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This study investigated the effect of enzymatic and combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatments on chemical composition and methane production from ensiled sorghum forage. Four commercial enzymatic preparations were tested and the two yielding the highest sugars release were added to evaluate any hydrolytic effect on both untreated and alkaline pretreated samples. In the combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment trials, the highest sugar release was found with Primafast and BGL preparations (added at a final concentration 0.12 and 0.20 mL/g TS, respectively), with a total monomeric content of 12 and 6.5 g/L. Fibre composition analysis confirmed that the combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment led to cellulose (up to 32 %) and hemicelluloses (up to 56 %) solubilisation, compared to the enzymatic pretreatment alone. BMP tests were performed on both untreated and pretreated samples, and time courses of methane production were fitted. Both enzymatic and combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment led to a methane production increase (304 and 362 mL CH4/g VS), compared to that of untreated sorghum (265 mL CH4/g VS), as  +15 and  +37 %, respectively. Moreover, higher specific methane production rates, compared to that of untreated sorghum (20.31 mL CH4/g VS/d), were obtained by applying the enzymatic and combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment (33.94 and 31.65 mL CH4/g VS/d), respectively.  相似文献   

Crop seeds are generally stored for next crop season and bear losses from vertebrate and invertebrate pests. In invertebrates, stored grain insect pests are mainly responsible for loss in weight and viability issues. Five sorghum varieties, viz. RS-29, Rari-S-4, Rari-SV-10, SPV-462 and Johar-1 were compared for infestation of Sitotroga cerealella under laboratory and semi-field conditions. RS-29 was found to be the most resistant variety and Johar-1 to be the most susceptible when losses were observed after 30, 60 and 90?days of infestation. Maximum infestation and weight loss was observed in Johar-1 (28%). Germination percentage was found to be decreased to 65% in RS-29 and 47% in Johar-1 in laboratory, and 60% in RS-1 and 43% in Johar-1 under semi-field conditions. Possibilities to decrease these losses have been discussed for effective management of stored grain pest losses.  相似文献   

During periods of rest, the meroplanktonic cyanobacterium Microcystisaccumulates and survives well on shallow littoral bottoms, whereenvironmental conditions may favour an early start of growthand recruitment in spring.  相似文献   

Physiological adaptations for inhabiting transitional environments with strongly variable abiotic conditions can sometimes be displayed as behavioural shifts. A striking example might be found in bivalve species that inhabit estuaries characterised by fluctuations in environment. The opening and closing of their valves, so called gaping activity, represents behaviour that is required for two key physiological functions: food intake and respiration. Linking valve-gaping behaviour to environmental drivers can greatly improve our understanding and modelling of bivalve bioenergetics. Nowadays large data sets on gaping activity can be collected with automated sensors, but interpretation is difficult due to the large amount of environmental drivers and the intra-individual variability. This study aims to understand whether an unsupervised machine learning method (k-means clustering) can be used to identify patterns in gaping activity.Two commercially important congener mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus edulis inhabiting two transitional coastal areas, the Venice Lagoon and the Wadden Sea, were fitted with sensors to monitor valve-gaping, while a comprehensive set of environmental parameters was also monitored. Data were analysed by applying three times a k-mean algorithm to the gaping time series. In the 1st analyses, the algorithm was applied to the overall gaping time series, including daily variations. We identified at both sites three clusters that were characterised by different average daily gaping aperture. The algorithm was subsequently reapplied to relate daily means of gaping to environmental conditions, being temperatures, oxygen saturation and chlorophyll levels. This 2nd analyses revealed that mean gaping aperture was mainly linked to food availability. A 3rd follow-up analysis aimed at exploring daily patterns. This third analysis again revealed consistent patterns amongst the two sites, where two clusters emerged that showed different degrees of oscillatory behaviour. There was however no obvious relationship between this fine scale oscillatory behaviours and environmental variables, but in the Venice Lagoon there was a site effect. Overall, we show that clustering algorithms can disentangle behavioural patterns within complex series of big data. The latter offers new opportunities to improve site-specific bioenergetic bivalve models by rephrasing the clearance and respiration terms based on the mean gaping aperture, provided that further laboratory experimentations are conducted to extrapolate parameters linking aperture with energy inputs and outputs.  相似文献   

转基因鲤对几种环境因子耐受能力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 引  言自 1980年美国华盛顿大学R D Plamiter等利用转基因技术成功地育成世界上第一个“超级鼠”以来 ,世界范围的转基因生物的研究在植物、动物、微生物中相继开展 ,并取得了可喜的成绩 .转基因鱼 (Transgenicfish)的研究稍晚于晡乳动物 ,2 0世纪 80年代中期 ,中国、法国、日本、美国、德国及加拿大等国先后开展转基因泥鳅、鲤鱼、虹鳟、青鱼、罗非鱼和大西洋鲑等的研究 .开展鱼类基因工程育种研究原因是其自身潜在的经济价值和作为转基因材料较哺乳动物有明显的优势 .大多数鱼类行体外产卵、受精和孵化的繁…  相似文献   

Soil bacteria are largely missing from future biodiversity assessments hindering comprehensive forecasts of ecosystem changes. Soil bacterial communities are expected to be more strongly driven by pH and less by other edaphic and climatic factors. Thus, alkalinisation or acidification along with climate change may influence soil bacteria, with subsequent influences for example on nutrient cycling and vegetation. Future forecasts of soil bacteria are therefore needed. We applied species distribution modelling (SDM) to quantify the roles of environmental factors in governing spatial abundance distribution of soil bacterial OTUs and to predict how future changes in these factors may change bacterial communities in a temperate mountain area. Models indicated that factors related to soil (especially pH), climate and/or topography explain and predict part of the abundance distribution of most OTUs. This supports the expectations that microorganisms have specific environmental requirements (i.e., niches/envelopes) and that they should accordingly respond to environmental changes. Our predictions indicate a stronger role of pH over other predictors (e.g. climate) in governing distributions of bacteria, yet the predicted future changes in bacteria communities are smaller than their current variation across space. The extent of bacterial community change predictions varies as a function of elevation, but in general, deviations from neutral soil pH are expected to decrease abundances and diversity of bacteria. Our findings highlight the need to account for edaphic changes, along with climate changes, in future forecasts of soil bacteria.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Metagenomics, Climate-change ecology  相似文献   

Male Beulah speckled face lambs (initial live weight (LW) 28.8 ± 0.31 kg) were allocated to three dietary treatments to evaluate the performance of store lambs of a hill breed when offered ensiled lucerne (Medicago sativa), red clover (Trifolium pratense) or ryegrass. Second-cut silage bales (wilted and inoculated) were prepared from 3-year old lucerne and red clover stands and a 1-year old ryegrass sward. All the lambs were group-housed and offered ad libitum ryegrass silage during a 3-week co-variate period. This was followed by a week of dietary changeover period, after which the lambs were housed individually and offered their treatment diet ad libitum. All the lambs received a flat rate supplement of pelleted molassed sugarbeet (250 g fresh weight/day). Individual intakes were determined daily, and weekly measurements of LW and body condition score (CS) were made. Additional measurements were taken by scanning the lambs for depth of Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle and subcutaneous fat. Over an experimental period of 7 weeks, the lambs offered red clover silage had a higher voluntary silage dry matter (DM) intake, total DM intake and metabolisable energy (ME) intake (P < 0.001) than lambs offered either lucerne or ryegrass silage. This resulted in a faster (P < 0.001) growth rate and increase (P < 0.001) in CS, with no difference between lucerne and ryegrass silages. The feed conversion efficiency (FCE) was 8.0 ± 0.61 kg feed/kg gain for lambs fed red clover silage, compared with 16.6 ± 2.82 and 10.6 ± 1.94 kg feed/kg gain for lucerne and ryegrass silage, respectively. The CP intake was higher (P < 0.001) for lambs fed the lucerne and red clover silages than for the ryegrass silage treatment. The concentration of plasma total protein (TP) was higher (P < 0.05) for lambs offered ryegrass silage versus lucerne and red clover silage. Urea concentrations were highest for lambs fed lucerne silage and lowest for those fed ryegrass silage (P < 0.05). The glucose concentration was higher (P < 0.05) for lambs offered red clover silage, whereas non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentration was higher (P < 0.05) for lambs offered lucerne silage. Substituting ryegrass silage with red clover silage has the potential to improve the performance of finishing store lambs.  相似文献   

Explants and seeds of Brassica campestris L. were cultured on Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium with and without sucrose in a vessel with different numbers of air changes per hour under different PPF (photosynthetic photon flux) conditions. The growth and development of plantlets in the vessel were similar to those of seedlings when cultured under the same in vitro environmental conditions. The growth and development of seedlings when cultured under the same in vitro environmental conditions. The growth and development of plantlets/seedlings were greater for treatments with a higher number of air changes per hour and a higher PPF regardless of the sucrose concentration in the culture medium.The CO2 concentration in the vessel with a lower number of air changes per hour decreased to approximately 100 ppm during the photoperiod on day 21 due to the photosynthetic activities of the plantlets/seedlings. The low CO2 concentration, in turn, reduced the net photosynthetic rate of plantlets/seedlings in the vessel, and thus affected their growth and development.Abbreviations Cin CO2 concentration in the culture vessel - Cout CO2 concentration in the culture room - MS mineral composition of Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - PPF photosynthetic photon flux  相似文献   

It was the aim of this study to investigate the time course of changes in the serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) during a regular survival training programme combined with food and fluid deprivation and during a high altitude marathon run. We studied soldiers of the Austrian Special Forces performing survival training at sea-level and marathon runners of the Posta Atletica who crossed the border between Chile and Argentina at altitudes up to 4722 m. Baseline data collected before the 1-week of survival training showed that the soldiers had normal VEGF [n = 8, 246.7 (SD 118.5) pg.ml(-1)] serum concentrations which remained unchanged during the course of the study. Before the high altitude marathon the subjects showed normal VEGF serum concentrations [178 (SD 84.5) pg.ml(-1)]. After the run VEGF concentrations were found to be significantly decreased [41.0 (SD 41.6) pg ml(-1), P < 0.01]. It was concluded that prolonged physical stress during normobaric-normoxia did not alter the VEGF concentrations whereas during severe hypobaric-hypoxia decreased VEGF serum concentrations were measured, at least temporarily, after prolonged physical exercise which might have been due to changes in production, release, removal and/or binding of circulating VEGF.  相似文献   

Snakehead rhabdovirus stored in cell culture medium was found to be relatively temperature resistant with ≥ 99.9% reduction in infectivity only occurring after 6 months at 15°C, 6 weeks at 25°C and 10 days at 35°C. At 25°C, virus stability was greatest in the range pH 5–7. Infectivity was less well retained at pH9 and rapidly lost at pH3 and pH11. Stability was poor in serum-free media with a 99.9% reduction in infectivity occurring in less than 48 hours at 25°C in de-ionized water, tap water, balanced salt solutions and artificial seawater.  相似文献   

Heritabilities, genetic variances and covariances for body size traits, i.e. tarsus length, head length and body mass, were estimated under different environmental conditions in a Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) population. Under poor growth conditions, that is, when average body size of fully grown offspring in a given cohort was small, the offspring-parent regressions and full-sib analyses yielded heritability estimates not significantly different from zero. By contrast, when growth conditions were normal or good the heritability estimates were generally significantly positive. Comparisons of genetic covariance estimates indicated that they also differed across the analysed environmental conditions. This result, together with similar results obtained in studies of passerine birds, suggests that genotype-environment interactions might be frequent within the range of environments normally encountered by birds in natural populations. If general, such results might question the validity of assuming approximate constancy of additive genetic variances and covariances over time and environments in evolutionary models.  相似文献   

研究不同土壤水分阈值灌溉下毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)生长季蒸腾与环境因子的关系, 对于科学制定毛白杨高效水分管理策略至关重要。该研究以毛白杨人工林为研究对象, 设置不同灌溉处理: 充分灌溉(DF, 当滴头正下方20 cm处的土壤水势达到-18 kPa时灌溉)、控水灌溉(DC, 当滴头正下方20 cm处的土壤水势达到-45 kPa时灌溉)和无灌溉(CK, 空白对照)。采用热扩散技术, 对毛白杨生长季树干液流通量进行连续观测, 并同步监测太阳辐射(SR)、空气温度(Ta)、空气湿度(RH)、土壤体积含水率(SWC)和风速(WS)等环境因子。结果显示: 1)不同灌溉处理下毛白杨树干液流通量日变化趋势相似, 呈现单峰型, 并存在显著的夜间液流活动。灌溉处理不会影响树干液流的启动时间, 但会造成树干液流峰值时间出现差异, 充分灌溉会使液流峰值到达时间提前。灌溉会增大毛白杨蒸腾量, 毛白杨的蒸腾量随着土壤水分灌溉阈值的减小而增大。2)毛白杨树干液流密度与SR和空气水汽压亏缺(VPD)存在明显的时滞现象, 树干液流通量变化提前于VPD, 而滞后于SR。不同灌溉处理对时滞现象无显著影响。3) 3个处理下, 蒸腾与VPDSRSWC具有显著正相关关系, 与风速具有显著负相关关系, 且对气象因子的响应程度不同。综上所述, 灌溉能够有效调节人工林水分生理对环境因子的适应过程, 但增加灌溉未必会造成蒸腾相应增加。根据林分蒸腾需水和自然降雨的关系, 生长季前期(该研究为4-7月)进行灌溉有利于毛白杨人工林水分生理活动的进行。  相似文献   

The population heterogeneity of recombinant and plasmid-freeBacillus subtilis strains introduced into aquatic microcosms was studied. After introduction, the population of the plasmid-free strainB. subtilis 2335 in microcosms has long been represented by both vegetative cells and spores, whereas, already ten days after introduction, the population of the recombinant strainB. subtilis 2335/105 (KmrInf+) was represented only by spores. The number of plasmid copies in the spore isolates of the recombinant strain was the same as before introduction, but the plasmid abundance in the vegetative isolates of this strain decreased. The isolates ofB. subtilis 2335/105 obtained from microcosms and the variants of this strain obtained by ten successive subcultures on M9 and 0. I× M9 media with and without kanamycin (Km) differed in the number of plasmid copies, Km resistance, and maximum biomass yield during batch cultivation. Irrespective of the presence of Km, more than 50% of the variants subcultured on M9 medium showed reduced plasmid abundance. At the same time, about 70% of the variants subcultured on 0.1 × M9 medium with Km and 90% of the variants subcultured on the same medium without Km retained the initial number of plasmid copies. The variants subcultured on media with Km retained the initial biomass level. In more than 70% of the variants isolated from media without Km, the biomass yield increased.  相似文献   


In the present study, we used 12 genotypes of sorghum originated from different countries (five sweet, four grain and three forage). These different genotypes and types of sorghum were evaluated for the agro-morphological traits that are associated with the estimated sugar and bioethanol yield to estimate their phenotypic diversity. Analysis of variance showed significant differences between different types of sorghum for all the evaluated traits. Sweet sorghum genotypes, however, showed better performance with respect to all studied traits than the other genotypes. A positive significant correlation was observed between plant height, leaf number, leaf area, biomass yield, cane and bagasse yields, and the predicted bioethanol yield. Both, cluster and principal component analysis were performed to group the genotypes according to their agro-morphological and molecular similarity coefficients. For analytical approaches, the Iranian grain and forage genotypes clustered separately from the other genotypes. The clustering patterns obtained from the molecular dominant markers had higher discriminatory power than using morphological characters to separate sweet genotypes from the forage and grain sorghum ones. The results clearly indicated that sweet sorghum can be grown in Germany and maintains its superiority in biomass production and sugar yield over grain and forage sorghum types.  相似文献   

The results of studies performed on winter rape leaves (Brassica napus L. var.oleifera L., cv. Górczański) indicated that independently of the plant cultivation conditions and of the leaf growth rate, all leaves showed significant increase in desiccation tolerance at the beginning of leaf expansion. The increase in tolerance was correlated with the formation of a central vacuole in the mesophyll cells. Therefore, the high desiccation tolerance of vacuolised cells in comparison to the non-vacuolised ones is supposed to be due to the higher ability of the former to avoid cytoplasm dehydration. Development of frost tolerance in the leaves during autumn does not seem to be causally related to desiccation tolerance changes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish if there were differences in the incidence of exercise-induced bronchospasm between athletes in different sports, which take place under different environmental conditions such as open places, closed courses, and swimming pools with similar exercise intensity (football, basketball, water polo) using the free running test. The study included 90 adolescents (3 groups of 30) aged 14-18 years recruited from academies in northern Greece. All the participants were initially subjected to (a) a clinical examination and cardiorespiratory assessment by a physician and (b) free running test of a 6-minute duration and measurement with a microspirometer of the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV?). Only the participants who had measured a decrease in FEV? ≥ 10% were reevaluated with the microspirometer during a training session. The examination of all the participants during the free running test showed that 22 athletes, that is, 9, 8, and 5 of football, basketball, and water polo athletes, respectively, demonstrated an FEV? ≥ 10 drop. Reevaluation of the 22 participants during training showed that 5 out 9 (55%) football athletes, 4 out of 8 basketball athletes (50%), and none of the 5 athletes of the water polo team displayed a drop of FEV? ≥ 10%. Despite the absence of any significant statistical differences between the 3 groups, the analysis of variances did show a trend of a lower incidence of EIA in the water polo athletes. It was found that a football or basketball game can induce EIA in young athletes but to a lesser degree than the free running test can induce. The water polo can be a safer sport even for participants with a medical history of asthma or allergies.  相似文献   

All cyanobacteria sequenced to date have multiple psbA genes, encoding the D1 protein. Some of these psbA genes have a series of mutations that would seem to render D1 incapable of binding the Mn4CaO5 metallocluster (Murray, Photosynth Res 110(3):177?C184, 2012). Nonetheless, these genes are expressed under specific environmental conditions, such as during N2 fixation in unicellular diazotrophs of the genes Cyanothece. These genes emphasize the clever way that cyanobacteria have learned to deal with a constantly changing environment.  相似文献   

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