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Tris and two of its hydroxylated amine analogs were examined in a metal-free, universal n-butylamine buffer, for their interaction with intestinal brush border sucrase. Our recent three-proton-families model (Vasseur, van Melle, Frangne and Alvarado (1988) Biochem. J., 251, 667-675) has provided the sucrase pK values necessary to interpret the present work. At pH 5.2, 2-amino-2-methyl-l-propanol (PM) causes activation whereas Tris has a concentration-dependent biphasic effect, first causing activation, then fully competitive inhibition. The amine species causing activation is the protonated, cationic form. The difference between the two amines is related to the fact that Tris has a much lower pKa value than PM (respectively, 8.2 and 9.8). Even at pH 5.2, Tris (but not PM) exists as a significant proportion of the free base which, by inhibiting the enzyme fully competitively, overshadows the activating effect of the cationic, protonated amine. Above pH 6.8, both Tris and PM act as fully competitive inhibitors. These inhibitions increase monotonically between pH 6.5 and 8.0 but, above pH 8, inhibition by 2.5 mM Tris tends to diminish whereas inhibition by 40 mM PM increases abruptly to be essentially complete at pH 9.3 and above. As pH increases from 7.6 to 9.0, the apparent affinity of the free amine bases decreases whereas that of the cationic, protonated amines, increases. In this way, the protonated amines replace their corresponding free bases as the most potent inhibitors at high pH. The pH-dependent inhibition by 300 mM Li+ is essentially complete at pH 8, independent of the presence or absence of either 2.5 mM Tris or 40 mM PM. Even at pH 7.6, an excess (300 mM) of Li+ causes significant increases in the apparent Ki value of each Tris, PD (2-amino-2-methyl-1-3-propanediol) and PM, suggesting the possibility of a relation between the effects of Li+ and those of the hydroxylated amines which in fact are mutually exclusive inhibitors. The inhibitory results are interpreted in terms of a mechanistic model in which the free bases bind at two distinct sites in the enzyme's active center. Binding at the glucosyl sub-site occurs through the amine's free hydroxyl groups. This positioning facilitates the interaction between the lone electron pair of the deprotonated amino group with a proton donor in the enzyme's active center, characterized by a pK0 around 8.1. When this same group deprotonates, then the protonated amines acting as proton donors replace the free bases as the species giving fully competitive inhibition of sucrase.  相似文献   

The activation of rabbit intestinal brush-border sucrase in the pH range 4.8 to 9.2 was studied as a function of sucrose concentration and temperature in a metal-free, n-butylamine universal buffer, both in the absence and in the presence of sodium. When sodium was absent, enzyme activation involved the simultaneous loss of two key protons (pK1 of about 5.6), thus yielding a high-affinity, catalytically active enzyme conformation. Inactivation followed when a third key proton (pK2 of about 8.4) was lost. When sodium was present, kinetic analysis in the pH range 4.8 to 7.2 revealed that sodium activation involves distinct effects on the two kinetic parameters, Vm and Km. The Vm parameter seemed to conform to the classical rules of pH-dependent enzyme activation and implicated the release of a single proton whose apparent pK (pK1y, about 5.6) was little affected by sodium. On the contrary, the Km parameter was strongly influenced by sodium. Here, activation of rabbit sucrase seemed to involve release of a different proton whose apparent pK (pK1x also of about 5.6 in the absence of sodium) was strongly shifted to more acid values by saturating sodium concentrations. The functional distinction between the above two protons explains the existence of strong affinity-type activating effects of sodium on rabbit sucrase, previously shown to be pH independent (F. Alvarado and A. Mahmood, 1979, J. Biol. Chem.254, 9534–9541).  相似文献   

D W Urry  S Q Peng  T M Parker 《Biopolymers》1992,32(4):373-379
Three polypentapeptides--poly[0.8(GVGVP), 0.2(GEGVP)], poly[0.8(GVGIP), 0.2(GEGIP)], and poly[0.75(GFGVP), 0.25(GEGVP)]--all analogues of the polypentapeptide of elastin--(Val1-Pro2-Gly3-Val4-Gly5)n or poly(VPGVG)--have been prepared to determine the effect of changing the hydrophobicity, i.e., Val1----Ile1 (I) and Val4----Phe4 (F), on the pKa and the temperature dependence of pKa of the Glu (E) residue. Shifts in pKa as large as 1.7 units are observed and the temperature dependence is much steeper for the structure-dependent proximity of the more hydrophobic Ile1 residues to the Glu4 residue. Even though this system is dominated by the inverse temperature transition of hydrophobically driven folding on raising the temperature, the effect of adding 0.15 N NaCl is to suppress the hydrophobicity-induced pKa shift.  相似文献   

Current concepts of pH-dependent enzyme function are expanded to consider enzymes with up to four key proton families. In an earlier paper the authors extended classical theory to explain the existence, in the acid ionization reaction, of two functionally distinct, V and K, proton families, exemplified by the 1988 sucrase three-proton-families model of Vasseur et al. They now propose that enzymes having two distinguishable proton families at each side of the pH-activity curves exist in nature although there is no previously published evidence of their existence. The resulting, more general, four-proton-families model is treated as a useful framework from which submodels can be derived by simplification, the simplest being the 1911 linear model of Michaelis and Davidsohn, which took into account two proton families out of the theoretical maximum of four proposed here. It is shown that whether a three-proton-families or a four-proton-families model can explain sucrase better is not merely a question of theory but also involves the practical question of having enough data, at each side of the pH spectrum, to permit making an unequivocal choice between the two alternatives. The paper concludes with a discussion of substrate-induced pK shifts according to both models.  相似文献   

G Beschiaschvili  J Seelig 《Biochemistry》1992,31(41):10044-10053
The binding of the cyclic peptide (+)-D-Phe1-Cys2-Phe3-D-Trp4-(+)-Lys5-Thr6- Cys7-Thr(ol)8, a somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995), and the potential-sensitive dye 2-(p-toluidinyl)naphthalene-6-sulfonate (TNS) to lipid membranes was investigated with high-sensitivity titration calorimetry. The binding enthalpy of the peptide was found to vary dramatically with the vesicle size. For highly curved vesicles with a diameter of d congruent to 30 nm, the binding reaction was enthalpy-driven with delta H congruent to -7.0 +/- 0.3 kcal/mol; for large vesicles with more tightly packed lipids, the binding reaction became endothermic with delta H congruent to +1.0 +/- 0.3 kcal/mol and was entropy-driven. In contrast, the free energy of binding was almost independent of the vesicle size. The thermodynamic analysis suggests that the observed enthalpy-entropy compensation of about 8 kcal/mol can be related to a change in the internal tension of the bilayer and is brought about by an entropy increase of the lipid matrix. The "entropy potential" of the membrane may have its molecular origin in the excitation of the hydrocarbon chains to a more disordered configuration and may play a more important role in membrane partition equilibria than the classical hydrophobic effect. The binding of the peptide to the membrane surface induced a pK shift of the peptide terminal amino group. Neutral membranes were found to destabilize the NH3+ group, leading to a decrease in pK; negatively charged membranes, generated an apparent increase in pK due to the increase in proton concentration near the membrane surface. No pK shifts were seen for TNS. Titration calorimetry combined with the Gouy-Chapman theory can be used to determine both the reaction enthalpy and the binding constant of the membrane-binding equilibrium.  相似文献   

Abiotic receptors used to enolize carbonyl compounds or to shift substrate pK(a) values are reviewed. These systems exhibit disparate frameworks and several approaches to binding and anion stabilization. Detailed emphasis is placed on a bicyclic cyclophane that induces pK(a) shifts in active methylene compounds through NH-pi hydrogen bonding with the resultant enolates.  相似文献   

Summary Allantoic endoderm of 3.5-day chick embryos was cultured in recombination with digestive-tract mesenchymes of 6-day chick embryos, and the differentiation of the endoderm was studied, with special attention being given to the appearance of brush-border (BB) antigens and sucrase. Irrespective of the origin of the associated digestive-tract mesenchymes, the allantoic endoderm differentiated into a columnar epithelium, expressing BB antigens and sucrase, and also into a BB antigen-negative pseudostratified or stratified epithelium of cuboidal or columnar cells with PAS or alcian blue staining in the apical portion or a BB antigen-negative stratified squamous epithelium. These results suggest that 3.5-day allantoic endoderm has the potency to differentiate into intestinal and cloacal epithelium.  相似文献   

The transcellular transport of oligopeptides across intestinal epithelial cells has attracted considerable interest in investigations into how biologically active peptides express diverse physiological functions in the body. It has been postulated that the tripeptide, Gly-Pro-Hyp, which is frequently found in collagen sequences, exhibits bioactivity. However, the mechanism of uptake of dietary di- and tripeptides by intestinal epithelial cells is not well understood. In this study, we used porcine brush-border membrane (BBM) vesicles to assess Gly-Pro-Hyp uptake, because these vesicles can structurally and functionally mimic in vivo conditions of human intestinal apical membranes. The present study demonstrated the time-dependent degradation of this tripeptide into the free-form Gly and a dipeptide, Pro-Hyp, on the apical side of the BBM vesicles. In parallel with the hydrolysis of the tripeptide, the dipeptide Pro-Hyp was identified in the BBM intravesicular space environment. We found that the transcellular transport of Pro-Hyp across the BBM was inhibited by the addition of a competitive substrate (Gly-Pro) for peptide transporter (PEPT1) and was pH-dependent. These results indicate that Gly-Pro-Hyp can be partially hydrolyzed by the brush-border membrane-bound aminopeptidase N to remove Gly, and that the resulting Pro-Hyp is, in part, transported into the small intestinal epithelial cells via the H+-coupled PEPT1. Gly-Pro-Hyp cannot cross the epithelial apical membrane in an intact form, and Pro-Hyp is highly resistant to hydrolysis by intestinal mucosal apical proteases.  相似文献   

The effect of harmaline on rabbit brush border sucrase has been studied at pH 6.8. An initial analysis in classical kinetic terms revealed harmaline to be a fully competitive inhibitor of the substrate, sucrose. In spite of this result however, the following hypothesis has been tested. Harmaline, which is positively charged in the physiological range of pH, might in fact compete, not directly with the substrate site, but rather with an allosterically-related sodium-binding site which has been postulated to be involved in the activation of sucrase by the alkali-metal ions (Mahmood and Alvarado, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 168, 585, 1975). Because of its size, harmaline, when bound to the metal site, could at least partially overlap with the substrate site, thereby behaving as if it were an authentic fully competitive inhibitor of the substrate. This hypothesis appears to be confirmed by the fact that the alkali metals can completely reverse the inhibition caused by harmaline.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin (12.5 mU/g body wt/day) on the ontogeny of intestinal sucrase has been studied in suckling mice. Sucrase activity normally appears along the entire small intestine between the 14th and 16th days after birth. The hormonal treatments begin at 8 days and the response of sucrase to one or three injections of hormone is subsequently analyzed in the proximal, middle, and distal intestinal thirds. Three injections of insulin provoke a precocious appearance of sucrase in all intestinal parts, the proximal third exhibiting the highest sucrase activity. Twenty-four hours after a single injection of insulin, sucrase activity can already be detected along the entire small intestine. During the second and third days, the activities observed in the different parts of the small intestine remain stable. These data show that insulin is able to provoke a premature appearance of sucrase activity and appears to play a previously unsuspected role in intestinal maturation.  相似文献   

Purified brush borders, prepared fro newborn pig intestine, were incubated in the presence of 203Hg-labelled p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid and the membrane proteins later separated by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The presence of either D-glucose or phlorrhizin, during a preliminary incubation in non-radioactive p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid, increased the subsequent binding of the 203Hg-labelled compound to a protein of molecular weight 31500. This increase appeared to be specific for the low-molecular-weight protein, provided that the concentration of protecting agent used corresponded to that used to produce a biological response in the intact tissue. These results are discussed in relation to the known properties of other presumptive sugar carriers isolated from different membranes.  相似文献   

Cholesterol absorption by small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles from taurocholate mixed micelles is a second-order reaction. From a comparison of reaction rates and order before and after proteinase K treatment of brush-border membrane vesicles, it is concluded that cholesterol absorption is protein-mediated. It is shown that the desorption of cholesterol from taurocholate mixed micelles is by a factor of about 10(4) faster than that from egg phosphatidylcholine bilayers. When brush border membrane vesicles are stored at room temperature, intrinsic proteinases are activated and proteins are liberated from the brush border membrane. These proteins collected in the supernatant catalyze cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine exchange between two populations of small unilamellar phospholipid vesicles. One of the active proteins present in the supernatant is purified by a two-step procedure involving gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 SF and affinity chromatography on a Nucleosil-phosphatidylcholine column. The protein thus obtained is pure by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. It has an apparent molecular weight of slightly less than 14,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a value of 11,500 determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 SF.  相似文献   

The topological distribution of the two major phospholipids of brush-border membrane, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), has been investigated using brush-border membrane vesicles from rabbit small intestine. Bee venom phospholipase A2 and phosphatidylcholine exchange protein from bovine liver were used as membrane probes. It is shown that the brush-border membrane retains its integrity under conditions of phospholipase hydrolysis and intermembrane phospholipid exchange. Kinetic analysis of the data of phospholipase hydrolysis and phospholipid exchange at temperatures under 10 degrees C shows that both PC and PE occur in two pools: a minor (about 25%) more readily accessible pool and a major one (about 75%) less readily available. The rate of PC exchange between these two pools is relatively fast. The half-time derived under conditions of phospholipase hydrolysis is of the order of 20 min. Under conditions of phospholipid exchange the exchange rates may be even faster. The difference in exchange kinetics observed with the two methods of probing is probably due to changes in membrane properties such as the bilayer fluidity induced by the probing process itself. It is proposed that the two pools represent the transverse distribution of the phospholipids. The two major phospholipids of brush-border membranes, PC and PE, would be distributed mainly on the inner (cytoplasmic) side of the brush-border membrane. The phospholipid exchange between the brush-border vesicles and unilamellar phosphatidylcholine vesicles in the presence of phosphatidylcholine exchange protein reveals that significant quantities of phospholipid are taken up by brush-border membrane independently, i.e., in a separate process independent of the exchange protein-catalyzed phosphatidylcholine exchange.  相似文献   

1-5-D-Gluconolactone is a competitive inhibitor of both sucrase and isomaltase. Substitution of the 1H and 2H at C1 of the glucosyl moiety in p-CL-phenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside leads to a decrease in kcat of both sucrase and isomaltase, the k1H/k2H ranging between 1.14 and 1.20. Treatment of the association constants and of the kcat values for a number of p-substituted phenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranosides on the basis of the Hammet-Hansch equation has allowed the estimation of the importance of hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity as well as of the magnitude of the p values for both substrate-enzyme interaction and catalysis in both sucrase and isomaltase. The magnitude of the secondary deuterium effect as well as the low values of p in both sucrase and isomlatase are strongly indicative of the rate-limiting step going through the formation of an oxocarbonium ion. In conjunction with other observations reported previously, the data presented here led to the suggestion of the main lines of a reaction mechanism for the two glucosidases: prptonation of the glycosidic oxygen is followed by the liberation of the "aglycone" with formation of an oxocarbonium ion, which is temporarily stabilized by a carboxylate group.  相似文献   

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