lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum surrounding secretory droplets. Dilated cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum and secretory droplets both contain a reticular substance. The perinuclear cisternae of stage III cells have returned to normal dimensions. Large mature lucent secretory droplets, lined with electron-dense material, fill the cytoplasm ostage IV cells which degenerate and release their secretory product into the tubule lumen. Spherical membrane-bound compartments containing a mottled substance of moderate electron density occur in basal cells and all subsequent secretory stages. These mottled bodies are surrounded by saccules of endoplasmic reticulum in stage II cells and are intimately associated with secretory droplets in stage III cells, but there is no evidence that they give rise to secretory droplets and their role in secretory differentiation is unknown.  相似文献   

Cellular dynamics of the uropygial gland in the pigeon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Maiti 《Folia biologica》1968,16(1):49-54

Action of estriol on the uropygial gland activity in pigeon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Administration of estriol (Sigma Chemical Co., U.S.A.) in the female young-adult pigeons at a dose of 50 micrograms/bird/day for 7 consecutive days caused atrophy of the uropygial gland, associated with increased cytopycnosis and drastic cell loss within the holocrine alveoli and reduction in the content of the glandular lipids. Probable mode of action of this steroid upon the uropygial gland has been suggested in the light of the recent data on its anti-estradiol property manifested in rat uterus.  相似文献   

A new mutation that causes doubling of the uropygial gland (oil gland) papilla is described, and data that demonstrate its inherited basis are presented. This condition, which has been given the name "double oil gland papilla," varies in its expression: some individuals show only an indention of the papilla tip, while others exhibit a complete cleavage of the papilla such that two completely separate papillae project from a single oil gland. The data presented show that a single autosomal recessive gene, dgp, is the main determinant of this trait, but that its expression may also be influenced by background genetic factors as well as sex. Males more frequently are of the extreme doubling expression while females more frequently express the milder indented phenotype. Approximately 4% of mutant females are classified as normal. A linkage test with the rose comb gene showed independent segregation.  相似文献   

The preen gland secretions from eight species of the genera Acrocephalus and Sylvia (Sylviidae, Passeriformes) mainly consist of monoester waxes. The fatty acids and alcohols are methyl-substituted at even numbered positions only. One of the methyl groups of the fatty acids is always located in the 2-position. Two patterns of methyl substitution are found for the alkanols: 2-mono-, 2,6-di-, and 2,6,x-trimethyl on the one hand, and 4-mono-, 4,8-di-, and 4,8,y-trimethyl on the other. There is, however, no doubt in the uniformity of the family Sylviidae from the chemotaxonomical point of view; the waxes of the species investigated can be arranged in a gradual succession of substitution patterns. The monoester waxes of Sylviidae are similar to those found for the closely related family Turdidae.  相似文献   

The compositions of the uropygial gland secretions of the long-eared owl, eagle owl, and barn owl have been determined. The waxes of the first two owls, which are closely related, are composed of 2-alkyl-substituted fatty acids and n- or monomethyl-branched alcohols with even-numbered branching positions. In addition, some dimethyl-substituted alkanols were observed. In contrast to these waxes, the secretion of the barn owl is composed of 3-methyl- and 3,5-, 3,7-, 3,9-, 3,11-, 3,13-, and 3,15-dimethyl-branched fatty acids and n- as well as monomethyl-substituted alkanols branched at positions 2, 3, and 4. The mass spectra of esters of 2-alkyl-substituted fatty acids are discussed.  相似文献   

Defence mechanisms against parasites and pathogens are some of the most elaborate biological systems in animals. The oily secretion of the avian uropygial gland has been suggested to serve as a chemical defence against feather and eggshell bacteria. Yet, the traits associated with uropygial gland oil production are not well understood. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis comprising 132 European bird species aiming to test: (1) whether life‐history and ecological traits drive gland size evolution by potentially promoting microbial infestation and (2) how these traits affects change in the gland size throughout the annual cycle. We show that the size of the uropygial gland is dynamic (i.e. increasing from the nonbreeding to the breeding season, independent of sex). Furthermore, we found that the year‐round size of the gland was similar between sexes and was correlated with different ecological and life‐history traits promoting microbial infection throughout the annual cycle. During the breeding season, the total eggshell surface area in a clutch correlated significantly and positively with the gland size, suggesting the importance of oil in protecting eggs from microbes. Social species exhibited a larger gland size increase during the breeding season compared to nonsocials; a change that was also predicted by the total eggshell surface area. Aquatic, riparian and non‐migratory species had larger glands than terrestrials and migrants, respectively. The findings of the present study suggest that aquatic environments may promote the production of gland oil, through either the need of waterproofing the plumage and/or defending it against the intensified feather degradation in these moist conditions. Finally, we found a negative effect of the incubation period on uropygial gland size, which may suggest an energetic constraint imposed by other development‐connected costly activities. Our results show that the role of the uropygial gland dynamically varies during the annual cycle, potentially in response to seasonal variation in parasitic infection risk. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 543–563.  相似文献   

The uropygial gland has been hypothesized to play a role in sexual signaling through a "make-up" function derived from the effects of secretions from the gland on the appearanee of the plumage and bare parts of the body. Here we show that plumage brightness of dorsal feathers of individual barn swallows Hirundo rustica was greater in mated than in unmated individuals. In addition, plumage brightness in creased with colony size. Furthermore, plumage bright ness was positively correlated with the amount of wax in the uropygial gland, negatively correlated with time of sampling of uropygial wax (perhaps because more wax is present early in the morning after an entire night of wax production without any preening), and negatively correlated with the number of chewing lice that degrade the plumage. Experimentally preventing barn swallows from access to the uropygial gland reduced plumage brightness, showing a causal link between secretions from the uropygial gland and plumage brightness. These findings provide evidence consistent with a role of uropygial secretions in signaling plumage brightness.  相似文献   

The uropygial gland wax from rails contains ester waxes, triester waxes and triglycerides. The ester waxes are composed of mainly methyl-substituted fatty acids with predominantly n-alkanols. Methyl-branched alcohols are only found in minor amounts. The occurrence of 2,6,10- and 4,8,12-trimethyl-substituted acids can be used as chemotaxonomie markers. The triester waxes contain n-fatty acids, n-alkanols and alkyl-hydroxymalonic acids.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in the chemical composition of the uropygial gland waxes in domestic ducks have been detected before the nesting period. 3-Hydroxy fatty acids containing diester waxes and significant differences in the composition of the fatty acid and alcohol moieties of the monoester waxes occur during February–June only in the female preen wax. Males as well as ducklings, however, show constant wax patterns. Moreover, no significant influence on wax composition of testosterone or estradiol, respectively in male or female ducklings could be verified.  相似文献   

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